コード例 #1
ファイル: misc.go プロジェクト: hrautila/go.opt.old
   Matrix-vector multiplication.

   A is a matrix or spmatrix of size (m, n) where

       N = dims['l'] + sum(dims['q']) + sum( k**2 for k in dims['s'] )

   representing a mapping from R^n to S.

   If trans is 'N':

       y := alpha*A*x + beta * y   (trans = 'N').

   x is a vector of length n.  y is a vector of length N.

   If trans is 'T':

       y := alpha*A'*x + beta * y  (trans = 'T').

   x is a vector of length N.  y is a vector of length n.

   The 's' components in S are stored in unpacked 'L' storage.
func sgemv(A, x, y *matrix.FloatMatrix, alpha, beta float64, dims *DimensionSet, opts ...la_.Option) error {

	m := dims.Sum("l", "q") + dims.SumSquared("s")
	n := la_.GetIntOpt("n", -1, opts...)
	if n == -1 {
		n = A.Cols()
	trans := la_.GetIntOpt("trans", int(la_.PNoTrans), opts...)
	offsetX := la_.GetIntOpt("offsetx", 0, opts...)
	offsetY := la_.GetIntOpt("offsety", 0, opts...)
	offsetA := la_.GetIntOpt("offseta", 0, opts...)

	if trans == int(la_.PTrans) && alpha != 0.0 {
		trisc(x, dims, offsetX)
		//fmt.Printf("trisc x=\n%v\n", x.ConvertToString())
	//fmt.Printf("alpha=%.4f beta=%.4f m=%d n=%d\n", alpha, beta, m, n)
	//fmt.Printf("A=\n%v\nx=\n%v\ny=\n%v\n", A, x.ConvertToString(), y.ConvertToString())
	err := blas.GemvFloat(A, x, y, alpha, beta, &la_.IOpt{"trans", trans},
		&la_.IOpt{"n", n}, &la_.IOpt{"m", m}, &la_.IOpt{"offseta", offsetA},
		&la_.IOpt{"offsetx", offsetX}, &la_.IOpt{"offsety", offsetY})
	//fmt.Printf("gemv y=\n%v\n", y.ConvertToString())

	if trans == int(la_.PTrans) && alpha != 0.0 {
		triusc(x, dims, offsetX)
	return err
コード例 #2
ファイル: misc.go プロジェクト: hrautila/go.opt.old
   Copy x to y using packed storage.

   The vector x is an element of S, with the 's' components stored in
   unpacked storage.  On return, x is copied to y with the 's' components
   stored in packed storage and the off-diagonal entries scaled by
func pack(x, y *matrix.FloatMatrix, dims *DimensionSet, opts ...la_.Option) (err error) {
	err = nil
	mnl := la_.GetIntOpt("mnl", 0, opts...)
	offsetx := la_.GetIntOpt("offsetx", 0, opts...)
	offsety := la_.GetIntOpt("offsety", 0, opts...)

	nlq := mnl + dims.At("l")[0] + dims.Sum("q")
	blas.Copy(x, y, &la_.IOpt{"n", nlq}, &la_.IOpt{"offsetx", offsetx},
		&la_.IOpt{"offsety", offsety})

	iu, ip := offsetx+nlq, offsety+nlq
	for _, n := range dims.At("s") {
		for k := 0; k < n; k++ {
			blas.Copy(x, y, &la_.IOpt{"n", n - k}, &la_.IOpt{"offsetx", iu + k*(n+1)},
				&la_.IOpt{"offsety", ip})
			y.SetIndex(ip, (y.GetIndex(ip) / math.Sqrt(2.0)))
			ip += n - k
		iu += n * n
	np := dims.SumPacked("s")
	blas.ScalFloat(y, math.Sqrt(2.0), &la_.IOpt{"n", np}, &la_.IOpt{"offset", offsety + nlq})
コード例 #3
ファイル: misc.go プロジェクト: hrautila/go.opt.old
   The vector x is an element of S, with the 's' components stored
   in unpacked storage and off-diagonal entries scaled by sqrt(2).
   On return, x is copied to y with the 's' components stored in
   unpacked storage.

func unpack(x, y *matrix.FloatMatrix, dims *DimensionSet, opts ...la_.Option) (err error) {
	err = nil
	mnl := la_.GetIntOpt("mnl", 0, opts...)
	offsetx := la_.GetIntOpt("offsetx", 0, opts...)
	offsety := la_.GetIntOpt("offsety", 0, opts...)

	nlq := mnl + dims.At("l")[0] + dims.Sum("q")
	err = blas.Copy(x, y, &la_.IOpt{"n", nlq}, &la_.IOpt{"offsetx", offsetx},
		&la_.IOpt{"offsety", offsety})
	if err != nil {

	ip, iu := offsetx+nlq, offsety+nlq
	for _, n := range dims.At("s") {
		for k := 0; k < n; k++ {
			err = blas.Copy(x, y, &la_.IOpt{"n", n - k}, &la_.IOpt{"offsetx", ip},
				&la_.IOpt{"offsety", iu + k*(n+1)})
			if err != nil {

			ip += n - k
			blas.ScalFloat(y, 1.0/math.Sqrt(2.0),
				&la_.IOpt{"n", n - k - 1}, &la_.IOpt{"offset", iu + k*(n+1) + 1})
		iu += n * n
		nu := dims.SumSquared("s")
		fmt.Printf("-- UnPack: nu=%d, offset=%d\n", nu, offsety+nlq)
		err = blas.ScalFloat(y,
			&la_.IOpt{"n", nu}, &la_.IOpt{"offset", offsety+nlq})