コード例 #1
ファイル: all_float.go プロジェクト: hrautila/go.opt.old
// See function Gbmv.
func GbmvFloat(A, X, Y *matrix.FloatMatrix, alpha, beta float64, opts ...linalg.Option) (err error) {

	var params *linalg.Parameters
	params, err = linalg.GetParameters(opts...)
	if err != nil {
	ind := linalg.GetIndexOpts(opts...)
	err = check_level2_func(ind, fgbmv, X, Y, A, params)
	if err != nil {
	if ind.M == 0 && ind.N == 0 {

	Xa := X.FloatArray()
	Ya := Y.FloatArray()
	Aa := A.FloatArray()
	if params.Trans == linalg.PNoTrans && ind.N == 0 {
		dscal(ind.M, beta, Ya[ind.OffsetY:], ind.IncY)
	} else if params.Trans == linalg.PTrans && ind.M == 0 {
		dscal(ind.N, beta, Ya[ind.OffsetY:], ind.IncY)
	} else {
		trans := linalg.ParamString(params.Trans)
		dgbmv(trans, ind.M, ind.N, ind.Kl, ind.Ku,
			alpha, Aa[ind.OffsetA:], ind.LDa, Xa[ind.OffsetX:], ind.IncX,
			beta, Ya[ind.OffsetY:], ind.IncY)
コード例 #2
ファイル: level2.go プロジェクト: hrautila/go.opt.old
 Symmetric rank-2 update.
 syr2(x, y, A, uplo='L', alpha=1.0, n=A.size[0], incx=1, incy=1,
     ldA=max(1,A.size[0]), offsetx=0, offsety=0, offsetA=0)
 Computes A := A + alpha*(x*y^T + y*x^T) with A real symmetric matrix of order n.
 x         float matrix
 y         float matrix
 A         float matrix
 alpha     real number (int or float)

 uplo      'L' or 'U'
 n         integer.  If negative, the default value is used.
 incx      nonzero integer
 incy      nonzero integer
 ldA       nonnegative integer.  ldA >= max(1,n).
           If zero the default value is used.
 offsetx   nonnegative integer
 offsety   nonnegative integer
 offsetA   nonnegative integer;
func Syr2(X, Y, A matrix.Matrix, alpha matrix.Scalar, opts ...linalg.Option) (err error) {

	var params *linalg.Parameters
	params, err = linalg.GetParameters(opts...)
	if err != nil {
	ind := linalg.GetIndexOpts(opts...)
	err = check_level2_func(ind, fsyr2, X, Y, A, params)
	if err != nil {
	if !matrix.EqualTypes(A, X, Y) {
		return errors.New("Parameters not of same type")
	switch X.(type) {
	case *matrix.FloatMatrix:
		Xa := X.FloatArray()
		Ya := X.FloatArray()
		Aa := A.FloatArray()
		aval := alpha.Float()
		if math.IsNaN(aval) {
			return errors.New("alpha not a number")
		uplo := linalg.ParamString(params.Uplo)
		dsyr2(uplo, ind.N, aval, Xa[ind.OffsetX:], ind.IncX,
			Ya[ind.OffsetY:], ind.IncY,
			Aa[ind.OffsetA:], ind.LDa)
	case *matrix.ComplexMatrix:
		return errors.New("Not implemented yet for complx.Matrix")
		return errors.New("Unknown type, not implemented")
コード例 #3
ファイル: all_float.go プロジェクト: hrautila/go.opt.old
// See function Gemm.
func GemmFloat(A, B, C *matrix.FloatMatrix, alpha, beta float64, opts ...linalg.Option) (err error) {

	params, e := linalg.GetParameters(opts...)
	if e != nil {
		err = e
	ind := linalg.GetIndexOpts(opts...)
	err = check_level3_func(ind, fgemm, A, B, C, params)
	if err != nil {
	if ind.M == 0 || ind.N == 0 {
	Aa := A.FloatArray()
	Ba := B.FloatArray()
	Ca := C.FloatArray()
	transB := linalg.ParamString(params.TransB)
	transA := linalg.ParamString(params.TransA)
	//diag := linalg.ParamString(params.Diag)
	dgemm(transA, transB, ind.M, ind.N, ind.K, alpha,
		Aa[ind.OffsetA:], ind.LDa, Ba[ind.OffsetB:], ind.LDb, beta,
		Ca[ind.OffsetC:], ind.LDc)
コード例 #4
ファイル: gbtrs.go プロジェクト: hrautila/go.opt.old
func GbtrsFloat(A, B *matrix.FloatMatrix, ipiv []int32, KL int, opts ...linalg.Option) error {
	pars, err := linalg.GetParameters(opts...)
	if err != nil {
		return err
	ind := linalg.GetIndexOpts(opts...)

	ind.Kl = KL
	err = checkGbtrs(ind, A, B, ipiv)
	if err != nil {
		return err
	if ind.N == 0 || ind.Nrhs == 0 {
		return nil
	Aa := A.FloatArray()
	Ba := B.FloatArray()
	trans := linalg.ParamString(pars.Trans)
	info := dgbtrs(trans, ind.N, ind.Kl, ind.Ku, ind.Nrhs,
		Aa[ind.OffsetA:], ind.LDa, ipiv, Ba[ind.OffsetB:], ind.LDb)
	if info != 0 {
		return errors.New(fmt.Sprintf("Gbtrs: call error: %d", info))
	return nil
コード例 #5
ファイル: all_float.go プロジェクト: hrautila/go.opt.old
// See function Symm.
func SymmFloat(A, B, C *matrix.FloatMatrix, alpha, beta float64, opts ...linalg.Option) (err error) {

	params, e := linalg.GetParameters(opts...)
	if e != nil {
		err = e
	ind := linalg.GetIndexOpts(opts...)
	err = check_level3_func(ind, fsymm, A, B, C, params)
	if err != nil {
	if ind.M == 0 || ind.N == 0 {
	Aa := A.FloatArray()
	Ba := B.FloatArray()
	Ca := C.FloatArray()
	uplo := linalg.ParamString(params.Uplo)
	side := linalg.ParamString(params.Side)
	dsymm(side, uplo, ind.M, ind.N, alpha, Aa[ind.OffsetA:], ind.LDa,
		Ba[ind.OffsetB:], ind.LDb, beta, Ca[ind.OffsetC:], ind.LDc)

コード例 #6
ファイル: all_float.go プロジェクト: hrautila/go.opt.old
// See function Syrk2.
func Syr2kFloat(A, B, C *matrix.FloatMatrix, alpha, beta float64, opts ...linalg.Option) (err error) {

	params, e := linalg.GetParameters(opts...)
	if e != nil {
		err = e
	ind := linalg.GetIndexOpts(opts...)
	err = check_level3_func(ind, fsyr2k, A, B, C, params)
	if err != nil {
	if ind.N == 0 {
	Aa := A.FloatArray()
	Ba := B.FloatArray()
	Ca := C.FloatArray()
	uplo := linalg.ParamString(params.Uplo)
	trans := linalg.ParamString(params.Trans)
	//diag := linalg.ParamString(params.Diag)
	dsyr2k(uplo, trans, ind.N, ind.K, alpha, Aa[ind.OffsetA:], ind.LDa,
		Ba[ind.OffsetB:], ind.LDb, beta, Ca[ind.OffsetC:], ind.LDc)
コード例 #7
ファイル: gesvd.go プロジェクト: hrautila/go.opt.old
func GesvdFloat(A, S, U, Vt *matrix.FloatMatrix, opts ...linalg.Option) error {
	pars, err := linalg.GetParameters(opts...)
	if err != nil {
		return err
	ind := linalg.GetIndexOpts(opts...)
	err = checkGesvd(ind, pars, A, S, U, Vt)
	if err != nil {
		return err
	if ind.M == 0 || ind.N == 0 {
		return nil
	Aa := A.FloatArray()
	Sa := S.FloatArray()
	var Ua, Va []float64
	Ua = nil
	Va = nil
	if U != nil {
		Ua = U.FloatArray()[ind.OffsetU:]
	if Vt != nil {
		Va = Vt.FloatArray()[ind.OffsetVt:]
	info := dgesvd(linalg.ParamString(pars.Jobu), linalg.ParamString(pars.Jobvt),
		ind.M, ind.N, Aa[ind.OffsetA:], ind.LDa, Sa[ind.OffsetS:], Ua, ind.LDu, Va, ind.LDvt)
	if info != 0 {
		return errors.New("GesvdFloat not implemented yet")
	return nil
コード例 #8
ファイル: level2.go プロジェクト: hrautila/go.opt.old
 Solution of a triangular and banded set of equations.

 Tbsv(A, X, uplo=PLower, trans=PNoTrans, diag=PNonDiag, n=A.Cols,
 k=max(0,A.Rows-1), ldA=A.size[0], incx=1, offsetA=0, offsetx=0)

  X := A^{-1}*X, if trans is PNoTrans
  X := A^{-T}*X, if trans is PTrans
  X := A^{-H}*X, if trans is PConjTrans

 A is banded triangular of order n and with bandwidth k.

  A         float or complex m*k matrix.
  X         float or complex k*1 matrix. Must have the same type as A.

  uplo      PLower   or PUpper
  trans     PNoTrans, PTrans or PConjTrans
  diag      PNoNUnit or PUnit
  n         nonnegative integer.  If negative, the default value is used.
  k         nonnegative integer.  If negative, the default value is used.
  ldA       nonnegative integer.  ldA >= 1+k.
            If zero the default value is used.
  incx      nonzero integer
  offsetA   nonnegative integer
  offsetx   nonnegative integer;
func Tbsv(A, X matrix.Matrix, opts ...linalg.Option) (err error) {

	var params *linalg.Parameters
	if !matrix.EqualTypes(A, X) {
		err = errors.New("Parameters not of same type")
	params, err = linalg.GetParameters(opts...)
	if err != nil {
	ind := linalg.GetIndexOpts(opts...)
	err = check_level2_func(ind, ftbsv, X, nil, A, params)
	if err != nil {
	if ind.N == 0 {
	switch X.(type) {
	case *matrix.FloatMatrix:
		Xa := X.FloatArray()
		Aa := A.FloatArray()
		uplo := linalg.ParamString(params.Uplo)
		trans := linalg.ParamString(params.Trans)
		diag := linalg.ParamString(params.Diag)
		dtbsv(uplo, trans, diag, ind.N, ind.K,
			Aa[ind.OffsetA:], ind.LDa, Xa[ind.OffsetX:], ind.IncX)
	case *matrix.ComplexMatrix:
		return errors.New("Not implemented yet for complx.Matrix")
		return errors.New("Unknown type, not implemented")
コード例 #9
ファイル: all_float.go プロジェクト: hrautila/go.opt.old
// See function Trsm.
func TrsmFloat(A, B *matrix.FloatMatrix, alpha float64, opts ...linalg.Option) (err error) {

	params, e := linalg.GetParameters(opts...)
	if e != nil {
		err = e
	ind := linalg.GetIndexOpts(opts...)
	err = check_level3_func(ind, ftrsm, A, B, nil, params)
	if err != nil {
	if ind.N == 0 || ind.M == 0 {
	Aa := A.FloatArray()
	Ba := B.FloatArray()
	uplo := linalg.ParamString(params.Uplo)
	transA := linalg.ParamString(params.TransA)
	side := linalg.ParamString(params.Side)
	diag := linalg.ParamString(params.Diag)
	dtrsm(side, uplo, transA, diag, ind.M, ind.N, alpha,
		Aa[ind.OffsetA:], ind.LDa, Ba[ind.OffsetB:], ind.LDb)
コード例 #10
ファイル: potrs.go プロジェクト: hrautila/go.opt.old
 Solves a real symmetric or complex Hermitian positive definite set
 of linear equations, given the Cholesky factorization computed by
 potrf() or posv().

 Potrs(A, B, uplo=PLower, n=A.Rows, nrhs=B.Cols,
 ldA=max(1,A.Rows), ldB=max(1,B.Rows), offsetA=0, offsetB=0)


   A*X = B

 where A is n by n, real symmetric or complex Hermitian and positive definite,
 and B is n by nrhs. On entry, A contains the Cholesky factor, as
 returned by Posv() or Potrf().  On exit B is replaced by the solution X.

  A         float or complex matrix
  B         float or complex matrix.  Must have the same type as A.

  uplo      PLower or PUpper
  n         nonnegative integer.  If negative, the default value is used.
  nrhs      nonnegative integer.  If negative, the default value is used.
  ldA       positive integer.  ldA >= max(1,n).  If zero, the default
            value is used.
  ldB       positive integer.  ldB >= max(1,n).  If zero, the default
            value is used.
  offsetA   nonnegative integer
  offsetB   nonnegative integer;

func Potrs(A, B matrix.Matrix, opts ...linalg.Option) error {
	pars, err := linalg.GetParameters(opts...)
	if err != nil {
		return err
	ind := linalg.GetIndexOpts(opts...)
	if ind.N < 0 {
		ind.N = A.Rows()
	if ind.Nrhs < 0 {
		ind.Nrhs = B.Cols()
	if ind.N == 0 || ind.Nrhs == 0 {
		return nil
	if ind.LDa == 0 {
		ind.LDa = max(1, A.Rows())
	if ind.LDa < max(1, ind.N) {
		return errors.New("lda")
	if ind.LDb == 0 {
		ind.LDb = max(1, B.Rows())
	if ind.LDb < max(1, ind.N) {
		return errors.New("ldb")
	if ind.OffsetA < 0 {
		return errors.New("offsetA")
	if A.NumElements() < ind.OffsetA+(ind.N-1)*ind.LDa+ind.N {
		return errors.New("sizeA")
	if ind.OffsetB < 0 {
		return errors.New("offsetB")
	if B.NumElements() < ind.OffsetB+(ind.Nrhs-1)*ind.LDb+ind.N {
		return errors.New("sizeB")
	if !matrix.EqualTypes(A, B) {
		return errors.New("types")
	info := -1
	switch A.(type) {
	case *matrix.FloatMatrix:
		Aa := A.FloatArray()
		Ba := B.FloatArray()
		uplo := linalg.ParamString(pars.Uplo)
		info = dpotrs(uplo, ind.N, ind.Nrhs, Aa[ind.OffsetA:], ind.LDa,
			Ba[ind.OffsetB:], ind.LDb)
	case *matrix.ComplexMatrix:
		return errors.New("ComplexMatrx: not implemented yet")
	if info != 0 {
		return errors.New("Potrs failed")
	return nil
コード例 #11
ファイル: level3.go プロジェクト: hrautila/go.opt.old
 General matrix-matrix product. (L3)

  C := alpha*A*B + beta*C     if transA = PNoTrans   and transB = PNoTrans.
  C := alpha*A^T*B + beta*C   if transA = PTrans     and transB = PNoTrans.
  C := alpha*A^H*B + beta*C   if transA = PConjTrans and transB = PNoTrans.
  C := alpha*A*B^T + beta*C   if transA = PNoTrans   and transB = PTrans.
  C := alpha*A^T*B^T + beta*C if transA = PTrans     and transB = PTrans.
  C := alpha*A^H*B^T + beta*C if transA = PConjTrans and transB = PTrans.
  C := alpha*A*B^H + beta*C   if transA = PNoTrans   and transB = PConjTrans.
  C := alpha*A^T*B^H + beta*C if transA = PTrans     and transB = PConjTrans.
  C := alpha*A^H*B^H + beta*C if transA = PConjTrans and transB = PConjTrans.

 The number of rows of the matrix product is m.  The number of  columns is n.
 The inner dimension is k.  If k=0, this reduces  to C := beta*C.

  A         float or complex matrix, m*k
  B         float or complex matrix, k*n
  C         float or complex matrix, m*n
  alpha     number (float or complex singleton matrix)
  beta      number (float or complex singleton matrix)

  transA    PNoTrans, PTrans or PConjTrans
  transB    PNoTrans, PTrans or PConjTrans
  m         integer.  If negative, the default value is used. The default value is
            m = A.Rows of if transA != PNoTrans m = A.Cols.
  n         integer.  If negative, the default value is used. The default value is
            n = (transB == PNoTrans) ? B.Cols : B.Rows.
  k         integer.  If negative, the default value is used. The default value is
            k=A.Cols or if transA != PNoTrans) k = A.Rows, transA=PNoTrans.
            If the default value is used it should also be equal to
            (transB == PNoTrans) ? B.Rows : B.Cols.
  ldA       nonnegative integer.  ldA >= max(1,m) of if transA != NoTrans max(1,k).
            If zero, the default value is used.
  ldB       nonnegative integer.  ldB >= max(1,k) or if transB != NoTrans max(1,n).
            If zero, the default value is used.
  ldC       nonnegative integer.  ldC >= max(1,m).
            If zero, the default value is used.
  offsetA   nonnegative integer
  offsetB   nonnegative integer
  offsetC   nonnegative integer;
func Gemm(A, B, C matrix.Matrix, alpha, beta matrix.Scalar, opts ...linalg.Option) (err error) {

	params, e := linalg.GetParameters(opts...)
	if e != nil {
		err = e
	ind := linalg.GetIndexOpts(opts...)
	err = check_level3_func(ind, fgemm, A, B, C, params)
	if err != nil {
	if ind.M == 0 || ind.N == 0 {
	if !matrix.EqualTypes(A, B, C) {
		return errors.New("Parameters not of same type")
	switch A.(type) {
	case *matrix.FloatMatrix:
		Aa := A.FloatArray()
		Ba := B.FloatArray()
		Ca := C.FloatArray()
		aval := alpha.Float()
		bval := beta.Float()
		if math.IsNaN(aval) || math.IsNaN(bval) {
			return errors.New("alpha or beta not a number")
		transB := linalg.ParamString(params.TransB)
		transA := linalg.ParamString(params.TransA)
		dgemm(transA, transB, ind.M, ind.N, ind.K, aval,
			Aa[ind.OffsetA:], ind.LDa, Ba[ind.OffsetB:], ind.LDb, bval,
			Ca[ind.OffsetC:], ind.LDc)

	case *matrix.ComplexMatrix:
		Aa := A.ComplexArray()
		Ba := B.ComplexArray()
		Ca := C.ComplexArray()
		aval := alpha.Complex()
		if cmplx.IsNaN(aval) {
			return errors.New("alpha not a number")
		bval := beta.Complex()
		if cmplx.IsNaN(bval) {
			return errors.New("beta not a number")
		transB := linalg.ParamString(params.TransB)
		transA := linalg.ParamString(params.TransA)
		zgemm(transA, transB, ind.M, ind.N, ind.K, aval,
			Aa[ind.OffsetA:], ind.LDa, Ba[ind.OffsetB:], ind.LDb, bval,
			Ca[ind.OffsetC:], ind.LDc)
		return errors.New("Unknown type, not implemented")
コード例 #12
ファイル: level3.go プロジェクト: hrautila/go.opt.old
 Rank-k update of symmetric matrix. (L3)

 Herk(A, C, alpha, beta, uplo=PLower, trans=PNoTrans,  n=-1,
 k=-1, ldA=max(1,A.Rows), ldC=max(1,C.Rows), offsetA=0, offsetB=0)

  C := alpha*A*A^T + beta*C, if trans is PNoTrans
  C := alpha*A^T*A + beta*C, if trans is PTrans

 C is symmetric (real or complex) of order n. The inner dimension of the matrix
 product is k.  If k=0 this is interpreted as C := beta*C.

  A         float or complex matrix.
  C         float or complex matrix.  Must have the same type as A.
  alpha     number (float or complex singleton matrix).  Complex alpha is only
            allowed if A is complex.
  beta      number (float or complex singleton matrix).  Complex beta is only
            allowed if A is complex.

  uplo      PLower or PUpper
  trans     PNoTrans or PTrans
  n         integer.  If negative, the default value is used.
            The default value is n = A.Rows or if trans == PNoTrans n = A.Cols.
  k         integer.  If negative, the default value is used.
            The default value is k =  A.Cols, or if trans == PNoTrans k = A.Rows.
  ldA       nonnegative integer.
            ldA >= max(1,n) or if trans != PNoTrans ldA >= max(1,k).
            If zero, the default value is used.
  ldC       nonnegative integer.  ldC >= max(1,n).
            If zero, the default value is used.
  offsetA   nonnegative integer
  offsetC   nonnegative integer;
func Herk(A, C matrix.Matrix, alpha, beta matrix.Scalar, opts ...linalg.Option) (err error) {

	params, e := linalg.GetParameters(opts...)
	if e != nil {
		err = e
	ind := linalg.GetIndexOpts(opts...)
	err = check_level3_func(ind, fsyrk, A, nil, C, params)
	if e != nil || err != nil {
	if !matrix.EqualTypes(A, C) {
		return errors.New("Parameters not of same type")
	switch A.(type) {
	case *matrix.FloatMatrix:
		Aa := A.FloatArray()
		Ca := C.FloatArray()
		aval := alpha.Float()
		bval := beta.Float()
		if math.IsNaN(aval) || math.IsNaN(bval) {
			return errors.New("alpha or beta not a number")
		uplo := linalg.ParamString(params.Uplo)
		trans := linalg.ParamString(params.Trans)
		dsyrk(uplo, trans, ind.N, ind.K, aval, Aa[ind.OffsetA:], ind.LDa, bval,
			Ca[ind.OffsetC:], ind.LDc)
	case *matrix.ComplexMatrix:
		Aa := A.ComplexArray()
		Ca := C.ComplexArray()
		aval := alpha.Complex()
		if cmplx.IsNaN(aval) {
			return errors.New("alpha not a real or complex number")
		bval := beta.Float()
		if math.IsNaN(bval) {
			return errors.New("beta not a real number")
		uplo := linalg.ParamString(params.Uplo)
		trans := linalg.ParamString(params.Trans)
		zherk(uplo, trans, ind.N, ind.K, aval, Aa[ind.OffsetA:], ind.LDa, bval,
			Ca[ind.OffsetC:], ind.LDc)
		return errors.New("Unknown type, not implemented")

コード例 #13
ファイル: level2.go プロジェクト: hrautila/go.opt.old
 Matrix-vector product with a real symmetric or complex hermitian band matrix.

 Computes with A real symmetric and  banded of order n and with bandwidth k.
  Y := alpha*A*X + beta*Y

  A         float or complex n*n matrix
  X         float or complex n*1 matrix
  Y         float or complex n*1 matrix
  alpha     number (float or complex singleton matrix)
  beta      number (float or complex singleton matrix)

  uplo      PLower or PUpper
  n         integer.  If negative, the default value is used.
  k         integer.  If negative, the default value is used.
            The default value is k = max(0,A.Rows()-1).
  ldA       nonnegative integer.  ldA >= k+1.
            If zero, the default vaule is used.
  incx      nonzero integer
  incy      nonzero integer
  offsetA   nonnegative integer
  offsetx   nonnegative integer
  offsety   nonnegative integer

func Hbmv(A, X, Y matrix.Matrix, alpha, beta matrix.Scalar, opts ...linalg.Option) (err error) {

	var params *linalg.Parameters
	params, err = linalg.GetParameters(opts...)
	if err != nil {
	ind := linalg.GetIndexOpts(opts...)
	err = check_level2_func(ind, fsbmv, X, Y, A, params)
	if err != nil {
	if ind.N == 0 {
	if !matrix.EqualTypes(A, X, Y) {
		return errors.New("Parameters not of same type")
	switch X.(type) {
	case *matrix.FloatMatrix:
		Xa := X.FloatArray()
		Ya := Y.FloatArray()
		Aa := A.FloatArray()
		aval := alpha.Float()
		bval := beta.Float()
		if math.IsNaN(aval) || math.IsNaN(bval) {
			return errors.New("alpha or beta not a number")
		uplo := linalg.ParamString(params.Uplo)
		dsbmv(uplo, ind.N, ind.K, aval, Aa[ind.OffsetA:], ind.LDa,
			Xa[ind.OffsetX:], ind.IncX, bval, Ya[ind.OffsetY:], ind.IncY)

	case *matrix.ComplexMatrix:
		Xa := X.ComplexArray()
		Ya := Y.ComplexArray()
		Aa := A.ComplexArray()
		aval := alpha.Complex()
		bval := beta.Complex()
		uplo := linalg.ParamString(params.Uplo)
		zhbmv(uplo, ind.N, ind.K, aval, Aa[ind.OffsetA:], ind.LDa,
			Xa[ind.OffsetX:], ind.IncX, bval, Ya[ind.OffsetY:], ind.IncY)
		//zhbmv(uplo, ind.N, aval, Aa[ind.OffsetA:], ind.LDa,
		//	Xa[ind.OffsetX:], ind.IncX,
		//	bval, Ya[ind.OffsetY:], ind.IncY)
		return errors.New("Unknown type, not implemented")
コード例 #14
ファイル: gesvd.go プロジェクト: hrautila/go.opt.old
func GesvdComplex(A, S, U, Vt *matrix.ComplexMatrix, opts ...linalg.Option) error {
	pars, err := linalg.GetParameters(opts...)
	if err != nil {
		return err
	ind := linalg.GetIndexOpts(opts...)
	err = checkGesvd(ind, pars, A, S, U, Vt)
	if err != nil {
		return err
	if ind.M == 0 || ind.N == 0 {
		return nil
	return errors.New("GesvdComplex not implemented yet")
コード例 #15
ファイル: level3.go プロジェクト: hrautila/go.opt.old
 Solution of a triangular system of equations with multiple righthand sides. (L3)

 Trsm(A, B, alpha, side=PLeft, uplo=PLower, transA=PNoTrans, diag=PNonUnit,
 m=-1, n=-1, ldA=max(1,A.Rows), ldB=max(1,B.Rows), offsetA=0, offsetB=0)

  B := alpha*A^{-1}*B if transA is PNoTrans   and side = PLeft
  B := alpha*B*A^{-1} if transA is PNoTrans   and side = PRight
  B := alpha*A^{-T}*B if transA is PTrans     and side = PLeft
  B := alpha*B*A^{-T} if transA is PTrans     and side = PRight
  B := alpha*A^{-H}*B if transA is PConjTrans and side = PLeft
  B := alpha*B*A^{-H} if transA is PConjTrans and side = PRight

 B is m by n and A is triangular.  The code does not verify whether A is nonsingular.

  A         float or complex matrix.
  B         float or complex matrix.  Must have the same type as A.
  alpha     number (float or complex).  Complex alpha is only
            allowed if A is complex.

  side      PLeft or PRight
  uplo      PLower or PUpper
  transA    PNoTrans or PTrans
  diag      PNonUnit or PUnit
  m         integer.  If negative, the default value is used.
            The default value is m = A.Rows or if side == PRight m = B.Rows
            If the default value is used and side is PLeft, m must be equal to A.Cols.
  n         integer.  If negative, the default value is used.
            The default value is n = B.Cols or if side )= PRight n = A.Rows.
            If the default value is used and side is PRight, n must be equal to A.Cols.
  ldA       nonnegative integer.
            ldA >= max(1,m) of if  side == PRight lda >= max(1,n).
            If zero, the default value is used.
  ldB       nonnegative integer.  ldB >= max(1,m).
            If zero, the default value is used.
  offsetA   nonnegative integer
  offsetB   nonnegative integer
func Trsm(A, B matrix.Matrix, alpha matrix.Scalar, opts ...linalg.Option) (err error) {

	params, e := linalg.GetParameters(opts...)
	if e != nil {
		err = e
	ind := linalg.GetIndexOpts(opts...)
	err = check_level3_func(ind, ftrsm, A, B, nil, params)
	if err != nil {
	if !matrix.EqualTypes(A, B) {
		return errors.New("Parameters not of same type")
	switch A.(type) {
	case *matrix.FloatMatrix:
		Aa := A.FloatArray()
		Ba := B.FloatArray()
		aval := alpha.Float()
		if math.IsNaN(aval) {
			return errors.New("alpha or beta not a number")
		uplo := linalg.ParamString(params.Uplo)
		transA := linalg.ParamString(params.TransA)
		side := linalg.ParamString(params.Side)
		diag := linalg.ParamString(params.Diag)
		dtrsm(side, uplo, transA, diag, ind.M, ind.N, aval,
			Aa[ind.OffsetA:], ind.LDa, Ba[ind.OffsetB:], ind.LDb)
	case *matrix.ComplexMatrix:
		Aa := A.ComplexArray()
		Ba := B.ComplexArray()
		aval := alpha.Complex()
		if cmplx.IsNaN(aval) {
			return errors.New("alpha  not a number")
		uplo := linalg.ParamString(params.Uplo)
		transA := linalg.ParamString(params.TransA)
		side := linalg.ParamString(params.Side)
		diag := linalg.ParamString(params.Diag)
		ztrsm(side, uplo, transA, diag, ind.M, ind.N, aval,
			Aa[ind.OffsetA:], ind.LDa, Ba[ind.OffsetB:], ind.LDb)
		return errors.New("Unknown type, not implemented")
コード例 #16
ファイル: level2.go プロジェクト: hrautila/go.opt.old
 General rank-1 update. (L2)

 Ger(X, Y, A, alpha=1.0, m=A.Rows, n=A.Cols, incx=1,
 incy=1, ldA=max(1,A.Rows), offsetx=0, offsety=0, offsetA=0)

  A := A + alpha*X*Y^H with A m*n, real or complex.

  X         float or complex matrix.
  Y         float or complex matrix. Must have the same type as X.
  A         float or complex matrix. Must have the same type as X.
  alpha     number (float or complex singleton matrix).

  m         integer.  If negative, the default value is used.
  n         integer.  If negative, the default value is used.
  incx      nonzero integer
  incy      nonzero integer
  ldA       nonnegative integer.  ldA >= max(1,m).
            If zero, the default value is used.
  offsetx   nonnegative integer
  offsety   nonnegative integer
  offsetA   nonnegative integer;

func Ger(X, Y, A matrix.Matrix, alpha matrix.Scalar, opts ...linalg.Option) (err error) {

	var params *linalg.Parameters
	if !matrix.EqualTypes(A, X, Y) {
		err = errors.New("Parameters not of same type")
	params, err = linalg.GetParameters(opts...)
	if err != nil {
	ind := linalg.GetIndexOpts(opts...)
	err = check_level2_func(ind, fger, X, Y, A, params)
	if err != nil {
	if ind.N == 0 || ind.M == 0 {
	switch X.(type) {
	case *matrix.FloatMatrix:
		Xa := X.FloatArray()
		Ya := Y.FloatArray()
		Aa := A.FloatArray()
		aval := alpha.Float()
		if math.IsNaN(aval) {
			return errors.New("alpha not a number")
		dger(ind.M, ind.N, aval, Xa[ind.OffsetX:], ind.IncX,
			Ya[ind.OffsetY:], ind.IncY, Aa[ind.OffsetA:], ind.LDa)

	case *matrix.ComplexMatrix:
		Xa := X.ComplexArray()
		Ya := Y.ComplexArray()
		Aa := A.ComplexArray()
		aval := alpha.Complex()
		if cmplx.IsNaN(aval) {
			return errors.New("alpha not a number")
		zgerc(ind.M, ind.N, aval, Xa[ind.OffsetX:], ind.IncX,
			Ya[ind.OffsetY:], ind.IncY, Aa[ind.OffsetA:], ind.LDa)

		return errors.New("Unknown type, not implemented")
コード例 #17
ファイル: level2.go プロジェクト: hrautila/go.opt.old
 Matrix-vector product with a general banded matrix. (L2)

   Y := alpha*A*X + beta*Y,   if trans = PNoTrans
   Y := alpha*A^T*X + beta*Y, if trans = PTrans
   Y := beta*y,               if n=0, m>0, and trans = PNoTrans
   Y := beta*y,               if n>0, m=0, and trans = PTrans

 The matrix A is m by n with upper bandwidth ku and lower bandwidth kl.
 Returns immediately if n=0 and trans is 'Trans', or if m=0 and trans is 'N'.

   X         float n*1 matrix.
   Y         float m*1 matrix
   A         float m*n matrix.
   alpha     number (float).
   beta      number (float).

   trans     NoTrans or Trans
   m         nonnegative integer, default A.Rows()
   kl        nonnegative integer
   n         nonnegative integer.  If negative, the default value is used.
   ku        nonnegative integer.  If negative, the default value is used.
   ldA       positive integer.  ldA >= kl+ku+1. If zero, the default value is used.
   incx      nonzero integer, default =1
   incy      nonzero integer, default =1
   offsetA   nonnegative integer, default =0
   offsetx   nonnegative integer, default =0
   offsety   nonnegative integer, default =0

func Gbmv(A, X, Y matrix.Matrix, alpha, beta matrix.Scalar, opts ...linalg.Option) (err error) {

	var params *linalg.Parameters
	params, err = linalg.GetParameters(opts...)
	if err != nil {
	ind := linalg.GetIndexOpts(opts...)
	err = check_level2_func(ind, fgbmv, X, Y, A, params)
	if err != nil {
	if ind.M == 0 && ind.N == 0 {
	if !matrix.EqualTypes(A, X, Y) {
		return errors.New("Parameters not of same type")
	switch X.(type) {
	case *matrix.FloatMatrix:
		Xa := X.FloatArray()
		Ya := Y.FloatArray()
		Aa := A.FloatArray()
		aval := alpha.Float()
		bval := beta.Float()
		if math.IsNaN(aval) || math.IsNaN(bval) {
			return errors.New("alpha or beta not a number")
		if params.Trans == linalg.PNoTrans && ind.N == 0 {
			dscal(ind.M, bval, Ya[ind.OffsetY:], ind.IncY)
		} else if params.Trans == linalg.PTrans && ind.M == 0 {
			dscal(ind.N, bval, Ya[ind.OffsetY:], ind.IncY)
		} else {
			trans := linalg.ParamString(params.Trans)
			dgbmv(trans, ind.M, ind.N, ind.Kl, ind.Ku,
				aval, Aa[ind.OffsetA:], ind.LDa, Xa[ind.OffsetX:], ind.IncX,
				bval, Ya[ind.OffsetY:], ind.IncY)
	case *matrix.ComplexMatrix:
		return errors.New("Not implemented yet for complx.Matrix")
		return errors.New("Unknown type, not implemented")
コード例 #18
ファイル: potrf.go プロジェクト: hrautila/go.opt.old
func PotrfFloat(A *matrix.FloatMatrix, opts ...linalg.Option) error {
	pars, err := linalg.GetParameters(opts...)
	if err != nil {
		return err
	ind := linalg.GetIndexOpts(opts...)
	err = checkPotrf(ind, A)
	if ind.N == 0 {
		return nil
	Aa := A.FloatArray()
	uplo := linalg.ParamString(pars.Uplo)
	info := dpotrf(uplo, ind.N, Aa[ind.OffsetA:], ind.LDa)
	if info != 0 {
		return errors.New(fmt.Sprintf("Potrf: call error %d", info))
	return nil
コード例 #19
ファイル: all_float.go プロジェクト: hrautila/go.opt.old
// See function Syr.
func SyrFloat(X, A *matrix.FloatMatrix, alpha float64, opts ...linalg.Option) (err error) {

	var params *linalg.Parameters
	params, err = linalg.GetParameters(opts...)
	if err != nil {
	ind := linalg.GetIndexOpts(opts...)
	err = check_level2_func(ind, fsyr, X, nil, A, params)
	if err != nil {
	if ind.N == 0 {
	Xa := X.FloatArray()
	Aa := A.FloatArray()
	uplo := linalg.ParamString(params.Uplo)
	dsyr(uplo, ind.N, alpha, Xa[ind.OffsetX:], ind.IncX, Aa[ind.OffsetA:], ind.LDa)
コード例 #20
ファイル: syevd.go プロジェクト: hrautila/go.opt.old
func SyevdFloat(A, W *matrix.FloatMatrix, opts ...linalg.Option) error {
	pars, err := linalg.GetParameters(opts...)
	if err != nil {
		return err
	ind := linalg.GetIndexOpts(opts...)
	err = checkSyevd(ind, A, W)
	if err != nil {
		return err
	if ind.N == 0 {
		return nil
	jobz := linalg.ParamString(pars.Jobz)
	uplo := linalg.ParamString(pars.Uplo)
	Aa := A.FloatArray()
	Wa := W.FloatArray()
	info := dsyevd(jobz, uplo, ind.N, Aa[ind.OffsetA:], ind.LDa, Wa[ind.OffsetW:])
	if info != 0 {
		return errors.New(fmt.Sprintf("Syevd: call error %d", info))
	return nil
コード例 #21
ファイル: all_float.go プロジェクト: hrautila/go.opt.old
// See function Sbmv.
func SbmvFloat(A, X, Y *matrix.FloatMatrix, alpha, beta float64, opts ...linalg.Option) (err error) {

	var params *linalg.Parameters
	params, err = linalg.GetParameters(opts...)
	if err != nil {
	ind := linalg.GetIndexOpts(opts...)
	err = check_level2_func(ind, fsbmv, X, Y, A, params)
	if err != nil {
	if ind.N == 0 {
	Xa := X.FloatArray()
	Ya := Y.FloatArray()
	Aa := A.FloatArray()
	uplo := linalg.ParamString(params.Uplo)
	dsbmv(uplo, ind.N, ind.K, alpha, Aa[ind.OffsetA:], ind.LDa, Xa[ind.OffsetX:],
		ind.IncX, beta, Ya[ind.OffsetY:], ind.IncY)
コード例 #22
ファイル: all_float.go プロジェクト: hrautila/go.opt.old
// See function Ger.
func GerFloat(X, Y, A *matrix.FloatMatrix, alpha float64, opts ...linalg.Option) (err error) {

	var params *linalg.Parameters
	params, err = linalg.GetParameters(opts...)
	if err != nil {
	ind := linalg.GetIndexOpts(opts...)
	err = check_level2_func(ind, fger, X, Y, A, params)
	if err != nil {
	if ind.N == 0 || ind.M == 0 {
	Xa := X.FloatArray()
	Ya := Y.FloatArray()
	Aa := A.FloatArray()
	dger(ind.M, ind.N, alpha, Xa[ind.OffsetX:], ind.IncX,
		Ya[ind.OffsetY:], ind.IncY, Aa[ind.OffsetA:], ind.LDa)

コード例 #23
ファイル: all_float.go プロジェクト: hrautila/go.opt.old
// See function Tbsv.
func TbsvFloat(A, X *matrix.FloatMatrix, opts ...linalg.Option) (err error) {

	var params *linalg.Parameters
	params, err = linalg.GetParameters(opts...)
	if err != nil {
	ind := linalg.GetIndexOpts(opts...)
	err = check_level2_func(ind, ftbsv, X, nil, A, params)
	if err != nil {
	if ind.N == 0 {
	Xa := X.FloatArray()
	Aa := A.FloatArray()
	uplo := linalg.ParamString(params.Uplo)
	trans := linalg.ParamString(params.Trans)
	diag := linalg.ParamString(params.Diag)
	dtbsv(uplo, trans, diag, ind.N, ind.K,
		Aa[ind.OffsetA:], ind.LDa, Xa[ind.OffsetX:], ind.IncX)
コード例 #24
ファイル: syevr.go プロジェクト: hrautila/go.opt.old
func SyevrFloat(A, W, Z matrix.Matrix, abstol float64, vlimit []float64, ilimit []int, opts ...linalg.Option) error {
	var vl, vu float64
	var il, iu int

	pars, err := linalg.GetParameters(opts...)
	if err != nil {
		return err
	ind := linalg.GetIndexOpts(opts...)
	if ind.N < 0 {
		ind.N = A.Rows()
		if ind.N != A.Cols() {
			return errors.New("Syevr: A not square")
	// Check indexes
	if ind.N == 0 {
		return nil
	if ind.LDa == 0 {
		ind.LDa = max(1, A.Rows())
	if ind.LDa < max(1, A.Rows()) {
		return errors.New("Syevr: lda")
	if pars.Range == linalg.PRangeValue {
		if vlimit == nil {
			return errors.New("Syevr: vlimit is nil")
		vl = vlimit[0]
		vu = vlimit[1]
		if vl >= vu {
			return errors.New("Syevr: must be: vl < vu")
	} else if pars.Range == linalg.PRangeInt {
		if ilimit == nil {
			return errors.New("Syevr: ilimit is nil")
		il = ilimit[0]
		iu = ilimit[1]
		if il < 1 || il > iu || iu > ind.N {
			return errors.New("Syevr: must be:1 <= il <= iu <= N")
	if pars.Jobz == linalg.PJobValue {
		if Z == nil {
			return errors.New("Syevr: Z is nil")
		if ind.LDz == 0 {
			ind.LDz = max(1, Z.Rows())
		if ind.LDz < max(1, ind.N) {
			return errors.New("Syevr: ldz")
	} else {
		if ind.LDz == 0 {
			ind.LDz = 1
		if ind.LDz < 1 {
			return errors.New("Syevr: ldz")
	if ind.OffsetA < 0 {
		return errors.New("Syevr: OffsetA")
	sizeA := A.NumElements()
	if sizeA < ind.OffsetA+(ind.N-1)*ind.LDa+ind.N {
		return errors.New("Syevr: sizeA")
	if ind.OffsetW < 0 {
		return errors.New("Syevr: OffsetW")
	sizeW := W.NumElements()
	if sizeW < ind.OffsetW+ind.N {
		return errors.New("Syevr: sizeW")
	if pars.Jobz == linalg.PJobValue {
		if ind.OffsetZ < 0 {
			return errors.New("Syevr: OffsetW")
		minZ := ind.OffsetZ + (ind.N-1)*ind.LDz + ind.N
		if pars.Range == linalg.PRangeInt {
			minZ = ind.OffsetZ + (iu-il)*ind.LDz + ind.N
		if Z.NumElements() < minZ {
			return errors.New("Syevr: sizeZ")

	Aa := A.FloatArray()
	Wa := W.FloatArray()
	var Za []float64
	if pars.Jobz == linalg.PJobValue {
		Za = Z.FloatArray()
	} else {
		Za = nil
	jobz := linalg.ParamString(pars.Jobz)
	rnge := linalg.ParamString(pars.Range)
	uplo := linalg.ParamString(pars.Uplo)

	info := dsyevr(jobz, rnge, uplo, ind.N, Aa[ind.OffsetA:], ind.LDa,
		vl, vu, il, iu, ind.M, Wa[ind.OffsetW:], Za, ind.LDz)
	if info != 0 {
		return errors.New(fmt.Sprintf("Syevr: call failed %d", info))
	return nil
コード例 #25
ファイル: ormqr.go プロジェクト: hrautila/go.opt.old
 Product with a real orthogonal matrix.

 Ormqr(A, tau, C, side='L', trans='N', m=C.Rows, n=C.Cols,
 k=len(tau), ldA=max(1,A.Rows), ldC=max(1,C.Rows), offsetA=0, offsetC=0)


  C := Q*C   if side = PLeft  and trans = PNoTrans
  C := Q^T*C if side = PLeft  and trans = PTrans
  C := C*Q   if side = PRight and trans = PNoTrans
  C := C*Q^T if side = PRight and trans = PTrans

 C is m by n and Q is a square orthogonal matrix computed by geqrf.

 Q is defined as a product of k elementary reflectors, stored as
 the first k columns of A and the first k entries of tau.

  A         float matrix
  tau       float matrix of length at least k
  C         float matrix

  side      PLeft or PRight
  trans     PNoTrans or PTrans
  m         integer.  If negative, the default value is used.
  n         integer.  If negative, the default value is used.
  k         integer.  k <= m if side = PRight and k <= n if side = PLeft.
            If negative, the default value is used.
  ldA       nonnegative integer.  ldA >= max(1,m) if side = PLeft
            and ldA >= max(1,n) if side = PRight.  If zero, the
            default value is used.
  ldC       nonnegative integer.  ldC >= max(1,m).  If zero, the
            default value is used.
  offsetA   nonnegative integer
  offsetB   nonnegative integer

func Ormqf(A, tau, C matrix.Matrix, opts ...linalg.Option) error {
	pars, err := linalg.GetParameters(opts...)
	if err != nil {
		return err
	ind := linalg.GetIndexOpts(opts...)
	if ind.N < 0 {
		ind.N = C.Cols()
	if ind.M < 0 {
		ind.M = C.Rows()
	if ind.K < 0 {
		ind.K = tau.NumElements()
	if ind.N == 0 || ind.M == 0 || ind.K == 0 {
		return nil
	if ind.LDa == 0 {
		ind.LDa = max(1, A.Rows())
	if ind.LDc == 0 {
		ind.LDc = max(1, C.Rows())
	switch pars.Side {
	case linalg.PLeft:
		if ind.K > ind.M {
		if ind.LDa < max(1, ind.M) {
			return errors.New("lda")
	case linalg.PRight:
		if ind.K > ind.N {
		if ind.LDa < max(1, ind.N) {
			return errors.New("lda")
	if ind.OffsetA < 0 {
		return errors.New("offsetA")
	if A.NumElements() < ind.OffsetA+ind.K*ind.LDa {
		return errors.New("sizeA")
	if ind.OffsetC < 0 {
		return errors.New("offsetC")
	if C.NumElements() < ind.OffsetC+(ind.N-1)*ind.LDa+ind.M {
		return errors.New("sizeC")
	if tau.NumElements() < ind.K {
		return errors.New("sizeTau")
	if !matrix.EqualTypes(A, C, tau) {
		return errors.New("not same type")
	info := -1
	side := linalg.ParamString(pars.Side)
	trans := linalg.ParamString(pars.Trans)
	switch A.(type) {
	case *matrix.FloatMatrix:
		Aa := A.FloatArray()
		Ca := C.FloatArray()
		taua := tau.FloatArray()
		info = dormqr(side, trans, ind.M, ind.N, ind.K, Aa[ind.OffsetA:], ind.LDa,
			taua, Ca[ind.OffsetC:], ind.LDc)
	case *matrix.ComplexMatrix:
		return errors.New("ComplexMatrx: not implemented yet")
	if info != 0 {
		return errors.New("Ormqr failed")
	return nil
コード例 #26
ファイル: gbtrs.go プロジェクト: hrautila/go.opt.old
 Solves a real or complex set of linear equations with a banded
 coefficient matrix, given the LU factorization computed by gbtrf()
 or gbsv().

 Gbtrs(A, B, ipiv, kl, trans=PNoTrans, n=A.Cols, ku=A.Rows-2*kl-1,
 nrhs=B.Cols, ldA=max(1,A.Rows), ldB=max(1,B.Rows), offsetA=0, offsetB=0)


 Solves linear equations
  A*X = B,   if trans is PNoTrans
  A^T*X = B, if trans is PTrans
  A^H*X = B, if trans is PConjTrans

 On entry, A and ipiv contain the LU factorization of an n by n
 band matrix A as computed by Getrf() or Gbsv().  On exit B is
 replaced by the solution X.

  A         float or complex matrix
  B         float or complex  matrix.  Must have the same type as A.
  ipiv      int vector
  kl        nonnegative integer

  trans     PNoTrans, PTrans or PConjTrans
  n         nonnegative integer.  If negative, the default value is used.
  ku        nonnegative integer.  If negative, the default value is used.
  nrhs      nonnegative integer.  If negative, the default value is used.
  ldA       positive integer, ldA >= 2*kl+ku+1. If zero, the  default value is used.
  ldB       positive integer, ldB >= max(1,n). If zero, the default value is used.
  offsetA   nonnegative integer
  offsetB   nonnegative integer;
func Gbtrs(A, B matrix.Matrix, ipiv []int32, KL int, opts ...linalg.Option) error {
	pars, err := linalg.GetParameters(opts...)
	if err != nil {
		return err
	ind := linalg.GetIndexOpts(opts...)
	//err = lapack_check(ind, fgbtrs, A, B, ipiv, pars)
	ind.Kl = KL
	if ind.Kl < 0 {
		return errors.New("invalid kl")
	if ind.N < 0 {
		ind.N = A.Rows()
	if ind.Nrhs < 0 {
		ind.Nrhs = A.Cols()
	if ind.N == 0 || ind.Nrhs == 0 {
		return nil
	if ind.Ku < 0 {
		ind.Ku = A.Rows() - 2*ind.Kl - 1
	if ind.Ku < 0 {
		return errors.New("invalid ku")
	if ind.LDa == 0 {
		ind.LDa = max(1, A.Rows())
	if ind.LDa < 2*ind.Kl+ind.Ku+1 {
		return errors.New("lda")
	if ind.OffsetA < 0 {
		return errors.New("offsetA")
	sizeA := A.NumElements()
	if sizeA < ind.OffsetA+(ind.N-1)*ind.LDa+2*ind.Kl+ind.Ku+1 {
		return errors.New("sizeA")
	if ind.LDb == 0 {
		ind.LDb = max(1, B.Rows())
	if ind.OffsetB < 0 {
		return errors.New("offsetB")
	sizeB := B.NumElements()
	if sizeB < ind.OffsetB+(ind.Nrhs-1)*ind.LDb+ind.N {
		return errors.New("sizeB")
	if ipiv != nil && len(ipiv) < ind.N {
		return errors.New("size ipiv")

	info := -1
	switch A.(type) {
	case *matrix.FloatMatrix:
		Aa := A.FloatArray()
		Ba := B.FloatArray()
		trans := linalg.ParamString(pars.Trans)
		info = dgbtrs(trans, ind.N, ind.Kl, ind.Ku, ind.Nrhs,
			Aa[ind.OffsetA:], ind.LDa, ipiv, Ba[ind.OffsetB:], ind.LDb)
	case *matrix.ComplexMatrix:
		return errors.New("Gbtrs for complex not yet implemented")
	if info != 0 {
		return errors.New("gbtrs call error")
	return nil
コード例 #27
ファイル: trtrs.go プロジェクト: hrautila/go.opt.old
 Solution of a triangular set of equations with multiple righthand

 Trtrs(A, B, uplo=PLower, trans=PNoTrans, diag=PNonUnit, n=A.Rows,
 nrhs=B.Cols, ldA=max(1,A.Rows), ldB=max(1,B.Rows), offsetA=0, offsetB=0)

 Solves set of equations
  A*X = B,   if trans is PNoTrans
  A^T*X = B, if trans is PTrans
  A^H*X = B, if trans is PConjTrans

 B is n by nrhs and A is triangular of order n.

  A         float or complex matrix
  B         float or complex matrix.  Must have the same type as A.

  uplo      PLower or PUpper
  trans     PNoTrans, PTrans, PConjTrans
  diag      PNonUnit, PUnit
  n         nonnegative integer.  If negative, the default value is used.
  nrhs      nonnegative integer.  If negative, the default value is used.
  ldA       positive integer.  ldA >= max(1,n).  If zero, the default
            value is used.
  ldB       positive integer.  ldB >= max(1,n).  If zero, the default
            value is used.
  offsetA   nonnegative integer
  offsetB   nonnegative integer;

func Trtrs(A, B matrix.Matrix, ipiv []int32, opts ...linalg.Option) error {
	pars, err := linalg.GetParameters(opts...)
	if err != nil {
		return err
	ind := linalg.GetIndexOpts(opts...)
	if ind.N < 0 {
		ind.N = A.Rows()
		if ind.N != A.Cols() {
			return errors.New("A not square")
	if ind.Nrhs < 0 {
		ind.Nrhs = B.Cols()
	if ind.N == 0 || ind.Nrhs == 0 {
		return nil
	if ind.LDa == 0 {
		ind.LDa = max(1, A.Rows())
	if ind.LDa < max(1, ind.N) {
		return errors.New("lda")
	if ind.LDb == 0 {
		ind.LDb = max(1, B.Rows())
	if ind.LDb < max(1, ind.N) {
		return errors.New("ldb")
	if ind.OffsetA < 0 {
		return errors.New("offsetA")
	sizeA := A.NumElements()
	if sizeA < ind.OffsetA+(ind.N-1)*ind.LDa+ind.N {
		return errors.New("sizeA")
	if ind.OffsetB < 0 {
		return errors.New("offsetB")
	sizeB := B.NumElements()
	if sizeB < ind.OffsetB+(ind.Nrhs-1)*ind.LDb+ind.N {
		return errors.New("sizeB")
	info := -1
	uplo := linalg.ParamString(pars.Uplo)
	trans := linalg.ParamString(pars.Trans)
	diag := linalg.ParamString(pars.Diag)
	switch A.(type) {
	case *matrix.FloatMatrix:
		Aa := A.FloatArray()
		Ba := B.FloatArray()
		info = dtrtrs(uplo, trans, diag, ind.N, ind.Nrhs, Aa[ind.OffsetA:], ind.LDa,
			Ba[ind.OffsetB:], ind.LDb)
	case *matrix.ComplexMatrix:
	if info != 0 {
		return errors.New("sytrf failed")
	return nil
コード例 #28
ファイル: gttrs.go プロジェクト: hrautila/go.opt.old
func Gtrrs(DL, D, DU, DU2, B matrix.Matrix, ipiv []int32, opts ...linalg.Option) error {
	pars, err := linalg.GetParameters(opts...)
	if err != nil {
		return err
	ind := linalg.GetIndexOpts(opts...)
	if ind.OffsetD < 0 {
		return errors.New("offset D")
	if ind.N < 0 {
		ind.N = D.NumElements() - ind.OffsetD
	if ind.N < 0 {
		return errors.New("size D")
	if ind.N == 0 {
		return nil
	if ind.OffsetDL < 0 {
		return errors.New("offset DL")
	sizeDL := DL.NumElements()
	if sizeDL < ind.OffsetDL+ind.N-1 {
		return errors.New("sizeDL")
	if ind.OffsetDU < 0 {
		return errors.New("offset DU")
	sizeDU := DU.NumElements()
	if sizeDU < ind.OffsetDU+ind.N-1 {
		return errors.New("sizeDU")
	sizeDU2 := DU2.NumElements()
	if sizeDU2 < ind.N-2 {
		return errors.New("sizeDU2")
	if ind.Nrhs < 0 {
		ind.Nrhs = B.Cols()
	if ind.Nrhs == 0 {
		return nil
	if ind.LDb == 0 {
		ind.LDb = max(1, B.Rows())
	if ind.LDb < max(1, ind.N) {
		return errors.New("ldB")
	if ind.OffsetB < 0 {
		return errors.New("offset B")
	sizeB := B.NumElements()
	if sizeB < ind.OffsetB+(ind.Nrhs-1)*ind.LDb+ind.N {
		return errors.New("sizeB")
	if len(ipiv) < ind.N {
		return errors.New("size ipiv")
	DLa := DL.FloatArray()
	Da := D.FloatArray()
	DUa := DU.FloatArray()
	DU2a := DU2.FloatArray()
	Ba := B.FloatArray()
	trans := linalg.ParamString(pars.Trans)
	info := dgttrs(trans, ind.N, ind.Nrhs,
		DLa[ind.OffsetDL:], Da[ind.OffsetD:], DUa[ind.OffsetDU:], DU2a,
		ipiv, Ba[ind.OffsetB:], ind.LDb)
	if info != 0 {
		return errors.New("dgttrs call error")
	return nil