コード例 #1
ファイル: chaincode_support.go プロジェクト: celder628/fabric
//Stop stops a chaincode if running
func (chaincodeSupport *ChaincodeSupport) Stop(context context.Context, cds *pb.ChaincodeDeploymentSpec) error {
	chaincode := cds.ChaincodeSpec.ChaincodeID.Name
	if chaincode == "" {
		return fmt.Errorf("chaincode name not set")

	//stop the chaincode
	sir := container.StopImageReq{CCID: ccintf.CCID{ChaincodeSpec: cds.ChaincodeSpec, NetworkID: chaincodeSupport.peerNetworkID, PeerID: chaincodeSupport.peerID}, Timeout: 0}

	vmtype, _ := chaincodeSupport.getVMType(cds)

	_, err := container.VMCProcess(context, vmtype, sir)
	if err != nil {
		err = fmt.Errorf("Error stopping container: %s", err)
		//but proceed to cleanup

	if _, ok := chaincodeSupport.chaincodeHasBeenLaunched(chaincode); !ok {
		//nothing to do
		return nil

	delete(chaincodeSupport.runningChaincodes.chaincodeMap, chaincode)


	return err
コード例 #2
// Invoke chaincode_example02
func invokeExample02Transaction(ctxt context.Context, cccid *CCContext, cID *pb.ChaincodeID, args []string, destroyImage bool) error {

	f := "init"
	argsDeploy := util.ToChaincodeArgs(f, "a", "100", "b", "200")
	spec := &pb.ChaincodeSpec{Type: 1, ChaincodeID: cID, CtorMsg: &pb.ChaincodeInput{Args: argsDeploy}}
	_, err := deploy(ctxt, cccid, spec)
	chaincodeID := spec.ChaincodeID.Name
	if err != nil {
		return fmt.Errorf("Error deploying <%s>: %s", chaincodeID, err)


	if destroyImage {
		theChaincodeSupport.Stop(ctxt, cccid, &pb.ChaincodeDeploymentSpec{ChaincodeSpec: spec})
		dir := container.DestroyImageReq{CCID: ccintf.CCID{ChaincodeSpec: spec, NetworkID: theChaincodeSupport.peerNetworkID, PeerID: theChaincodeSupport.peerID, ChainID: cccid.ChainID}, Force: true, NoPrune: true}

		_, err = container.VMCProcess(ctxt, container.DOCKER, dir)
		if err != nil {
			err = fmt.Errorf("Error destroying image: %s", err)
			return err

	f = "invoke"
	invokeArgs := append([]string{f}, args...)
	spec = &pb.ChaincodeSpec{Type: 1, ChaincodeID: cID, CtorMsg: &pb.ChaincodeInput{Args: util.ToChaincodeArgs(invokeArgs...)}}
	_, uuid, _, err := invoke(ctxt, cccid.ChainID, spec)
	if err != nil {
		return fmt.Errorf("Error invoking <%s>: %s", cccid.Name, err)

	cccid.TxID = uuid
	err = checkFinalState(cccid)
	if err != nil {
		return fmt.Errorf("Incorrect final state after transaction for <%s>: %s", chaincodeID, err)

	// Test for delete state
	f = "delete"
	delArgs := util.ToChaincodeArgs(f, "a")
	spec = &pb.ChaincodeSpec{Type: 1, ChaincodeID: cID, CtorMsg: &pb.ChaincodeInput{Args: delArgs}}
	_, uuid, _, err = invoke(ctxt, cccid.ChainID, spec)
	if err != nil {
		return fmt.Errorf("Error deleting state in <%s>: %s", cccid.Name, err)

	return nil
コード例 #3
ファイル: chaincode_support.go プロジェクト: celder628/fabric
// Deploy deploys the chaincode if not in development mode where user is running the chaincode.
func (chaincodeSupport *ChaincodeSupport) Deploy(context context.Context, t *pb.Transaction) (*pb.ChaincodeDeploymentSpec, error) {
	//build the chaincode
	cds := &pb.ChaincodeDeploymentSpec{}
	err := proto.Unmarshal(t.Payload, cds)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err
	cID := cds.ChaincodeSpec.ChaincodeID
	cLang := cds.ChaincodeSpec.Type
	chaincode := cID.Name
	if err != nil {
		return cds, err

	if chaincodeSupport.userRunsCC {
		chaincodeLogger.Debug("user runs chaincode, not deploying chaincode")
		return nil, nil

	//if its in the map, there must be a connected stream...and we are trying to build the code ?!
	if _, ok := chaincodeSupport.chaincodeHasBeenLaunched(chaincode); ok {
		chaincodeLogger.Debugf("deploy ?!! there's a chaincode with that name running: %s", chaincode)
		return cds, fmt.Errorf("deploy attempted but a chaincode with same name running %s", chaincode)

	args, envs, err := chaincodeSupport.getArgsAndEnv(cID, cLang)
	if err != nil {
		return cds, fmt.Errorf("error getting args for chaincode %s", err)

	var targz io.Reader = bytes.NewBuffer(cds.CodePackage)
	cir := &container.CreateImageReq{CCID: ccintf.CCID{ChaincodeSpec: cds.ChaincodeSpec, NetworkID: chaincodeSupport.peerNetworkID, PeerID: chaincodeSupport.peerID}, Args: args, Reader: targz, Env: envs}

	vmtype, _ := chaincodeSupport.getVMType(cds)

	chaincodeLogger.Debugf("deploying chaincode %s(networkid:%s,peerid:%s)", chaincode, chaincodeSupport.peerNetworkID, chaincodeSupport.peerID)

	//create image and create container
	_, err = container.VMCProcess(context, vmtype, cir)
	if err != nil {
		err = fmt.Errorf("Error starting container: %s", err)

	return cds, err
コード例 #4
// Invoke chaincode_example02
func invokeExample02Transaction(ctxt context.Context, cID *pb.ChaincodeID, args []string, destroyImage bool) error {

	f := "init"
	argsDeploy := []string{"a", "100", "b", "200"}
	spec := &pb.ChaincodeSpec{Type: 1, ChaincodeID: cID, CtorMsg: &pb.ChaincodeInput{Function: f, Args: argsDeploy}}
	_, err := deploy(ctxt, spec)
	chaincodeID := spec.ChaincodeID.Name
	if err != nil {
		return fmt.Errorf("Error deploying <%s>: %s", chaincodeID, err)


	if destroyImage {
		GetChain(DefaultChain).Stop(ctxt, &pb.ChaincodeDeploymentSpec{ChaincodeSpec: spec})
		dir := container.DestroyImageReq{CCID: ccintf.CCID{ChaincodeSpec: spec, NetworkID: GetChain(DefaultChain).peerNetworkID, PeerID: GetChain(DefaultChain).peerID}, Force: true, NoPrune: true}

		_, err = container.VMCProcess(ctxt, container.DOCKER, dir)
		if err != nil {
			err = fmt.Errorf("Error destroying image: %s", err)
			return err

	f = "invoke"
	spec = &pb.ChaincodeSpec{Type: 1, ChaincodeID: cID, CtorMsg: &pb.ChaincodeInput{Function: f, Args: args}}
	_, uuid, _, err := invoke(ctxt, spec, pb.Transaction_CHAINCODE_INVOKE)
	if err != nil {
		return fmt.Errorf("Error invoking <%s>: %s", chaincodeID, err)

	err = checkFinalState(uuid, chaincodeID)
	if err != nil {
		return fmt.Errorf("Incorrect final state after transaction for <%s>: %s", chaincodeID, err)

	// Test for delete state
	f = "delete"
	delArgs := []string{"a"}
	spec = &pb.ChaincodeSpec{Type: 1, ChaincodeID: cID, CtorMsg: &pb.ChaincodeInput{Function: f, Args: delArgs}}
	_, uuid, _, err = invoke(ctxt, spec, pb.Transaction_CHAINCODE_INVOKE)
	if err != nil {
		return fmt.Errorf("Error deleting state in <%s>: %s", chaincodeID, err)

	return nil
コード例 #5
// Deploy deploys the chaincode if not in development mode where user is running the chaincode.
func (chaincodeSupport *ChaincodeSupport) Deploy(context context.Context, cccid *CCContext, cds *pb.ChaincodeDeploymentSpec) (*pb.ChaincodeDeploymentSpec, error) {
	cLang := cds.ChaincodeSpec.Type
	canName := cccid.GetCanonicalName()

	if chaincodeSupport.userRunsCC {
		chaincodeLogger.Debug("user runs chaincode, not deploying chaincode")
		return nil, nil

	//if its in the map, there must be a connected stream...and we are trying to build the code ?!
	if _, ok := chaincodeSupport.chaincodeHasBeenLaunched(canName); ok {
		chaincodeLogger.Debugf("deploy ?!! there's a chaincode with that name running: %s", canName)
		return cds, fmt.Errorf("deploy attempted but a chaincode with same name running %s", canName)

	args, envs, err := chaincodeSupport.getArgsAndEnv(cccid, cLang)
	if err != nil {
		return cds, fmt.Errorf("error getting args for chaincode %s", err)

	var targz io.Reader = bytes.NewBuffer(cds.CodePackage)
	cir := &container.CreateImageReq{CCID: ccintf.CCID{ChaincodeSpec: cds.ChaincodeSpec, NetworkID: chaincodeSupport.peerNetworkID, PeerID: chaincodeSupport.peerID, ChainID: cccid.ChainID}, Args: args, Reader: targz, Env: envs}

	vmtype, _ := chaincodeSupport.getVMType(cds)

	chaincodeLogger.Debugf("deploying chaincode %s(networkid:%s,peerid:%s)", canName, chaincodeSupport.peerNetworkID, chaincodeSupport.peerID)

	//create image and create container
	resp, err2 := container.VMCProcess(context, vmtype, cir)
	if err2 != nil || (resp != nil && resp.(container.VMCResp).Err != nil) {
		err = fmt.Errorf("Error creating image: %s", err2)

	return cds, err
コード例 #6
ファイル: chaincode_support.go プロジェクト: celder628/fabric
// launchAndWaitForRegister will launch container if not already running. Use the targz to create the image if not found
func (chaincodeSupport *ChaincodeSupport) launchAndWaitForRegister(ctxt context.Context, cds *pb.ChaincodeDeploymentSpec, cID *pb.ChaincodeID, uuid string, cLang pb.ChaincodeSpec_Type, targz io.Reader) (bool, error) {
	chaincode := cID.Name
	if chaincode == "" {
		return false, fmt.Errorf("chaincode name not set")

	var ok bool
	//if its in the map, there must be a connected stream...nothing to do
	if _, ok = chaincodeSupport.chaincodeHasBeenLaunched(chaincode); ok {
		chaincodeLogger.Debugf("chaincode is running and ready: %s", chaincode)
		return true, nil
	alreadyRunning := false

	notfy := chaincodeSupport.preLaunchSetup(chaincode)

	//launch the chaincode

	args, env, err := chaincodeSupport.getArgsAndEnv(cID, cLang)
	if err != nil {
		return alreadyRunning, err

	chaincodeLogger.Debugf("start container: %s(networkid:%s,peerid:%s)", chaincode, chaincodeSupport.peerNetworkID, chaincodeSupport.peerID)

	vmtype, _ := chaincodeSupport.getVMType(cds)

	sir := container.StartImageReq{CCID: ccintf.CCID{ChaincodeSpec: cds.ChaincodeSpec, NetworkID: chaincodeSupport.peerNetworkID, PeerID: chaincodeSupport.peerID}, Reader: targz, Args: args, Env: env}

	ipcCtxt := context.WithValue(ctxt, ccintf.GetCCHandlerKey(), chaincodeSupport)

	resp, err := container.VMCProcess(ipcCtxt, vmtype, sir)
	if err != nil || (resp != nil && resp.(container.VMCResp).Err != nil) {
		if err == nil {
			err = resp.(container.VMCResp).Err
		err = fmt.Errorf("Error starting container: %s", err)
		delete(chaincodeSupport.runningChaincodes.chaincodeMap, chaincode)
		return alreadyRunning, err

	//wait for REGISTER state
	select {
	case ok := <-notfy:
		if !ok {
			err = fmt.Errorf("registration failed for %s(networkid:%s,peerid:%s,tx:%s)", chaincode, chaincodeSupport.peerNetworkID, chaincodeSupport.peerID, uuid)
	case <-time.After(chaincodeSupport.ccStartupTimeout):
		err = fmt.Errorf("Timeout expired while starting chaincode %s(networkid:%s,peerid:%s,tx:%s)", chaincode, chaincodeSupport.peerNetworkID, chaincodeSupport.peerID, uuid)
	if err != nil {
		chaincodeLogger.Debugf("stopping due to error while launching %s", err)
		errIgnore := chaincodeSupport.Stop(ctxt, cds)
		if errIgnore != nil {
			chaincodeLogger.Debugf("error on stop %s(%s)", errIgnore, err)
	return alreadyRunning, err