コード例 #1
ファイル: exectransaction.go プロジェクト: yoshiharay/fabric
func getTimeout(cID *pb.ChaincodeID) (time.Duration, error) {
	ledger, err := ledger.GetLedger()
	if err == nil {
		chaincodeID := cID.Name
		txID, err := ledger.GetState(chaincodeID, "github.com_openblockchain_obc-peer_chaincode_id", true)
		if err == nil {
			tx, err := ledger.GetTransactionByID(string(txID))
			if err == nil {
				chaincodeDeploymentSpec := &pb.ChaincodeDeploymentSpec{}
				proto.Unmarshal(tx.Payload, chaincodeDeploymentSpec)
				chaincodeSpec := chaincodeDeploymentSpec.GetChaincodeSpec()
				timeout := time.Duration(time.Duration(chaincodeSpec.Timeout) * time.Millisecond)
				return timeout, nil

	return -1, errFailedToGetChainCodeSpecForTransaction
コード例 #2
// Launch will launch the chaincode if not running (if running return nil) and will wait for handler of the chaincode to get into FSM ready state.
func (chaincodeSupport *ChaincodeSupport) Launch(context context.Context, t *pb.Transaction) (*pb.ChaincodeID, *pb.ChaincodeInput, error) {
	//build the chaincode
	var cID *pb.ChaincodeID
	var cMsg *pb.ChaincodeInput
	var cLang pb.ChaincodeSpec_Type
	var initargs [][]byte

	cds := &pb.ChaincodeDeploymentSpec{}
	if t.Type == pb.Transaction_CHAINCODE_DEPLOY {
		err := proto.Unmarshal(t.Payload, cds)
		if err != nil {
			return nil, nil, err
		cID = cds.ChaincodeSpec.ChaincodeID
		cMsg = cds.ChaincodeSpec.CtorMsg
		cLang = cds.ChaincodeSpec.Type
		initargs = cMsg.Args
	} else if t.Type == pb.Transaction_CHAINCODE_INVOKE || t.Type == pb.Transaction_CHAINCODE_QUERY {
		ci := &pb.ChaincodeInvocationSpec{}
		err := proto.Unmarshal(t.Payload, ci)
		if err != nil {
			return nil, nil, err
		cID = ci.ChaincodeSpec.ChaincodeID
		cMsg = ci.ChaincodeSpec.CtorMsg
	} else {
		return nil, nil, fmt.Errorf("invalid transaction type: %d", t.Type)
	chaincode := cID.Name
	var chrte *chaincodeRTEnv
	var ok bool
	var err error
	//if its in the map, there must be a connected stream...nothing to do
	if chrte, ok = chaincodeSupport.chaincodeHasBeenLaunched(chaincode); ok {
		if !chrte.handler.registered {
			chaincodeLogger.Debugf("premature execution - chaincode (%s) is being launched", chaincode)
			err = fmt.Errorf("premature execution - chaincode (%s) is being launched", chaincode)
			return cID, cMsg, err
		if chrte.handler.isRunning() {
			chaincodeLogger.Debugf("chaincode is running(no need to launch) : %s", chaincode)
			return cID, cMsg, nil
		chaincodeLogger.Debugf("Container not in READY state(%s)...send init/ready", chrte.handler.FSM.Current())

	var depTx *pb.Transaction

	//extract depTx so we can initialize hander.deployTXSecContext
	//we need it only after container is launched and only if this is not a deploy tx
	//NOTE: ideally this section should be moved before just before sendInitOrReady where
	//      where we need depTx.  However, as we don't check for ExecuteTransactions failure
	//      in consensus/helper, the following race is not resolved:
	//         1) deploy creates image
	//         2) query launches chaincode
	//         3) deploy returns "premature execution" error
	//         4) error ignored and deploy committed
	//         5) query successfully retrives committed tx and calls sendInitOrReady
	// See issue #710

	if t.Type != pb.Transaction_CHAINCODE_DEPLOY {
		ledger, ledgerErr := ledger.GetLedger()

		if chaincodeSupport.userRunsCC {
			chaincodeLogger.Error("You are attempting to perform an action other than Deploy on Chaincode that is not ready and you are in developer mode. Did you forget to Deploy your chaincode?")

		if ledgerErr != nil {
			return cID, cMsg, fmt.Errorf("Failed to get handle to ledger (%s)", ledgerErr)

		//hopefully we are restarting from existing image and the deployed transaction exists
		depTx, ledgerErr = ledger.GetTransactionByID(chaincode)
		if ledgerErr != nil {
			return cID, cMsg, fmt.Errorf("Could not get deployment transaction for %s - %s", chaincode, ledgerErr)
		if depTx == nil {
			return cID, cMsg, fmt.Errorf("deployment transaction does not exist for %s", chaincode)
		if nil != chaincodeSupport.secHelper {
			var err error
			depTx, err = chaincodeSupport.secHelper.TransactionPreExecution(depTx)
			// Note that t is now decrypted and is a deep clone of the original input t
			if nil != err {
				return cID, cMsg, fmt.Errorf("failed tx preexecution%s - %s", chaincode, err)
		//Get lang from original deployment
		err := proto.Unmarshal(depTx.Payload, cds)
		if err != nil {
			return cID, cMsg, fmt.Errorf("failed to unmarshal deployment transactions for %s - %s", chaincode, err)
		cLang = cds.ChaincodeSpec.Type

	//from here on : if we launch the container and get an error, we need to stop the container

	//launch container if it is a System container or not in dev mode
	if (!chaincodeSupport.userRunsCC || cds.ExecEnv == pb.ChaincodeDeploymentSpec_SYSTEM) && (chrte == nil || chrte.handler == nil) {
		var targz io.Reader = bytes.NewBuffer(cds.CodePackage)
		_, err = chaincodeSupport.launchAndWaitForRegister(context, cds, cID, t.Txid, cLang, targz)
		if err != nil {
			chaincodeLogger.Errorf("launchAndWaitForRegister failed %s", err)
			return cID, cMsg, err

	if err == nil {
		//send init (if (args)) and wait for ready state
		err = chaincodeSupport.sendInitOrReady(context, t.Txid, chaincode, initargs, chaincodeSupport.ccStartupTimeout, t, depTx)
		if err != nil {
			chaincodeLogger.Errorf("sending init failed(%s)", err)
			err = fmt.Errorf("Failed to init chaincode(%s)", err)
			errIgnore := chaincodeSupport.Stop(context, cds)
			if errIgnore != nil {
				chaincodeLogger.Errorf("stop failed %s(%s)", errIgnore, err)
		chaincodeLogger.Debug("sending init completed")

	chaincodeLogger.Debug("LaunchChaincode complete")

	return cID, cMsg, err