コード例 #1
func main() {
	defaultRootPassword := defs.RootUserName

	secureKeyFileNamePath := flag.String("secure-key", "./secureKey", "secure key file path")
	loginFilePath := flag.String("storage-file", "./data.txt", "First storage file that includes the root user")
	rootPassword := flag.String("password", defaultRootPassword, "Root password")
	str := fmt.Sprintf("Generate RSA private/public files ('%s', '%s')", rsaPrivateKeyFileName, rsaPublicKeyFileName)
	generateRSA := flag.Bool("generate-rsa", false, str)
	if flag.NArg() > 0 {

	if *rootPassword == defaultRootPassword {
		fmt.Printf("Error: The root password must be set (and not to '%v')\n", defaultRootPassword)
	err := password.CheckPasswordStrength(*rootPassword)
	if err != nil {
		log.Fatalf("Error: The root password must be more complex: %v", err)

	key := ss.GetSecureKey(*secureKeyFileNamePath)
	createBasicFile(*loginFilePath, defs.RootUserName, *rootPassword, key)
	fmt.Println("The generated file name is:", *loginFilePath)
	if *generateRSA {
		generateRSAKeys(rsaPrivateKeyFileName, rsaPublicKeyFileName)
コード例 #2
// NewOtpUser : generate a new otp user with the given parameters
func NewOtpUser(secret []byte, checkSecretStrength bool, lock bool, cliffLen int32, thrTimeSec time.Duration, autoUnblockSec time.Duration, hotpWindowSize time.Duration, totpWindowSize time.Duration, startCount int64) (*UserInfoOtp, error) {
	err := password.CheckPasswordStrength(string(secret))
	if err != nil && checkSecretStrength {
		return nil, err
	hotp, err := NewHotp(secret, startCount)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err
	totp, err := NewTotp(secret)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err
	return &UserInfoOtp{secret, lock,
		newThrottle(cliffLen, thrTimeSec, autoUnblockSec, hotpWindowSize, totpWindowSize),
		hotp, totp}, err