func buildLinkContainerDemo(event gwu.Event) gwu.Comp { p := gwu.NewPanel() link := gwu.NewLink("An obvious link, to Google Home", "") inside := gwu.NewPanel() inside.Style().SetBorder2(1, gwu.BRD_STYLE_SOLID, gwu.CLR_GRAY) inside.Add(gwu.NewLabel("Everything inside this box also links to Google!")) inside.Add(gwu.NewButton("Me too!")) link.SetComp(inside) p.Add(link) return p }
func buildRadioButtonDemo(event gwu.Event) gwu.Comp { p := gwu.NewPanel() p.Add(gwu.NewLabel("Select your favorite programming language:")) group := gwu.NewRadioGroup("lang") rbs := []gwu.RadioButton{gwu.NewRadioButton("Go", group), gwu.NewRadioButton("Java", group), gwu.NewRadioButton("C / C++", group), gwu.NewRadioButton("Python", group), gwu.NewRadioButton("QBasic (nah this can't be your favorite)", group)} rbs[4].SetEnabled(false) for _, rb := range rbs { p.Add(rb) } p.AddVSpace(20) p.Add(gwu.NewLabel("Select your favorite computer game:")) group = gwu.NewRadioGroup("game") rbs = []gwu.RadioButton{gwu.NewRadioButton("StarCraft II", group), gwu.NewRadioButton("Minecraft", group), gwu.NewRadioButton("Other", group)} for _, rb := range rbs { p.Add(rb) } return p }
func buildSwitchButtonDemo(event gwu.Event) gwu.Comp { p := gwu.NewPanel() p.SetCellPadding(1) row := gwu.NewHorizontalPanel() row.Add(gwu.NewLabel("Here's an ON/OFF switch which enables/disables the other one:")) sw := gwu.NewSwitchButton() sw.SetOnOff("ENB", "DISB") sw.SetState(true) row.Add(sw) p.Add(row) p.AddVSpace(10) row = gwu.NewHorizontalPanel() row.Add(gwu.NewLabel("And the other one:")) sw2 := gwu.NewSwitchButton() sw2.SetEnabled(true) sw2.Style().SetWidthPx(100) row.Add(sw2) sw.AddEHandlerFunc(func(e gwu.Event) { sw2.SetEnabled(sw.State()) e.MarkDirty(sw2) }, gwu.ETYPE_CLICK) p.Add(row) return p }
func buildButtonDemo(event gwu.Event) gwu.Comp { p := gwu.NewPanel() l := gwu.NewLabel("") btnp := gwu.NewHorizontalPanel() b := gwu.NewButton("Normal Button") b.AddEHandlerFunc(func(e gwu.Event) { switch e.Type() { case gwu.ETYPE_MOUSE_OVER: l.SetText("Mouse is over...") case gwu.ETYPE_MOUSE_OUT: l.SetText("Mouse is out.") case gwu.ETYPE_CLICK: x, y := e.Mouse() l.SetText(fmt.Sprintf("Clicked at x=%d, y=%d", x, y)) } e.MarkDirty(l) }, gwu.ETYPE_CLICK, gwu.ETYPE_MOUSE_OVER, gwu.ETYPE_MOUSE_OUT) btnp.Add(b) b = gwu.NewButton("Disabled Button") b.SetEnabled(false) btnp.Add(b) p.Add(btnp) p.Add(l) return p }
func buildLabelDemo(event gwu.Event) gwu.Comp { p := gwu.NewPanel() p.Add(gwu.NewLabel("This is a Label.")) p.Add(gwu.NewLabel("世界 And another one. ㅈㅈ")) p.Add(gwu.NewLabel("Nothing special about them, but they may be the mostly used components.")) p.AddVSpace(20) p.Add(gwu.NewLabel("You can change their text:")) b := gwu.NewButton("Change!") b.AddEHandlerFunc(func(e gwu.Event) { for i := 0; i < p.CompsCount(); i++ { if l, ok := p.CompAt(i).(gwu.Label); ok && l != b { reversed := []rune(l.Text()) for i, j := 0, len(reversed)-1; i < j; i, j = i+1, j-1 { reversed[i], reversed[j] = reversed[j], reversed[i] } l.SetText(string(reversed)) } } e.MarkDirty(p) }, gwu.ETYPE_CLICK) p.Add(b) return p }
func buildCheckBoxDemo(event gwu.Event) gwu.Comp { p := gwu.NewPanel() suml := gwu.NewLabel("") p.Add(gwu.NewLabel("Check the days you want to work on:")) cbs := []gwu.CheckBox{gwu.NewCheckBox("Monday"), gwu.NewCheckBox("Tuesday"), gwu.NewCheckBox("Wednesday"), gwu.NewCheckBox("Thursday"), gwu.NewCheckBox("Friday"), gwu.NewCheckBox("Saturday"), gwu.NewCheckBox("Sunday")} cbs[5].SetEnabled(false) cbs[6].SetEnabled(false) for _, cb := range cbs { p.Add(cb) cb.AddEHandlerFunc(func(e gwu.Event) { sum := 0 for _, cb2 := range cbs { if cb2.State() { sum++ } } suml.SetText(fmt.Sprintf("%d day%s is a total of %d hours a week.", sum, plural(sum), sum*8)) e.MarkDirty(suml) }, gwu.ETYPE_CLICK) } p.Add(suml) return p }
func buildPanelDemo(event gwu.Event) gwu.Comp { p := gwu.NewPanel() p.Add(gwu.NewLabel("Panel with horizontal layout:")) h := gwu.NewHorizontalPanel() for i := 1; i <= 5; i++ { h.Add(gwu.NewButton("Button " + strconv.Itoa(i))) } p.Add(h) p.AddVSpace(20) p.Add(gwu.NewLabel("Panel with vertical layout:")) v := gwu.NewVerticalPanel() for i := 1; i <= 5; i++ { v.Add(gwu.NewButton("Button " + strconv.Itoa(i))) } p.Add(v) p.AddVSpace(20) p.Add(gwu.NewLabel("Panel with natural layout:")) n := gwu.NewNaturalPanel() for i := 1; i <= 20; i++ { n.Add(gwu.NewButton("LONG BUTTON " + strconv.Itoa(i))) } p.Add(n) return p }
func buildPasswBoxDemo(event gwu.Event) gwu.Comp { p := gwu.NewPanel() p.Add(gwu.NewLabel("Enter your password:"******"")) return p }
func buildHomeDemo(event gwu.Event) gwu.Comp { p := gwu.NewPanel() p.Add(gwu.NewLabel("This app is written in and showcases Gowut version " + gwu.GOWUT_VERSION + ".")) p.AddVSpace(20) p.Add(gwu.NewLabel("Select components on the left side to see them in action.")) return p }
func buildWindowDemo(event gwu.Event) gwu.Comp { p := gwu.NewPanel() p.Add(gwu.NewLabel("The Window represents the whole window, the page inside the browser.")) p.AddVSpace(5) p.Add(gwu.NewLabel("The Window is the top of the component hierarchy. It is an extension of the Panel.")) return p }
func buildTableDemo(event gwu.Event) gwu.Comp { p := gwu.NewPanel() l := gwu.NewLabel("Tip: Switch to the 'debug' theme (top right) to see cell borders.") l.Style().SetColor(gwu.CLR_RED).SetFontStyle(gwu.FONT_STYLE_ITALIC) p.Add(l) p.AddVSpace(20) p.Add(gwu.NewLabel("A simple form aligned with a table:")) p.AddVSpace(10) t := gwu.NewTable() t.SetCellPadding(2) t.EnsureSize(2, 2) var c gwu.Comp t.Add(gwu.NewLabel("User name:"), 0, 0) c = gwu.NewTextBox("") c.Style().SetWidthPx(160) t.Add(c, 0, 1) t.Add(gwu.NewLabel("Password:"******"") c.Style().SetWidthPx(160) t.Add(c, 1, 1) t.Add(gwu.NewLabel("Go to:"), 2, 0) c = gwu.NewListBox([]string{"Inbox", "User preferences", "Last visited page"}) c.Style().SetWidthPx(160) t.Add(c, 2, 1) p.Add(t) p.AddVSpace(30) p.Add(gwu.NewLabel("Advanced table structure with modified alignment, row and col spans:")) p.AddVSpace(10) t = gwu.NewTable() t.Style().SetBorder2(1, gwu.BRD_STYLE_SOLID, gwu.CLR_GREY) t.SetAlign(gwu.HA_RIGHT, gwu.VA_TOP) t.EnsureSize(5, 5) for row := 0; row < 5; row++ { for col := 0; col < 5; col++ { t.Add(gwu.NewButton("Button "+strconv.Itoa(row)+strconv.Itoa(col)), row, col) } } t.SetColSpan(2, 1, 2) t.SetRowSpan(3, 1, 2) t.CellFmt(2, 2).Style().SetSizePx(150, 80) t.CellFmt(2, 2).SetAlign(gwu.HA_RIGHT, gwu.VA_BOTTOM) t.RowFmt(2).SetAlign(gwu.HA_DEFAULT, gwu.VA_MIDDLE) t.CompAt(2, 1).Style().SetFullSize() t.CompAt(4, 2).Style().SetFullWidth() t.RowFmt(0).Style().SetBackground(gwu.CLR_RED) t.RowFmt(1).Style().SetBackground(gwu.CLR_GREEN) t.RowFmt(2).Style().SetBackground(gwu.CLR_BLUE) t.RowFmt(3).Style().SetBackground(gwu.CLR_GREY) t.RowFmt(4).Style().SetBackground(gwu.CLR_TEAL) p.Add(t) return p }
func buildImageDemo(event gwu.Event) gwu.Comp { p := gwu.NewPanel() p.Add(gwu.NewLabel("Google's logo:")) img := gwu.NewImage("Google's logo", "") img.Style().SetSizePx(275, 95) p.Add(img) p.AddVSpace(20) p.Add(gwu.NewLabel("Go's Gopher:")) img = gwu.NewImage("Go's Gopher", "") img.Style().SetSizePx(250, 340) p.Add(img) return p }
func buildHtmlDemo(event gwu.Event) gwu.Comp { p := gwu.NewPanel() html := `<span onclick="alert('Hi from Html!');">Hi! I'm inserted as HTML. Click on me!</span>` p.Add(gwu.NewLabel("The following HTML code is inserted after the text box as an Html component:")) ta := gwu.NewTextBox(html) ta.SetReadOnly(true) ta.Style().SetWidthPx(500) ta.SetRows(4) p.Add(ta) p.AddVSpace(20) h := gwu.NewHtml(html) p.Add(h) return p }
func main() { expanderDir = make(map[gwu.Expander]string) // Create and build a window win := gwu.NewWindow("main", "goperu - peruse files with browser") win.Style().SetFullWidth() win.SetHAlign(gwu.HA_LEFT) win.SetCellPadding(2) //win.SetTheme(gwu.THEME_DEBUG) p := gwu.NewPanel() p.Style().SetFullWidth() hostname, err := os.Hostname() if err != nil { hostname = "" } link := gwu.NewLink("goperu", "") p.Add(link) p.AddVSpace(10) l := gwu.NewLabel(hostname + ": Explore") l.Style().SetColor(gwu.CLR_GREEN) p.Add(l) p.AddVSpace(20) e := makeExpander(baseDir) expanderDir[e] = baseDir p.Add(e) e.AddEHandler(handler, gwu.ETYPE_STATE_CHANGE) //e.AddEHandler(handler, gwu.ETYPE_MOUSE_DOWN) win.Add(p) // Create and start a GUI server (omitting error check) server := gwu.NewServer("goperu", "localhost:8081") server.SetText("goperu") server.AddWin(win) server.Start("") // Also opens windows list in browser }
func buildLinkDemo(event gwu.Event) gwu.Comp { p := gwu.NewPanel() p.SetCellPadding(3) p.Add(gwu.NewLink("Visit Gowut Home page", "")) p.Add(gwu.NewLink("Visit Gowut Project page", "")) row := gwu.NewHorizontalPanel() row.SetCellPadding(3) row.Add(gwu.NewLabel("Discussion forum:")) row.Add(gwu.NewLink("", "")) p.Add(row) row = gwu.NewHorizontalPanel() row.SetCellPadding(3) row.Add(gwu.NewLabel("Send e-mail to the Gowut author:")) email := "iczaaa" + "@" + "" row.Add(gwu.NewLink("András Belicza <"+email+">", "mailto:"+email)) p.Add(row) return p }
func buildTextBoxDemo(event gwu.Event) gwu.Comp { p := gwu.NewPanel() p.Add(gwu.NewLabel("Enter your name (max 15 characters):")) row := gwu.NewHorizontalPanel() tb := gwu.NewTextBox("") tb.SetMaxLength(15) tb.AddSyncOnETypes(gwu.ETYPE_KEY_UP) length := gwu.NewLabel("") length.Style().SetFontSize("80%").SetFontStyle(gwu.FONT_STYLE_ITALIC) tb.AddEHandlerFunc(func(e gwu.Event) { rem := 15 - len(tb.Text()) length.SetText(fmt.Sprintf("(%d character%s left...)", rem, plural(rem))) e.MarkDirty(length) }, gwu.ETYPE_CHANGE, gwu.ETYPE_KEY_UP) row.Add(tb) row.Add(length) p.Add(row) p.AddVSpace(10) p.Add(gwu.NewLabel("Short biography:")) bio := gwu.NewTextBox("") bio.SetRows(5) bio.SetCols(40) p.Add(bio) p.AddVSpace(10) rtb := gwu.NewTextBox("This is just a read-only text box...") rtb.SetReadOnly(true) p.Add(rtb) p.AddVSpace(10) dtb := gwu.NewTextBox("...and a disabled one.") dtb.SetEnabled(false) p.Add(dtb) return p }
func buildListBoxDemo(event gwu.Event) gwu.Comp { p := gwu.NewPanel() row := gwu.NewHorizontalPanel() l := gwu.NewLabel("Select a background color:") row.Add(l) lb := gwu.NewListBox([]string{"", "Black", "Red", "Green", "Blue", "White"}) lb.AddEHandlerFunc(func(e gwu.Event) { l.Style().SetBackground(lb.SelectedValue()) e.MarkDirty(l) }, gwu.ETYPE_CHANGE) row.Add(lb) p.Add(row) p.AddVSpace(10) p.Add(gwu.NewLabel("Select numbers that add up to 89:")) sumLabel := gwu.NewLabel("") lb2 := gwu.NewListBox([]string{"1", "2", "4", "8", "16", "32", "64", "128"}) lb2.SetMulti(true) lb2.SetRows(10) lb2.AddEHandlerFunc(func(e gwu.Event) { sum := 0 for _, idx := range lb2.SelectedIndices() { sum += 1 << uint(idx) } if sum == 89 { sumLabel.SetText("Hooray! You did it!") } else { sumLabel.SetText(fmt.Sprintf("Now quite there... (sum = %d)", sum)) } e.MarkDirty(sumLabel) }, gwu.ETYPE_CHANGE) p.Add(lb2) p.Add(sumLabel) return p }
func buildExpanderDemo(event gwu.Event) gwu.Comp { p := gwu.NewPanel() l := gwu.NewLabel("Click on the Expander's header.") l.Style().SetColor(gwu.CLR_GREEN) p.Add(l) p.AddVSpace(5) e := gwu.NewExpander() e.SetHeader(gwu.NewLabel("I'm an Expander.")) e.SetContent(gwu.NewLabel("I'm the content of the Expander.")) p.Add(e) e.AddEHandlerFunc(func(ev gwu.Event) { if e.Expanded() { l.SetText("You expanded it.") } else { l.SetText("You collapsed it.") } ev.MarkDirty(l) }, gwu.ETYPE_STATE_CHANGE) p.AddVSpace(20) var ee gwu.Expander for i := 4; i >= 0; i-- { e2 := gwu.NewExpander() e2.SetHeader(gwu.NewLabel("I hide embedded expanders. #" + strconv.Itoa(i))) if i == 4 { e2.SetContent(gwu.NewLabel("No more.")) } else { e2.SetContent(ee) } ee = e2 } p.Add(ee) return p }
func buildShowcaseWin(sess gwu.Session) { win := gwu.NewWindow("show", "Showcase of Features - Gowut") win.Style().SetFullSize() win.AddEHandlerFunc(func(e gwu.Event) { switch e.Type() { case gwu.ETYPE_WIN_LOAD: fmt.Println("LOADING window:", e.Src().Id()) case gwu.ETYPE_WIN_UNLOAD: fmt.Println("UNLOADING window:", e.Src().Id()) } }, gwu.ETYPE_WIN_LOAD, gwu.ETYPE_WIN_UNLOAD) hiddenPan := gwu.NewNaturalPanel() sess.SetAttr("hiddenPan", hiddenPan) header := gwu.NewHorizontalPanel() header.Style().SetFullWidth().SetBorderBottom2(2, gwu.BRD_STYLE_SOLID, "#777777") l := gwu.NewLabel("Gowut - Showcase of Features") l.Style().SetFontWeight(gwu.FONT_WEIGHT_BOLD).SetFontSize("120%") header.Add(l) header.AddHConsumer() header.Add(gwu.NewLabel("Theme:")) themes := gwu.NewListBox([]string{"default", "debug"}) themes.AddEHandlerFunc(func(e gwu.Event) { win.SetTheme(themes.SelectedValue()) e.ReloadWin("show") }, gwu.ETYPE_CHANGE) header.Add(themes) header.AddHSpace(10) reset := gwu.NewLink("Reset", "#") reset.SetTarget("") reset.AddEHandlerFunc(func(e gwu.Event) { e.RemoveSess() e.ReloadWin("show") }, gwu.ETYPE_CLICK) header.Add(reset) setNoWrap(header) win.Add(header) content := gwu.NewHorizontalPanel() content.SetCellPadding(1) content.SetVAlign(gwu.VA_TOP) content.Style().SetFullSize() demoWrapper := gwu.NewPanel() demoWrapper.Style().SetPaddingLeftPx(5) demoWrapper.AddVSpace(10) demoTitle := gwu.NewLabel("") demoTitle.Style().SetFontWeight(gwu.FONT_WEIGHT_BOLD).SetFontSize("110%") demoWrapper.Add(demoTitle) demoWrapper.AddVSpace(10) links := gwu.NewPanel() links.SetCellPadding(1) links.Style().SetPaddingRightPx(5) demos := make(map[string]pdemo) var selDemo pdemo selectDemo := func(d pdemo, e gwu.Event) { if selDemo != nil {"") if e != nil { e.MarkDirty( } demoWrapper.Remove(selDemo.comp) } selDemo = d"#88ff88") demoTitle.SetText( if d.comp == nil { d.comp = d.buildFunc(e) } demoWrapper.Add(d.comp) if e != nil { e.MarkDirty(, demoWrapper) } } createDemo := func(name string, buildFunc func(gwu.Event) gwu.Comp) pdemo { link := gwu.NewLabel(name) link.Style().SetFullWidth().SetCursor(gwu.CURSOR_POINTER).SetDisplay(gwu.DISPLAY_BLOCK).SetColor(gwu.CLR_BLUE) demo := &demo{link: link, buildFunc: buildFunc} link.AddEHandlerFunc(func(e gwu.Event) { selectDemo(demo, e) }, gwu.ETYPE_CLICK) links.Add(link) demos[name] = demo return demo } links.Style().SetFullHeight().SetBorderRight2(2, gwu.BRD_STYLE_SOLID, "#777777") links.AddVSpace(5) homeDemo := createDemo("Home", buildHomeDemo) selectDemo(homeDemo, nil) links.AddVSpace(5) l = gwu.NewLabel("Component Palette") l.Style().SetFontWeight(gwu.FONT_WEIGHT_BOLD).SetFontSize("110%") links.Add(l) links.AddVSpace(5) l = gwu.NewLabel("Containers") l.Style().SetFontWeight(gwu.FONT_WEIGHT_BOLD) links.Add(l) createDemo("Expander", buildExpanderDemo) createDemo("Link (as Container)", buildLinkContainerDemo) createDemo("Panel", buildPanelDemo) createDemo("Table", buildTableDemo) createDemo("TabPanel", buildTabPanelDemo) createDemo("Window", buildWindowDemo) links.AddVSpace(5) l = gwu.NewLabel("Input components") l.Style().SetFontWeight(gwu.FONT_WEIGHT_BOLD).SetDisplay(gwu.DISPLAY_BLOCK) links.Add(l) createDemo("CheckBox", buildCheckBoxDemo) createDemo("ListBox", buildListBoxDemo) createDemo("TextBox", buildTextBoxDemo) createDemo("PasswBox", buildPasswBoxDemo) createDemo("RadioButton", buildRadioButtonDemo) createDemo("SwitchButton", buildSwitchButtonDemo) links.AddVSpace(5) l = gwu.NewLabel("Other components") l.Style().SetFontWeight(gwu.FONT_WEIGHT_BOLD) links.Add(l) createDemo("Button", buildButtonDemo) createDemo("Html", buildHtmlDemo) createDemo("Image", buildImageDemo) createDemo("Label", buildLabelDemo) createDemo("Link", buildLinkDemo) createDemo("Timer", buildTimerDemo) links.AddVConsumer() setNoWrap(links) content.Add(links) content.Add(demoWrapper) content.CellFmt(demoWrapper).Style().SetFullWidth() win.Add(content) win.CellFmt(content).Style().SetFullSize() footer := gwu.NewHorizontalPanel() footer.Style().SetFullWidth().SetBorderTop2(2, gwu.BRD_STYLE_SOLID, "#777777") footer.Add(hiddenPan) footer.AddHConsumer() l = gwu.NewLabel("Copyright © 2013-2015 András Belicza. All rights reserved.") l.Style().SetFontStyle(gwu.FONT_STYLE_ITALIC).SetFontSize("95%") footer.Add(l) footer.AddHSpace(10) link := gwu.NewLink("Visit Gowut Home page", "") link.Style().SetFontStyle(gwu.FONT_STYLE_ITALIC).SetFontSize("95%") footer.Add(link) setNoWrap(footer) win.Add(footer) sess.AddWin(win) }
func buildTimerDemo(event gwu.Event) gwu.Comp { p := gwu.NewPanel() p.SetCellPadding(3) // Add timers to a panel which is always attached instead of our panel // because the user can switch to another component demo causing this panel to be removed // and that way timer events would address components that are not part of the window (returning error). hiddenPan := event.Session().Attr("hiddenPan").(gwu.Panel) p.Add(gwu.NewLabel("A Timer is used to detonate a bomb after 3 seconds.")) p.AddVSpace(10) defText := "You can defuse the bomb with the button below. Tick... Tack..." l := gwu.NewLabel(defText) p.Add(l) t := gwu.NewTimer(3 * time.Second) b := gwu.NewButton("Defuse!") t.AddEHandlerFunc(func(e gwu.Event) { l.SetText("BOOOOM! You were too slow!") l.Style().SetColor(gwu.CLR_RED) b.SetEnabled(false) e.MarkDirty(l, b) }, gwu.ETYPE_STATE_CHANGE) hiddenPan.Add(t) row := gwu.NewHorizontalPanel() b.AddEHandlerFunc(func(e gwu.Event) { t.SetActive(false) l.SetText("Bomb defused! Phew! Good Job!") l.Style().SetColor(gwu.CLR_GREEN) b.SetEnabled(false) e.MarkDirty(t, l, b) }, gwu.ETYPE_CLICK) row.Add(b) b2 := gwu.NewButton("Plant a new Bomb!") b2.AddEHandlerFunc(func(e gwu.Event) { t.SetActive(true) t.Reset() l.SetText(defText) l.Style().SetColor("") b.SetEnabled(true) e.MarkDirty(t, l, b) }, gwu.ETYPE_CLICK) row.Add(b2) p.Add(row) p.AddVSpace(20) p.Add(gwu.NewLabel("A Timer is used to refresh the time below repeatedly in every second for half a minute.")) tl := gwu.NewLabel("") p.Add(tl) t2 := gwu.NewTimer(time.Second) t2.SetRepeat(true) counter := 30 t2.AddEHandlerFunc(func(e gwu.Event) { counter-- tl.SetText(fmt.Sprintf("%s (%d remaining)", time.Now().Format("2006-01-02 15:04:05"), counter)) e.MarkDirty(tl) if counter <= 0 { t2.SetActive(false) e.MarkDirty(t2) } }, gwu.ETYPE_STATE_CHANGE) hiddenPan.Add(t2) b3 := gwu.NewButton("Restart") b3.AddEHandlerFunc(func(e gwu.Event) { counter = 30 t2.SetActive(true) e.MarkDirty(t2) }, gwu.ETYPE_CLICK) p.Add(b3) event.MarkDirty(hiddenPan) return p }
func buildTabPanelDemo(event gwu.Event) gwu.Comp { p := gwu.NewPanel() t := gwu.NewTabPanel() t.Style().SetSizePx(500, 300) table := gwu.NewTable() table.SetCellPadding(2) table.EnsureSize(3, 2) table.Add(gwu.NewLabel("Change tab bar placement:"), 0, 0) table.Add(gwu.NewLabel("Tab bar horizontal align:"), 1, 0) table.Add(gwu.NewLabel("Tab bar vertical align:"), 2, 0) placemslb := gwu.NewListBox([]string{"Top", "Right", "Bottom", "Left"}) placems := []gwu.TabBarPlacement{gwu.TB_PLACEMENT_TOP, gwu.TB_PLACEMENT_RIGHT, gwu.TB_PLACEMENT_BOTTOM, gwu.TB_PLACEMENT_LEFT} halignslb := gwu.NewListBox([]string{"Left", "Center", "Right"}) haligns := []gwu.HAlign{gwu.HA_LEFT, gwu.HA_CENTER, gwu.HA_RIGHT} valignslb := gwu.NewListBox([]string{"Top", "Middle", "Bottom"}) valigns := []gwu.VAlign{gwu.VA_TOP, gwu.VA_MIDDLE, gwu.VA_BOTTOM} placemslb.Style().SetFullWidth() halignslb.Style().SetFullWidth() valignslb.Style().SetFullWidth() table.Add(placemslb, 0, 1) table.Add(halignslb, 1, 1) table.Add(valignslb, 2, 1) placemslb.AddEHandlerFunc(func(e gwu.Event) { t.SetTabBarPlacement(placems[placemslb.SelectedIdx()]) e.MarkDirty(t) }, gwu.ETYPE_CHANGE) halignslb.AddEHandlerFunc(func(e gwu.Event) { t.TabBarFmt().SetHAlign(haligns[halignslb.SelectedIdx()]) e.MarkDirty(t) }, gwu.ETYPE_CHANGE) valignslb.AddEHandlerFunc(func(e gwu.Event) { t.TabBarFmt().SetVAlign(valigns[valignslb.SelectedIdx()]) e.MarkDirty(t) }, gwu.ETYPE_CHANGE) p.Add(table) fix := gwu.NewCheckBox("Fixed size") fix.SetState(true) fix.AddEHandlerFunc(func(e gwu.Event) { if fix.State() { t.Style().SetSizePx(500, 300) } else { t.Style().SetSize("", "") } e.MarkDirty(t) }, gwu.ETYPE_CLICK) p.Add(fix) p.AddVSpace(10) l := gwu.NewLabel("Click on tabs...") l.Style().SetColor(gwu.CLR_GREEN) p.Add(l) t.AddEHandlerFunc(func(e gwu.Event) { l.SetText("Clicked on tab: " + strconv.Itoa(t.Selected())) e.MarkDirty(l) }, gwu.ETYPE_STATE_CHANGE) p.AddVSpace(10) c := gwu.NewPanel() c.Add(gwu.NewLabel("This is a TabPanel.")) c.Add(gwu.NewLabel("Click on other tabs to see their content.")) c.AddVSpace(15) c.Add(gwu.NewLabel("Or click here to see what's in the Hollow:")) b := gwu.NewButton("Take me to the Hollow!") b.AddEHandlerFunc(func(e gwu.Event) { t.SetSelected(3) e.MarkDirty(t) }, gwu.ETYPE_CLICK) c.Add(b) t.AddString("Home", c) c = gwu.NewPanel() c.Add(gwu.NewLabel("You have no new messages.")) t.AddString("Inbox", c) c = gwu.NewPanel() c.Add(gwu.NewLabel("You have no sent messages.")) t.AddString("Sent", c) c = gwu.NewPanel() c.Add(gwu.NewLabel("There is nothing in the hollow.")) t.AddString("Hollow", c) c = gwu.NewPanel() tb := gwu.NewTextBox("Click to edit this comment.") tb.SetRows(10) tb.SetCols(40) c.Add(tb) t.AddString("Comment", c) p.Add(t) return p }
func buildPrivateWins(s gwu.Session) { // Create and build a window win := gwu.NewWindow("main", "Main Window") win.Style().SetFullWidth() win.SetCellPadding(2) p := gwu.NewPanel() p.SetLayout(gwu.LAYOUT_HORIZONTAL) p.SetCellPadding(2) p.Add(gwu.NewLabel("I'm a label! Try clicking on the button=>")) p.Add(gwu.NewLink("Google Home", "")) img := gwu.NewImage("", "") img.Style().SetSize("25%", "25%") p.Add(img) win.Add(p) button := gwu.NewButton("Click me") button.AddEHandler(&MyButtonHandler{text: ":-)"}, gwu.ETYPE_CLICK) win.Add(button) extraBtns := gwu.NewPanel() extraBtns.SetLayout(gwu.LAYOUT_NATURAL) button.AddEHandlerFunc(func(e gwu.Event) { extraBtn := gwu.NewButton("Extra #" + strconv.Itoa(extraBtns.CompsCount())) extraBtn.AddEHandlerFunc(func(e gwu.Event) { extraBtn.Parent().Remove(extraBtn) e.MarkDirty(extraBtns) }, gwu.ETYPE_CLICK) extraBtns.Insert(extraBtn, 0) e.MarkDirty(extraBtns) }, gwu.ETYPE_CLICK) win.Add(extraBtns) p = gwu.NewPanel() p.SetLayout(gwu.LAYOUT_HORIZONTAL) p.SetCellPadding(2) p.Style().SetBorder2(1, gwu.BRD_STYLE_SOLID, gwu.CLR_BLACK) p.Add(gwu.NewLabel("A drop-down list being")) wideListBox := gwu.NewListBox([]string{"50", "100", "150", "200", "250"}) wideListBox.Style().SetWidth("50") wideListBox.AddEHandlerFunc(func(e gwu.Event) { wideListBox.Style().SetWidth(wideListBox.SelectedValue() + "px") e.MarkDirty(wideListBox) }, gwu.ETYPE_CHANGE) p.Add(wideListBox) p.Add(gwu.NewLabel("pixel wide. And a multi-select list:")) listBox := gwu.NewListBox([]string{"First", "Second", "Third", "Forth", "Fifth", "Sixth"}) listBox.SetMulti(true) listBox.SetRows(4) p.Add(listBox) countLabel := gwu.NewLabel("Selected count: 0") listBox.AddEHandlerFunc(func(e gwu.Event) { selCount := len(listBox.SelectedIndices()) countLabel.SetText("Selected count: " + strconv.Itoa(selCount)) e.MarkDirty(countLabel) }, gwu.ETYPE_CHANGE) p.Add(countLabel) win.Add(p) greenCheckBox := gwu.NewCheckBox("I'm a check box. When checked, I'm green!") greenCheckBox.AddEHandlerFunc(func(e gwu.Event) { if greenCheckBox.State() { greenCheckBox.Style().SetBackground(gwu.CLR_GREEN) } else { greenCheckBox.Style().SetBackground("") } e.MarkDirty(greenCheckBox) }, gwu.ETYPE_CLICK) greenCheckBox.AddEHandler(greenHandler, gwu.ETYPE_CLICK) win.Add(greenCheckBox) table := gwu.NewTable() table.SetCellPadding(2) table.Style().SetBorder2(1, gwu.BRD_STYLE_SOLID, gwu.CLR_BLACK) table.EnsureSize(2, 4) table.Add(gwu.NewLabel("TAB-"), 0, 0) table.Add(gwu.NewLabel("LE"), 0, 1) table.Add(gwu.NewLabel("DE-"), 0, 2) table.Add(gwu.NewLabel("MO"), 0, 3) table.Add(gwu.NewLabel("Enter your name:"), 1, 0) tb := gwu.NewTextBox("") tb.AddSyncOnETypes(gwu.ETYPE_KEY_UP) table.Add(tb, 1, 1) table.Add(gwu.NewLabel("You entered:"), 1, 2) nameLabel := gwu.NewLabel("") nameLabel.Style().SetColor(gwu.CLR_RED) tb.AddEHandlerFunc(func(e gwu.Event) { nameLabel.SetText(tb.Text()) e.MarkDirty(nameLabel) }, gwu.ETYPE_CHANGE, gwu.ETYPE_KEY_UP) table.Add(nameLabel, 1, 3) win.Add(table) table = gwu.NewTable() table.Style().SetBorder2(1, gwu.BRD_STYLE_SOLID, gwu.CLR_BLACK) table.SetAlign(gwu.HA_RIGHT, gwu.VA_TOP) table.EnsureSize(5, 5) for row := 0; row < 5; row++ { group := gwu.NewRadioGroup(strconv.Itoa(row)) for col := 0; col < 5; col++ { radio := gwu.NewRadioButton("= "+strconv.Itoa(col)+" =", group) radio.AddEHandlerFunc(func(e gwu.Event) { radios := []gwu.RadioButton{radio, radio.Group().PrevSelected()} for _, radio := range radios { if radio != nil { if radio.State() { radio.Style().SetBackground(gwu.CLR_GREEN) } else { radio.Style().SetBackground("") } e.MarkDirty(radio) } } }, gwu.ETYPE_CLICK) table.Add(radio, row, col) } } table.SetColSpan(2, 1, 2) table.SetRowSpan(3, 1, 2) table.CellFmt(2, 2).Style().SetSizePx(150, 80) table.CellFmt(2, 2).SetAlign(gwu.HA_RIGHT, gwu.VA_BOTTOM) table.RowFmt(2).Style().SetBackground("#808080") table.RowFmt(2).SetAlign(gwu.HA_DEFAULT, gwu.VA_MIDDLE) table.RowFmt(3).Style().SetBackground("#d0d0d0") table.RowFmt(4).Style().SetBackground("#b0b0b0") win.Add(table) tabPanel := gwu.NewTabPanel() tabPanel.SetTabBarPlacement(gwu.TB_PLACEMENT_TOP) for i := 0; i < 6; i++ { if i == 3 { img := gwu.NewImage("", "") img.Style().SetWidthPx(100) tabPanel.Add(img, gwu.NewLabel("This is some long content, random="+strconv.Itoa(rand.Int()))) continue } tabPanel.AddString(strconv.Itoa(i)+". tab", gwu.NewLabel("This is some long content, random="+strconv.Itoa(rand.Int()))) } win.Add(tabPanel) tabPanel = gwu.NewTabPanel() tabPanel.SetTabBarPlacement(gwu.TB_PLACEMENT_LEFT) tabPanel.TabBarFmt().SetVAlign(gwu.VA_BOTTOM) for i := 7; i < 11; i++ { l := gwu.NewLabel("This is some long content, random=" + strconv.Itoa(rand.Int())) if i == 9 { img := gwu.NewImage("", "") img.Style().SetWidthPx(100) tabPanel.Add(img, l) tabPanel.CellFmt(l).Style().SetSizePx(400, 400) continue } tabPanel.AddString(strconv.Itoa(i)+". tab", l) tabPanel.CellFmt(l).Style().SetSizePx(400, 400) } win.Add(tabPanel) s.AddWin(win) win2 := gwu.NewWindow("main2", "Main2 Window") win2.Add(gwu.NewLabel("This is just a test 2nd window.")) back := gwu.NewButton("Back") back.AddEHandlerFunc(func(e gwu.Event) { e.ReloadWin(win.Name()) }, gwu.ETYPE_CLICK) win2.Add(back) s.AddWin(win2) }
func main() { os.Mkdir("wikiPages", os.FileMode(os.ModeDir|0777)) LoadFile("wikiFile.txt") fileName = "wikiFile.txt" // Create and build a window win := gwu.NewWindow("main", "AlfaWiki") //win.Style().SetFullWidth() win.SetHAlign(gwu.HA_CENTER) win.SetCellPadding(2) p := gwu.NewHorizontalPanel() //p.Style().SetBorder2(1, gwu.BRD_STYLE_SOLID, gwu.CLR_BLACK) p.SetCellPadding(2) p = gwu.NewHorizontalPanel() //p.Style().Set("width","100%") //p.Style().SetFullHeight() win.Add(p) html = gwu.NewHtml(fmt.Sprintf("MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM%v", string(blackfriday.MarkdownCommon([]byte(wikiText))))) html.Style().Set("width", "40%") html.Style().Set("min-width", "40%") html.Style().Set("word-break", "break-all") tb = gwu.NewTextBox(wikiText) tb.SetRows(50) tb.SetCols(80) //tb.Style().Set("width","100%") //tb.Style().Set("min-width","20em") tb.AddSyncOnETypes(gwu.ETYPE_KEY_UP) p.Add(tb) p.Add(html) v := gwu.NewPanel() //v.Style().SetFullHeight().SetBorderRight2(2, gwu.BRD_STYLE_SOLID, "#777777") //v.Style().Set("width","20%") p.Add(v) tb.AddEHandlerFunc(func(e gwu.Event) { wikiText = tb.Text() html.SetHtml(fmt.Sprintf("MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM%v", string(blackfriday.MarkdownCommon([]byte(tb.Text()))))) e.MarkDirty(html) ioutil.WriteFile( fmt.Sprintf("wikiPages/%s", fileName), []byte(wikiText), os.FileMode(os.O_WRONLY|os.O_CREATE|os.O_TRUNC|0777)) }, gwu.ETYPE_CHANGE, gwu.ETYPE_KEY_UP) newPageBox = gwu.NewTextBox("New Page Name") newPageBox.SetRows(1) newPageBox.SetCols(20) v.Add(newPageBox) newPageButt := gwu.NewButton("New Page") newPageButt.AddEHandler(&NewPageHandler{text: "Not used"}, gwu.ETYPE_CLICK) v.Add(newPageButt) v.AddVSpace(20) files, _ := ioutil.ReadDir("wikiPages") for i, f := range files { b := gwu.NewButton(f.Name() + " " + strconv.Itoa(i)) b.AddEHandler(&MyButtonHandler2{text: f.Name()}, gwu.ETYPE_CLICK) v.Add(b) } v.AddVSpace(1000) // Create and start a GUI server (omitting error check) server := gwu.NewServer("guitest", "localhost:8081") server.SetText("AlfaWiki") win.SetTheme("debug") win.AddHeadHtml(`<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="/mystyle.css">`) server.AddWin(win) server.Start("main") // Also opens windows list in browser for { } }
func buildLoginWin(s gwu.Session) { win := gwu.NewWindow("login", "Login Window") win.Style().SetFullSize() win.SetAlign(gwu.HA_CENTER, gwu.VA_MIDDLE) p := gwu.NewPanel() p.SetHAlign(gwu.HA_CENTER) p.SetCellPadding(2) l := gwu.NewLabel("Test GUI Login Window") l.Style().SetFontWeight(gwu.FONT_WEIGHT_BOLD).SetFontSize("150%") p.Add(l) l = gwu.NewLabel("Login") l.Style().SetFontWeight(gwu.FONT_WEIGHT_BOLD).SetFontSize("130%") p.Add(l) p.CellFmt(l).Style().SetBorder2(1, gwu.BRD_STYLE_DASHED, gwu.CLR_NAVY) l = gwu.NewLabel("user/pass: admin/a") l.Style().SetFontSize("80%").SetFontStyle(gwu.FONT_STYLE_ITALIC) p.Add(l) errL := gwu.NewLabel("") errL.Style().SetColor(gwu.CLR_RED) p.Add(errL) table := gwu.NewTable() table.SetCellPadding(2) table.EnsureSize(2, 2) table.Add(gwu.NewLabel("User name:"), 0, 0) tb := gwu.NewTextBox("") tb.Style().SetWidthPx(160) table.Add(tb, 0, 1) table.Add(gwu.NewLabel("Password:"******"") pb.Style().SetWidthPx(160) table.Add(pb, 1, 1) p.Add(table) b := gwu.NewButton("OK") b.AddEHandlerFunc(func(e gwu.Event) { if tb.Text() == "admin" && pb.Text() == "a" { e.Session().RemoveWin(win) // Login win is removed, password will not be retrievable from the browser buildPrivateWins(e.Session()) e.ReloadWin("main") } else { e.SetFocusedComp(tb) errL.SetText("Invalid user name or password!") e.MarkDirty(errL) } }, gwu.ETYPE_CLICK) p.Add(b) l = gwu.NewLabel("") p.Add(l) p.CellFmt(l).Style().SetHeightPx(200) win.Add(p) win.SetFocusedCompId(tb.Id()) p = gwu.NewPanel() p.SetLayout(gwu.LAYOUT_HORIZONTAL) p.SetCellPadding(2) p.Add(gwu.NewLabel("Here's an ON/OFF switch which enables/disables the other one:")) sw := gwu.NewSwitchButton() sw.SetOnOff("ENB", "DISB") sw.SetState(true) p.Add(sw) p.Add(gwu.NewLabel("And the other one:")) sw2 := gwu.NewSwitchButton() sw2.SetEnabled(true) sw2.Style().SetWidthPx(100) p.Add(sw2) sw.AddEHandlerFunc(func(e gwu.Event) { sw2.SetEnabled(sw.State()) e.MarkDirty(sw2) }, gwu.ETYPE_CLICK) win.Add(p) s.AddWin(win) }
func (zz ExpanderHandler) HandleEvent(e gwu.Event) { switch t := e.Src().(type) { case gwu.Expander: dir, _ := expanderDir[t] //fmt.Println("Dir=" + dir) files, _ := ioutil.ReadDir(dir) var p gwu.Panel var table gwu.Table p = nil dirList := make([]gwu.Comp, 0, 0) fileLabelList := make([]gwu.Comp, 0, 0) fileTimeList := make([]gwu.Comp, 0, 0) fileSizeList := make([]gwu.Comp, 0, 0) for _, f := range files { if p == nil { p = gwu.NewPanel() t.SetContent(p) table = gwu.NewTable() table.SetCellPadding(5) p.Add(table) } if f.IsDir() { // owned by root // only works on linux newExpander := makeExpander(f.Name()) newExpander.SetToolTip("DIR - Click to view contents") newExpander.Style().SetColor("blue") if dir == "/" { expanderDir[newExpander] = dir + f.Name() } else { expanderDir[newExpander] = dir + "/" + f.Name() } newExpander.AddEHandler(handler, gwu.ETYPE_STATE_CHANGE) dirList = append(dirList, newExpander) } else { fileLabel := gwu.NewLabel(f.Name()) fileLabel.Style().SetPaddingLeft("20") fileLabel.SetToolTip("FILE") fileLabel.AddEHandler(foobar, gwu.ETYPE_MOUSE_DOWN) fileLabelList = append(fileLabelList, fileLabel) fileTimeLabel := gwu.NewLabel(f.ModTime().Format(layout)) fileTimeList = append(fileTimeList, fileTimeLabel) fileSizeLabel := gwu.NewLabel(strconv.FormatInt(f.Size(), 10) + "k") fileSizeList = append(fileSizeList, fileSizeLabel) } } row := 0 for _, dir := range dirList { table.Add(dir, row, 0) row = row + 1 } for i, _ := range fileLabelList { table.Add(fileLabelList[i], row, 0) rfmt := table.CellFmt(row, 0) rfmt.SetHAlign(gwu.HA_LEFT) rfmt.SetVAlign(gwu.VA_TOP) table.Add(fileTimeList[i], row, 1) rfmt = table.CellFmt(row, 1) rfmt.SetHAlign(gwu.HA_LEFT) rfmt.SetVAlign(gwu.VA_TOP) table.Add(fileSizeList[i], row, 2) rfmt = table.CellFmt(row, 2) rfmt.SetHAlign(gwu.HA_RIGHT) rfmt.SetVAlign(gwu.VA_TOP) row = row + 1 } default: // t is some other type that we didn't name. } }