コード例 #1
// Launch some Mesos tasks
func launchTasks(masterHost string, agentHost string) {
	cmd := "mesos"
	id := time.Now().Unix()
	task1Args := []string{
		"execute", fmt.Sprintf("--master=%s", masterHost),
		fmt.Sprintf("--name=sleep.%v", id),
		"--command=date && sleep 60",
	task2Args := []string{
		"execute", fmt.Sprintf("--master=%s", masterHost),
		fmt.Sprintf("--name=sleep: %v", id),
		"--command=date && sleep 60",

	launch := func(cmd *exec.Cmd) {
		var stderr bytes.Buffer
		cmd.Stderr = &stderr
		err := cmd.Run()
		if err != nil {

	go launch(exec.Command(cmd, task1Args...))
	go launch(exec.Command(cmd, task2Args...))

	// There is a delay until disk usage information is available for a newly-launched executor. See:
	//   * https://github.com/apache/mesos/blob/0.28.1/src/slave/containerizer/mesos/isolators/posix/disk.cpp#L352-L357
	//   * https://github.com/apache/mesos/blob/0.28.1/src/tests/disk_quota_tests.cpp#L496-L514
	// Therefore, this function needs to fetch statistics for the new executors it just created and block until
	// the disk usage metrics are available. Otherwise, we'll see some flakiness in the integration tests:
	//   * /home/vagrant/work/src/github.com/intelsdi-x/snap-plugin-collector-mesos/mesos/mesos_integration_test.go
	//   Line 157:
	//   Expected: '8'
	//   Actual:   '6'
	//   (Should be equal)
	done := map[string]bool{}
	for len(done) != 2 {
		executors, err := agent.GetMonitoringStatistics(agentHost)
		if err != nil {
		if len(executors) != 2 {
		for _, exec := range executors {
			if done[exec.ID] != true {
				if exec.Statistics.DiskUsedBytes != nil {
					done[exec.ID] = true
				} else {
コード例 #2
func (m *Mesos) CollectMetrics(mts []plugin.MetricType) ([]plugin.MetricType, error) {
	configItems, err := getConfig(mts[0])
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err

	requestedMaster := []core.Namespace{}
	requestedAgent := []core.Namespace{}

	for _, metricType := range mts {
		switch metricType.Namespace().Strings()[2] {
		case "master":
			requestedMaster = append(requestedMaster, metricType.Namespace())
		case "agent":
			requestedAgent = append(requestedAgent, metricType.Namespace())

	// Translate Mesos metrics into Snap PluginMetrics
	now := time.Now()
	metrics := []plugin.MetricType{}

	if configItems["master"] != "" && len(requestedMaster) > 0 {
		log.Info("Collecting ", len(requestedMaster), " metrics from the master")
		isLeader, err := master.IsLeader(configItems["master"])
		if err != nil {
			return nil, err
		if isLeader {
			snapshot, err := master.GetMetricsSnapshot(configItems["master"])
			if err != nil {
				return nil, err

			frameworks, err := master.GetFrameworks(configItems["master"])
			if err != nil {
				return nil, err

			tags := map[string]string{"source": configItems["master"]}

			for _, requested := range requestedMaster {
				isDynamic, _ := requested.IsDynamic()
				if isDynamic {
					n := requested.Strings()[4:]

					// Iterate through the array of frameworks returned by GetFrameworks()
					for _, framework := range frameworks {
						val := ns.GetValueByNamespace(framework, n)
						if val == nil {
							log.Warn("Attempted to collect metric ", requested.String(), " but it returned nil!")
						// substituting "framework" wildcard with particular framework id
						requested[3].Value = framework.ID
						// TODO(roger): units
						metrics = append(metrics, *plugin.NewMetricType(requested, now, tags, "", val))

				} else {
					n := requested.Strings()[3:]
					val, ok := snapshot[strings.Join(n, "/")]
					if !ok {
						e := fmt.Errorf("error: requested metric %s not found", requested.String())
						return nil, e
					//TODO(kromar): is it possible to provide unit NewMetricType(ns, time, tags, unit, value)?
					// I'm leaving empty string for now...
					metrics = append(metrics, *plugin.NewMetricType(requested, now, tags, "", val))
		} else {
			log.Info("Attempted CollectMetrics() on ", configItems["master"], "but it isn't the leader. Skipping...")

	if configItems["agent"] != "" && len(requestedAgent) > 0 {
		log.Info("Collecting ", len(requestedAgent), " metrics from the agent")
		snapshot, err := agent.GetMetricsSnapshot(configItems["agent"])
		if err != nil {
			return nil, err

		executors, err := agent.GetMonitoringStatistics(configItems["agent"])
		if err != nil {
			return nil, err

		tags := map[string]string{"source": configItems["agent"]}

		for _, requested := range requestedAgent {
			n := requested.Strings()[5:]
			isDynamic, _ := requested.IsDynamic()
			if isDynamic {
				// Iterate through the array of executors returned by GetMonitoringStatistics()
				for _, exec := range executors {
					val := ns.GetValueByNamespace(exec.Statistics, n)
					if val == nil {
						log.Warn("Attempted to collect metric ", requested.String(), " but it returned nil!")
					// substituting "framework" wildcard with particular framework id
					requested[3].Value = exec.Framework
					// substituting "executor" wildcard with particular executor id
					requested[4].Value = exec.ID
					// TODO(roger): units
					metrics = append(metrics, *plugin.NewMetricType(requested, now, tags, "", val))

			} else {
				// Get requested metrics from the snapshot map
				n := requested.Strings()[3:]
				val, ok := snapshot[strings.Join(n, "/")]
				if !ok {
					e := fmt.Errorf("error: requested metric %v not found", requested.String())
					return nil, e

				//TODO(kromar): units here also?
				metrics = append(metrics, *plugin.NewMetricType(requested, now, tags, "", val))

	log.Debug("Collected a total of ", len(metrics), " metrics.")
	return metrics, nil