コード例 #1
func (d SolidFireDriver) Create(r volume.Request) volume.Response {
	log.Infof("Create volume %s on %s\n", r.Name, "solidfire")
	defer d.Mutex.Unlock()
	var req sfapi.CreateVolumeRequest
	var qos sfapi.QoS
	var vsz int64

	log.Debugf("GetVolumeByName: %s, %d", r.Name, d.TenantID)
	v, err := d.Client.GetVolumeByName(r.Name, d.TenantID)
	if err == nil && v.VolumeID != 0 {
		log.Infof("Found existing Volume by Name: %s", r.Name)
		return volume.Response{}

	if r.Options["size"] != "" {
		s, _ := strconv.ParseInt(r.Options["size"], 10, 64)
		log.Info("Received size request in Create: ", s)
		vsz = int64(units.GiB) * s
	} else {
		// NOTE(jdg): We need to cleanup the conversions and such when we read
		// in from the config file, it's sort of ugly.  BUT, just remember that
		// when we pull the value from d.DefaultVolSz it's already been
		// multiplied
		vsz = d.DefaultVolSz
		log.Info("Creating with default size of: ", vsz)

	if r.Options["qos"] != "" {
		iops := strings.Split(r.Options["qos"], ",")
		qos.MinIOPS, _ = strconv.ParseInt(iops[0], 10, 64)
		qos.MaxIOPS, _ = strconv.ParseInt(iops[1], 10, 64)
		qos.BurstIOPS, _ = strconv.ParseInt(iops[2], 10, 64)
		req.Qos = qos

	if r.Options["Type"] != "" {
		for _, t := range *d.Client.VolumeTypes {
			if t.Type == r.Options["Type"] {
				req.Qos = t.QOS

	req.TotalSize = vsz
	req.AccountID = d.TenantID
	req.Name = r.Name
	_, err = d.Client.CreateVolume(&req)
	if err != nil {
		return volume.Response{Err: err.Error()}
	return volume.Response{}
コード例 #2
func cmdVolumeCreate(c *cli.Context) {
	var req sfapi.CreateVolumeRequest
	var qos sfapi.QoS
	req.Name = c.Args().First()

	sz := int64(0)
	if c.String("size") == "" && client.DefaultVolSize != 0 {
		sz = client.DefaultVolSize
	} else if c.String("size") != "" {
		sz, _ = units.ParseStrictBytes(c.String("size"))
	} else {
		fmt.Println("You must specify size for volumeCreate")

	account := int64(0)
	if c.String("account") == "" && client.DefaultAccountID != 0 {
		account = client.DefaultAccountID
	} else if c.String("account") != "" {
		account, _ = strconv.ParseInt(c.String("account"), 10, 64)
	} else {
		fmt.Println("You must specify an account for volumeCreate")

	req.TotalSize = sz
	req.AccountID = account
	if c.String("qos") != "" {
		iops := strings.Split(c.String("qos"), ",")
		qos.MinIOPS, _ = strconv.ParseInt(iops[0], 10, 64)
		qos.MaxIOPS, _ = strconv.ParseInt(iops[2], 10, 64)
		qos.BurstIOPS, _ = strconv.ParseInt(iops[2], 10, 64)
		req.Qos = qos
	} else if c.String("type") != "" {
		for _, t := range *client.Config.Types {
			if t.Type == c.String("type") {
				req.Qos = t.QOS
	} else {

	v, err := client.CreateVolume(&req)
	if err != nil {
		fmt.Println("Error creating volume: ", err)
	fmt.Println("Succesfully Created Volume:")
	fmt.Println("ID:         ", v.VolumeID)
	fmt.Println("Name:       ", v.Name)
	fmt.Println("Size (GiB): ", v.TotalSize/int64(units.GiB))
	fmt.Println("QoS :       ", "minIOPS:", v.Qos.MinIOPS, "maxIOPS:", v.Qos.MaxIOPS, "burstIOPS:", v.Qos.BurstIOPS)
	fmt.Println("Account:    ", v.AccountID)

	if c.String("vag") != "" {
		vagID, _ := strconv.ParseInt(c.String("vag"), 10, 64)
		var volIDs []int64
		volIDs = append(volIDs, v.VolumeID)
		err := client.AddVolumeToAccessGroup(vagID, volIDs)
		if err != nil {
			fmt.Printf("Failed to add volume to VAG ID: %d\n", vagID)
		fmt.Printf("Succesfully added volume to VAG ID: %d\n", vagID)