func getMagookVersionCode() int { pro := props.NewProperties() proFile, err := os.Open(path.Join(magookHome, magookProjectName, "")) defer proFile.Close() mag.CheckError(err) err = pro.Load(proFile) mag.CheckError(err) return string2Int(pro.Get("magookVersionCode")) }
func main() { mux.Lock() defer mux.Unlock() flag.Usage = showUsage flag.Parse() if *jsonParentPath == "" { showUsage() } else { jsonFilePath = path.Join(*jsonParentPath, "META.JSON") } // fmt.Println("magookHome:", magookHome) // fmt.Println("JsonFilePath:", *jsonFilePath) // fmt.Println("ResourceHomePath:", *resourceHomePath) if !mag.IsFileExists(jsonFilePath) || !mag.IsDirExists(resHomePath) { panic("json file or resourceFile is not exist.") } // Copy magazine.json config file to magook project root. magookProjectPath := path.Join(magookHome, magookProjectName) // clean workspace. var err error err = os.RemoveAll(path.Join(magookProjectPath, "magazine")) if err == nil { log.Println("clean magazine dir success.") } else { mag.CheckError(err) } // judge the json config file suffix whether 'magazine.json' if mag.IsFileExists(path.Join(magookProjectPath, "magazine.json")) { err = os.Remove(path.Join(magookProjectPath, "magazine.json")) if err == nil { log.Println("clean magazine.json success.") } else { mag.CheckError(err) } } // json file where magookProject root path. var jsonFileName string = path.Base(jsonFilePath) if jsonFileName != "magazine.json" { jsonFileName = "magazine.json" } // copy json config file from remote address to local address. _, err = mag.CopyFile(path.Join(magookProjectPath, jsonFileName), jsonFilePath) mag.CheckError(err) // parse json file. var magazine []Magazine magazineJson, err := os.Open(path.Join(magookProjectPath, jsonFileName)) mag.CheckError(err) jsonStr, err := ioutil.ReadAll(magazineJson) mag.CheckError(err) err = json.Unmarshal(jsonStr, &magazine) mag.CheckError(err) // copy file condition is deps magookAppType. for _, item := range magazine { if item.MagookAppType == "magook_single" || item.MagookAppType == "magook_qrcode" { files, err := mag.ListDir(path.Join(resHomePath, item.Bkdh), ".png") mag.CheckError(err) for _, f := range files { dst, _ := filepath.Rel(resHomePath, f) mag.CopyFile(path.Join(magookProjectPath, "magazine", dst), f) } // handle image to 72x72 and 144x144 size. files, err = mag.WalkDir(path.Join(magookProjectPath, "magazine"), ".png") mag.CheckError(err) for _, f := range files { if strings.HasSuffix(f, "logo1024.png") { mag.ResizeImg(f, path.Join(filepath.Dir(f), "logo72.png"), 72, 72) mag.ResizeImg(f, path.Join(filepath.Dir(f), "logo144.png"), 144, 144) } } } } // // call gradle execult gradlePath, err := exec.LookPath("gradle") mag.CheckError(err) results := exec.Command(gradlePath, "-b", path.Join(magookProjectPath, "build.gradle"), "clean") d, err := results.CombinedOutput() if err != nil { mag.CheckError(err) } else { log.Println(string(d)) } if strings.Contains(string(d), "BUILD SUCCESSFUL") { cmd := exec.Command(gradlePath, "-b", path.Join(magookProjectPath, "build.gradle"), "assembleRelease") stdoutResults, err := cmd.CombinedOutput() if err == nil { mag.CheckError(err) } else { log.Println(string(stdoutResults)) } // must check success and write flag to mysql db. if strings.Contains(string(stdoutResults), "BUILD SUCCESSFUL") { log.Println("APK Generate Success.") mysqlDb := mag.NewMagServer().Open() defer mysqlDb.Close() var apkurl, ftpbasepath string var isSuccess bool for _, item := range magazine { switch item.MagookAppType { case "magook_shop": apkurl = path.Join(magookProjectPath, "apk", "shop", int2String(getMagookVersionCode()), "com.magook.apk") if mag.IsFileExists(apkurl) { ftpbasepath = path.Join("apk", "shop", int2String(getMagookVersionCode())) isSuccess = mag.UploadFile(mag.CONFIG_FTP_HOST, mag.CONFIG_FTP_USRNAME, mag.CONFIG_FTP_USRPWD, ftpbasepath, apkurl) if isSuccess { magVerInfo := mag.NewMagVerInfo("magook_shop", string2Int(item.Magazineid), getMagookVersionCode(), getMagookVersionName(), notes, path.Join(ftpbasepath, filepath.Base(apkurl)), item.Rid) mysqlDb.Insert(magVerInfo) } } case "magook_share": apkurl = path.Join(magookProjectPath, "apk", "share", int2String(getMagookVersionCode()), "com.magook.apk") if mag.IsFileExists(apkurl) { ftpbasepath = path.Join("apk", "share", int2String(getMagookVersionCode())) isSuccess = mag.UploadFile(mag.CONFIG_FTP_HOST, mag.CONFIG_FTP_USRNAME, mag.CONFIG_FTP_USRPWD, ftpbasepath, apkurl) if isSuccess { magVerInfo := mag.NewMagVerInfo("magook_share", string2Int(item.Magazineid), getMagookVersionCode(), getMagookVersionName(), notes, path.Join(ftpbasepath, filepath.Base(apkurl)), item.Rid) mysqlDb.Insert(magVerInfo) } } case "magook_qrcode": apkbkdh := strings.Replace(item.Bkdh, "-", "_", -1) apkurl = path.Join(magookProjectPath, "apk", "qrcode", int2String(getMagookVersionCode()), "com.magook"+apkbkdh+".apk") if mag.IsFileExists(apkurl) { ftpbasepath = path.Join("apk", "qrcode", int2String(getMagookVersionCode())) isSuccess = mag.UploadFile(mag.CONFIG_FTP_HOST, mag.CONFIG_FTP_USRNAME, mag.CONFIG_FTP_USRPWD, ftpbasepath, apkurl) if isSuccess { magVerInfo := mag.NewMagVerInfo("magook_qrcode", string2Int(item.Magazineid), getMagookVersionCode(), getMagookVersionName(), notes, path.Join(ftpbasepath, filepath.Base(apkurl)), item.Rid) mysqlDb.Insert(magVerInfo) } } case "magook_single": apkbkdh := strings.Replace(item.Bkdh, "-", "_", -1) apkurl = path.Join(magookProjectPath, "apk", "single", int2String(getMagookVersionCode()), "com.magook.kind"+apkbkdh+".apk") if mag.IsFileExists(apkurl) { ftpbasepath = path.Join("apk", "single", int2String(getMagookVersionCode())) isSuccess = mag.UploadFile(mag.CONFIG_FTP_HOST, mag.CONFIG_FTP_USRNAME, mag.CONFIG_FTP_USRPWD, ftpbasepath, apkurl) if isSuccess { magVerInfo := mag.NewMagVerInfo("magook_single", string2Int(item.Magazineid), getMagookVersionCode(), getMagookVersionName(), notes, path.Join(ftpbasepath, filepath.Base(apkurl)), item.Rid) mysqlDb.Insert(magVerInfo) } } } } os.Exit(0) } else { log.Fatalln("APK Generate Failure.") } } else { log.Fatalln("gradle clean failure.") } }