コード例 #1
ファイル: home.go プロジェクト: corywest/git-go-logictree
func ResetConditions(rw http.ResponseWriter, req *http.Request) {
	resetType := req.FormValue("resetType")


	switch resetType {
	case "simple":
		treeRoot := &treeNode{Parent: nil, Children: nil, Node: Condition{Text: "AND", Type: "logic", Operator: "AND"}}

		child1 := treeNode{Parent: treeRoot, Children: nil, Node: Condition{Text: "age gt 4", Type: "equality", Field: "age", Operator: "gt", Value: "4"}}
		child2 := treeNode{Parent: treeRoot, Children: nil, Node: Condition{Text: "num_pets lt 2", Type: "equality", Field: "num_pets", Operator: "lt", Value: "2"}}
		treeRoot.Children = []*treeNode{&child1, &child2}

		equalitySql, logicSql, err := treeRoot.toMysql()
		common.CheckError(err, 2)

		updateDatabase(equalitySql, logicSql, testingMysqlUsersInput)
	case "advanced":
		updateDatabase(testingMysqlEqualityInput, testingMysqlLogicInput, testingMysqlUsersInput)

	frontendJSON, _, _ := getFrontendJSON()
コード例 #2
ファイル: mysql.go プロジェクト: corywest/git-go-logictree
// Gets users from mysql - set matchingOnly to true to only receive users who match the conditions
func getUsers(matchingOnly bool) ([]userSqlRow, error) {
	var whereCondition string
	conditions := getConditions()
	tree := unserializeRawTree(conditions)

	conditionSql, err := tree.toConditionMysql()

	if err != nil {
		return nil, err

	if matchingOnly {
		whereCondition = "WHERE " + conditionSql

	sql := "SELECT id, name, age, num_pets FROM logictree.users " + whereCondition

	var name string
	var id, age, numPets int
	var userRowsReturned []userSqlRow

	rows, err := common.DB.Query(sql)
	common.CheckError(err, 2)
	defer rows.Close()

	for rows.Next() {
		rows.Scan(&id, &name, &age, &numPets)
		userRowsReturned = append(userRowsReturned, userSqlRow{Id: id, Name: name, Age: age, NumPets: numPets})

	return userRowsReturned, nil
コード例 #3
ファイル: mysql.go プロジェクト: corywest/git-go-logictree
func updateDatabase(equalityStr, logicStr, usersStr string) {
	_, err := common.DB.Query("TRUNCATE TABLE logictree.conditions")
	common.CheckError(err, 2)

	if equalityStr != "" {
		_, err = common.DB.Query("INSERT INTO logictree.conditions (field, operator, value, type, lt, rt) VALUES " + equalityStr)
		common.CheckError(err, 2)

	if logicStr != "" {
		_, err = common.DB.Query("INSERT INTO logictree.conditions (operator, type, lt, rt) VALUES " + logicStr)
		common.CheckError(err, 2)

	if usersStr != "" {
		_, err = common.DB.Query("TRUNCATE TABLE logictree.users")
		common.CheckError(err, 2)

		_, err = common.DB.Query("INSERT INTO logictree.users (name, age, num_pets) VALUES " + usersStr)
		common.CheckError(err, 2)
コード例 #4
ファイル: home.go プロジェクト: corywest/git-go-logictree
func getFrontendJSON() (string, []conditionSqlRow, []Condition) {
	sqlConditions := getConditions()

	if len(sqlConditions) == 0 {
		return fmt.Sprintf(`{"tree": %s, "matchingUsers": %s}`, "{}", "{}"), nil, nil

	conditionsTree := unserializeRawTree(sqlConditions)
	conditionsTreeJSON := conditionsTree.toJSON()
	formattedConditions, err := serializeTree(conditionsTree)
	common.CheckError(err, 2)

	matchingUsers, err := getUsers(true)
	common.CheckError(err, 2)
	matchingUsersJSON := usersToJSON(matchingUsers)

	allUsers, err := getUsers(false)
	common.CheckError(err, 2)
	allUsersJSON := usersToJSON(allUsers)

	combinedJSON := fmt.Sprintf(`{"tree": %s, "allUsers": %s, "matchingUsers": %s}`, conditionsTreeJSON, allUsersJSON, matchingUsersJSON)

	return combinedJSON, sqlConditions, formattedConditions
コード例 #5
ファイル: mysql.go プロジェクト: corywest/git-go-logictree
func getConditions() []conditionSqlRow {
	var Field, Operator, Value, Type string
	var Left, Right int
	var conditionRowsReturned []conditionSqlRow

	// Get equality sql rows
	rows, err := common.DB.Query("SELECT COALESCE(field, ''), operator, COALESCE(value, ''), type, lt, rt FROM logictree.conditions ORDER BY lt")
	common.CheckError(err, 2)
	defer rows.Close()

	for rows.Next() {
		rows.Scan(&Field, &Operator, &Value, &Type, &Left, &Right)
		conditionRowsReturned = append(conditionRowsReturned, conditionSqlRow{Field: Field, Operator: Operator, Value: Value, Type: Type, Left: Left, Right: Right})

	return conditionRowsReturned
コード例 #6
ファイル: mysql.go プロジェクト: corywest/git-go-logictree
func getUserSqlRows() []userSqlRow {
	var name string
	var id, age, numPets int
	var userRowsReturned []userSqlRow

	// Get equality sql rows
	rows, err := common.DB.Query("SELECT id, name, age, num_pets FROM logictree.users")
	common.CheckError(err, 2)
	defer rows.Close()

	for rows.Next() {
		rows.Scan(&id, &name, &age, &numPets)
		userRowsReturned = append(userRowsReturned, userSqlRow{Id: id, Name: name, Age: age, NumPets: numPets})

	return userRowsReturned
コード例 #7
ファイル: home.go プロジェクト: corywest/git-go-logictree
func GetHomePage(rw http.ResponseWriter, req *http.Request) {
	type Page struct {
		Title, FrontendJSON string
		Conditions          []Condition
		ConditionSqlRows    []conditionSqlRow
		UserSqlRows         []userSqlRow

	frontendJSON, conditionSqlRows, formattedConditions := getFrontendJSON()

	p := Page{
		Title:            "home",
		Conditions:       formattedConditions,
		FrontendJSON:     frontendJSON,
		ConditionSqlRows: conditionSqlRows,
		UserSqlRows:      getUserSqlRows(),

	common.Templates = template.Must(template.ParseFiles(common.AppDir+"/templates/home/home.html", common.LayoutPath))
	err := common.Templates.ExecuteTemplate(rw, "base", p)
	common.CheckError(err, 2)