func writeMD5Sums(out, dir string) { //This is ugly. Make sure dir has trailing "/" so it works well in the strings.Replace below dir = utils.AppendSlash(dir) m, err := os.Create(out) if err != nil { utils.ExitError(err) } defer m.Close() h := md5.New() utils.Walk(dir, func(filename string, fi os.FileInfo) { if fi.IsDir() { return } f, err := os.Open(filename) if err != nil { utils.ExitError(err) } h.Reset() _, err = io.Copy(h, f) if err != nil { utils.ExitError(err) } sum := h.Sum(nil) fmt.Fprintf(m, "%x %s\n", sum, strings.Replace(filename, dir, "", 1)) }, nil) }
func runBuild(args []string) { if len(args) == 0 { utils.ExitMsg(usage) } directory := args[0] fi, err := os.Stat(directory) if os.IsNotExist(err) { utils.ExitError(err) } if os.IsNotExist(err) { utils.ExitError(err) } if !fi.IsDir() { utils.ExitMsg(directory + " is not a directory") } manifest := "." manifest = filepath.Join(manifest, "manifest.json") if !utils.Exists(filepath.Join(directory, manifest)) { utils.ExitMsg("directory " + directory + " does not contain manifest file " + manifest) } path, err := build(directory, manifest) if err != nil { utils.ExitError(err) } fmt.Printf("Successfully built package in '%s'.\n", path) }
//Pack all package binary assets into tarballs in an ar archive func build(dir, manifestPath string) (string, error) { tmpDir, err := ioutil.TempDir("", "click") if err != nil { utils.ExitError(err) } defer os.RemoveAll(tmpDir) os.Chmod(tmpDir, 0755) dataDir := filepath.Join(tmpDir, "data") utils.Copytree(dir, dataDir, ignorePatternsBuild) fullManifestpath := filepath.Join(dataDir, "manifest.json") manifest := utils.ReadManifest(fullManifestpath) manifest["installed-size"] = utils.GetDirSize(dataDir) //Do not ship manifest in the data dir, it gets written in the control dir os.Remove(fullManifestpath) // Make control dir controlDir := filepath.Join(tmpDir, "DEBIAN") os.Mkdir(controlDir, 0777) //Create control file controlPath := filepath.Join(controlDir, "control") writeControl(controlPath, manifest) //Create manifest file realManifestPath := filepath.Join(controlDir, "manifest") utils.WriteManifest(realManifestPath, manifest) //Create preinst file preinstPath := filepath.Join(controlDir, "preinst") ioutil.WriteFile(preinstPath, []byte(utils.StaticPreinst), 0664) //Create md5sums file md5sumsPath := filepath.Join(controlDir, "md5sums") writeMD5Sums(md5sumsPath, dataDir) packageName := fmt.Sprintf("", manifest["name"].(string), utils.EpochlessVersion(manifest["version"].(string)), manifest["architecture"].(string)) //Pack them all in an ar file packagePath := filepath.Join(dir, packageName) pack(tmpDir, controlDir, dataDir, packagePath) return packagePath, nil }
func runContents(args []string) { if len(args) == 0 { utils.ExitMsg("error: need file") } clickfile := args[0] if !utils.Exists(clickfile) { utils.ExitMsg(clickfile + " does not exist") } cmd := exec.Command("dpkg-deb", "-c", clickfile) out, err := cmd.Output() if err != nil { utils.ExitError(err) } fmt.Printf("%s", out) }
func writeControl(path string, m utils.Manifest) { s := fmt.Sprintf(`Package: %s Version: %s Click-Version: %s Architecture: %s Maintainer: %s Installed-Size: %s Description: %s `, m["name"].(string), m["version"].(string), utils.SpecVersion, m["architecture"].(string), m["maintainer"].(string), m["installed-size"].(string), m["description"].(string)) err := ioutil.WriteFile(path, []byte(s), 0664) if err != nil { utils.ExitError(err) } }
func buildSource(dir, manifestPath string) (string, error) { tmpdir, err := ioutil.TempDir("", "click") if err != nil { utils.ExitError(err) } defer os.RemoveAll(tmpdir) os.Chmod(tmpdir, 0755) rootPath := filepath.Join(tmpdir, "source") utils.Copytree(dir, rootPath, ignorePatternsBuildsource) realManifestPath := filepath.Join(rootPath, "manifest.json") manifest := utils.ReadManifest(realManifestPath) packageName := fmt.Sprintf("%s_%s.tar.gz", manifest["name"].(string), utils.EpochlessVersion(manifest["version"].(string))) packagePath := filepath.Join(dir, packageName) utils.CreateFakerootTarball(rootPath, packagePath, nil) return packagePath, nil }