コード例 #1
// downloadStockItemsReport() downloads the Stock Items report.
func downloadStockItemsReport(d *download.Downloader) {
	log.Println("Inside downloadStockItemsReport")

	err := d.GetStockItemsReport(path.Join(*directory, "stock_items.csv"))
	if err != nil {
		log.Println("Failed to download stock items report. Error: " + err.Error())
コード例 #2
// downloadSoldItemsReport() downloads the Sold Items report for the past week.
// This may need to be adjusted for more configurability.
func downloadSoldItemsReport(d *download.Downloader) {
	log.Println("Inside downloadSoldItemsReport")

	// Calculate and format the date a week ago and today.
	const timeLayout = "2006-01-02"
	t := time.Now()
	today := t.Format(timeLayout)
	aWeekAgo := t.AddDate(0, 0, -7).Format(timeLayout)

	err := d.GetSoldItemsReport(path.Join(*directory, "sold_items.csv"), aWeekAgo, today)
	if err != nil {
		log.Println("Failed to download sold items report. Error: " + err.Error())