コード例 #1
ファイル: install.go プロジェクト: jordic/k8s
func init() {
	groupMeta, err := latest.RegisterGroup("componentconfig")
	if err != nil {
		glog.V(4).Infof("%v", err)

	registeredGroupVersions := registered.GroupVersionsForGroup("componentconfig")
	groupVersion := registeredGroupVersions[0]
	*groupMeta = latest.GroupMeta{
		GroupVersion: groupVersion,
		Codec:        runtime.CodecFor(api.Scheme, groupVersion.String()),

	var versions []string
	worstToBestGroupVersions := []unversioned.GroupVersion{}
	for i := len(registeredGroupVersions) - 1; i >= 0; i-- {
		versions = append(versions, registeredGroupVersions[i].Version)
		worstToBestGroupVersions = append(worstToBestGroupVersions, registeredGroupVersions[i])
	groupMeta.Versions = versions
	groupMeta.GroupVersions = registeredGroupVersions

	groupMeta.SelfLinker = runtime.SelfLinker(accessor)

	// the list of kinds that are scoped at the root of the api hierarchy
	// if a kind is not enumerated here, it is assumed to have a namespace scope
	rootScoped := sets.NewString()

	ignoredKinds := sets.NewString()

	groupMeta.RESTMapper = api.NewDefaultRESTMapper(worstToBestGroupVersions, interfacesFor, importPrefix, ignoredKinds, rootScoped)
	groupMeta.InterfacesFor = interfacesFor
コード例 #2
ファイル: install.go プロジェクト: jordic/k8s
func init() {
	groupMeta, err := latest.RegisterGroup("")
	if err != nil {
		glog.V(4).Infof("%v", err)

	// Use the first API version in the list of registered versions as the latest.
	registeredGroupVersions := registered.GroupVersionsForGroup("")
	groupVersion := registeredGroupVersions[0]
	*groupMeta = latest.GroupMeta{
		GroupVersion: groupVersion,
		Codec:        runtime.CodecFor(api.Scheme, groupVersion.String()),

	var versions []string
	worstToBestGroupVersions := []unversioned.GroupVersion{}
	for i := len(registeredGroupVersions) - 1; i >= 0; i-- {
		versions = append(versions, registeredGroupVersions[i].Version)
		worstToBestGroupVersions = append(worstToBestGroupVersions, registeredGroupVersions[i])
	groupMeta.Versions = versions
	groupMeta.GroupVersions = registeredGroupVersions

	groupMeta.SelfLinker = runtime.SelfLinker(accessor)

	// the list of kinds that are scoped at the root of the api hierarchy
	// if a kind is not enumerated here, it is assumed to have a namespace scope
	rootScoped := sets.NewString(

	// these kinds should be excluded from the list of resources
	ignoredKinds := sets.NewString(

	mapper := api.NewDefaultRESTMapper(worstToBestGroupVersions, interfacesFor, importPrefix, ignoredKinds, rootScoped)
	// setup aliases for groups of resources
	mapper.AddResourceAlias("all", userResources...)
	groupMeta.RESTMapper = mapper
	groupMeta.InterfacesFor = interfacesFor
コード例 #3
ファイル: iptables.go プロジェクト: jordic/k8s
// Executes the rule check without using the "-C" flag, instead parsing iptables-save.
// Present for compatibility with <1.4.11 versions of iptables.  This is full
// of hack and half-measures.  We should nix this ASAP.
func (runner *runner) checkRuleWithoutCheck(table Table, chain Chain, args ...string) (bool, error) {
	glog.V(1).Infof("running iptables-save -t %s", string(table))
	out, err := runner.exec.Command(cmdIptablesSave, "-t", string(table)).CombinedOutput()
	if err != nil {
		return false, fmt.Errorf("error checking rule: %v", err)

	// Sadly, iptables has inconsistent quoting rules for comments. Just remove all quotes.
	// Also, quoted multi-word comments (which are counted as a single arg)
	// will be unpacked into multiple args,
	// in order to compare against iptables-save output (which will be split at whitespace boundary)
	// e.g. a single arg('"this must be before the NodePort rules"') will be unquoted and unpacked into 7 args.
	var argsCopy []string
	for i := range args {
		tmpField := strings.Trim(args[i], "\"")
		argsCopy = append(argsCopy, strings.Fields(tmpField)...)
	argset := sets.NewString(argsCopy...)

	for _, line := range strings.Split(string(out), "\n") {
		var fields = strings.Fields(line)

		// Check that this is a rule for the correct chain, and that it has
		// the correct number of argument (+2 for "-A <chain name>")
		if !strings.HasPrefix(line, fmt.Sprintf("-A %s", string(chain))) || len(fields) != len(argsCopy)+2 {

		// Sadly, iptables has inconsistent quoting rules for comments.
		// Just remove all quotes.
		for i := range fields {
			fields[i] = strings.Trim(fields[i], "\"")

		// TODO: This misses reorderings e.g. "-x foo ! -y bar" will match "! -x foo -y bar"
		if sets.NewString(fields...).IsSuperset(argset) {
			return true, nil
		glog.V(5).Infof("DBG: fields is not a superset of args: fields=%v  args=%v", fields, args)

	return false, nil
コード例 #4
ファイル: helpers.go プロジェクト: jordic/k8s
// PodSelectorAsSelector converts the PodSelector api type into a struct that implements
// labels.Selector
func PodSelectorAsSelector(ps *PodSelector) (labels.Selector, error) {
	if ps == nil {
		return labels.Nothing(), nil
	if len(ps.MatchLabels)+len(ps.MatchExpressions) == 0 {
		return labels.Everything(), nil
	selector := labels.LabelSelector{}
	for k, v := range ps.MatchLabels {
		req, err := labels.NewRequirement(k, labels.InOperator, sets.NewString(v))
		if err != nil {
			return nil, err
		selector = append(selector, *req)
	for _, expr := range ps.MatchExpressions {
		var op labels.Operator
		switch expr.Operator {
		case PodSelectorOpIn:
			op = labels.InOperator
		case PodSelectorOpNotIn:
			op = labels.NotInOperator
		case PodSelectorOpExists:
			op = labels.ExistsOperator
		case PodSelectorOpDoesNotExist:
			op = labels.DoesNotExistOperator
			return nil, fmt.Errorf("%q is not a valid pod selector operator", expr.Operator)
		req, err := labels.NewRequirement(expr.Key, op, sets.NewString(expr.Values...))
		if err != nil {
			return nil, err
		selector = append(selector, *req)
	return selector, nil
コード例 #5
ファイル: port_split.go プロジェクト: jordic/k8s
Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
limitations under the License.

package util

import (


var validSchemes = sets.NewString("http", "https", "")

// SplitSchemeNamePort takes a string of the following forms:
//  * "<name>",                 returns "",        "<name>","",      true
//  * "<name>:<port>",          returns "",        "<name>","<port>",true
//  * "<scheme>:<name>:<port>", returns "<scheme>","<name>","<port>",true
// Name must be non-empty or valid will be returned false.
// Scheme must be "http" or "https" if specified
// Port is returned as a string, and it is not required to be numeric (could be
// used for a named port, for example).
func SplitSchemeNamePort(id string) (scheme, name, port string, valid bool) {
	parts := strings.Split(id, ":")
	switch len(parts) {
	case 1:
		name = parts[0]
コード例 #6
ファイル: request.go プロジェクト: jordic/k8s
	watchjson "github.com/jordic/k8s/cloudsqlip/Godeps/_workspace/src/k8s.io/kubernetes/pkg/watch/json"

// specialParams lists parameters that are handled specially and which users of Request
// are therefore not allowed to set manually.
var specialParams = sets.NewString("timeout")

func init() {

// HTTPClient is an interface for testing a request object.
type HTTPClient interface {
	Do(req *http.Request) (*http.Response, error)

// ResponseWrapper is an interface for getting a response.
// The response may be either accessed as a raw data (the whole output is put into memory) or as a stream.
type ResponseWrapper interface {
	DoRaw() ([]byte, error)
	Stream() (io.ReadCloser, error)
コード例 #7
ファイル: transport.go プロジェクト: jordic/k8s



// atomsToAttrs states which attributes of which tags require URL substitution.
// Sources: http://www.w3.org/TR/REC-html40/index/attributes.html
//          http://www.w3.org/html/wg/drafts/html/master/index.html#attributes-1
var atomsToAttrs = map[atom.Atom]sets.String{
	atom.A:          sets.NewString("href"),
	atom.Applet:     sets.NewString("codebase"),
	atom.Area:       sets.NewString("href"),
	atom.Audio:      sets.NewString("src"),
	atom.Base:       sets.NewString("href"),
	atom.Blockquote: sets.NewString("cite"),
	atom.Body:       sets.NewString("background"),
	atom.Button:     sets.NewString("formaction"),
	atom.Command:    sets.NewString("icon"),
	atom.Del:        sets.NewString("cite"),
	atom.Embed:      sets.NewString("src"),
	atom.Form:       sets.NewString("action"),
	atom.Frame:      sets.NewString("longdesc", "src"),
	atom.Head:       sets.NewString("profile"),
	atom.Html:       sets.NewString("manifest"),
	atom.Iframe:     sets.NewString("longdesc", "src"),
コード例 #8
ファイル: helpers.go プロジェクト: jordic/k8s
		return a.UTC() == b.UTC()
	func(a, b labels.Selector) bool {
		return a.String() == b.String()
	func(a, b fields.Selector) bool {
		return a.String() == b.String()

var standardResources = sets.NewString(

// IsStandardResourceName returns true if the resource is known to the system
func IsStandardResourceName(str string) bool {
	return standardResources.Has(str)

var integerResources = sets.NewString(