func versionInitSystem(ser string) (string, error) { seriesos, err := series.GetOSFromSeries(ser) if err != nil { notFound := errors.NotFoundf("init system for series %q", ser) return "", errors.Wrap(err, notFound) } switch seriesos { case os.Windows: return InitSystemWindows, nil case os.Ubuntu: switch ser { case "precise", "quantal", "raring", "saucy", "trusty", "utopic": return InitSystemUpstart, nil default: // vivid and later if featureflag.Enabled(feature.LegacyUpstart) { return InitSystemUpstart, nil } return InitSystemSystemd, nil } case os.CentOS: return InitSystemSystemd, nil } return "", errors.NotFoundf("unknown os %q (from series %q), init system", seriesos, ser) }
// ModelByName implements ModelGetter. func (s *store) ModelByName(controllerName, modelName string) (*ModelDetails, error) { if err := ValidateControllerName(controllerName); err != nil { return nil, errors.Trace(err) } if err := ValidateModelName(modelName); err != nil { return nil, errors.Trace(err) } releaser, err := s.acquireLock() if err != nil { return nil, errors.Trace(err) } defer releaser.Release() all, err := ReadModelsFile(JujuModelsPath()) if err != nil { return nil, errors.Trace(err) } controllerModels, ok := all[controllerName] if !ok { return nil, errors.NotFoundf( "models for controller %s", controllerName, ) } details, ok := controllerModels.Models[modelName] if !ok { return nil, errors.NotFoundf( "model %s:%s", controllerName, modelName, ) } return &details, nil }
func (c *UseEnvironmentCommand) findMatchingEnvironment(ctx *cmd.Context, client UseEnvironmentAPI, creds configstore.APICredentials) (base.UserEnvironment, error) { var empty base.UserEnvironment envs, err := client.ListEnvironments(creds.User) if err != nil { return empty, errors.Annotate(err, "cannot list environments") } var owner string if c.Owner != "" { // The username always contains the provider aspect of the user. owner = names.NewUserTag(c.Owner).Username() } // If we have a UUID, we warn if the owner is different, but accept it. // We also trust that the environment UUIDs are unique if c.EnvUUID != "" { for _, env := range envs { if env.UUID == c.EnvUUID { if owner != "" && env.Owner != owner { ctx.Infof("Specified environment owned by %s, not %s", env.Owner, owner) } return env, nil } } return empty, errors.NotFoundf("matching environment") } var matches []base.UserEnvironment for _, env := range envs { match := env.Name == c.EnvName if match && owner != "" { match = env.Owner == owner } if match { matches = append(matches, env) } } // If there is only one match, that's the one. switch len(matches) { case 0: return empty, errors.NotFoundf("matching environment") case 1: return matches[0], nil } // We are going to return an error, but tell the user what the matches // were so they can make an informed decision. We are also going to assume // here that the resulting environment list has only one matching name for // each user. There are tests creating environments that enforce this. ctx.Infof("Multiple environments matched name %q:", c.EnvName) for _, env := range matches { ctx.Infof(" %s, owned by %s", env.UUID, env.Owner) } ctx.Infof("Please specify either the environment UUID or the owner to disambiguate.") return empty, errors.New("multiple environments matched") }
func (st *State) newMetricsManager() (*MetricsManager, error) { mm := &MetricsManager{ st: st, doc: metricsManagerDoc{ DocID: st.docID(metricsManagerKey), EnvUUID: st.EnvironUUID(), LastSuccessfulSend: time.Time{}, ConsecutiveErrors: 0, GracePeriod: defaultGracePeriod, }} buildTxn := func(attempt int) ([]txn.Op, error) { if attempt > 0 { return nil, errors.NotFoundf("metrics manager") } return []txn.Op{{ C: metricsManagerC, Id: st.docID(metricsManagerKey), Assert: txn.DocMissing, Insert: mm.doc, }}, nil } err := if err != nil { return nil, onAbort(err, errors.NotFoundf("metrics manager")) } return mm, nil }
// CurrentModel implements ModelGetter. func (s *store) CurrentModel(controllerName string) (string, error) { if err := ValidateControllerName(controllerName); err != nil { return "", errors.Trace(err) } releaser, err := s.acquireLock() if err != nil { return "", errors.Trace(err) } defer releaser.Release() all, err := ReadModelsFile(JujuModelsPath()) if err != nil { return "", errors.Trace(err) } controllerModels, ok := all[controllerName] if !ok { return "", errors.NotFoundf( "current model for controller %s", controllerName, ) } if controllerModels.CurrentModel == "" { return "", errors.NotFoundf( "current model for controller %s", controllerName, ) } return controllerModels.CurrentModel, nil }
// RemoveModel implements ModelRemover. func (c *MemStore) RemoveModel(controller, account, model string) error { if err := jujuclient.ValidateControllerName(controller); err != nil { return err } if err := jujuclient.ValidateAccountName(account); err != nil { return err } if err := jujuclient.ValidateModelName(model); err != nil { return err } controllerAccountModels, ok := c.Models[controller] if !ok { return errors.NotFoundf("models for controller %s", controller) } accountModels, ok := controllerAccountModels.AccountModels[account] if !ok { return errors.NotFoundf( "models for account %s on controller %s", account, controller, ) } if _, ok := accountModels.Models[model]; !ok { return errors.NotFoundf("model %s:%s:%s", controller, account, model) } delete(accountModels.Models, model) if accountModels.CurrentModel == model { accountModels.CurrentModel = "" } return nil }
// virtualMachines returns a mapping of instance IDs to VirtualMachines and // errors, for each of the specified instance IDs. func (v *azureVolumeSource) virtualMachines(instanceIds []instance.Id) (map[instance.Id]*maybeVirtualMachine, error) { // Fetch all instances at once. Failure to find an instance should // not cause the entire method to fail. results := make(map[instance.Id]*maybeVirtualMachine) instances, err := v.env.instances( v.env.resourceGroup, instanceIds, false, /* don't refresh addresses */ ) switch err { case nil, environs.ErrPartialInstances: for i, inst := range instances { vm := &maybeVirtualMachine{} if inst != nil { vm.vm = &inst.(*azureInstance).VirtualMachine } else { vm.err = errors.NotFoundf("instance %v", instanceIds[i]) } results[instanceIds[i]] = vm } case environs.ErrNoInstances: for _, instanceId := range instanceIds { results[instanceId] = &maybeVirtualMachine{ err: errors.NotFoundf("instance %v", instanceId), } } default: return nil, errors.Annotate(err, "getting instances") } return results, nil }
// SetCurrentModel implements ModelUpdater. func (c *MemStore) SetCurrentModel(controllerName, accountName, modelName string) error { if err := jujuclient.ValidateControllerName(controllerName); err != nil { return errors.Trace(err) } if err := jujuclient.ValidateAccountName(accountName); err != nil { return err } if err := jujuclient.ValidateModelName(modelName); err != nil { return errors.Trace(err) } controllerAccountModels, ok := c.Models[controllerName] if !ok { return errors.NotFoundf("models for controller %s", controllerName) } accountModels, ok := controllerAccountModels.AccountModels[accountName] if !ok { return errors.NotFoundf( "models for account %s on controller %s", accountName, controllerName, ) } if _, ok := accountModels.Models[modelName]; !ok { return errors.NotFoundf("model %s:%s:%s", controllerName, accountName, modelName) } accountModels.CurrentModel = modelName return nil }
// AccountByName implements AccountGetter. func (s *store) AccountByName(controllerName, accountName string) (*AccountDetails, error) { if err := ValidateControllerName(controllerName); err != nil { return nil, errors.Trace(err) } if err := ValidateAccountName(accountName); err != nil { return nil, errors.Trace(err) } lock, err := s.lock("account-by-name") if err != nil { return nil, errors.Trace(err) } defer s.unlock(lock) controllerAccounts, err := ReadAccountsFile(JujuAccountsPath()) if err != nil { return nil, errors.Trace(err) } accounts, ok := controllerAccounts[controllerName] if !ok { return nil, errors.NotFoundf("controller %s", controllerName) } details, ok := accounts.Accounts[accountName] if !ok { return nil, errors.NotFoundf("account %s:%s", controllerName, accountName) } return &details, nil }
// RemoveAccount implements AccountRemover. func (s *store) RemoveAccount(controllerName, accountName string) error { if err := ValidateControllerName(controllerName); err != nil { return errors.Trace(err) } if err := ValidateAccountName(accountName); err != nil { return errors.Trace(err) } lock, err := s.lock("remove-account") if err != nil { return errors.Trace(err) } defer s.unlock(lock) controllerAccounts, err := ReadAccountsFile(JujuAccountsPath()) if err != nil { return errors.Trace(err) } accounts, ok := controllerAccounts[controllerName] if !ok { return errors.NotFoundf("controller %s", controllerName) } if _, ok := accounts.Accounts[accountName]; !ok { return errors.NotFoundf("account %s:%s", controllerName, accountName) } delete(accounts.Accounts, accountName) if accounts.CurrentAccount == accountName { accounts.CurrentAccount = "" } return errors.Trace(WriteAccountsFile(controllerAccounts)) }
// CurrentModel implements ModelGetter. func (s *store) CurrentModel(controllerName, accountName string) (string, error) { if err := ValidateControllerName(controllerName); err != nil { return "", errors.Trace(err) } if err := ValidateAccountName(accountName); err != nil { return "", errors.Trace(err) } lock, err := s.lock("read-current-model") if err != nil { return "", errors.Trace(err) } defer s.unlock(lock) all, err := ReadModelsFile(JujuModelsPath()) if err != nil { return "", errors.Trace(err) } controllerAccountModels, ok := all[controllerName] if !ok { return "", errors.NotFoundf( "current model for controller %s", controllerName, ) } accountModels, ok := controllerAccountModels.AccountModels[accountName] if !ok || accountModels.CurrentModel == "" { return "", errors.NotFoundf( "current model for account %s on controller %s", accountName, controllerName, ) } return accountModels.CurrentModel, nil }
// AllModels implements ModelGetter. func (s *store) AllModels(controllerName, accountName string) (map[string]ModelDetails, error) { if err := ValidateControllerName(controllerName); err != nil { return nil, errors.Trace(err) } if err := ValidateAccountName(accountName); err != nil { return nil, errors.Trace(err) } lock, err := s.lock("read-all-models") if err != nil { return nil, errors.Trace(err) } defer s.unlock(lock) all, err := ReadModelsFile(JujuModelsPath()) if err != nil { return nil, errors.Trace(err) } controllerAccountModels, ok := all[controllerName] if !ok { return nil, errors.NotFoundf( "models for controller %s", controllerName, ) } accountModels, ok := controllerAccountModels.AccountModels[accountName] if !ok { return nil, errors.NotFoundf( "models for account %s on controller %s", accountName, controllerName, ) } return accountModels.Models, nil }
// getMirrorReference returns the reference to the metadata file containing mirrors for the specified content and cloud. func (mirrorRefs *MirrorRefs) getMirrorReference(datatype, contentId string, cloud CloudSpec) (*MirrorReference, error) { candidates := mirrorRefs.extractMirrorRefs(contentId) if len(candidates) == 0 { return nil, errors.NotFoundf("mirror data for %q", contentId) } // Restrict by cloud spec and datatype. hasRightCloud := func(mirrorRef *MirrorReference) bool { return mirrorRef.hasCloud(cloud) && mirrorRef.DataType == datatype } matchingCandidates := candidates.filter(hasRightCloud) if len(matchingCandidates) == 0 { // No cloud specific mirrors found so look for a non cloud specific mirror. for _, candidate := range candidates { if len(candidate.Clouds) == 0 { logger.Debugf("using default candidate for content id %q are %v", contentId, candidate) return &candidate, nil } } return nil, errors.NotFoundf("index file with cloud %v", cloud) } logger.Debugf("candidate matches for content id %q are %v", contentId, candidates) // Pick arbitrary match. return &matchingCandidates[0], nil }
func (st *State) migrationFromQuery(query mongo.Query) (ModelMigration, error) { var doc modelMigDoc err := query.One(&doc) if err == mgo.ErrNotFound { return nil, errors.NotFoundf("migration") } else if err != nil { return nil, errors.Annotate(err, "migration lookup failed") } statusColl, closer := st.getCollection(migrationsStatusC) defer closer() var statusDoc modelMigStatusDoc err = statusColl.FindId(doc.Id).One(&statusDoc) if err == mgo.ErrNotFound { return nil, errors.NotFoundf("migration status") } else if err != nil { return nil, errors.Annotate(err, "migration status lookup failed") } return &modelMigration{ doc: doc, statusDoc: statusDoc, st: st, }, nil }
func (*undertakerSuite) TestGetMachineProviderInterfaceInfo(c *gc.C) { backend, _, api := makeApi(c, "") backend.machines = map[string]*mockMachine{ "0": &mockMachine{ Stub: &testing.Stub{}, interfaceInfos: []network.ProviderInterfaceInfo{{ InterfaceName: "billy", MACAddress: "hexadecimal!", ProviderId: "a number", }, { InterfaceName: "lily", MACAddress: "octal?", ProviderId: "different number", }}}, "2": &mockMachine{ Stub: &testing.Stub{}, interfaceInfos: []network.ProviderInterfaceInfo{{ InterfaceName: "gilly", MACAddress: "sexagesimal?!", ProviderId: "some number", }}, }, } backend.SetErrors(nil, errors.NotFoundf("no machine 100 fool!")) args := makeEntities("machine-2", "machine-100", "machine-0", "machine-inv") result := api.GetMachineProviderInterfaceInfo(args) c.Assert(result, gc.DeepEquals, params.ProviderInterfaceInfoResults{ Results: []params.ProviderInterfaceInfoResult{{ MachineTag: "machine-2", Interfaces: []params.ProviderInterfaceInfo{{ InterfaceName: "gilly", MACAddress: "sexagesimal?!", ProviderId: "some number", }}, }, { MachineTag: "machine-100", Error: common.ServerError( errors.NotFoundf("no machine 100 fool!"), ), }, { MachineTag: "machine-0", Interfaces: []params.ProviderInterfaceInfo{{ InterfaceName: "billy", MACAddress: "hexadecimal!", ProviderId: "a number", }, { InterfaceName: "lily", MACAddress: "octal?", ProviderId: "different number", }}, }, { MachineTag: "machine-inv", Error: common.ServerError( errors.New(`"machine-inv" is not a valid machine tag`), ), }}, }) }
// CurrentAccount implements AccountGetter. func (c *MemStore) CurrentAccount(controllerName string) (string, error) { if err := jujuclient.ValidateControllerName(controllerName); err != nil { return "", err } accounts, ok := c.Accounts[controllerName] if !ok { return "", errors.NotFoundf("accounts for controller %s", controllerName) } if accounts.CurrentAccount == "" { return "", errors.NotFoundf("current account for controller %s", controllerName) } return accounts.CurrentAccount, nil }
func (m *Metadata) GetGroupConfig(group string, queue string) (*GroupConfig, error) { defer queueConfig, ok := m.queueConfigs[queue] if !ok { return nil, errors.NotFoundf("queue: %q", queue) } groupConfig, ok := queueConfig.Groups[group] if !ok { return nil, errors.NotFoundf("group: %q", group) } return &groupConfig, nil }
// GetProductsPath returns the path to the metadata file containing products for the specified constraint. // Exported for testing. func (indexRef *IndexReference) GetProductsPath(cons LookupConstraint) (string, error) { if indexRef.MirroredProductsPath != "" { return indexRef.MirroredProductsPath, nil } prodIds, err := cons.ProductIds() if err != nil { return "", err } candidates := indexRef.extractIndexes(cons.IndexIds()) // Restrict to the relevant data type entries. dataTypeMatches := func(metadata *IndexMetadata) bool { return metadata.DataType == indexRef.valueParams.DataType } candidates = candidates.filter(dataTypeMatches) if len(candidates) == 0 { // TODO: jam 2015-04-01 This isn't a great error to use, // because it is generally reserved for file-not-found // semantics. // This was formatted as: index file missing "content-download" data not found // It now formats as: "content-download" data not found // which at least reads better. // Shouldn't we be using noMatchingProductsError instead? return "", errors.NotFoundf("%q data", indexRef.valueParams.DataType) } // Restrict by cloud spec, if required. if cons.Params().CloudSpec != EmptyCloudSpec { hasRightCloud := func(metadata *IndexMetadata) bool { return metadata.hasCloud(cons.Params().CloudSpec) } candidates = candidates.filter(hasRightCloud) if len(candidates) == 0 { return "", errors.NotFoundf("index file has no data for cloud %v", cons.Params().CloudSpec) } } // Restrict by product IDs. hasProduct := func(metadata *IndexMetadata) bool { return metadata.hasProduct(prodIds) } candidates = candidates.filter(hasProduct) if len(candidates) == 0 { return "", newNoMatchingProductsError("index file has no data for product name(s) %q", prodIds) } logger.Tracef("candidate matches for products %q are %v", prodIds, candidates) // Pick arbitrary match. return candidates[0].ProductsFilePath, nil }
// AgentTools returns the tools that the agent is currently running. // It returns an error that satisfies errors.IsNotFound if the tools // have not yet been set. func (m *Machine) AgentTools() (*tools.Tools, error) { if m.doc.Tools == nil { return nil, errors.NotFoundf("agent tools for machine %v", m) } tools := *m.doc.Tools return &tools, nil }
// StorageProvider returns the previously registered provider with the given type. func StorageProvider(providerType storage.ProviderType) (storage.Provider, error) { p, ok := providers[providerType] if !ok { return nil, errors.NotFoundf("storage provider %q", providerType) } return p, nil }
// DescribeVolumes is specified on the storage.VolumeSource interface. func (v *ebsVolumeSource) DescribeVolumes(volIds []string) ([]storage.DescribeVolumesResult, error) { // TODO(axw) invalid volIds here should not cause the whole // operation to fail. If we get an invalid volume ID response, // fall back to querying each volume individually. That should // be rare. resp, err := v.ec2.Volumes(volIds, nil) if err != nil { return nil, err } byId := make(map[string]ec2.Volume) for _, vol := range resp.Volumes { byId[vol.Id] = vol } results := make([]storage.DescribeVolumesResult, len(volIds)) for i, volId := range volIds { vol, ok := byId[volId] if !ok { results[i].Error = errors.NotFoundf("%s", volId) continue } results[i].VolumeInfo = &storage.VolumeInfo{ Size: gibToMib(uint64(vol.Size)), VolumeId: vol.Id, Persistent: true, } for _, attachment := range vol.Attachments { if attachment.DeleteOnTermination { results[i].VolumeInfo.Persistent = false break } } } return results, nil }
func addUUIDToSecurityGroupNames(e *Environ) error { nova := e.nova() groups, err := nova.ListSecurityGroups() if err != nil { return errors.Annotate(err, "upgrading instance names") } cfg := e.Config() eName := cfg.Name() eUUID, ok := cfg.UUID() if !ok { return errors.NotFoundf("model uuid for model %q", eName) } for _, group := range groups { newName, ok, err := replaceNameWithID(group.Name, eName, eUUID) if err != nil { return errors.Annotate(err, "generating the new security group name") } if !ok { continue } // Name should have uuid instead of name _, err = nova.UpdateSecurityGroup(group.Id, newName, group.Description) if err != nil { return errors.Annotatef(err, "upgrading security group name from %q to %q", group.Name, newName) } } return nil }
// setStatus inteprets the supplied params as documented on the type. func setStatus(st *State, params setStatusParams) (err error) { defer errors.DeferredAnnotatef(&err, "cannot set status") // TODO(fwereade): this can/should probably be recording the time the // status was *set*, not the time it happened to arrive in state. // We should almost certainly be accepting StatusInfo in the exposed // SetStatus methods, for symetry with the Status methods. now := time.Now().UnixNano() doc := statusDoc{ Status: params.status, StatusInfo: params.message, StatusData: escapeKeys(params.rawData), Updated: now, } probablyUpdateStatusHistory(st, params.globalKey, doc) // Set the authoritative status document, or fail trying. buildTxn := updateStatusSource(st, params.globalKey, doc) if params.token != nil { buildTxn = buildTxnWithLeadership(buildTxn, params.token) } err = if cause := errors.Cause(err); cause == mgo.ErrNotFound { return errors.NotFoundf(params.badge) } return errors.Trace(err) }
func (ctx *HookContext) Relation(id int) (jujuc.ContextRelation, error) { r, found := ctx.relations[id] if !found { return nil, errors.NotFoundf("relation") } return r, nil }
// LatestMigration returns the most recent ModelMigration for a model // (if any). func (st *State) LatestMigration() (ModelMigration, error) { migColl, closer := st.getCollection(migrationsC) defer closer() query := migColl.Find(bson.M{"model-uuid": st.ModelUUID()}) query = query.Sort("-_id").Limit(1) mig, err := st.migrationFromQuery(query) if err != nil { return nil, errors.Trace(err) } // Hide previous migrations for models which have been migrated // away from a model and then migrated back. phase, err := mig.Phase() if err != nil { return nil, errors.Trace(err) } if phase == migration.DONE { model, err := st.Model() if err != nil { return nil, errors.Trace(err) } if model.MigrationMode() == MigrationModeNone { return nil, errors.NotFoundf("migration") } } return mig, nil }
// DeleteImages deletes the images matching the specified filter. func (api *ImageManagerAPI) DeleteImages(arg params.ImageFilterParams) (params.ErrorResults, error) { if err := api.check.ChangeAllowed(); err != nil { return params.ErrorResults{}, errors.Trace(err) } var result params.ErrorResults result.Results = make([]params.ErrorResult, len(arg.Images)) stor := api.state.ImageStorage() for i, imageSpec := range arg.Images { filter := imagestorage.ImageFilter{ Kind: imageSpec.Kind, Series: imageSpec.Series, Arch: imageSpec.Arch, } imageMetadata, err := stor.ListImages(filter) if err != nil { result.Results[i].Error = common.ServerError(err) continue } if len(imageMetadata) != 1 { result.Results[i].Error = common.ServerError( errors.NotFoundf("image %s/%s/%s", filter.Kind, filter.Series, filter.Arch)) continue } logger.Infof("deleting image with metadata %+v", *imageMetadata[0]) err = stor.DeleteImage(imageMetadata[0]) if err != nil { result.Results[i].Error = common.ServerError(err) } } return result, nil }
// NewRenderer returns a Renderer for the given shell, OS, or distro name. func NewRenderer(name string) (Renderer, error) { if name == "" { name = runtime.GOOS } else { name = strings.ToLower(name) } // Try known shell names first. switch name { case "bash": return &BashRenderer{}, nil case "ps", "powershell": return &PowershellRenderer{}, nil case "cmd", "batch", "bat": return &WinCmdRenderer{}, nil } // Fall back to operating systems. switch { case name == "windows": return &PowershellRenderer{}, nil case utils.OSIsUnix(name): return &BashRenderer{}, nil } // Finally try distros. switch name { case "ubuntu": return &BashRenderer{}, nil } return nil, errors.NotFoundf("renderer for %q", name) }
func (s *MapStorage) Remove(path string) error { if _, ok := s.Map[path]; !ok { return errors.NotFoundf("%s", path) } delete(s.Map, path) return nil }
func (s *MapStorage) Get(path string) (r io.ReadCloser, length int64, err error) { data, ok := s.Map[path] if !ok { return nil, -1, errors.NotFoundf("%s", path) } return ioutil.NopCloser(bytes.NewReader(data)), int64(len(data)), nil }
func addUUIDToMachineNames(e *Environ) error { nova := e.nova() servers, err := nova.ListServers(oldMachinesFilter(e)) if err != nil { return errors.Annotate(err, "upgrading server names") } cfg := e.Config() eName := cfg.Name() eUUID, ok := cfg.UUID() if !ok { return errors.NotFoundf("model uuid for model %q", eName) } for _, server := range servers { newName, ok, err := replaceNameWithID(server.Name, eName, eUUID) if err != nil { return errors.Annotate(err, "generating the new server name") } if !ok { continue } // Name should have uuid instead of name _, err = nova.UpdateServerName(server.Id, newName) if err != nil { return errors.Annotatef(err, "upgrading machine name from %q to %q", server.Name, newName) } } return nil }