func (s *DefinedSuite) TestInit(c *gc.C) { tests := []struct { should string args []string expectedSvc names.ServiceTag expectedOutputSchema bool expectedErr string }{{ should: "fail with missing service name", args: []string{}, expectedErr: "no service name specified", }, { should: "fail with invalid service name", args: []string{invalidServiceId}, expectedErr: "invalid service name \"" + invalidServiceId + "\"", }, { should: "fail with too many args", args: []string{"two", "things"}, expectedErr: "unrecognized args: \\[\"things\"\\]", }, { should: "init properly with valid service name", args: []string{validServiceId}, expectedSvc: names.NewServiceTag(validServiceId), }, { should: "init properly with valid service name and --schema", args: []string{"--schema", validServiceId}, expectedOutputSchema: true, expectedSvc: names.NewServiceTag(validServiceId), }} for i, t := range tests { for _, modelFlag := range s.modelFlags { c.Logf("test %d should %s: juju actions defined %s", i, t.should, strings.Join(t.args, " ")) s.wrappedCommand, s.command = action.NewDefinedCommand( args := append([]string{modelFlag, "admin"}, t.args...) err := testing.InitCommand(s.wrappedCommand, args) if t.expectedErr == "" { c.Check(s.command.ServiceTag(), gc.Equals, t.expectedSvc) c.Check(s.command.FullSchema(), gc.Equals, t.expectedOutputSchema) } else { c.Check(err, gc.ErrorMatches, t.expectedErr) } } } }
func (s *DefinedSuite) TestRun(c *gc.C) { tests := []struct { should string expectFullSchema bool expectNoResults bool expectMessage string withArgs []string withAPIErr string withCharmActions *charm.Actions expectedErr string }{{ should: "pass back API error correctly", withArgs: []string{validServiceId}, withAPIErr: "an API error", expectedErr: "an API error", }, { should: "get short results properly", withArgs: []string{validServiceId}, withCharmActions: someCharmActions, }, { should: "get full schema results properly", withArgs: []string{"--schema", validServiceId}, expectFullSchema: true, withCharmActions: someCharmActions, }, { should: "work properly when no results found", withArgs: []string{validServiceId}, expectNoResults: true, expectMessage: "No actions defined for " + validServiceId, withCharmActions: &charm.Actions{ActionSpecs: map[string]charm.ActionSpec{}}, }} for i, t := range tests { func() { c.Logf("test %d should %s", i, t.should) fakeClient := &fakeAPIClient{charmActions: t.withCharmActions} if t.withAPIErr != "" { fakeClient.apiErr = errors.New(t.withAPIErr) } restore := s.patchAPIClient(fakeClient) defer restore() args := append([]string{"-e", "dummyenv"}, t.withArgs...) s.wrappedCommand, s.command = action.NewDefinedCommand() ctx, err := testing.RunCommand(c, s.wrappedCommand, args...) if t.expectedErr != "" || t.withAPIErr != "" { c.Check(err, gc.ErrorMatches, t.expectedErr) } else { c.Assert(err, gc.IsNil) result := ctx.Stdout.(*bytes.Buffer).Bytes() if t.expectFullSchema { checkFullSchema(c, t.withCharmActions, result) } else if t.expectNoResults { c.Check(string(result), gc.Matches, t.expectMessage+"(?sm).*") } else { checkSimpleSchema(c, t.withCharmActions, result) } } }() } }
func (s *DefinedSuite) SetUpTest(c *gc.C) { s.BaseActionSuite.SetUpTest(c) s.wrappedCommand, s.command = action.NewDefinedCommand() }