コード例 #1
ファイル: run_test.go プロジェクト: bac/juju
func (s *RunSuite) TestInit(c *gc.C) {
	tests := []struct {
		should               string
		args                 []string
		expectUnit           names.UnitTag
		expectAction         string
		expectParamsYamlPath string
		expectParseStrings   bool
		expectKVArgs         [][]string
		expectOutput         string
		expectError          string
		should:      "fail with missing args",
		args:        []string{},
		expectError: "no unit specified",
	}, {
		should:      "fail with no action specified",
		args:        []string{validUnitId},
		expectError: "no action specified",
	}, {
		should:      "fail with invalid unit tag",
		args:        []string{invalidUnitId, "valid-action-name"},
		expectError: "invalid unit name \"something-strange-\"",
	}, {
		should:      "fail with invalid action name",
		args:        []string{validUnitId, "BadName"},
		expectError: "invalid action name \"BadName\"",
	}, {
		should:      "fail with wrong formatting of k-v args",
		args:        []string{validUnitId, "valid-action-name", "uh"},
		expectError: "argument \"uh\" must be of the form key...=value",
	}, {
		should:      "fail with wrong formatting of k-v args",
		args:        []string{validUnitId, "valid-action-name", "foo.Baz=3"},
		expectError: "key \"Baz\" must start and end with lowercase alphanumeric, and contain only lowercase alphanumeric and hyphens",
	}, {
		should:      "fail with wrong formatting of k-v args",
		args:        []string{validUnitId, "valid-action-name", "no-go?od=3"},
		expectError: "key \"no-go\\?od\" must start and end with lowercase alphanumeric, and contain only lowercase alphanumeric and hyphens",
	}, {
		should:       "work with empty values",
		args:         []string{validUnitId, "valid-action-name", "ok="},
		expectUnit:   names.NewUnitTag(validUnitId),
		expectAction: "valid-action-name",
		expectKVArgs: [][]string{{"ok", ""}},
	}, {
		should:             "handle --parse-strings",
		args:               []string{validUnitId, "valid-action-name", "--string-args"},
		expectUnit:         names.NewUnitTag(validUnitId),
		expectAction:       "valid-action-name",
		expectParseStrings: true,
	}, {
		// cf. worker/uniter/runner/jujuc/action-set_test.go per @fwereade
		should:       "work with multiple '=' signs",
		args:         []string{validUnitId, "valid-action-name", "ok=this=is=weird="},
		expectUnit:   names.NewUnitTag(validUnitId),
		expectAction: "valid-action-name",
		expectKVArgs: [][]string{{"ok", "this=is=weird="}},
	}, {
		should:       "init properly with no params",
		args:         []string{validUnitId, "valid-action-name"},
		expectUnit:   names.NewUnitTag(validUnitId),
		expectAction: "valid-action-name",
	}, {
		should:               "handle --params properly",
		args:                 []string{validUnitId, "valid-action-name", "--params=foo.yml"},
		expectUnit:           names.NewUnitTag(validUnitId),
		expectAction:         "valid-action-name",
		expectParamsYamlPath: "foo.yml",
	}, {
		should: "handle --params and key-value args",
		args: []string{
		expectUnit:           names.NewUnitTag(validUnitId),
		expectAction:         "valid-action-name",
		expectParamsYamlPath: "foo.yml",
		expectKVArgs: [][]string{
			{"foo", "bar", "2"},
			{"foo", "baz", "bo", "3"},
			{"bar", "foo", "hello"},
	}, {
		should: "handle key-value args with no --params",
		args: []string{
		expectUnit:   names.NewUnitTag(validUnitId),
		expectAction: "valid-action-name",
		expectKVArgs: [][]string{
			{"foo", "bar", "2"},
			{"foo", "baz", "bo", "y"},
			{"bar", "foo", "hello"},

	for i, t := range tests {
		for _, modelFlag := range s.modelFlags {
			wrappedCommand, command := action.NewRunCommandForTest(s.store)
			c.Logf("test %d: should %s:\n$ juju run-action %s\n", i,
				t.should, strings.Join(t.args, " "))
			args := append([]string{modelFlag, "admin"}, t.args...)
			err := testing.InitCommand(wrappedCommand, args)
			if t.expectError == "" {
				c.Check(command.UnitTag(), gc.Equals, t.expectUnit)
				c.Check(command.ActionName(), gc.Equals, t.expectAction)
				c.Check(command.ParamsYAML().Path, gc.Equals, t.expectParamsYamlPath)
				c.Check(command.Args(), jc.DeepEquals, t.expectKVArgs)
				c.Check(command.ParseStrings(), gc.Equals, t.expectParseStrings)
			} else {
				c.Check(err, gc.ErrorMatches, t.expectError)
コード例 #2
ファイル: run_test.go プロジェクト: bac/juju
func (s *RunSuite) TestRun(c *gc.C) {
	tests := []struct {
		should                 string
		withArgs               []string
		withAPIErr             string
		withActionResults      []params.ActionResult
		expectedActionEnqueued params.Action
		expectedErr            string
		should:   "fail with multiple results",
		withArgs: []string{validUnitId, "some-action"},
		withActionResults: []params.ActionResult{
			{Action: &params.Action{Tag: validActionTagString}},
			{Action: &params.Action{Tag: validActionTagString}},
		expectedErr: "illegal number of results returned",
	}, {
		should:   "fail with API error",
		withArgs: []string{validUnitId, "some-action"},
		withActionResults: []params.ActionResult{{
			Action: &params.Action{Tag: validActionTagString}},
		withAPIErr:  "something wrong in API",
		expectedErr: "something wrong in API",
	}, {
		should:   "fail with error in result",
		withArgs: []string{validUnitId, "some-action"},
		withActionResults: []params.ActionResult{{
			Action: &params.Action{Tag: validActionTagString},
			Error:  common.ServerError(errors.New("database error")),
		expectedErr: "database error",
	}, {
		should:   "fail with invalid tag in result",
		withArgs: []string{validUnitId, "some-action"},
		withActionResults: []params.ActionResult{{
			Action: &params.Action{Tag: invalidActionTagString},
		expectedErr: "\"" + invalidActionTagString + "\" is not a valid action tag",
	}, {
		should: "fail with missing file passed",
		withArgs: []string{validUnitId, "some-action",
			"--params", s.dir + "/" + "missing.yml",
		expectedErr: "open .*missing.yml: " + utils.NoSuchFileErrRegexp,
	}, {
		should: "fail with invalid yaml in file",
		withArgs: []string{validUnitId, "some-action",
			"--params", s.dir + "/" + "invalidParams.yml",
		expectedErr: "yaml: line 3: mapping values are not allowed in this context",
	}, {
		should: "fail with invalid UTF in file",
		withArgs: []string{validUnitId, "some-action",
			"--params", s.dir + "/" + "invalidUTF.yml",
		expectedErr: "yaml: invalid leading UTF-8 octet",
	}, {
		should:      "fail with invalid YAML passed as arg and no --string-args",
		withArgs:    []string{validUnitId, "some-action", "foo.bar=\""},
		expectedErr: "yaml: found unexpected end of stream",
	}, {
		should:   "enqueue a basic action with no params",
		withArgs: []string{validUnitId, "some-action"},
		withActionResults: []params.ActionResult{{
			Action: &params.Action{Tag: validActionTagString},
		expectedActionEnqueued: params.Action{
			Name:       "some-action",
			Parameters: map[string]interface{}{},
			Receiver:   names.NewUnitTag(validUnitId).String(),
	}, {
		should: "enqueue an action with some explicit params",
		withArgs: []string{validUnitId, "some-action",
		withActionResults: []params.ActionResult{{
			Action: &params.Action{Tag: validActionTagString},
		expectedActionEnqueued: params.Action{
			Name:     "some-action",
			Receiver: names.NewUnitTag(validUnitId).String(),
			Parameters: map[string]interface{}{
				"out": map[string]interface{}{
					"name":    "bar",
					"kind":    "tmpfs",
					"num":     3,
					"boolval": true,
	}, {
		should: "enqueue an action with some raw string params",
		withArgs: []string{validUnitId, "some-action", "--string-args",
		withActionResults: []params.ActionResult{{
			Action: &params.Action{Tag: validActionTagString},
		expectedActionEnqueued: params.Action{
			Name:     "some-action",
			Receiver: names.NewUnitTag(validUnitId).String(),
			Parameters: map[string]interface{}{
				"out": map[string]interface{}{
					"name":    "bar",
					"kind":    "tmpfs",
					"num":     "3",
					"boolval": "y",
	}, {
		should: "enqueue an action with file params plus CLI args",
		withArgs: []string{validUnitId, "some-action",
			"--params", s.dir + "/" + "validParams.yml",
		withActionResults: []params.ActionResult{{
			Action: &params.Action{Tag: validActionTagString},
		expectedActionEnqueued: params.Action{
			Name:     "some-action",
			Receiver: names.NewUnitTag(validUnitId).String(),
			Parameters: map[string]interface{}{
				"out": "name",
				"compression": map[string]interface{}{
					"kind":    "gz",
					"quality": "high",
					"fast":    true,
	}, {
		should: "enqueue an action with file params and explicit params",
		withArgs: []string{validUnitId, "some-action",
			"--params", s.dir + "/" + "validParams.yml",
		withActionResults: []params.ActionResult{{
			Action: &params.Action{Tag: validActionTagString},
		expectedActionEnqueued: params.Action{
			Name:     "some-action",
			Receiver: names.NewUnitTag(validUnitId).String(),
			Parameters: map[string]interface{}{
				"out": map[string]interface{}{
					"name": "bar",
					"kind": "tmpfs",
				"compression": map[string]interface{}{
					"kind": "xz",
					"quality": map[string]interface{}{
						"speed": "high",
						"size":  "small",

	for i, t := range tests {
		for _, modelFlag := range s.modelFlags {
			func() {
				c.Logf("test %d: should %s:\n$ juju actions do %s\n", i,
					t.should, strings.Join(t.withArgs, " "))
				fakeClient := &fakeAPIClient{
					actionResults: t.withActionResults,
				if t.withAPIErr != "" {
					fakeClient.apiErr = errors.New(t.withAPIErr)
				restore := s.patchAPIClient(fakeClient)
				defer restore()

				wrappedCommand, _ := action.NewRunCommandForTest(s.store)
				args := append([]string{modelFlag, "admin"}, t.withArgs...)
				ctx, err := testing.RunCommand(c, wrappedCommand, args...)

				if t.expectedErr != "" || t.withAPIErr != "" {
					c.Check(err, gc.ErrorMatches, t.expectedErr)
				} else {
					c.Assert(err, gc.IsNil)
					// Before comparing, double-check to avoid
					// panics in malformed tests.
					c.Assert(len(t.withActionResults), gc.Equals, 1)
					// Make sure the test's expected Action was
					// non-nil and correct.
					c.Assert(t.withActionResults[0].Action, gc.NotNil)
					expectedTag, err := names.ParseActionTag(t.withActionResults[0].Action.Tag)
					c.Assert(err, gc.IsNil)
					// Make sure the CLI responded with the expected tag
					keyToCheck := "Action queued with id"
					expectedMap := map[string]string{keyToCheck: expectedTag.Id()}
					outputResult := ctx.Stdout.(*bytes.Buffer).Bytes()
					resultMap := make(map[string]string)
					err = yaml.Unmarshal(outputResult, &resultMap)
					c.Assert(err, gc.IsNil)
					c.Check(resultMap, jc.DeepEquals, expectedMap)
					// Make sure the Action sent to the API to be
					// enqueued was indeed the expected map
					enqueued := fakeClient.EnqueuedActions()
					c.Assert(enqueued.Actions, gc.HasLen, 1)
					c.Check(enqueued.Actions[0], jc.DeepEquals, t.expectedActionEnqueued)