// life requests the lifecycle of the given entity from the server. func (st *State) life(tag string) (params.Life, error) { return common.Life(st.caller, uniterFacade, tag) }
// unitLife returns the lifecycle state of the given unit. func (st *State) unitLife(tag names.UnitTag) (params.Life, error) { return common.Life(st.caller, deployerFacade, tag) }
// life requests the life cycle of the given entity from the server. func (st *State) life(tag names.Tag) (params.Life, error) { return common.Life(st.caller, firewallerFacade, tag) }
// machineLife requests the lifecycle of the given machine from the server. func (st *State) machineLife(tag names.MachineTag) (params.Life, error) { return common.Life(st.caller, machinerFacade, tag) }
// machineLife requests the lifecycle of the given machine from the server. func (st *State) machineLife(tag string) (params.Life, error) { return common.Life(st.caller, provisionerFacade, tag) }