コード例 #1
ファイル: router-kenan.go プロジェクト: jyzhe/beehive-netctrl
// Rcv maps Discovery based on its destination node and Advertisement messages
// based on their source node.
func (m RouterM) Map(msg bh.Msg, ctx bh.MapContext) bh.MappedCells {
	switch dm := msg.Data().(type) {
	case InterAreaQuery:
		return bh.MappedCells{{"__D__", "__0__"}}
	case InterAreaLink:
		return bh.MappedCells{{"__D__", "__0__"}}
	case area_setup:
		return bh.MappedCells{{"__D__", "__0__"}}
	case setupM:
		areaMsg := msg.Data().(setupM)
		return bh.MappedCells{{"area", areaMsg.area}}
	case nom.LinkAdded:
		link := nom.Link(dm)
		nf, _ := nom.ParsePortUID(link.From)
		k := string(nf)
		nt, _ := nom.ParsePortUID(link.To)
		k2 := string(nt)
		nf_area := FindAreaId(k)
		nt_area := FindAreaId(k2)
		if nt_area != nf_area {
			return bh.MappedCells{{"__D__", "__0__"}}
		} else {
			return bh.MappedCells{{"area", nf_area}}
	case nom.PacketIn:
		ni := msg.Data().(nom.PacketIn)
		k := string(ni.Node)
		return bh.MappedCells{{"area", FindAreaId(k)}}
	return bh.MappedCells{{"__D__", "__0__"}}
コード例 #2
ファイル: graph.go プロジェクト: dknyxh/beehive-netctrl
func (b GraphBuilderCentralized) Rcv(msg bh.Msg, ctx bh.RcvContext) error {
	dict := ctx.Dict(GraphDict)
	var link nom.Link
	switch dm := msg.Data().(type) {
	case nom.LinkAdded:
		link = nom.Link(dm)
	case nom.LinkDeleted:
		link = nom.Link(dm)
		return fmt.Errorf("GraphBuilderCentralized: unsupported message type %v",

	nf, _ := nom.ParsePortUID(link.From)
	nt, _ := nom.ParsePortUID(link.To)

	if nf == nt {
		return fmt.Errorf("%v is a loop", link)

	k := string(nf)
	links := make(map[nom.UID][]nom.Link)
	if v, err := dict.Get(k); err == nil {
		links = v.(map[nom.UID][]nom.Link)
	links[nt.UID()] = append(links[nt.UID()], link)
	return dict.Put(k, links)
コード例 #3
ファイル: graph.go プロジェクト: dknyxh/beehive-netctrl
func allPaths(from, to nom.UID, visited map[nom.UID]distAndLinks) (
	[][]nom.Link, int) {

	if from == to {
		return nil, 0

	todl, ok := visited[to]
	if !ok {
		return nil, -1

	var paths [][]nom.Link
	for _, l := range todl.BackLinks {
		lfn, _ := nom.ParsePortUID(l.From)
		prevpaths, _ := allPaths(from, nom.UID(lfn), visited)
		if len(prevpaths) == 0 {
			paths = append(paths, []nom.Link{l})
		for _, p := range prevpaths {
			paths = append(paths, append(p, l))
	return paths, todl.Dist
コード例 #4
ファイル: discovery.go プロジェクト: jyzhe/beehive-netctrl
func (h *newLinkHandler) Rcv(msg bh.Msg, ctx bh.RcvContext) error {
	l := nom.Link(msg.Data().(NewLink))
	n, _ := nom.ParsePortUID(l.From)
	d := ctx.Dict(nodeDict)
	k := string(n)
	v, err := d.Get(k)
	if err != nil {
		return nil

	np := v.(nodePortsAndLinks)

	if oldl, ok := np.linkFrom(l.From); ok {
		if oldl.UID() == l.UID() {
			return nil

	glog.V(2).Infof("Link detected %v", l)
	np.L = append(np.L, l)
	return d.Put(k, np)
コード例 #5
ファイル: lldp.go プロジェクト: dknyxh/beehive-netctrl
func decodeLLDP(b []byte) (nom.Node, nom.Port, error) {
	h := lldp.NewLinkDiscoveryProtocolWithBuf(b)
	size := h.Size()

	tlvb := b[size:]
	chTLV := lldp.NewChassisMacTLVWithBuf(tlvb)
	if chTLV.Size() == 0 {
		return nom.Node{}, nom.Port{}, errors.New("decodeLLDP: no chassis id")
	n := nom.Node{
		MACAddr: chTLV.MacAddr(),
	size += chTLV.Size()

	tlvb = b[size:]
	pTLV := lldp.NewLinkDiscoveryTLVWithBuf(tlvb)
	if pTLV.Size() == 0 || pTLV.Type() != uint8(lldp.TLV_PORT_ID) {
		return nom.Node{}, nom.Port{}, errors.New("decodeLLDP: no port id")

	v := pTLV.Value()
	if v[0] != uint8(lldp.PORT_TLV_IFACE_NAME) {
		return nom.Node{}, nom.Port{}, errors.New("decodeLLDP: no port iface name")

	portUID := nom.UID(v[1:])
	nID, pID := nom.ParsePortUID(portUID)
	n.ID = nID

	return n, nom.Port{ID: pID, Node: n.UID()}, nil
コード例 #6
ファイル: graph.go プロジェクト: dknyxh/beehive-netctrl
// ShortestPathCentralized calculates the shortest path from node "from" to node
// "to" according to the state stored in GraphDict by the
// GraphBuilderCentralized.
// This method is not go-routine safe and must be called within a handler of the
// application that uses the GraphBuilderCentralized as a handler. Otherwise,
// the user needs to synchronize the two.
func ShortestPathCentralized(from, to nom.UID, ctx bh.RcvContext) (
	paths [][]nom.Link, length int) {

	if from == to {
		return nil, 0

	visited := make(map[nom.UID]distAndLinks)
	visited[from] = distAndLinks{Dist: 0}

	pq := nodeAndDistSlice{{Dist: 0, Node: from}}

	dict := ctx.Dict(GraphDict)
	for len(pq) != 0 {
		nd := heap.Pop(&pq).(nodeAndDist)
		if nd.Node == to {
		nodeLinks := make(map[nom.UID][]nom.Link)
		if v, err := dict.Get(string(nd.Node)); err == nil {
			nodeLinks = v.(map[nom.UID][]nom.Link)
		nd.Dist = visited[nd.Node].Dist
		for _, links := range nodeLinks {
			for _, l := range links {
				nid, _ := nom.ParsePortUID(l.To)
				ton := nom.UID(nid)
				if dl, ok := visited[ton]; ok {
					switch {
					case nd.Dist+1 < dl.Dist:
						glog.Fatalf("invalid distance in BFS")
					case nd.Dist+1 == dl.Dist:
						dl.BackLinks = append(dl.BackLinks, l)
						visited[ton] = dl

				visited[ton] = distAndLinks{
					Dist:      nd.Dist + 1,
					BackLinks: []nom.Link{l},
				ndto := nodeAndDist{
					Dist: nd.Dist + 1,
					Node: ton,
				heap.Push(&pq, ndto)
	return allPaths(from, to, visited)
コード例 #7
ファイル: path.go プロジェクト: dknyxh/beehive-netctrl
func forwardNodes(actions []nom.Action) (nodeToPorts map[nom.UID][]nom.UID) {
	nodeToPorts = make(map[nom.UID][]nom.UID)
	for _, a := range actions {
		switch f := a.(type) {
		case nom.ActionForward:
			for _, p := range f.Ports {
				fnid, _ := nom.ParsePortUID(p)
				ports := nodeToPorts[fnid.UID()]
				ports = append(ports, p)
				nodeToPorts[fnid.UID()] = ports
	return nodeToPorts
コード例 #8
ファイル: graph.go プロジェクト: dknyxh/beehive-netctrl
func (b GraphBuilderCentralized) Map(msg bh.Msg,
	ctx bh.MapContext) bh.MappedCells {

	var from nom.UID
	switch dm := msg.Data().(type) {
	case nom.LinkAdded:
		from = dm.From
	case nom.LinkDeleted:
		from = dm.From
		return nil
	// TODO(soheil): maybe store and update the matrix directly here.
	n, _ := nom.ParsePortUID(from)
	return bh.MappedCells{{GraphDict, string(n)}}
コード例 #9
ファイル: loadbalancer.go プロジェクト: jyzhe/beehive-netctrl
func (r LoadBalancer) Rcv(msg bh.Msg, ctx bh.RcvContext) error {

	switch dm := msg.Data().(type) {
	case setup:
		return registerEndhosts2(ctx)
	case nom.LinkAdded:
		link := InterAreaLink(dm)
		return r.GraphBuilderCentralized.Rcv(msg, ctx)
	case nom.LinkDeleted:
		return r.GraphBuilderCentralized.Rcv(msg, ctx)
		in := msg.Data().(nom.PacketIn)
		src := in.Packet.SrcMAC()
		dst := in.Packet.DstMAC()

		d := ctx.Dict(mac2port)
		load_dict := ctx.Dict(load_on_nodes)

		if dst.IsLLDP() {
			return nil

		// FIXME: Hardcoding the hardware address at the moment
		srck := src.Key()

		if dst.IsBroadcast() || dst.IsMulticast() {
			fmt.Printf("Load Balancer: Received Broadcast or Multicast from %v\n", src)
			return nil

		sn := in.Node

		dstk := dst.Key()
		dst_port, dst_err := d.Get(dstk)
		if dst_err != nil {
			fmt.Printf("Load Balancer: Cant find dest node %v\n", dstk)
			res, query_err := ctx.Sync(context.TODO(), InterAreaQuery{Src: srck, Dst: dstk})
			if query_err != nil {
				fmt.Printf("Load Balancer: received error when querying! %v\n", query_err)
			fmt.Printf("Load Balancer: received response succesfully - %v\n", res)
			dst_port = res.(nom.UID)
		dn, _ := nom.ParsePortUID(dst_port.(nom.UID))
		p := dst_port.(nom.UID)

		if sn != nom.UID(dn) {

			paths, _ := discovery.ShortestPathCentralized(sn, nom.UID(dn), ctx)
			opt_path := paths[0]
			min_load := calculate_load(ctx, paths[0])
			for _, path := range paths[1:] {

				load := calculate_load(ctx, path)
				if load < min_load {
					opt_path = path
					min_load = load

			fmt.Printf("Load Balancer: Routing flow from %v to %v - %v, %v\n", sn, nom.UID(dn), opt_path, len(opt_path))
			p = opt_path[0].From

		// Forward flow entry
		add_forward := nom.AddFlowEntry{
			Flow: nom.FlowEntry{
				Node: in.Node,
				Match: nom.Match{
					Fields: []nom.Field{
							Addr: dst,
							Mask: nom.MaskNoneMAC,
				Actions: []nom.Action{
						Ports: []nom.UID{p},
		ctx.Reply(msg, add_forward)

		// Reverse flow entry
		add_reverse := nom.AddFlowEntry{
			Flow: nom.FlowEntry{
				Node: in.Node,
				Match: nom.Match{
					Fields: []nom.Field{
							Addr: src,
							Mask: nom.MaskNoneMAC,
				Actions: []nom.Action{
						Ports: []nom.UID{in.InPort},
		ctx.Reply(msg, add_reverse)

		// Updating the load on this node
		// FIXME: This is a naive approach, ideally should update when flowentry
		// is added/removed, but flowentry deleted is not implemented yet
		if load, err := load_dict.Get(string(in.Node)); err == nil {
			load_dict.Put(string(in.Node), load.(int)+1)
		} else {
			load_dict.Put(string(in.Node), 1)

		out := nom.PacketOut{
			Node:     in.Node,
			InPort:   in.InPort,
			BufferID: in.BufferID,
			Packet:   in.Packet,
			Actions: []nom.Action{
					Ports: []nom.UID{p},
		ctx.Reply(msg, out)

	return nil

コード例 #10
ファイル: router-kenan.go プロジェクト: jyzhe/beehive-netctrl
func (r RouterM) Rcv(msg bh.Msg, ctx bh.RcvContext) error {

	switch dm := msg.Data().(type) {
	case area_setup:
		fmt.Printf("Adding to ctx: %v\n", ctx)
		d := ctx.Dict(cDict)
		d.Put("master", "master")
		return master_setup(ctx)
	case InterAreaLink:
		link := nom.Link(dm)
		nf, _ := nom.ParsePortUID(link.From)
		k := string(nf)
		nt, _ := nom.ParsePortUID(link.To)
		k2 := string(nt)

		d := ctx.Dict(node2area)
		nf_area, err := d.Get(k)
		nt_area, err2 := d.Get(k2)

		if err != nil || err2 != nil {
			fmt.Printf("Node does not belong to any existing areas! %v, %v, %v\n", err, err2, ctx)
			return nil

		if nf_area != nt_area {
			link.From = nom.UID(nf_area.(string) + "$$" + strings.Replace(string(link.From), "$$", tmpD, 1))
			link.To = nom.UID(nt_area.(string) + "$$" + strings.Replace(string(link.To), "$$", tmpD, 1))
			fmt.Printf("Received Links from different areas, building graphs for %v, %v\n", link.From, link.To)
		return nil
	case InterAreaQuery:

		query := msg.Data().(InterAreaQuery)
		srck := query.Src
		dstk := query.Dst
		d := ctx.Dict(mac2area)

		src_area, src_err := d.Get(srck)
		dst_area, dst_err := d.Get(dstk)

		if src_err != nil || dst_err != nil {
			fmt.Printf("Error retriving area info: %v, %v\n", src_err, dst_err)
			return nil

		paths, shortest_len := discovery.ShortestPathCentralized(nom.UID(src_area.(string)), nom.UID(dst_area.(string)), ctx)

		if shortest_len <= 0 {
			fmt.Printf("No route exists between area %v and area %v\n", src_area, dst_area)
			return nil

		fmt.Printf("Path between area %v and area %v returned %v\n", src_area, dst_area, paths)

		for _, path := range paths {
			if len(path) != shortest_len {
			} else {
				_, port := nom.ParsePortUID(path[0].From)
				port_conv := strings.Replace(string(port), tmpD, "$$", 1)
				fmt.Printf("Sending converted port: %v\n", port_conv)
				ctx.Reply(msg, nom.UID(port_conv))

		return nil
	case setupM:
		m := msg.Data().(setupM)
		return registerEndhostsAll(ctx, m.area)
	case nom.LinkAdded:
		// link := InterAreaLink(dm)
		cd := ctx.Dict(cDict)
		_, cerr := cd.Get("master")
		if cerr != nil {
			// ctx.Emit(link)
			return r.GraphBuilderCentralized.Rcv(msg, ctx)
		} else {
			link := nom.Link(dm)
			nf, _ := nom.ParsePortUID(link.From)
			k := string(nf)
			nt, _ := nom.ParsePortUID(link.To)
			k2 := string(nt)

			d := ctx.Dict(node2area)
			nf_area, err := d.Get(k)
			nt_area, err2 := d.Get(k2)

			if err != nil || err2 != nil {
				fmt.Printf("Node does not belong to any existing areas! %v, %v, %v\n", err, err2, ctx)
				return nil

			if nf_area != nt_area {
				link.From = nom.UID(nf_area.(string) + "$$" + strings.Replace(string(link.From), "$$", tmpD, 1))
				link.To = nom.UID(nt_area.(string) + "$$" + strings.Replace(string(link.To), "$$", tmpD, 1))
				fmt.Printf("Received Links from different areas, building graphs for %v, %v\n", link.From, link.To)
				InterAreaLinkAdded(link, ctx)
	case nom.LinkDeleted:
		return r.GraphBuilderCentralized.Rcv(msg, ctx)
		in := msg.Data().(nom.PacketIn)
		src := in.Packet.SrcMAC()
		dst := in.Packet.DstMAC()

		d := ctx.Dict(mac2port)

		if dst.IsLLDP() {
			return nil

		// FIXME: Hardcoding the hardware address at the moment
		srck := src.Key()
		_, src_err := d.Get(srck)
		if src_err != nil {
			fmt.Printf("Router: Error retrieving hosts %v\n", src)

		if dst.IsBroadcast() || dst.IsMulticast() {
			fmt.Printf("Router: Received Broadcast or Multicast from %v\n", src)
			return nil

		sn := in.Node

		dstk := dst.Key()
		dst_port, dst_err := d.Get(dstk)
		if dst_err != nil {
			fmt.Printf("Router: Cant find dest node %v\n", dstk)
			res, query_err := ctx.Sync(context.TODO(), InterAreaQuery{Src: srck, Dst: dstk})
			if query_err != nil {
				fmt.Printf("Router: received error when querying! %v\n", query_err)
			fmt.Printf("Router: received response succesfully - %v\n", res)
			dst_port = res.(nom.UID)
		dn, _ := nom.ParsePortUID(dst_port.(nom.UID))
		p := dst_port.(nom.UID)

		if sn != nom.UID(dn) {

			paths, shortest_len := discovery.ShortestPathCentralized(sn, nom.UID(dn), ctx)
			fmt.Printf("Router: Path between %v and %v returns %v, %v\n", sn, nom.UID(dn), paths, shortest_len)

			for _, path := range paths {
				if len(path) != shortest_len {
				} else {

					p = path[0].From

		// Forward flow entry
		add_forward := nom.AddFlowEntry{
			Flow: nom.FlowEntry{
				Node: in.Node,
				Match: nom.Match{
					Fields: []nom.Field{
							Addr: dst,
							Mask: nom.MaskNoneMAC,
				Actions: []nom.Action{
						Ports: []nom.UID{p},
		ctx.Reply(msg, add_forward)

		// Reverse flow entry
		add_reverse := nom.AddFlowEntry{
			Flow: nom.FlowEntry{
				Node: in.Node,
				Match: nom.Match{
					Fields: []nom.Field{
							Addr: src,
							Mask: nom.MaskNoneMAC,
				Actions: []nom.Action{
						Ports: []nom.UID{in.InPort},
		ctx.Reply(msg, add_reverse)

		out := nom.PacketOut{
			Node:     in.Node,
			InPort:   in.InPort,
			BufferID: in.BufferID,
			Packet:   in.Packet,
			Actions: []nom.Action{
					Ports: []nom.UID{p},
		ctx.Reply(msg, out)

	return nil

コード例 #11
func (m MasterController) Rcv(msg bh.Msg, ctx bh.RcvContext) error {

	switch dm := msg.Data().(type) {
	case area_setup:
		fmt.Printf("Adding to ctx: %v\n", ctx)
		return master_setup(ctx)
	case InterAreaLink:
		link := nom.Link(dm)
		nf, _ := nom.ParsePortUID(link.From)
		k := string(nf)
		nt, _ := nom.ParsePortUID(link.To)
		k2 := string(nt)

		d := ctx.Dict(node2area)
		nf_area, err := d.Get(k)
		nt_area, err2 := d.Get(k2)

		if err != nil || err2 != nil {
			fmt.Printf("Node does not belong to any existing areas! %v, %v, %v\n", err, err2, ctx)
			return nil

		if nf_area != nt_area {
			link.From = nom.UID(nf_area.(string) + "$$" + strings.Replace(string(link.From), "$$", tmpDelimiter, 1))
			link.To = nom.UID(nt_area.(string) + "$$" + strings.Replace(string(link.To), "$$", tmpDelimiter, 1))
			fmt.Printf("Received Links from different areas, building graphs for %v, %v\n", link.From, link.To)
		return nil
	case nom.LinkAdded:
		return m.GraphBuilderCentralized.Rcv(msg, ctx)
	case InterAreaQuery:

		query := msg.Data().(InterAreaQuery)
		srck := query.Src
		dstk := query.Dst
		d := ctx.Dict(mac2area)

		src_area, src_err := d.Get(srck)
		dst_area, dst_err := d.Get(dstk)

		if src_err != nil || dst_err != nil {
			fmt.Printf("Error retriving area info: %v, %v\n", src_err, dst_err)
			return nil

		paths, shortest_len := discovery.ShortestPathCentralized(nom.UID(src_area.(string)), nom.UID(dst_area.(string)), ctx)

		if shortest_len <= 0 {
			fmt.Printf("No route exists between area %v and area %v\n", src_area, dst_area)
			return nil

		fmt.Printf("Path between area %v and area %v returned %v\n", src_area, dst_area, paths)

		for _, path := range paths {
			if len(path) != shortest_len {
			} else {
				_, port := nom.ParsePortUID(path[0].From)
				port_conv := strings.Replace(string(port), tmpDelimiter, "$$", 1)
				fmt.Printf("Sending converted port: %v\n", port_conv)
				ctx.Reply(msg, nom.UID(port_conv))

		return nil
		// case nom.LinkDeleted:
		// 	return r.GraphBuilderCentralized.Rcv(msg, ctx)
		// default:
		// 	in := msg.Data().(nom.PacketIn)
		// 	src := in.Packet.SrcMAC()
		// 	dst := in.Packet.DstMAC()
		// 	d := ctx.Dict(mac2port)
		// 	if dst.IsLLDP() {
		// 		return nil
		// 	}
		// 	// FIXME: Hardcoding the hardware address at the moment
		// 	srck := src.Key()
		// 	_, src_err := d.Get(srck)
		// 	if src_err != nil {
		// 		fmt.Printf("Router: Error retrieving hosts %v\n", src)
		// 	}
		// 	if dst.IsBroadcast() || dst.IsMulticast() {
		// 		fmt.Printf("Router: Received Broadcast or Multicast from %v\n", src)
		// 		return nil
		// 	}
		// 	sn := in.Node
		// 	dstk := dst.Key()
		// 	dst_port, dst_err := d.Get(dstk)
		// 	if  dst_err != nil {
		// 		fmt.Printf("Router: Cant find dest node %v\n", dstk)
		// 		dst_port, _ = d.Get("default")
		// 	}
		// 	dn,_ := nom.ParsePortUID(dst_port.(nom.UID))
		// 	p := dst_port.(nom.UID)
		// 	if (sn != nom.UID(dn)){
		// 		paths, shortest_len := discovery.ShortestPathCentralized(sn, nom.UID(dn), ctx)
		// 		fmt.Printf("Router: Path between %v and %v returns %v, %v\n", sn, nom.UID(dn), paths, shortest_len)
		// 		// if shortest_len == -1 {
		// 		// 	borderDict := ctx.Dict(border_node_dict)
		// 		// 	borderDict.ForEach(func(k string, v interface{}) bool{
		// 		// 		node, _ := nom.ParsePortUID(v.(nom.UID))
		// 		// 		paths, shortest_len = discovery.ShortestPathCentralized(sn, nom.UID(node), ctx)
		// 		//
		// 		// 		if shortest_len == 0{
		// 		// 			p = v.(nom.UID)
		// 		// 		}
		// 		// 		// TODO: Find the shortest one
		// 		// 		return false
		// 		// 	})
		// 		// }
		// 		fmt.Printf("Router: After adjustment length: %v\n", shortest_len)
		// 		for _, path := range paths {
		// 			if len(path) != shortest_len {
		// 				continue
		// 			} else {
		// 				p = path[0].From
		// 				break
		// 			}
		// 		}
		// 	}
		// 	if src_err == nil {
		// 		// Forward flow entry
		// 		add_forward := nom.AddFlowEntry{
		// 			Flow: nom.FlowEntry{
		// 				Node: in.Node,
		// 				Match: nom.Match{
		// 					Fields: []nom.Field{
		// 						nom.EthDst{
		// 							Addr: dst,
		// 							Mask: nom.MaskNoneMAC,
		// 						},
		// 					},
		// 				},
		// 				Actions: []nom.Action{
		// 					nom.ActionForward{
		// 						Ports: []nom.UID{p},
		// 					},
		// 				},
		// 			},
		// 		}
		// 		ctx.Reply(msg, add_forward)
		// 	}
		// 	if dst_err == nil {
		// 		// Reverse flow entry
		// 		add_reverse := nom.AddFlowEntry{
		// 			Flow: nom.FlowEntry{
		// 				Node: in.Node,
		// 				Match: nom.Match{
		// 					Fields: []nom.Field{
		// 						nom.EthDst{
		// 							Addr: src,
		// 							Mask: nom.MaskNoneMAC,
		// 						},
		// 					},
		// 				},
		// 				Actions: []nom.Action{
		// 					nom.ActionForward{
		// 						Ports: []nom.UID{in.InPort},
		// 					},
		// 				},
		// 			},
		// 		}
		// 		ctx.Reply(msg, add_reverse)
		// 	}
		// 	out := nom.PacketOut{
		// 		Node:     in.Node,
		// 		InPort:   in.InPort,
		// 		BufferID: in.BufferID,
		// 		Packet:   in.Packet,
		// 		Actions: []nom.Action{
		// 			nom.ActionForward{
		// 				Ports: []nom.UID{p},
		// 			},
		// 		},
		// 	}
		// 	ctx.Reply(msg, out)

	return nil

コード例 #12
ファイル: discovery.go プロジェクト: jaminp/beehive-netctrl
func (h *newLinkHandler) Map(msg bh.Msg, ctx bh.MapContext) bh.MappedCells {
	n, _ := nom.ParsePortUID(msg.Data().(NewLink).From)
	return bh.MappedCells{{nodeDict, string(n)}}
コード例 #13
ファイル: router.go プロジェクト: jyzhe/beehive-netctrl
func (r Router) Rcv(msg bh.Msg, ctx bh.RcvContext) error {

	switch dm := msg.Data().(type) {
	case setup:
		return registerEndhosts(ctx)
	case nom.LinkAdded:
		link := InterAreaLink(dm)
		return r.GraphBuilderCentralized.Rcv(msg, ctx)
	case nom.LinkDeleted:
		return r.GraphBuilderCentralized.Rcv(msg, ctx)
		in := msg.Data().(nom.PacketIn)
		src := in.Packet.SrcMAC()
		dst := in.Packet.DstMAC()

		d := ctx.Dict(mac2port)

		if dst.IsLLDP() {
			return nil

		// FIXME: Hardcoding the hardware address at the moment
		srck := src.Key()
		_, src_err := d.Get(srck)
		if src_err != nil {
			fmt.Printf("Router: Error retrieving hosts %v\n", src)

		if dst.IsBroadcast() || dst.IsMulticast() {
			fmt.Printf("Router: Received Broadcast or Multicast from %v\n", src)
			return nil

		sn := in.Node

		dstk := dst.Key()
		dst_port, dst_err := d.Get(dstk)
		if dst_err != nil {
			fmt.Printf("Router: Cant find dest node %v\n", dstk)
			res, query_err := ctx.Sync(context.TODO(), InterAreaQuery{Src: srck, Dst: dstk})
			if query_err != nil {
				fmt.Printf("Router: received error when querying! %v\n", query_err)
			fmt.Printf("Router: received response succesfully - %v\n", res)
			dst_port = res.(nom.UID)
		dn, _ := nom.ParsePortUID(dst_port.(nom.UID))
		p := dst_port.(nom.UID)

		if sn != nom.UID(dn) {

			paths, shortest_len := discovery.ShortestPathCentralized(sn, nom.UID(dn), ctx)
			fmt.Printf("Router: Path between %v and %v returns %v, %v\n", sn, nom.UID(dn), paths, shortest_len)

			for _, path := range paths {
				if len(path) != shortest_len {
				} else {

					p = path[0].From

		// Forward flow entry
		add_forward := nom.AddFlowEntry{
			Flow: nom.FlowEntry{
				Node: in.Node,
				Match: nom.Match{
					Fields: []nom.Field{
							Addr: dst,
							Mask: nom.MaskNoneMAC,
				Actions: []nom.Action{
						Ports: []nom.UID{p},
		ctx.Reply(msg, add_forward)

		// Reverse flow entry
		add_reverse := nom.AddFlowEntry{
			Flow: nom.FlowEntry{
				Node: in.Node,
				Match: nom.Match{
					Fields: []nom.Field{
							Addr: src,
							Mask: nom.MaskNoneMAC,
				Actions: []nom.Action{
						Ports: []nom.UID{in.InPort},
		ctx.Reply(msg, add_reverse)

		out := nom.PacketOut{
			Node:     in.Node,
			InPort:   in.InPort,
			BufferID: in.BufferID,
			Packet:   in.Packet,
			Actions: []nom.Action{
					Ports: []nom.UID{p},
		ctx.Reply(msg, out)

	return nil
