コード例 #1
ファイル: main.go プロジェクト: zhaozhi406/factorlog
func main() {
	log.SetSeverities(log.INFO | log.WARN)
	log.Info("Severity: will print info.")
	log.Warn("Severity: will print warn.")
	log.Debug("Severity: won't print debug.")

	log.SetMinMaxSeverity(log.TRACE, log.INFO)
	log.Trace("Severity: will print trace.")
	log.Debug("Severity: will print debug.")
	log.Info("Severity: will print info.")
	log.Warn("Severity: won't print warn.")
コード例 #2
ファイル: getcvmlist.go プロジェクト: zz-mars/go-dev
func getCvmList(w http.ResponseWriter, req *http.Request) {
	// parse parameters
	app_id, owner_uin, district := parseParams(req)
	var resp_str []byte
	if app_id < 0 {
		// fail
		log.Error("invalid app_id : ", app_id)
		resp_str = packResponse(cvmcode.PARAM_ERR, "param error", nil, nil, nil, nil)
	log.Infof("get req -> app_id : %d owner_uin : %s district : %s\n", app_id, owner_uin, district)
	// expect cvm list
	code_list, message_list, district_list, device_list := processGetCvmList(app_id, owner_uin, district)
	log.Info("final code_list => ", code_list)
	log.Info("final message_list => ", message_list)
	log.Info("final district_list => ", district_list)
	log.Info("final device_list => ", device_list)
	final_return_code := cvmcode.CGW_INTERFACE_ALL_FAIL
	final_return_msg := "all cgw interface failed"
	// return ok if there are any interface returns ok
	for _, rt_code := range code_list {
		if rt_code == cvmcode.OK {
			final_return_code = cvmcode.OK
			final_return_msg = "ok"
	device_num := len(device_list)
	cvms := sjson.New()
	cvms.Set("totalNum", device_num)
	cvms.Set("deviceList", device_list)
	// response
	resp_str = packResponse(final_return_code, final_return_msg, code_list, message_list, district_list, cvms)
コード例 #3
ファイル: getcvmlist.go プロジェクト: zz-mars/go-dev
// return 4 slices
// code message district devicelist
func processGetCvmList(app_id int, owner_uin, district string) ([]int, []string, []string, []interface{}) {
	code_list := make([]int, 0)
	message_list := make([]string, 0)
	district_list := make([]string, 0)
	device_list := make([]interface{}, 0)
	// calling all the interfaces if district == "all"
	var interface_list []string
	switch district {
	case "gz":
		interface_list = []string{cgw_conf.Gz}
	case "sh":
		interface_list = []string{cgw_conf.Sh}
	case "hk":
		interface_list = []string{cgw_conf.Hk}
	case "ca":
		interface_list = []string{cgw_conf.Ca}
	case "all":
		interface_list = []string{cgw_conf.Gz, cgw_conf.Sh, cgw_conf.Hk, cgw_conf.Ca}
		log.Error("invalid district -> ", district)
		// return empty list
		return code_list, message_list, district_list, device_list
	interface_num := len(interface_list)
	// wait for all the interface to return
	collect_ch := make(chan Resp1, interface_num)
	var wait_group sync.WaitGroup
	// calling multiple interfaces concurrently
	for _, interface_name := range interface_list {
		// each with a single goroutine
		go func(interface_name string) {
			defer wait_group.Done()
			// get the first 1024 cvms
			start_idx := 0
			end_idx := 1023
			// for timeout control and result retrive
			ch := make(chan Resp0, 1)
			// POST request in goroutine
			// response should be written to ch
			go requestInterface(start_idx, end_idx, app_id, owner_uin, interface_name, ch)
			// no data
			resp1 := Resp1{
				district: getDistrictNameFromInterface(interface_name),
				data:     make([]interface{}, 0),
			// expect response from ch
			total_cvm_num := dealCgwResponse(ch, &resp1)
			start_idx = end_idx + 1
			end_idx = total_cvm_num - 1
			// no more cvms
			if end_idx < start_idx {
				collect_ch <- resp1
			// get the ramaining cvms in another goroutine
			go requestInterface(start_idx, end_idx, app_id, owner_uin, interface_name, ch)
			dealCgwResponse(ch, &resp1)
			// response anyway
			collect_ch <- resp1
	// wait for all the interface to return
	collect_result_done := false
	// iterate until all data are collected
	for collect_result_done == false {
		select {
		case final_result := <-collect_ch:
			log.Info("collect -> ", final_result)
			// collect cvms in data
			for _, cvm := range final_result.data {
				device_list = append(device_list, cvm)
			// collect code & message & district
			code_list = append(code_list, final_result.code)
			message_list = append(message_list, final_result.message)
			district_list = append(district_list, final_result.district)
			// done
			collect_result_done = true
	return code_list, message_list, district_list, device_list