コード例 #1
ファイル: rdf.go プロジェクト: kierdavis/argo
func read(output chan *argo.Triple, errorOutput chan error, prefixMap map[string]string, args *Args) {
	// Concurrent loading, gives a minimal speed gain:

	var wg sync.WaitGroup

	for _, url := range args.URLs {

		go func() {
			defer wg.Done()

			var format *argo.Format

			if args.InputFormat != "" {
				format = argo.Formats[args.InputFormat]
			} else {
				format = argo.FormatFromFilename(url)

			req, err := http.NewRequest("GET", url, nil)
			if err != nil {
				errorOutput <- fmt.Errorf("Error when preparing to fetch '%s': %s", url, err.Error())

			req.Header.Add("Accept", format.PreferredMIMEType)

			msg(ansi.White, "Fetching '%s'...\n", url)
			resp, err := http.DefaultClient.Do(req)
			if err != nil {
				errorOutput <- fmt.Errorf("Error when fetching '%s': %s", url, err.Error())
			defer resp.Body.Close()

			msg(ansi.White, "Parsing '%s' as %s...\n", url, format.Name)
			tripleChan := make(chan *argo.Triple)
			errChan := make(chan error)

			go func() {
				pipe(tripleChan, output)

			go format.Parser(resp.Body, tripleChan, errChan, prefixMap)

			err = <-errChan
			if err != nil {
				errorOutput <- fmt.Errorf("Error when parsing '%s': %s", url, err.Error())

			msg(ansi.White, "Parsed '%s' successfully!\n", url)

	for _, file := range args.Files {

		if file == "-" {
			go func() {
				defer wg.Done()

				var format *argo.Format

				if args.StdinFormat != "" {
					format = argo.Formats[args.StdinFormat]
				} else if args.InputFormat != "" {
					format = argo.Formats[args.InputFormat]
				} else {
					format = argo.Formats["rdfxml"]

				msg(ansi.White, "Parsing standard input as %s...\n", format.Name)
				tripleChan := make(chan *argo.Triple)
				errChan := make(chan error)

				go func() {
					pipe(tripleChan, output)

				go format.Parser(os.Stdin, tripleChan, errChan, prefixMap)

				err := <-errChan
				if err != nil {
					errorOutput <- fmt.Errorf("Error when parsing standard input: %s", err.Error())

				msg(ansi.White, "Parsed standard input successfully!\n")

		} else {
			matches, err := filepath.Glob(file)
			if err != nil {
				errorOutput <- fmt.Errorf("Error when globbing '%s': %s", file, err.Error())

			for _, match := range matches {
				go func() {
					defer wg.Done()

					var format *argo.Format

					if args.InputFormat != "" {
						format = argo.Formats[args.InputFormat]
					} else {
						format = argo.FormatFromFilename(match)

					f, err := os.Open(match)
					if err != nil {
						errorOutput <- fmt.Errorf("Error when opening '%s' for reading: %s", match, err.Error())
					defer f.Close()

					msg(ansi.White, "Parsing '%s' as %s...\n", match, format.Name)
					tripleChan := make(chan *argo.Triple)
					errChan := make(chan error)

					go func() {
						pipe(tripleChan, output)

					go format.Parser(f, tripleChan, errChan, prefixMap)

					err = <-errChan
					if err != nil {
						errorOutput <- fmt.Errorf("Error when parsing '%s': %s", match, err.Error())

					msg(ansi.White, "Parsed '%s' successfully!\n", match)

コード例 #2
ファイル: rdf.go プロジェクト: kierdavis/argo
func main() {
	defer argo.SaveLookupCache(LookupCacheFile)

	startTime := time.Now()

	args := &Args{
		OutFile: "-",

	p := argparse.New("A tool for manipulating RDF files.")
	p.Option('o', "output", "OutFile", 1, argparse.Store, "FILENAME", "The file to write output to. Default: standard output.")
	p.Option('u', "url", "URLs", 1, argparse.Append, "URL", "A URL to download from and add to the graph. Can be used multiple times. Default: no URLs will be downloaded.")
	p.Option('I', "input-format", "InputFormat", 1, argparse.Choice(argparse.Store, Parsers...), "FORMAT", "The format to parse all input sources as. Default: determine by the file extension, or fall back to rdfxml if unavailable.")
	p.Option('i', "stdin-format", "StdinFormat", 1, argparse.Choice(argparse.Store, Parsers...), "FORMAT", "The format to parse stdin as. The formats for all other sources (files and URLs) are still determined by their file extensions. Default: rdfxml.")
	p.Option('O', "output-format", "OutputFormat", 1, argparse.Choice(argparse.Store, Serializers...), "FORMAT", "The format to write output to. Default: determine by the file extension, or fall back to rdfxml if unavailable.")
	p.Option('F', "formats", "ShowFormats", 0, argparse.StoreConst(true), "", "Display a list of formats.")
	p.Option('r', "rewrite", "Rewrites", 2, argparse.Append, "FIND REPLACE", "Replaces all URIs and blank nodes that match the standard regular expression FIND with the URI REPLACE. Within REPLACE, patterns such as $1, $2 etc. expanding to the text of the first and second submatch respectively. This option can be used multiple times. Input and output strings that have the prefix '_:' are interpreted as blank nodes; otherwise they are URIs.")
	p.Option(0, "rewrite-subject", "SubjectRewrites", 2, argparse.Append, "FIND REPLACE", "Like -r/--rewrite, but only applies to subject terms.")
	p.Option(0, "rewrite-predicate", "PredicateRewrites", 2, argparse.Append, "FIND REPLACE", "Like -r/--rewrite, but only applies to predicate terms.")
	p.Option(0, "rewrite-object", "ObjectRewrites", 2, argparse.Append, "FIND REPLACE", "Like -r/--rewrite, but only applies to object terms.")
	p.Argument("Files", argparse.ZeroOrMore, argparse.Store, "filename", "Files to parse and add to the graph.")
	err := p.Parse(args)

	if err != nil {
		ansi.Fprintf(os.Stderr, ansi.RedBold, "Error when parsing arguments: %s\n", err.Error())

	if args.ShowFormats {
		fmt.Printf("Input formats:\n")

		for _, id := range Parsers {
			fmt.Printf("  %s - %s\n", id, argo.Formats[id].Name)

		fmt.Printf("\nOutput formats:\n")

		for _, id := range Serializers {
			fmt.Printf("  %s - %s\n", id, argo.Formats[id].Name)


	// =============================================================================================

	var rewrites, subjectRewrites, predicateRewrites, objectRewrites []Rewrite

	if args.Rewrites != nil {
		rewrites = make([]Rewrite, len(args.Rewrites)/2)

		for i := 0; i < len(args.Rewrites); i += 2 {
			rewrites[i/2].Regexp = regexp.MustCompile(args.Rewrites[i])
			rewrites[i/2].Template = args.Rewrites[i+1]

	if args.SubjectRewrites != nil {
		subjectRewrites = make([]Rewrite, len(args.SubjectRewrites)/2)

		for i := 0; i < len(args.SubjectRewrites); i += 2 {
			subjectRewrites[i/2].Regexp = regexp.MustCompile(args.SubjectRewrites[i])
			subjectRewrites[i/2].Template = args.SubjectRewrites[i+1]

	if args.PredicateRewrites != nil {
		predicateRewrites = make([]Rewrite, len(args.PredicateRewrites)/2)

		for i := 0; i < len(args.PredicateRewrites); i += 2 {
			predicateRewrites[i/2].Regexp = regexp.MustCompile(args.PredicateRewrites[i])
			predicateRewrites[i/2].Template = args.PredicateRewrites[i+1]

	if args.ObjectRewrites != nil {
		objectRewrites = make([]Rewrite, len(args.ObjectRewrites)/2)

		for i := 0; i < len(args.ObjectRewrites); i += 2 {
			objectRewrites[i/2].Regexp = regexp.MustCompile(args.ObjectRewrites[i])
			objectRewrites[i/2].Template = args.ObjectRewrites[i+1]

	parseChan := make(chan *argo.Triple)
	serializeChan := make(chan *argo.Triple)
	parseErrChan := make(chan error)
	serializeErrChan := make(chan error)
	prefixMap := make(map[string]string)

	var output io.Writer
	format := argo.Formats["rdfxml"]

	if args.OutFile == "-" {
		output = os.Stdout

	} else {
		output, err = os.Create(args.OutFile)
		if err != nil {
			msg(ansi.RedBold, "Error when opening '%s' for writing: %s\n", args.OutFile, err.Error())

		format = argo.FormatFromFilename(args.OutFile)

	if args.OutputFormat != "" {
		format = argo.Formats[args.OutputFormat]

	msg(ansi.White, "Serializing as %s...\n", format.Name)
	go read(parseChan, parseErrChan, prefixMap, args)
	go format.Serializer(output, serializeChan, serializeErrChan, prefixMap)

	go func() {
		for triple := range parseChan {
			rewrite(&triple.Subject, rewrites, subjectRewrites)
			rewrite(&triple.Predicate, rewrites, predicateRewrites)
			rewrite(&triple.Object, rewrites, objectRewrites)

			serializeChan <- triple


	for err = range parseErrChan {
		msg(ansi.RedBold, "Error: %s\n", err.Error())

	for err = range serializeErrChan {
		msg(ansi.RedBold, "Error: %s\n", err.Error())

	ms := float64(time.Since(startTime).Nanoseconds()) / 1000000.0
	msg(ansi.White, "\n%d triples processed in %.3f seconds (%.3f ms)\n", TriplesProcessed, ms/1000.0, ms)
	msg(ansi.White, "%d terms rewritten\n", Rewritten)