func Unzip(call []string) error { flagSet := uggo.NewFlagSetDefault("unzip", "[options] [list]", VERSION) destDir := "." flagSet.StringVar(&destDir, "d", destDir, "destination directory") test := false flagSet.BoolVar(&test, "t", test, "test archive data") err := flagSet.Parse(call[1:]) if err != nil { return err } if flagSet.ProcessHelpOrVersion() { return nil } args := flagSet.Args() if len(args) < 1 { return errors.New("No zip filename given") } zipname := args[0] files := args[1:] if test { err = TestItems(zipname, files) if err != nil { return err } } else { err = UnzipItems(zipname, destDir, files) if err != nil { return err } } return nil }
func Rm(call []string) error { options := RmOptions{} flagSet := uggo.NewFlagSetDefault("rm", "[options] [files...]", VERSION) flagSet.BoolVar(&options.IsRecursive, "r", false, "Recurse into directories") e := flagSet.Parse(call[1:]) if e != nil { return e } if flagSet.ProcessHelpOrVersion() { return nil } for _, fileGlob := range flagSet.Args() { files, err := filepath.Glob(fileGlob) if err != nil { return err } for _, file := range files { e := delete(file, options.IsRecursive) if e != nil { return e } } } return nil }
func Gunzip(call []string) error { options := GunzipOptions{} flagSet := uggo.NewFlagSetDefault("gunzip", "[options] file.gz [list]", VERSION) flagSet.AliasedBoolVar(&options.IsTest, []string{"t", "test"}, false, "test archive data") flagSet.AliasedBoolVar(&options.IsKeep, []string{"k", "keep"}, false, "keep gzip file") err := flagSet.Parse(call[1:]) if err != nil { return err } if flagSet.ProcessHelpOrVersion() { return nil } args := flagSet.Args() //TODO STDIN support if len(args) < 1 { return errors.New("No gzip filename given") } if options.IsTest { err = TestGzipItems(args) if err != nil { return err } } else { err = GunzipItems(args, options) if err != nil { return err } } return nil }
func Which(call []string) error { options := WhichOptions{} flagSet := uggo.NewFlagSetDefault("which", "[-a] args", VERSION) flagSet.BoolVar(&options.all, "a", false, "Print all matching executables in PATH, not just the first.") err := flagSet.Parse(call[1:]) if err != nil { println("Error parsing flags") return err } if flagSet.ProcessHelpOrVersion() { return nil } args := flagSet.Args() path := os.Getenv("PATH") if runtime.GOOS == "windows" { path = ".;" + path } pl := filepath.SplitList(path) for _, arg := range args { checkPathParts(arg, pl, options) /* if err != nil { return err }*/ } return nil }
// ParseFlags parses commandline options. func (tr *SomeTr) ParseFlags(call []string, errWriter io.Writer) (error, int) { flagSet := uggo.NewFlagSetDefault("tr", "[OPTION]... SET1 [SET2]", someutils.VERSION) flagSet.SetOutput(errWriter) flagSet.AliasedBoolVar(&tr.IsDelete, []string{"d", "delete"}, false, "Delete characters in SET1, do not translate") flagSet.AliasedBoolVar(&tr.IsSqueeze, []string{"s", "squeeze-repeats"}, false, "replace each input sequence of a repeated character that is listed in SET1 with a single occurence of that character") //Don't get the Complement thing. Just don't understand it right now. flagSet.AliasedBoolVar(&tr.IsComplement, []string{"c", "complement"}, false, "use the complement of SET1") err, code := flagSet.ParsePlus(call[1:]) if err != nil { return err, code } sets := flagSet.Args() if len(sets) > 0 { tr.set1 = sets[0] } else { return errors.New("Not enough args supplied"), 1 } if len(sets) > 1 { tr.set2 = sets[1] } else if !tr.IsDelete { return errors.New("Not enough args supplied"), 1 } err = tr.Preprocess() if err != nil { return err, 1 } return nil, 0 }
// ParseFlags parses flags from a commandline []string func (grep *SomeGrep) ParseFlags(call []string, errPipe io.Writer) (error, int) { flagSet := uggo.NewFlagSetDefault("grep", "[options] PATTERN [files...]", someutils.VERSION) flagSet.SetOutput(errPipe) flagSet.AliasedBoolVar(&grep.IsPerl, []string{"P", "perl-regexp"}, false, "Perl-style regex") flagSet.AliasedBoolVar(&grep.IsExtended, []string{"E", "extended-regexp"}, true, "Extended regex (default)") flagSet.AliasedBoolVar(&grep.IsIgnoreCase, []string{"i", "ignore-case"}, false, "ignore case") flagSet.AliasedBoolVar(&grep.IsPrintFilename, []string{"H", "with-filename"}, true, "print the file name for each match") flagSet.AliasedBoolVar(&grep.IsPrintLineNumber, []string{"n", "line-number"}, false, "print the line number for each match") flagSet.AliasedBoolVar(&grep.IsInvertMatch, []string{"v", "invert-match"}, false, "invert match") // disable for now // flagSet.AliasedBoolVar(&grep.IsRecurse, []string{"r", "recurse"}, false, "recurse into subdirectories") err, code := flagSet.ParsePlus(call[1:]) if err != nil { return err, code } args := flagSet.Args() if len(args) < 1 { flagSet.Usage() return errors.New("Not enough args"), 1 } grep.pattern = args[0] if len(args) > 1 { grep.globs = args[1:] } else { grep.globs = []string{} } return nil, 0 }
func Ln(call []string) error { options := LnOptions{} flagSet := uggo.NewFlagSetDefault("ln", "[options] TARGET LINK_NAME", VERSION) flagSet.BoolVar(&options.IsSymbolic, "s", false, "Symbolic") flagSet.BoolVar(&options.IsForce, "f", false, "Force") e := flagSet.Parse(call[1:]) if e != nil { println("Error parsing flags") return e } if flagSet.ProcessHelpOrVersion() { return nil } args := flagSet.Args() if len(args) < 2 { flagSet.Usage() return errors.New("Not enough args!") } target := args[0] linkName := args[1] return makeLink(target, linkName, options) }
func Grep(call []string) error { options := GrepOptions{} flagSet := uggo.NewFlagSetDefault("grep", "[options] PATTERN [files...]", VERSION) flagSet.AliasedBoolVar(&options.IsPerl, []string{"P", "perl-regexp"}, false, "Perl-style regex") flagSet.AliasedBoolVar(&options.IsExtended, []string{"E", "extended-regexp"}, true, "Extended regex (default)") flagSet.AliasedBoolVar(&options.IsIgnoreCase, []string{"i", "ignore-case"}, false, "ignore case") flagSet.AliasedBoolVar(&options.IsPrintFilename, []string{"H", "with-filename"}, true, "print the file name for each match") flagSet.AliasedBoolVar(&options.IsPrintLineNumber, []string{"n", "line-number"}, false, "print the line number for each match") flagSet.AliasedBoolVar(&options.IsInvertMatch, []string{"v", "invert-match"}, false, "invert match") // disable for now // flagSet.AliasedBoolVar(&options.IsRecurse, []string{"r", "recurse"}, false, "recurse into subdirectories") err := flagSet.Parse(call[1:]) if err != nil { flagSet.Usage() return err } if flagSet.ProcessHelpOrVersion() { return nil } args := flagSet.Args() if len(args) < 1 { flagSet.Usage() return errors.New("Not enough args") } pattern := args[0] reg, err := compile(pattern, options) if err != nil { return err } globs := []string{} if len(args) > 1 { globs = args[1:] files := []string{} for _, glob := range globs { results, err := filepath.Glob(glob) if err != nil { return err } if len(results) < 1 { //no match return errors.New("grep: cannot access " + glob + ": No such file or directory") } files = append(files, results...) } return grep(reg, files, options) } else { if uggo.IsPipingStdin() { //check STDIN return grepReader(os.Stdin, "", reg, options) } else { //NOT piping. return errors.New("Not enough args") } } }
// ParseFlags parses flags from a commandline []string func (pwd *SomePwd) ParseFlags(call []string, errPipe io.Writer) (error, int) { flagSet := uggo.NewFlagSetDefault("pwd", "", someutils.VERSION) flagSet.SetOutput(errPipe) err, code := flagSet.ParsePlus(call[1:]) if err != nil { return err, code } return nil, 0 }
// ParseFlags parses flags from a commandline []string func (dirname *SomeDirname) ParseFlags(call []string, errPipe io.Writer) (error, int) { flagSet := uggo.NewFlagSetDefault("dirname", "[options] NAME...", someutils.VERSION) flagSet.SetOutput(errPipe) err, code := flagSet.ParsePlus(call[1:]) if err != nil { return err, code } dirname.Filenames = flagSet.Args() return nil, 0 }
// ParseFlags parses flags from a commandline []string func (tee *SomeTee) ParseFlags(call []string, errPipe io.Writer) (error, int) { flagSet := uggo.NewFlagSetDefault("tee", "[OPTION]... [FILE]...", someutils.VERSION) flagSet.SetOutput(errPipe) flagSet.AliasedBoolVar(&tee.isAppend, []string{"a", "append"}, false, "Append instead of overwrite") err, code := flagSet.ParsePlus(call[1:]) if err != nil { return err, code } tee.args = flagSet.Args() return nil, 0 }
// ParseFlags parses flags from a commandline []string func (which *SomeWhich) ParseFlags(call []string, errWriter io.Writer) (error, int) { flagSet := uggo.NewFlagSetDefault("which", "[options] [args...]", someutils.VERSION) flagSet.SetOutput(errWriter) flagSet.BoolVar(&which.all, "a", false, "Print all matching executables in PATH, not just the first.") err, code := flagSet.ParsePlus(call[1:]) if err != nil { return err, code } which.args = flagSet.Args() return nil, 0 }
// ParseFlags parses flags from a commandline []string func (rm *SomeRm) ParseFlags(call []string, errPipe io.Writer) (error, int) { flagSet := uggo.NewFlagSetDefault("rm", "[options] [files...]", someutils.VERSION) flagSet.SetOutput(errPipe) flagSet.BoolVar(&rm.IsRecursive, "r", false, "Recurse into directories") err, code := flagSet.ParsePlus(call[1:]) if err != nil { return err, code } rm.fileGlobs = flagSet.Args() return nil, 0 }
// ParseFlags parses flags from a commandline []string func (head *SomeHead) ParseFlags(call []string, errPipe io.Writer) (error, int) { flagSet := uggo.NewFlagSetDefault("head", "[options] [args...]", someutils.VERSION) flagSet.SetOutput(errPipe) flagSet.AliasedIntVar(&head.lines, []string{"n", "lines"}, 10, "number of lines to print") err, code := flagSet.ParsePlus(call[1:]) if err != nil { return err, code } //could be nil head.Filenames = flagSet.Args() return nil, 0 }
// ParseFlags parses flags from a commandline []string func (touch *SomeTouch) ParseFlags(call []string, errWriter io.Writer) (error, int) { flagSet := uggo.NewFlagSetDefault("touch", "[options] [files...]", someutils.VERSION) flagSet.SetOutput(errWriter) err, code := flagSet.ParsePlus(call[1:]) if err != nil { return err, code } args := flagSet.Args() if len(args) < 1 { return errors.New("Not enough args given"), 1 } touch.args = args return nil, 0 }
// ParseFlags parses flags from a commandline []string func (tail *SomeTail) ParseFlags(call []string, errPipe io.Writer) (error, int) { flagSet := uggo.NewFlagSetDefault("tail", "[options] [args...]", someutils.VERSION) flagSet.SetOutput(errPipe) flagSet.AliasedIntVar(&tail.Lines, []string{"n", "lines"}, 10, "number of lines to print") flagSet.AliasedFloat64Var(&tail.SleepInterval, []string{"s", "sleep"}, 1.0, "how long to sleep") //TODO! //flagSet.AliasedStringVar(&options.Follow, []string{"f", "follow"}, "", "follow (name|descriptor). Default is by descriptor (unsupported so far!!)") flagSet.BoolVar(&tail.FollowByName, "F", false, "follow by name") err, code := flagSet.ParsePlus(call[1:]) if err != nil { return err, code } tail.Filenames = flagSet.Args() return nil, 0 }
// ParseFlags parses flags from a commandline []string func (z *SomeZip) ParseFlags(call []string, errWriter io.Writer) (error, int) { flagSet := uggo.NewFlagSetDefault("zip", "[options] [files...]", someutils.VERSION) flagSet.SetOutput(errWriter) err, code := flagSet.ParsePlus(call[1:]) if err != nil { return err, code } args := flagSet.Args() if len(args) < 2 { flagSet.Usage() return errors.New("Not enough args given"), 1 } z.zipFilename = args[0] z.items = args[1:] return nil, 0 }
// ParseFlags parses flags from a commandline []string func (wc *SomeWc) ParseFlags(call []string, errWriter io.Writer) (error, int) { flagSet := uggo.NewFlagSetDefault("wc", "[OPTION]... [FILE]...", someutils.VERSION) flagSet.SetOutput(errWriter) // TODO add flags here flagSet.AliasedBoolVar(&wc.IsLines, []string{"l", "lines"}, false, "Count lines") flagSet.AliasedBoolVar(&wc.IsWords, []string{"w", "words"}, false, "Count words") // flagSet.AliasedBoolVar(&wc.IsChars, []string{"m", "chars"}, false, "Count characters") flagSet.AliasedBoolVar(&wc.IsBytes, []string{"c", "bytes"}, false, "Count bytes") err, code := flagSet.ParsePlus(call[1:]) if err != nil { return err, code } wc.args = flagSet.Args() return nil, 0 }
func Pwd(call []string) error { flagSet := uggo.NewFlagSetDefault("pwd", "", VERSION) err := flagSet.Parse(call[1:]) if err != nil { return err } if flagSet.ProcessHelpOrVersion() { return nil } wd, err := os.Getwd() if err != nil { return err } println(wd) return nil }
// ParseFlags parses flags from a commandline []string func (basename *SomeBasename) ParseFlags(call []string, errPipe io.Writer) (error, int) { flagSet := uggo.NewFlagSetDefault("basename", "", someutils.VERSION) flagSet.SetOutput(errPipe) err, code := flagSet.ParsePlus(call[1:]) if err != nil { return err, code } if len(flagSet.Args()) < 1 { return errors.New("Missing operand"), 1 } if len(flagSet.Args()) > 1 { basename.RelativeTo = flagSet.Args()[0] basename.InputPath = flagSet.Args()[1] } else { basename.InputPath = flagSet.Args()[0] } return nil, 1 }
func (cat *SomeCat) ParseFlags(call []string, errPipe io.Writer) (error, int) { flagSet := uggo.NewFlagSetDefault("cat", "[options] [files...]", someutils.VERSION) flagSet.SetOutput(errPipe) flagSet.AliasedBoolVar(&cat.IsShowEnds, []string{"E", "show-ends"}, false, "display $ at end of each line") flagSet.AliasedBoolVar(&cat.IsNumber, []string{"n", "number"}, false, "number all output lines") flagSet.AliasedBoolVar(&cat.IsSqueezeBlank, []string{"s", "squeeze-blank"}, false, "squeeze repeated empty output lines") err, code := flagSet.ParsePlus(call[1:]) if err != nil { return err, code } if len(flagSet.Args()) > 0 { cat.FileNames = flagSet.Args() } // else it's coming from STDIN return nil, 0 }
// ParseFlags parses flags from a commandline []string func (ls *SomeLs) ParseFlags(call []string, errPipe io.Writer) (error, int) { flagSet := uggo.NewFlagSetDefault("ls", "[options] [dirs...]", someutils.VERSION) flagSet.SetOutput(errPipe) flagSet.BoolVar(&ls.LongList, "l", false, "Long, detailed listing") flagSet.AliasedBoolVar(&ls.Recursive, []string{"R", "recursive"}, false, "Recurse into directories") flagSet.AliasedBoolVar(&ls.Human, []string{"h", "human-readable"}, false, "Output sizes in a human readable format") flagSet.AliasedBoolVar(&ls.AllFiles, []string{"a", "all"}, false, "Show all files (including dotfiles)") flagSet.BoolVar(&ls.OnePerLine, "1", false, "One entry per line") flagSet.AliasedBoolVar(&ls.Stdin, []string{"z", "stdin"}, false, "Read from stdin") err, code := flagSet.ParsePlus(call[1:]) if err != nil { return err, code } //fmt.Fprintf(errPipe, "ls args: %+v\n", flagSet.Args()) ls.globs = flagSet.Args() return nil, 0 }
// ParseFlags parses flags from a commandline []string func (gz *SomeGzip) ParseFlags(call []string, errPipe io.Writer) (error, int) { flagSet := uggo.NewFlagSetDefault("gzip", "[options] [files...]", someutils.VERSION) flagSet.SetOutput(errPipe) flagSet.AliasedBoolVar(&gz.IsKeep, []string{"k", "keep"}, false, "keep gzip file") flagSet.AliasedBoolVar(&gz.IsStdout, []string{"c", "stdout", "to-stdout"}, false, "pipe output to standard out. Keep source file.") err, code := flagSet.ParsePlus(call[1:]) if err != nil { return err, code } args := flagSet.Args() //TODO STDIN support if len(args) < 1 { flagSet.Usage() return errors.New("Not enough args given"), 1 } gz.Filenames = args return nil, 0 }
// ParseFlags parses flags from a commandline []string func (cd *SomeCd) ParseFlags(call []string, errPipe io.Writer) error { flagSet := uggo.NewFlagSetDefault("cd", "[options] [args...]", VERSION) flagSet.SetOutput(errPipe) // TODO add flags here err := flagSet.Parse(call[1:]) if err != nil { fmt.Fprintf(errPipe, "Flag error: %v\n\n", err.Error()) flagSet.Usage() return err } if flagSet.ProcessHelpOrVersion() { return nil } // TODO: validate and process flagSet.Args() return nil }
func mv(call []string) error { flagSet := uggo.NewFlagSetDefault("mv", "[options] [src...] [dest]", VERSION) err := flagSet.Parse(call[1:]) if err != nil { fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "Flag error: %v\n\n", err.Error()) flagSet.Usage() return err } if flagSet.ProcessHelpOrVersion() { return nil } args := flagSet.Args() if len(args) < 2 { fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "Error: not enough arguments\n\n") flagSet.Usage() return errors.New("Not enough arguments") } srcGlobs := args[0 : len(args)-1] dest := args[len(args)-1] for _, srcGlob := range srcGlobs { srces, err := filepath.Glob(srcGlob) if err != nil { return err } if len(srces) < 1 { return errors.New(fmt.Sprintf("Source glob '%s' does not match any files\n", srcGlob)) } for _, src := range srces { err = moveFile(src, dest) if err != nil { fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "Error %v\n", err) return err } } } return nil }
// ParseFlags parses flags from a commandline []string func (unzip *SomeUnzip) ParseFlags(call []string, errWriter io.Writer) (error, int) { flagSet := uggo.NewFlagSetDefault("unzip", "[options] [list...]", someutils.VERSION) flagSet.SetOutput(errWriter) destDir := "." flagSet.StringVar(&unzip.destDir, "d", destDir, "destination directory") test := false flagSet.BoolVar(&unzip.isTest, "t", test, "test archive data") err, code := flagSet.ParsePlus(call[1:]) if err != nil { return err, code } args := flagSet.Args() if len(args) < 1 { return errors.New("No zip filename given"), 1 } unzip.zipname = args[0] unzip.files = args[1:] return nil, 0 }
func Zip(call []string) error { flagSet := uggo.NewFlagSetDefault("zip", "[options] [files...]", VERSION) err := flagSet.Parse(call[1:]) if err != nil { flagSet.Usage() return err } if flagSet.ProcessHelpOrVersion() { return nil } args := flagSet.Args() if len(args) < 2 { flagSet.Usage() return errors.New("Not enough args given") } err = ZipItems(args[0], args[1:]) if err != nil { return err } return nil }
// ParseFlags parses flags from a commandline []string func (cp *SomeCp) ParseFlags(call []string, errPipe io.Writer) (error, int) { flagSet := uggo.NewFlagSetDefault("cp", "[options] [src...] [dest]", someutils.VERSION) flagSet.AliasedBoolVar(&cp.IsRecursive, []string{"R", "r", "recursive"}, false, "Recurse into directories") flagSet.SetOutput(errPipe) // TODO add flags here err, code := flagSet.ParsePlus(call[1:]) if err != nil { return err, code } args := flagSet.Args() if len(args) < 2 { flagSet.Usage() return errors.New("Not enough args"), 1 } cp.SrcGlobs = args[0 : len(args)-1] cp.Dest = args[len(args)-1] return nil, 0 }
// ParseFlags parses flags from a commandline []string func (xargs *SomeXargs) ParseFlags(call []string, errPipe io.Writer) (error, int) { flagSet := uggo.NewFlagSetDefault("xargs", "[options] [args...]", someutils.VERSION) flagSet.SetOutput(errPipe) // TODO multiple processes at once ? flagSet.AliasedIntVar(&xargs.maxProcesses, []string{"P", "max-procs"}, 1, "Maximum processes") err, code := flagSet.ParsePlus(call[1:]) if err != nil { return err, code } args := flagSet.Args() if len(args) < 1 { return errors.New("No command specified"), 1 } if !someutils.Exists(args[0]) { return errors.New("Command does not exist."), 1 } xargs.utilFactory = someutils.GetCliPipableFactory(args[0]) xargs.utilArgs = args return nil, 0 }
// ParseFlags parses flags from a commandline []string func (t *SomeTar) ParseFlags(call []string, errPipe io.Writer) (error, int) { flagSet := uggo.NewFlagSetDefault("tar", "[option...] [FILE...]", someutils.VERSION) flagSet.SetOutput(errPipe) flagSet.AliasedBoolVar(&t.IsCreate, []string{"c", "create"}, false, "create a new archive") flagSet.AliasedBoolVar(&t.IsAppend, []string{"r", "append"}, false, "append files to the end of an archive") flagSet.AliasedBoolVar(&t.IsList, []string{"t", "list"}, false, "list the contents of an archive") flagSet.AliasedBoolVar(&t.IsExtract, []string{"x", "extract", "get"}, false, "extract files from an archive") flagSet.AliasedBoolVar(&t.IsVerbose, []string{"v", "verbose"}, false, "verbosely list files processed") flagSet.AliasedStringVar(&t.ArchiveFilename, []string{"f", "file"}, "", "use given archive file or device") err, code := flagSet.ParsePlus(call[1:]) if err != nil { return err, code } if countTrue(t.IsCreate, t.IsAppend, t.IsList, t.IsExtract) != 1 { return errors.New("You must use *one* of -c, -t, -x, -r (create, list, extract or append), plus -f"), 1 } t.args = flagSet.Args() return nil, 0 }