func scanAlternateNames( db *bolt.DB, filename string, locales []string, ) (int, error) { file, err := os.Open(filename) if err != nil { return 0, err } defer file.Close() reader := bufio.NewReader(file) scanner := bufio.NewScanner(reader) cityNamesCount := 0 countriesTranslations := make(map[int]map[string]string) err = db.Update(func(tx *bolt.Tx) error { cityNamesBucket := tx.Bucket(ds.CityNamesBucketName) countriesBucket := tx.Bucket(ds.CountriesBucketName) for scanner.Scan() { nameData := strings.Split(scanner.Text(), "\t") if isSupportedLocale(nameData[2], locales) || nameData[4] == "1" { city, _ := ds.FindCity(db, nameData[1], false) if city != nil { addCityToIndex( cityNamesBucket, strconv.Itoa(city.ID), nameData[3], nameData[2], city.Population, ) cityNamesCount++ } else if nameData[2] != "en" { country, _ := ds.FindCountry(db, nameData[1]) if country != nil { if countriesTranslations[country.ID] == nil { countriesTranslations[country.ID] = make(map[string]string) } if countriesTranslations[country.ID][nameData[2]] == "" { countriesTranslations[country.ID][nameData[2]] = nameData[3] } } } } } for id, translations := range countriesTranslations { var values []string for locale, name := range translations { values = append(values, locale+"|"+name) } addTranslationsToCountry(countriesBucket, id, values) } return err }) return cityNamesCount, err }
func TestScanAlternateNames(t *testing.T) { Convey("Test scan alternate names", t, func() { db := h.CreateDB(t) ds.CreateCitiesBucket(db) ds.CreateCityNamesBucket(db) ds.CreateCountriesBucket(db) h.PutToBucket(t, db, ds.CitiesBucketName, "1", "Montreal\t\t\t\t\t") h.PutToBucket(t, db, ds.CitiesBucketName, "2", "Moscow\t\t\t\t\t") h.PutToBucket(t, db, ds.CountriesBucketName, "3", "DE\tGermany\ten|Germany") locales := []string{"de", "ru"} Convey("When alternate names file exists", func() { filename := h.CreateTempfile( t, "10\t1\tfr\tMontréal\t\t\t\t\n11\t2\tde\tMoskau\t\t\t\t\n12\t2\tru\tМосква\t\t\t\t13\t9\tde\tMünchen\t\t\t\t\n"+ "14\t3\tde\tDeutschland\t\t\t\t\n15\t3\ten\tWest Germany\t\t\t\t\n16\t3\tit\tGermania\t\t\t\t", ) count, err := scanAlternateNames(db, filename, locales) country, _ := ds.FindCountry(db, "3") Convey("Returns number of scanned records", func() { So(count, ShouldEqual, 2) }) Convey("When the locale is supported", func() { Convey("Stores the record if the city exists", func() { actual := h.ReadFromBucket(t, db, ds.CityNamesBucketName, "moskau") So(actual, ShouldEqual, "Moskau\t2\tde\t0") }) Convey("Doesn't store the record if the city doesn't exist", func() { actual := h.ReadFromBucket(t, db, ds.CityNamesBucketName, "münchen") So(actual, ShouldEqual, "") }) Convey("Adds translations for countries", func() { So(country.Translations["de"], ShouldEqual, "Deutschland") }) Convey("Doesn't override en names for countries", func() { So(country.Translations["en"], ShouldEqual, "Germany") }) }) Convey("When the locale is not supported", func() { Convey("Doesn't store the record", func() { actual := h.ReadFromBucket(t, db, ds.CityNamesBucketName, "montréal") So(actual, ShouldEqual, "") }) Convey("Doesn't add translations for countries", func() { So(country.Translations["it"], ShouldEqual, "") }) }) Convey("Returns no error", func() { So(err, ShouldBeNil) }) }) Convey("When alternate names file does not exist", func() { count, err := scanAlternateNames(db, "fake.txt", locales) Convey("Returns a zero number of scanned records", func() { So(count, ShouldEqual, 0) }) Convey("Returns an error", func() { So(err, ShouldNotBeNil) }) }) }) }
func TestUtils(t *testing.T) { db := h.CreateDB(t) ds.CreateCityNamesBucket(db) ds.CreateCountriesBucket(db) Convey("Test prepare country bytes", t, func() { Convey("When the data is correct", func() { data := []string{ "0", "1", "2", "3", "4", "5", "6", "7", "8", "9", "10", "11", "12", "13", "14", "15", "16", "17", "18", } expected := []byte("0\t4\ten|4") actual, err := prepareCountryBytes(data) Convey("Joins the array in the right order with tabs", func() { So(actual, ShouldResemble, expected) }) Convey("Returns no error", func() { So(err, ShouldBeNil) }) }) Convey("When the data is incorrect", func() { data := []string{"yolo"} actual, err := prepareCountryBytes(data) Convey("Returns an empty bytes array", func() { var bytes []byte So(actual, ShouldResemble, bytes) }) Convey("Returns an error", func() { So(err, ShouldNotBeNil) }) }) }) Convey("Test add translations to country", t, func() { translations := []string{"de|Deutschland", "ru|Германия"} countryAttrs := []string{"DE", "Germany", "en|Germany"} countryString := strings.Join(countryAttrs, "\t") h.PutToBucket(t, db, ds.CountriesBucketName, "1", countryString) err := db.Batch(func(tx *bolt.Tx) error { b := tx.Bucket(ds.CountriesBucketName) return addTranslationsToCountry(b, 1, translations) }) country, err := ds.FindCountry(db, "1") Convey("Does not modify country data", func() { So(country.Code, ShouldEqual, countryAttrs[0]) So(country.Name, ShouldEqual, countryAttrs[1]) }) Convey("Keeps old translations", func() { So(country.Translations["en"], ShouldEqual, "Germany") }) Convey("Adds new translations", func() { So(country.Translations["de"], ShouldEqual, "Deutschland") So(country.Translations["ru"], ShouldEqual, "Германия") }) Convey("Returns no error", func() { So(err, ShouldBeNil) }) }) Convey("Test prepare city bytes", t, func() { Convey("When the data is correct", func() { data := []string{ "0", "1", "2", "3", "4", "5", "6", "7", "8", "9", "10", "11", "12", "13", "14", "15", "16", "17", "18", } expected := []byte("1\t8\t14\t4\t5\t17") actual, err := prepareCityBytes(data) Convey("Joins the array in the right order with tabs", func() { So(actual, ShouldResemble, expected) }) Convey("Returns no error", func() { So(err, ShouldBeNil) }) }) Convey("When the data is incorrect", func() { data := []string{"yolo"} actual, err := prepareCityBytes(data) Convey("Returns an empty bytes array", func() { var bytes []byte So(actual, ShouldResemble, bytes) }) Convey("Returns an error", func() { So(err, ShouldNotBeNil) }) }) }) Convey("Test add city to index", t, func() { Convey("If no record for the key exist yet", func() { err := db.Batch(func(tx *bolt.Tx) error { b := tx.Bucket(ds.CityNamesBucketName) return addCityToIndex(b, "1", "Berlin", "en", 2000000) }) Convey("Puts the city name string to the bucket", func() { actual := h.ReadFromBucket(t, db, ds.CityNamesBucketName, "berlin") So(actual, ShouldEqual, "Berlin\t1\ten\t2000000") }) Convey("Not return an error", func() { So(err, ShouldBeNil) }) }) Convey("If a record for the key exists", func() { existing := "Moscow\t1\ten\t12000000" h.PutToBucket(t, db, ds.CityNamesBucketName, "moscow", existing) err := db.Batch(func(tx *bolt.Tx) error { b := tx.Bucket(ds.CityNamesBucketName) return addCityToIndex(b, "2", "Moscow", "en", 20000) }) Convey("Does not overwrites the existing entry", func() { actual := h.ReadFromBucket(t, db, ds.CityNamesBucketName, "moscow") So(actual, ShouldEqual, existing) }) Convey("Adds city id as postfix for a new entry key", func() { actual := h.ReadFromBucket(t, db, ds.CityNamesBucketName, "moscow|2") So(actual, ShouldEqual, "Moscow\t2\ten\t20000") }) Convey("Not return an error", func() { So(err, ShouldBeNil) }) }) }) Convey("Test is supported locale", t, func() { locales := []string{"ru", "en", "de"} Convey("Returns true for supported locales", func() { for _, locale := range locales { So(isSupportedLocale(locale, locales), ShouldBeTrue) } }) Convey("Returns false for unsupported locales", func() { So(isSupportedLocale("jp", locales), ShouldBeFalse) }) }) }