コード例 #1
ファイル: ra.go プロジェクト: andrewrothstein/boulder
// NewCertificate requests the issuance of a certificate.
func (ra *RegistrationAuthorityImpl) NewCertificate(ctx context.Context, req core.CertificateRequest, regID int64) (cert core.Certificate, err error) {
	emptyCert := core.Certificate{}
	var logEventResult string

	// Assume the worst
	logEventResult = "error"

	// Construct the log event
	logEvent := certificateRequestEvent{
		ID:            core.NewToken(),
		Requester:     regID,
		RequestMethod: "online",
		RequestTime:   ra.clk.Now(),

	// No matter what, log the request
	defer func() {
		// AUDIT[ Certificate Requests ] 11917fa4-10ef-4e0d-9105-bacbe7836a3c
		ra.log.AuditObject(fmt.Sprintf("Certificate request - %s", logEventResult), logEvent)

	if regID <= 0 {
		err = core.MalformedRequestError(fmt.Sprintf("Invalid registration ID: %d", regID))
		return emptyCert, err

	registration, err := ra.SA.GetRegistration(ctx, regID)
	if err != nil {
		logEvent.Error = err.Error()
		return emptyCert, err

	// Verify the CSR
	csr := req.CSR
	if err := csrlib.VerifyCSR(csr, ra.maxNames, &ra.keyPolicy, ra.PA, ra.forceCNFromSAN, regID); err != nil {
		err = core.MalformedRequestError(err.Error())
		return emptyCert, err

	logEvent.CommonName = csr.Subject.CommonName
	logEvent.Names = csr.DNSNames

	// Validate that authorization key is authorized for all domains
	names := make([]string, len(csr.DNSNames))
	copy(names, csr.DNSNames)

	if len(names) == 0 {
		err = core.UnauthorizedError("CSR has no names in it")
		logEvent.Error = err.Error()
		return emptyCert, err

	if core.KeyDigestEquals(csr.PublicKey, registration.Key) {
		err = core.MalformedRequestError("Certificate public key must be different than account key")
		return emptyCert, err

	// Check rate limits before checking authorizations. If someone is unable to
	// issue a cert due to rate limiting, we don't want to tell them to go get the
	// necessary authorizations, only to later fail the rate limit check.
	err = ra.checkLimits(ctx, names, registration.ID)
	if err != nil {
		logEvent.Error = err.Error()
		return emptyCert, err

	err = ra.checkAuthorizations(ctx, names, &registration)
	if err != nil {
		logEvent.Error = err.Error()
		return emptyCert, err

	// Mark that we verified the CN and SANs
	logEvent.VerifiedFields = []string{"subject.commonName", "subjectAltName"}

	// Create the certificate and log the result
	if cert, err = ra.CA.IssueCertificate(ctx, *csr, regID); err != nil {
		logEvent.Error = err.Error()
		return emptyCert, err

	err = ra.MatchesCSR(cert, csr)
	if err != nil {
		logEvent.Error = err.Error()
		return emptyCert, err

	parsedCertificate, err := x509.ParseCertificate([]byte(cert.DER))
	if err != nil {
		// InternalServerError because the certificate from the CA should be
		// parseable.
		err = core.InternalServerError(err.Error())
		logEvent.Error = err.Error()
		return emptyCert, err

	logEvent.SerialNumber = core.SerialToString(parsedCertificate.SerialNumber)
	logEvent.CommonName = parsedCertificate.Subject.CommonName
	logEvent.NotBefore = parsedCertificate.NotBefore
	logEvent.NotAfter = parsedCertificate.NotAfter
	logEvent.ResponseTime = ra.clk.Now()

	logEventResult = "successful"

	ra.stats.Inc("RA.NewCertificates", 1, 1.0)
	return cert, nil
コード例 #2
// IssueCertificate attempts to convert a CSR into a signed Certificate, while
// enforcing all policies. Names (domains) in the CertificateRequest will be
// lowercased before storage.
// Currently it will always sign with the defaultIssuer.
func (ca *CertificateAuthorityImpl) IssueCertificate(ctx context.Context, csr x509.CertificateRequest, regID int64) (core.Certificate, error) {
	emptyCert := core.Certificate{}

	if err := csrlib.VerifyCSR(&csr, ca.maxNames, &ca.keyPolicy, ca.PA, ca.forceCNFromSAN, regID); err != nil {
		// AUDIT[ Certificate Requests ] 11917fa4-10ef-4e0d-9105-bacbe7836a3c
		return emptyCert, core.MalformedRequestError(err.Error())

	requestedExtensions, err := ca.extensionsFromCSR(&csr)
	if err != nil {
		return emptyCert, err

	issuer := ca.defaultIssuer
	notAfter := ca.clk.Now().Add(ca.validityPeriod)

	if issuer.cert.NotAfter.Before(notAfter) {
		err = core.InternalServerError("Cannot issue a certificate that expires after the issuer certificate.")
		// AUDIT[ Certificate Requests ] 11917fa4-10ef-4e0d-9105-bacbe7836a3c
		return emptyCert, err

	// Convert the CSR to PEM
	csrPEM := string(pem.EncodeToMemory(&pem.Block{
		Bytes: csr.Raw,

	// We want 136 bits of random number, plus an 8-bit instance id prefix.
	const randBits = 136
	serialBytes := make([]byte, randBits/8+1)
	serialBytes[0] = byte(ca.prefix)
	_, err = rand.Read(serialBytes[1:])
	if err != nil {
		err = core.InternalServerError(err.Error())
		// AUDIT[ Error Conditions ] 9cc4d537-8534-4970-8665-4b382abe82f3
		ca.log.AuditErr(fmt.Sprintf("Serial randomness failed, err=[%v]", err))
		return emptyCert, err
	serialBigInt := big.NewInt(0)
	serialBigInt = serialBigInt.SetBytes(serialBytes)
	serialHex := core.SerialToString(serialBigInt)

	var profile string
	switch csr.PublicKey.(type) {
	case *rsa.PublicKey:
		profile = ca.rsaProfile
	case *ecdsa.PublicKey:
		profile = ca.ecdsaProfile
		err = core.InternalServerError(fmt.Sprintf("unsupported key type %T", csr.PublicKey))
		// AUDIT[ Certificate Requests ] 11917fa4-10ef-4e0d-9105-bacbe7836a3c
		return emptyCert, err

	// Send the cert off for signing
	req := signer.SignRequest{
		Request: csrPEM,
		Profile: profile,
		Hosts:   csr.DNSNames,
		Subject: &signer.Subject{
			CN: csr.Subject.CommonName,
		Serial:     serialBigInt,
		Extensions: requestedExtensions,
	if !ca.forceCNFromSAN {
		req.Subject.SerialNumber = serialHex

	ca.log.AuditInfo(fmt.Sprintf("Signing: serial=[%s] names=[%s] csr=[%s]",
		serialHex, strings.Join(csr.DNSNames, ", "), csrPEM))

	certPEM, err := issuer.eeSigner.Sign(req)
	if err != nil {
		err = core.InternalServerError(err.Error())
		// AUDIT[ Error Conditions ] 9cc4d537-8534-4970-8665-4b382abe82f3
		ca.log.AuditErr(fmt.Sprintf("Signing failed: serial=[%s] err=[%v]", serialHex, err))
		return emptyCert, err

	ca.log.AuditInfo(fmt.Sprintf("Signing success: serial=[%s] names=[%s] csr=[%s] pem=[%s]",
		serialHex, strings.Join(csr.DNSNames, ", "), csrPEM,

	if len(certPEM) == 0 {
		err = core.InternalServerError("No certificate returned by server")
		// AUDIT[ Error Conditions ] 9cc4d537-8534-4970-8665-4b382abe82f3
		ca.log.AuditErr(fmt.Sprintf("PEM empty from Signer: serial=[%s] err=[%v]", serialHex, err))
		return emptyCert, err

	block, _ := pem.Decode(certPEM)
	if block == nil || block.Type != "CERTIFICATE" {
		err = core.InternalServerError("Invalid certificate value returned")
		// AUDIT[ Error Conditions ] 9cc4d537-8534-4970-8665-4b382abe82f3
		ca.log.AuditErr(fmt.Sprintf("PEM decode error, aborting: serial=[%s] pem=[%s] err=[%v]",
			serialHex, certPEM, err))
		return emptyCert, err
	certDER := block.Bytes

	cert := core.Certificate{
		DER: certDER,

	// This is one last check for uncaught errors
	if err != nil {
		err = core.InternalServerError(err.Error())
		// AUDIT[ Error Conditions ] 9cc4d537-8534-4970-8665-4b382abe82f3
		ca.log.AuditErr(fmt.Sprintf("Uncaught error, aborting: serial=[%s] pem=[%s] err=[%v]",
			serialHex, certPEM, err))
		return emptyCert, err

	// Store the cert with the certificate authority, if provided
	_, err = ca.SA.AddCertificate(ctx, certDER, regID)
	if err != nil {
		err = core.InternalServerError(err.Error())
		// AUDIT[ Error Conditions ] 9cc4d537-8534-4970-8665-4b382abe82f3
			"Failed RPC to store at SA, orphaning certificate: serial=[%s] b64der=[%s] err=[%v], regID=[%d]",
		return emptyCert, err

	// Submit the certificate to any configured CT logs
	go func() {
		// since we don't want this method to be canceled if the parent context
		// expires pass a background context to it
		_ = ca.Publisher.SubmitToCT(context.Background(), certDER)

	// Do not return an err at this point; caller must know that the Certificate
	// was issued. (Also, it should be impossible for err to be non-nil here)
	return cert, nil