コード例 #1
ファイル: channel_test.go プロジェクト: lightningnetwork/lnd
func createTestChannelState(cdb *DB) (*OpenChannel, error) {
	addr, err := btcutil.NewAddressPubKey(pubKey.SerializeCompressed(), netParams)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err

	script, err := txscript.MultiSigScript([]*btcutil.AddressPubKey{addr, addr}, 2)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err

	// Simulate 1000 channel updates via progression of the elkrem
	// revocation trees.
	sender := elkrem.NewElkremSender(key)
	receiver := &elkrem.ElkremReceiver{}
	for i := 0; i < 1000; i++ {
		preImage, err := sender.AtIndex(uint64(i))
		if err != nil {
			return nil, err

		if receiver.AddNext(preImage); err != nil {
			return nil, err

	return &OpenChannel{
		IdentityPub:                pubKey,
		ChanID:                     id,
		MinFeePerKb:                btcutil.Amount(5000),
		OurCommitKey:               privKey.PubKey(),
		TheirCommitKey:             pubKey,
		Capacity:                   btcutil.Amount(10000),
		OurBalance:                 btcutil.Amount(3000),
		TheirBalance:               btcutil.Amount(9000),
		OurCommitTx:                testTx,
		OurCommitSig:               bytes.Repeat([]byte{1}, 71),
		LocalElkrem:                sender,
		RemoteElkrem:               receiver,
		FundingOutpoint:            testOutpoint,
		OurMultiSigKey:             privKey.PubKey(),
		TheirMultiSigKey:           privKey.PubKey(),
		FundingWitnessScript:       script,
		TheirCurrentRevocation:     privKey.PubKey(),
		TheirCurrentRevocationHash: key,
		OurDeliveryScript:          script,
		TheirDeliveryScript:        script,
		LocalCsvDelay:              5,
		RemoteCsvDelay:             9,
		NumUpdates:                 0,
		TotalSatoshisSent:          8,
		TotalSatoshisReceived:      2,
		TotalNetFees:               9,
		CreationTime:               time.Date(2009, time.November, 10, 23, 0, 0, 0, time.UTC),
		Db:                         cdb,
	}, nil
コード例 #2
ファイル: channel.go プロジェクト: lightningnetwork/lnd
func fetchChanElkremState(nodeChanBucket *bolt.Bucket, channel *OpenChannel) error {
	var b bytes.Buffer
	if err := writeOutpoint(&b, channel.ChanID); err != nil {
		return err
	elkremKey := make([]byte, len(elkremStateKey)+b.Len())
	copy(elkremKey[:3], elkremStateKey)
	copy(elkremKey[3:], b.Bytes())

	elkremStateBytes := bytes.NewReader(nodeChanBucket.Get(elkremKey))

	revKeyBytes, err := wire.ReadVarBytes(elkremStateBytes, 0, 1000, "")
	if err != nil {
		return err
	channel.TheirCurrentRevocation, err = btcec.ParsePubKey(revKeyBytes, btcec.S256())
	if err != nil {
		return err

	if _, err := elkremStateBytes.Read(channel.TheirCurrentRevocationHash[:]); err != nil {
		return err

	// TODO(roasbeef): should be rederiving on fly, or encrypting on disk.
	senderBytes, err := wire.ReadVarBytes(elkremStateBytes, 0, 1000, "")
	if err != nil {
		return err
	elkremRoot, err := wire.NewShaHash(senderBytes)
	if err != nil {
		return err
	channel.LocalElkrem = elkrem.NewElkremSender(*elkremRoot)

	reciverBytes, err := wire.ReadVarBytes(elkremStateBytes, 0, 1000, "")
	if err != nil {
		return err
	remoteE, err := elkrem.ElkremReceiverFromBytes(reciverBytes)
	if err != nil {
		return err
	channel.RemoteElkrem = remoteE

	return nil
コード例 #3
ファイル: wallet.go プロジェクト: lightningnetwork/lnd
// handleSingleContribution is called as the second step to a single funder
// workflow to which we are the responder. It simply saves the remote peer's
// contribution to the channel, as solely the remote peer will contribute any
// funds to the channel.
func (l *LightningWallet) handleSingleContribution(req *addSingleContributionMsg) {
	pendingReservation, ok := l.fundingLimbo[req.pendingFundingID]
	if !ok {
		req.err <- fmt.Errorf("attempted to update non-existant funding state")

	// Grab the mutex on the ChannelReservation to ensure thead-safety
	defer pendingReservation.Unlock()

	// Simply record the counterparty's contribution into the pending
	// reservation data as they'll be solely funding the channel entirely.
	pendingReservation.theirContribution = req.contribution
	theirContribution := pendingReservation.theirContribution

	// Additionally, we can now also record the redeem script of the
	// funding transaction.
	// TODO(roasbeef): switch to proper pubkey derivation
	ourKey := pendingReservation.partialState.OurMultiSigKey
	theirKey := theirContribution.MultiSigKey
	channelCapacity := int64(pendingReservation.partialState.Capacity)
	witnessScript, _, err := GenFundingPkScript(ourKey.SerializeCompressed(),
		theirKey.SerializeCompressed(), channelCapacity)
	if err != nil {
		req.err <- err
	pendingReservation.partialState.FundingWitnessScript = witnessScript

	masterElkremRoot, err := l.deriveMasterElkremRoot()
	if err != nil {
		req.err <- err

	// Now that we know their commitment key, we can create the revocation
	// key for our version of the initial commitment transaction.
	elkremRoot := deriveElkremRoot(masterElkremRoot, ourKey, theirKey)
	elkremSender := elkrem.NewElkremSender(elkremRoot)
	firstPreimage, err := elkremSender.AtIndex(0)
	if err != nil {
		req.err <- err
	pendingReservation.partialState.LocalElkrem = elkremSender
	theirCommitKey := theirContribution.CommitKey
	ourRevokeKey := DeriveRevocationPubkey(theirCommitKey, firstPreimage[:])

	// Initialize an empty sha-chain for them, tracking the current pending
	// revocation hash (we don't yet know the pre-image so we can't add it
	// to the chain).
	remoteElkrem := &elkrem.ElkremReceiver{}
	pendingReservation.partialState.RemoteElkrem = remoteElkrem

	// Record the counterpaty's remaining contributions to the channel,
	// converting their delivery address into a public key script.
	deliveryScript, err := txscript.PayToAddrScript(theirContribution.DeliveryAddress)
	if err != nil {
		req.err <- err
	pendingReservation.partialState.RemoteCsvDelay = theirContribution.CsvDelay
	pendingReservation.partialState.TheirDeliveryScript = deliveryScript
	pendingReservation.partialState.TheirCommitKey = theirContribution.CommitKey
	pendingReservation.partialState.TheirMultiSigKey = theirContribution.MultiSigKey
	pendingReservation.ourContribution.RevocationKey = ourRevokeKey

	req.err <- nil
コード例 #4
ファイル: wallet.go プロジェクト: lightningnetwork/lnd
// handleContributionMsg processes the second workflow step for the lifetime of
// a channel reservation. Upon completion, the reservation will carry a
// completed funding transaction (minus the counterparty's input signatures),
// both versions of the commitment transaction, and our signature for their
// version of the commitment transaction.
func (l *LightningWallet) handleContributionMsg(req *addContributionMsg) {
	pendingReservation, ok := l.fundingLimbo[req.pendingFundingID]
	if !ok {
		req.err <- fmt.Errorf("attempted to update non-existant funding state")

	// Grab the mutex on the ChannelReservation to ensure thead-safety
	defer pendingReservation.Unlock()

	// Create a blank, fresh transaction. Soon to be a complete funding
	// transaction which will allow opening a lightning channel.
	pendingReservation.fundingTx = wire.NewMsgTx()
	fundingTx := pendingReservation.fundingTx

	// Some temporary variables to cut down on the resolution verbosity.
	pendingReservation.theirContribution = req.contribution
	theirContribution := req.contribution
	ourContribution := pendingReservation.ourContribution

	// Add all multi-party inputs and outputs to the transaction.
	for _, ourInput := range ourContribution.Inputs {
	for _, theirInput := range theirContribution.Inputs {
	for _, ourChangeOutput := range ourContribution.ChangeOutputs {
	for _, theirChangeOutput := range theirContribution.ChangeOutputs {

	ourKey := pendingReservation.partialState.OurMultiSigKey
	theirKey := theirContribution.MultiSigKey

	// Finally, add the 2-of-2 multi-sig output which will set up the lightning
	// channel.
	channelCapacity := int64(pendingReservation.partialState.Capacity)
	witnessScript, multiSigOut, err := GenFundingPkScript(ourKey.SerializeCompressed(),
		theirKey.SerializeCompressed(), channelCapacity)
	if err != nil {
		req.err <- err
	pendingReservation.partialState.FundingWitnessScript = witnessScript

	// Sort the transaction. Since both side agree to a canonical
	// ordering, by sorting we no longer need to send the entire
	// transaction. Only signatures will be exchanged.

	// Next, sign all inputs that are ours, collecting the signatures in
	// order of the inputs.
	pendingReservation.ourFundingInputScripts = make([]*InputScript, 0, len(ourContribution.Inputs))
	signDesc := SignDescriptor{
		HashType:  txscript.SigHashAll,
		SigHashes: txscript.NewTxSigHashes(fundingTx),
	for i, txIn := range fundingTx.TxIn {
		info, err := l.FetchInputInfo(&txIn.PreviousOutPoint)
		if err == ErrNotMine {
		} else if err != nil {
			req.err <- err

		signDesc.Output = info
		signDesc.InputIndex = i

		inputScript, err := l.Signer.ComputeInputScript(fundingTx, &signDesc)
		if err != nil {
			req.err <- err

		txIn.SignatureScript = inputScript.ScriptSig
		txIn.Witness = inputScript.Witness
		pendingReservation.ourFundingInputScripts = append(

	// Locate the index of the multi-sig outpoint in order to record it
	// since the outputs are canonically sorted. If this is a single funder
	// workflow, then we'll also need to send this to the remote node.
	fundingTxID := fundingTx.TxSha()
	_, multiSigIndex := FindScriptOutputIndex(fundingTx, multiSigOut.PkScript)
	fundingOutpoint := wire.NewOutPoint(&fundingTxID, multiSigIndex)
	pendingReservation.partialState.FundingOutpoint = fundingOutpoint

	// Initialize an empty sha-chain for them, tracking the current pending
	// revocation hash (we don't yet know the pre-image so we can't add it
	// to the chain).
	e := &elkrem.ElkremReceiver{}
	pendingReservation.partialState.RemoteElkrem = e
	pendingReservation.partialState.TheirCurrentRevocation = theirContribution.RevocationKey

	masterElkremRoot, err := l.deriveMasterElkremRoot()
	if err != nil {
		req.err <- err

	// Now that we have their commitment key, we can create the revocation
	// key for the first version of our commitment transaction. To do so,
	// we'll first create our elkrem root, then grab the first pre-iamge
	// from it.
	elkremRoot := deriveElkremRoot(masterElkremRoot, ourKey, theirKey)
	elkremSender := elkrem.NewElkremSender(elkremRoot)
	pendingReservation.partialState.LocalElkrem = elkremSender
	firstPreimage, err := elkremSender.AtIndex(0)
	if err != nil {
		req.err <- err
	theirCommitKey := theirContribution.CommitKey
	ourRevokeKey := DeriveRevocationPubkey(theirCommitKey, firstPreimage[:])

	// Create the txIn to our commitment transaction; required to construct
	// the commitment transactions.
	fundingTxIn := wire.NewTxIn(wire.NewOutPoint(&fundingTxID, multiSigIndex), nil, nil)

	// With the funding tx complete, create both commitment transactions.
	// TODO(roasbeef): much cleanup + de-duplication
	pendingReservation.fundingLockTime = theirContribution.CsvDelay
	ourBalance := ourContribution.FundingAmount
	theirBalance := theirContribution.FundingAmount
	ourCommitKey := ourContribution.CommitKey
	ourCommitTx, err := CreateCommitTx(fundingTxIn, ourCommitKey, theirCommitKey,
		ourRevokeKey, ourContribution.CsvDelay,
		ourBalance, theirBalance)
	if err != nil {
		req.err <- err
	theirCommitTx, err := CreateCommitTx(fundingTxIn, theirCommitKey, ourCommitKey,
		theirContribution.RevocationKey, theirContribution.CsvDelay,
		theirBalance, ourBalance)
	if err != nil {
		req.err <- err

	// Sort both transactions according to the agreed upon cannonical
	// ordering. This lets us skip sending the entire transaction over,
	// instead we'll just send signatures.

	deliveryScript, err := txscript.PayToAddrScript(theirContribution.DeliveryAddress)
	if err != nil {
		req.err <- err

	// Record newly available information witin the open channel state.
	pendingReservation.partialState.RemoteCsvDelay = theirContribution.CsvDelay
	pendingReservation.partialState.TheirDeliveryScript = deliveryScript
	pendingReservation.partialState.ChanID = fundingOutpoint
	pendingReservation.partialState.TheirCommitKey = theirCommitKey
	pendingReservation.partialState.TheirMultiSigKey = theirContribution.MultiSigKey
	pendingReservation.partialState.OurCommitTx = ourCommitTx
	pendingReservation.ourContribution.RevocationKey = ourRevokeKey

	// Generate a signature for their version of the initial commitment
	// transaction.
	signDesc = SignDescriptor{
		WitnessScript: witnessScript,
		PubKey:        ourKey,
		Output:        multiSigOut,
		HashType:      txscript.SigHashAll,
		SigHashes:     txscript.NewTxSigHashes(theirCommitTx),
		InputIndex:    0,
	sigTheirCommit, err := l.Signer.SignOutputRaw(theirCommitTx, &signDesc)
	if err != nil {
		req.err <- err
	pendingReservation.ourCommitmentSig = sigTheirCommit

	req.err <- nil
コード例 #5
ファイル: channel_test.go プロジェクト: lightningnetwork/lnd
// createTestChannels creates two test channels funded witr 10 BTC, with 5 BTC
// allocated to each side.
func createTestChannels(revocationWindow int) (*LightningChannel, *LightningChannel, func(), error) {
	aliceKeyPriv, aliceKeyPub := btcec.PrivKeyFromBytes(btcec.S256(),
	bobKeyPriv, bobKeyPub := btcec.PrivKeyFromBytes(btcec.S256(),

	channelCapacity := btcutil.Amount(10 * 1e8)
	channelBal := channelCapacity / 2
	csvTimeoutAlice := uint32(5)
	csvTimeoutBob := uint32(4)

	witnessScript, _, err := GenFundingPkScript(aliceKeyPub.SerializeCompressed(),
		bobKeyPub.SerializeCompressed(), int64(channelCapacity))
	if err != nil {
		return nil, nil, nil, err

	prevOut := &wire.OutPoint{
		Hash:  wire.ShaHash(testHdSeed),
		Index: 0,
	fundingTxIn := wire.NewTxIn(prevOut, nil, nil)

	bobElkrem := elkrem.NewElkremSender(deriveElkremRoot(bobKeyPriv, bobKeyPub, aliceKeyPub))
	bobFirstRevoke, err := bobElkrem.AtIndex(0)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, nil, nil, err
	bobRevokeKey := DeriveRevocationPubkey(aliceKeyPub, bobFirstRevoke[:])

	aliceElkrem := elkrem.NewElkremSender(deriveElkremRoot(aliceKeyPriv, aliceKeyPub, bobKeyPub))
	aliceFirstRevoke, err := aliceElkrem.AtIndex(0)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, nil, nil, err
	aliceRevokeKey := DeriveRevocationPubkey(bobKeyPub, aliceFirstRevoke[:])

	aliceCommitTx, err := CreateCommitTx(fundingTxIn, aliceKeyPub,
		bobKeyPub, aliceRevokeKey, csvTimeoutAlice, channelBal, channelBal)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, nil, nil, err
	bobCommitTx, err := CreateCommitTx(fundingTxIn, bobKeyPub,
		aliceKeyPub, bobRevokeKey, csvTimeoutBob, channelBal, channelBal)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, nil, nil, err

	alicePath, err := ioutil.TempDir("", "alicedb")
	dbAlice, err := channeldb.Open(alicePath, &chaincfg.TestNet3Params)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, nil, nil, err

	bobPath, err := ioutil.TempDir("", "bobdb")
	dbBob, err := channeldb.Open(bobPath, &chaincfg.TestNet3Params)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, nil, nil, err

	aliceChannelState := &channeldb.OpenChannel{
		IdentityPub:            aliceKeyPub,
		ChanID:                 prevOut,
		OurCommitKey:           aliceKeyPub,
		TheirCommitKey:         bobKeyPub,
		Capacity:               channelCapacity,
		OurBalance:             channelBal,
		TheirBalance:           channelBal,
		OurCommitTx:            aliceCommitTx,
		FundingOutpoint:        prevOut,
		OurMultiSigKey:         aliceKeyPub,
		TheirMultiSigKey:       bobKeyPub,
		FundingWitnessScript:   witnessScript,
		LocalCsvDelay:          csvTimeoutAlice,
		RemoteCsvDelay:         csvTimeoutBob,
		TheirCurrentRevocation: bobRevokeKey,
		LocalElkrem:            aliceElkrem,
		RemoteElkrem:           &elkrem.ElkremReceiver{},
		Db:                     dbAlice,
	bobChannelState := &channeldb.OpenChannel{
		IdentityPub:            bobKeyPub,
		ChanID:                 prevOut,
		OurCommitKey:           bobKeyPub,
		TheirCommitKey:         aliceKeyPub,
		Capacity:               channelCapacity,
		OurBalance:             channelBal,
		TheirBalance:           channelBal,
		OurCommitTx:            bobCommitTx,
		FundingOutpoint:        prevOut,
		OurMultiSigKey:         bobKeyPub,
		TheirMultiSigKey:       aliceKeyPub,
		FundingWitnessScript:   witnessScript,
		LocalCsvDelay:          csvTimeoutBob,
		RemoteCsvDelay:         csvTimeoutAlice,
		TheirCurrentRevocation: aliceRevokeKey,
		LocalElkrem:            bobElkrem,
		RemoteElkrem:           &elkrem.ElkremReceiver{},
		Db:                     dbBob,

	cleanUpFunc := func() {

	aliceSigner := &mockSigner{aliceKeyPriv}
	bobSigner := &mockSigner{bobKeyPriv}

	notifier := &mockNotfier{}

	channelAlice, err := NewLightningChannel(aliceSigner, nil, notifier, aliceChannelState)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, nil, nil, err
	channelBob, err := NewLightningChannel(bobSigner, nil, notifier, bobChannelState)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, nil, nil, err

	// Now that the channel are open, simulate the start of a session by
	// having Alice and Bob extend their revocation windows to each other.
	err = initRevocationWindows(channelAlice, channelBob, revocationWindow)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, nil, nil, err

	return channelAlice, channelBob, cleanUpFunc, nil