コード例 #1
//GetBooking - Receiver is a pointer to booking service struct which implements client
//GetBooking takes a bookit.BookingID to use in call to db, return the bookit.Booking
func (s *BookingService) GetBooking(id bookit.BookingID) (*bookit.Booking, error) {

	//start db session to get booking, read-only
	tx, err := s.client.db.Begin(false)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err
	defer tx.Rollback()

	//look for booking and unmarshal with protobuf (internal package)
	var b bookit.Booking

	//v is used to check for value in Bookings bucket
	if v := tx.Bucket([]byte("Bookings")).Get([]byte(id)); v == nil {
		// TODO: look over error handling
		//if v is empty, no booking with ID was found
		return nil, bookit.ErrBookingNotFound
	} else if err := internal.UnmarshalBooking(v, &b); err != nil {
		//else if we found booking in Bookings bucket, check for err during Unmarshal to protobuf.
		// TODO: look over error handling
		return nil, err

	//return value to variable which points to bookit.Booking (DSL) struct
	return &b, nil
コード例 #2
//DeleteBooking deletes the booking with given id
func (s *BookingService) DeleteBooking(id bookit.BookingID) (*bookit.Booking, error) {

	var b bookit.Booking

	//Start get transaction
	if err := s.client.db.Update(func(tx *bolt.Tx) error {
		//Check id in bookings bucket
		v := tx.Bucket([]byte("Bookings")).Get([]byte(id))

		if v == nil {
			//check if booking exists else return
			return bookit.ErrBookingNotFound
		} else if err := internal.UnmarshalBooking(v, &b); err != nil {
			//check for unmarshalling error
			return bookit.ErrBookingUnmarshal

		return nil
	}); err != nil {
		//TODO - fix error handling
	//Start delete transaction
	//Delete the booking
	if err := s.client.db.Update(func(tx *bolt.Tx) error {

		return tx.Bucket([]byte("Bookings")).Delete([]byte(id))
	}); err != nil {
		//fix error handling

	return &b, nil

コード例 #3
//UpdateBooking takes a booking with updated values and replace the one in db. Returns an id to confirm what booking was updated and an error
func (s *BookingService) UpdateBooking(b *bookit.Booking) error {
	// TODO: Create UpdateBooking service function

	tx, err := s.client.db.Begin(true)
	if err != nil {
		//fix error handling
	defer tx.Rollback()

	var bk bookit.Booking
	//Get db bucket
	bu := tx.Bucket([]byte("Bookings"))

	//Fetch booking, key is ID
	v := bu.Get([]byte(b.ID))
	if v == nil {
		return bookit.ErrBookingNotFound
	} else if err := internal.UnmarshalBooking(v, &bk); err != nil {
		//check for unmarshalling error
		return bookit.ErrBookingUnmarshal

	b1 := reflect.ValueOf(b)
	b2 := reflect.ValueOf(&bk)


	//Compare if any change was done from what is stored in database
	if b1 == b2 {
		return bookit.ErrBookingNoChange

	//We check if bookings are different above, since bookings were different, we now update Modified time in the new booking
	t := s.client.Now()
	b.ModTime = t

	//After modified time is update, we put new booking back in bucket
	//Marshal protobuf and add to bolt db
	if v, err := internal.MarshalBooking(b); err != nil {
		return err
	} else if err := bu.Put([]byte(b.ID), v); err != nil {
		return err

	return tx.Commit()
