// Delete a photo from Flickr // This method requires authentication with 'delete' permission. func Delete(client *flickr.FlickrClient, id string) (*flickr.BasicResponse, error) { client.Init() client.EndpointUrl = flickr.API_ENDPOINT client.HTTPVerb = "POST" client.Args.Set("method", "flickr.photos.delete") client.Args.Set("photo_id", id) client.OAuthSign() response := &flickr.BasicResponse{} err := flickr.DoPost(client, response) return response, err }
// Delete a photoset // This method requires authentication with 'write' permission. func Delete(client *flickr.FlickrClient, photosetId string) (*flickr.BasicResponse, error) { client.Init() client.HTTPVerb = "POST" client.Args.Set("method", "flickr.photosets.delete") client.Args.Set("photoset_id", photosetId) client.OAuthSign() response := &flickr.BasicResponse{} err := flickr.DoPost(client, response) return response, err }
// Set the order of photosets for the calling user. // Any set IDs not given in the list will be set to appear at the end of the list, ordered by their IDs. // This method requires authentication with 'write' permission. func OrderSets(client *flickr.FlickrClient, photosetIds []string) (*flickr.BasicResponse, error) { client.Init() client.HTTPVerb = "POST" client.Args.Set("method", "flickr.photosets.orderSets") sets := strings.Join(photosetIds, ",") client.Args.Set("photoset_ids", sets) client.OAuthSign() response := &flickr.BasicResponse{} err := flickr.DoPost(client, response) return response, err }
// Create a photoset specifying its primary photo // This method requires authentication with 'write' permission. func Create(client *flickr.FlickrClient, title, description, primaryPhotoId string) (*PhotosetResponse, error) { client.Init() client.HTTPVerb = "POST" client.Args.Set("method", "flickr.photosets.create") client.Args.Set("title", title) client.Args.Set("description", description) client.Args.Set("primary_photo_id", primaryPhotoId) client.OAuthSign() response := &PhotosetResponse{} err := flickr.DoPost(client, response) return response, err }
// Modify the photos in a photoset. Use this method to add, remove and re-order photos. // This method requires authentication with 'write' permission. func EditPhotos(client *flickr.FlickrClient, photosetId, primaryId string, photoIds []string) (*flickr.BasicResponse, error) { client.Init() client.HTTPVerb = "POST" client.Args.Set("method", "flickr.photosets.editPhotos") client.Args.Set("photoset_id", photosetId) client.Args.Set("primary_photo_id", primaryId) photos := strings.Join(photoIds, ",") client.Args.Set("photo_ids", photos) client.OAuthSign() response := &flickr.BasicResponse{} err := flickr.DoPost(client, response) return response, err }
// Edit set name and description // This method requires authentication with 'write' permission. func EditMeta(client *flickr.FlickrClient, photosetId, title, description string) (*flickr.BasicResponse, error) { client.Init() client.HTTPVerb = "POST" client.Args.Set("method", "flickr.photosets.editMeta") client.Args.Set("photoset_id", photosetId) client.Args.Set("title", title) if description != "" { client.Args.Set("description", description) } client.OAuthSign() response := &flickr.BasicResponse{} err := flickr.DoPost(client, response) return response, err }