コード例 #1
ファイル: ensure.go プロジェクト: gus/glide
// EnsureGoVendor ensures that the Go version is correct.
func EnsureGoVendor() {
	// 6l was removed in 1.5, when vendoring was introduced.
	cmd := exec.Command("go", "tool", "6l")
	if _, err := cmd.CombinedOutput(); err == nil {
		msg.Warn("You must install the Go 1.5 or greater toolchain to work with Glide.\n")
	if os.Getenv("GO15VENDOREXPERIMENT") != "1" {
		msg.Warn("To use Glide, you must set GO15VENDOREXPERIMENT=1\n")

	// Verify the setup isn't for the old version of glide. That is, this is
	// no longer assuming the _vendor directory as the GOPATH. Inform of
	// the change.
	if _, err := os.Stat("_vendor/"); err == nil {
		msg.Warn(`Your setup appears to be for the previous version of Glide.
Previously, vendor packages were stored in _vendor/src/ and
_vendor was set as your GOPATH. As of Go 1.5 the go tools
recognize the vendor directory as a location for these
files. Glide has embraced this. Please remove the _vendor
directory or move the _vendor/src/ directory to vendor/.` + "\n")
コード例 #2
ファイル: get.go プロジェクト: litixsoft/lxb
// Get fetches one or more dependencies and installs.
// This includes resolving dependency resolution and re-generating the lock file.
func Get(names []string, installer *repo.Installer, insecure, skipRecursive bool) {
	base := gpath.Basepath()
	conf := EnsureConfig()
	glidefile, err := gpath.Glide()
	if err != nil {
		msg.Die("Could not find Glide file: %s", err)

	// Add the packages to the config.
	if err := addPkgsToConfig(conf, names, insecure); err != nil {
		msg.Die("Failed to get new packages: %s", err)

	// Fetch the new packages. Can't resolve versions via installer.Update if
	// get is called while the vendor/ directory is empty so we checkout
	// everything.
	installer.Checkout(conf, false)

	// Prior to resolving dependencies we need to start working with a clone
	// of the conf because we'll be making real changes to it.
	confcopy := conf.Clone()

	if !skipRecursive {
		// Get all repos and update them.
		// TODO: Can we streamline this in any way? The reason that we update all
		// of the dependencies is that we need to re-negotiate versions. For example,
		// if an existing dependency has the constraint >1.0 and this new package
		// adds the constraint <2.0, then this may re-resolve the existing dependency
		// to be between 1.0 and 2.0. But changing that dependency may then result
		// in that dependency's dependencies changing... so we sorta do the whole
		// thing to be safe.
		err = installer.Update(confcopy)
		if err != nil {
			msg.Die("Could not update packages: %s", err)

	// Set Reference
	if err := repo.SetReference(confcopy); err != nil {
		msg.Error("Failed to set references: %s", err)

	// VendoredCleanup
	if installer.UpdateVendored {

	// Write YAML
	if err := conf.WriteFile(glidefile); err != nil {
		msg.Die("Failed to write glide YAML file: %s", err)
	if !skipRecursive {
		// Write lock
		writeLock(conf, confcopy, base)
	} else {
		msg.Warn("Skipping lockfile generation because full dependency tree is not being calculated")
コード例 #3
ファイル: gpm.go プロジェクト: bacongobbler/glide
// Parse parses a GPM-flavored Godeps file.
func Parse(dir string) ([]*cfg.Dependency, error) {
	path := filepath.Join(dir, "Godeps")
	if i, err := os.Stat(path); err != nil {
		return []*cfg.Dependency{}, nil
	} else if i.IsDir() {
		msg.Info("Godeps is a directory. This is probably a Godep project.\n")
		return []*cfg.Dependency{}, nil
	msg.Info("Found Godeps file.\n")

	buf := []*cfg.Dependency{}

	file, err := os.Open(path)
	if err != nil {
		return buf, err
	scanner := bufio.NewScanner(file)
	for scanner.Scan() {
		parts, ok := parseGodepsLine(scanner.Text())
		if ok {
			dep := &cfg.Dependency{Name: parts[0]}
			if len(parts) > 1 {
				dep.Reference = parts[1]
			buf = append(buf, dep)
	if err := scanner.Err(); err != nil {
		msg.Warn("Scan failed: %s\n", err)
		return buf, err

	return buf, nil
コード例 #4
ファイル: installer.go プロジェクト: litixsoft/lxb
func (i *Installer) List(conf *cfg.Config) []*cfg.Dependency {
	base := "."
	vpath := i.VendorPath()

	ic := newImportCache()

	v := &VersionHandler{
		Destination: vpath,
		Use:         ic,
		Imported:    make(map[string]bool),
		Conflicts:   make(map[string]bool),
		Config:      conf,

	// Update imports
	res, err := dependency.NewResolver(base)
	if err != nil {
		msg.Die("Failed to create a resolver: %s", err)
	res.Config = conf
	res.VersionHandler = v

	msg.Info("Resolving imports")
	_, err = allPackages(conf.Imports, res)
	if err != nil {
		msg.Die("Failed to retrieve a list of dependencies: %s", err)

	msg.Warn("devImports not resolved.")

	return conf.Imports
コード例 #5
ファイル: create.go プロジェクト: treejames/glide-1
func guessImportDeps(base string, config *cfg.Config) {
	msg.Info("Attempting to import from other package managers (use --skip-import to skip)")
	deps := []*cfg.Dependency{}
	absBase, err := filepath.Abs(base)
	if err != nil {
		msg.Die("Failed to resolve location of %s: %s", base, err)

	if d, ok := guessImportGodep(absBase); ok {
		msg.Info("Importing Godep configuration")
		msg.Warn("Godep uses commit id versions. Consider using Semantic Versions with Glide")
		deps = d
	} else if d, ok := guessImportGPM(absBase); ok {
		msg.Info("Importing GPM configuration")
		deps = d
	} else if d, ok := guessImportGB(absBase); ok {
		msg.Info("Importing GB configuration")
		deps = d

	for _, i := range deps {
		if i.Reference == "" {
			msg.Info("--> Found imported reference to %s", i.Name)
		} else {
			msg.Info("--> Found imported reference to %s at revision %s", i.Name, i.Reference)

		config.Imports = append(config.Imports, i)
コード例 #6
ファイル: installer.go プロジェクト: litixsoft/lxb
func singleWarn(ft string, v ...interface{}) {
	m := fmt.Sprintf(ft, v...)
	_, f := warningMessage[m]
	if !f {
		warningMessage[m] = true
コード例 #7
ファイル: ensure.go プロジェクト: albrow/glide
// EnsureConfig loads and returns a config file.
// Any error will cause an immediate exit, with an error printed to Stderr.
func EnsureConfig() *cfg.Config {
	yamlpath, err := gpath.Glide()
	if err != nil {
		msg.Die("Failed to find %s file in directory tree: %s", gpath.GlideFile, err)

	yml, err := ioutil.ReadFile(yamlpath)
	if err != nil {
		msg.Die("Failed to load %s: %s", yamlpath, err)
	conf, err := cfg.ConfigFromYaml(yml)
	if err != nil {
		msg.Die("Failed to parse %s: %s", yamlpath, err)

	b := filepath.Dir(yamlpath)
	buildContext, err := util.GetBuildContext()
	if err != nil {
		msg.Die("Failed to build an import context while ensuring config: %s", err)
	cwd, err := os.Getwd()
	if err != nil {
		msg.Err("Unable to get the current working directory")
	} else {
		// Determining a package name requires a relative path
		b, err = filepath.Rel(b, cwd)
		if err == nil {
			name := buildContext.PackageName(b)
			if name != conf.Name {
				msg.Warn("The name listed in the config file (%s) does not match the current location (%s)", conf.Name, name)
		} else {
			msg.Warn("Problem finding the config file path (%s) relative to the current directory (%s): %s", b, cwd, err)

	err = mirrors.Load()
	if err != nil {
		msg.Err("Unable to load mirrors: %s", err)

	return conf
コード例 #8
ファイル: ensure.go プロジェクト: Zuozuohao/glide
// EnsureGoVendor ensures that the Go version is correct.
func EnsureGoVendor() {
	// 6l was removed in 1.5, when vendoring was introduced.
	cmd := exec.Command(goExecutable(), "tool", "6l")
	if _, err := cmd.CombinedOutput(); err == nil {
		msg.Warn("You must install the Go 1.5 or greater toolchain to work with Glide.\n")

	// Check if this is go15, which requires GO15VENDOREXPERIMENT
	// Any release after go15 does not require that env var.
	cmd = exec.Command(goExecutable(), "version")
	if out, err := cmd.CombinedOutput(); err != nil {
		msg.Err("Error getting version: %s.\n", err)
	} else if strings.HasPrefix(string(out), "go version 1.5") {
		// This works with 1.5 and 1.6.
		cmd = exec.Command(goExecutable(), "env", "GO15VENDOREXPERIMENT")
		if out, err := cmd.CombinedOutput(); err != nil {
			msg.Err("Error looking for $GOVENDOREXPERIMENT: %s.\n", err)
		} else if strings.TrimSpace(string(out)) != "1" {
			msg.Err("To use Glide, you must set GO15VENDOREXPERIMENT=1")

	// In the case where vendoring is explicitly disabled, balk.
	if os.Getenv("GO15VENDOREXPERIMENT") == "0" {
		msg.Err("To use Glide, you must set GO15VENDOREXPERIMENT=1")

	// Verify the setup isn't for the old version of glide. That is, this is
	// no longer assuming the _vendor directory as the GOPATH. Inform of
	// the change.
	if _, err := os.Stat("_vendor/"); err == nil {
		msg.Warn(`Your setup appears to be for the previous version of Glide.
Previously, vendor packages were stored in _vendor/src/ and
_vendor was set as your GOPATH. As of Go 1.5 the go tools
recognize the vendor directory as a location for these
files. Glide has embraced this. Please remove the _vendor
directory or move the _vendor/src/ directory to vendor/.` + "\n")
コード例 #9
ファイル: install.go プロジェクト: albrow/glide
// Install installs a vendor directory based on an existing Glide configuration.
func Install(installer *repo.Installer, stripVendor bool) {

	base := "."
	// Ensure GOPATH
	conf := EnsureConfig()

	// Lockfile exists
	if !gpath.HasLock(base) {
		msg.Info("Lock file (glide.lock) does not exist. Performing update.")
		Update(installer, false, stripVendor)
	// Load lockfile
	lock, err := cfg.ReadLockFile(filepath.Join(base, gpath.LockFile))
	if err != nil {
		msg.Die("Could not load lockfile.")
	// Verify lockfile hasn't changed
	hash, err := conf.Hash()
	if err != nil {
		msg.Die("Could not load lockfile.")
	} else if hash != lock.Hash {
		fmt.Println(hash, lock.Hash)
		foo, _ := conf.Marshal()
		msg.Warn("Lock file may be out of date. Hash check of YAML failed. You may need to run 'update'")

	// Install
	newConf, err := installer.Install(lock, conf)
	if err != nil {
		msg.Die("Failed to install: %s", err)

	msg.Info("Setting references.")

	// Set reference
	if err := repo.SetReference(newConf, installer.ResolveTest); err != nil {
		msg.Die("Failed to set references: %s (Skip to cleanup)", err)

	err = installer.Export(newConf)
	if err != nil {
		msg.Die("Unable to export dependencies to vendor directory: %s", err)

	if stripVendor {
		msg.Info("Removing nested vendor and Godeps/_workspace directories...")
		err := gpath.StripVendor()
		if err != nil {
			msg.Err("Unable to strip vendor directories: %s", err)
コード例 #10
ファイル: installer.go プロジェクト: Zuozuohao/glide
// NotFound attempts to retrieve a package when not found in the local vendor/
// folder. It will attempt to get it from the remote location info.
func (m *MissingPackageHandler) NotFound(pkg string, addTest bool) (bool, error) {
	root := util.GetRootFromPackage(pkg)
	// Skip any references to the root package.
	if root == m.Config.Name {
		return false, nil

	dest := filepath.Join(m.destination, root)

	// This package may have been placed on the list to look for when it wasn't
	// downloaded but it has since been downloaded before coming to this entry.
	if _, err := os.Stat(dest); err == nil {
		// Make sure the location contains files. It may be an empty directory.
		empty, err := gpath.IsDirectoryEmpty(dest)
		if err != nil {
			return false, err
		if empty {
			msg.Warn("%s is an existing location with no files. Fetching a new copy of the dependency.", dest)
			msg.Debug("Removing empty directory %s", dest)
			err := os.RemoveAll(dest)
			if err != nil {
				msg.Debug("Installer error removing directory %s: %s", dest, err)
				return false, err
		} else {
			msg.Debug("Found %s", dest)
			return true, nil

	msg.Info("Fetching %s into %s", pkg, m.destination)

	d := m.Config.Imports.Get(root)
	if d == nil && addTest {
		d = m.Config.DevImports.Get(root)

	// If the dependency is nil it means the Config doesn't yet know about it.
	if d == nil {
		d, _ = m.Use.Get(root)
		// We don't know about this dependency so we create a basic instance.
		if d == nil {
			d = &cfg.Dependency{Name: root}
		if addTest {
			m.Config.DevImports = append(m.Config.DevImports, d)
		} else {
			m.Config.Imports = append(m.Config.Imports, d)
	if err := VcsGet(d, dest, m.home, m.cache, m.cacheGopath, m.useGopath); err != nil {
		return false, err
	return true, nil
コード例 #11
ファイル: rebuild.go プロジェクト: karfield/glide
func buildPath(path string) error {
	msg.Info("Running go build %s\n", path)
	// . in a filepath.Join is removed so it needs to be prepended separately.
	p := "." + string(filepath.Separator) + filepath.Join("vendor", path)
	out, err := exec.Command("go", "install", p).CombinedOutput()
	if err != nil {
		msg.Warn("Failed to run 'go install' for %s: %s", path, string(out))
	return err
コード例 #12
ファイル: tree.go プロジェクト: albrow/glide
func walkDeps(b *util.BuildCtxt, base, myName string) []string {
	externalDeps := []string{}
	filepath.Walk(base, func(path string, fi os.FileInfo, err error) error {
		if err != nil {
			return err

		if !dependency.IsSrcDir(fi) {
			if fi.IsDir() {
				return filepath.SkipDir
			return nil

		var imps []string
		pkg, err := b.ImportDir(path, 0)
		if err != nil && strings.HasPrefix(err.Error(), "found packages ") {
			// If we got here it's because a package and multiple packages
			// declared. This is often because of an example with a package
			// or main but +build ignore as a build tag. In that case we
			// try to brute force the packages with a slower scan.
			imps, _, err = dependency.IterativeScan(path)
			if err != nil {
				msg.Err("Error walking dependencies for %s: %s", path, err)
				return err
		} else if err != nil {
			if !strings.HasPrefix(err.Error(), "no buildable Go source") {
				msg.Warn("Error: %s (%s)", err, path)
				// Not sure if we should return here.
				//return err
		} else {
			imps = pkg.Imports

		if pkg.Goroot {
			return nil

		for _, imp := range imps {
			//if strings.HasPrefix(imp, myName) {
			////Info("Skipping %s because it is a subpackage of %s", imp, myName)
			if imp == myName {
			externalDeps = append(externalDeps, imp)

		return nil
	return externalDeps
コード例 #13
ファイル: rebuild.go プロジェクト: karfield/glide
// Rebuild rebuilds '.a' files for a project.
// Prior to Go 1.4, this could substantially reduce time on incremental compiles.
// It remains to be seen whether this is tremendously beneficial to modern Go
// programs.
func Rebuild() {
	msg.Warn("The rebuild command is deprecated and will be removed in a future version")
	msg.Warn("Use the go install command instead")
	conf := EnsureConfig()
	vpath, err := gpath.Vendor()
	if err != nil {
		msg.Die("Could not get vendor path: %s", err)

	msg.Info("Building dependencies.\n")

	if len(conf.Imports) == 0 {
		msg.Info("No dependencies found. Nothing built.\n")

	for _, dep := range conf.Imports {
		if err := buildDep(dep, vpath); err != nil {
			msg.Warn("Failed to build %s: %s\n", dep.Name, err)
コード例 #14
ファイル: no_vendor.go プロジェクト: litixsoft/lxb
// NoVendor generates a list of source code directories, excepting `vendor/`.
// If "onlyGo" is true, only folders that have Go code in them will be returned.
// If suffix is true, this will append `/...` to every directory.
func NoVendor(path string, onlyGo, suffix bool) {
	// This is responsible for printing the results of noVend.
	paths, err := noVend(path, onlyGo, suffix)
	if err != nil {
		msg.Error("Failed to walk file tree: %s", err)
		msg.Warn("FIXME: NoVendor should exit with non-zero exit code.")

	for _, p := range paths {
コード例 #15
ファイル: installer.go プロジェクト: treejames/glide-1
// Update updates all dependencies.
// It begins with the dependencies in the config file, but also resolves
// transitive dependencies. The returned lockfile has all of the dependencies
// listed, but the version reconciliation has not been done.
// In other words, all versions in the Lockfile will be empty.
func (i *Installer) Update(conf *cfg.Config) error {
	base := "."
	vpath := i.VendorPath()

	ic := newImportCache()

	m := &MissingPackageHandler{
		destination: vpath,

		cache:          i.UseCache,
		cacheGopath:    i.UseCacheGopath,
		useGopath:      i.UseGopath,
		home:           i.Home,
		force:          i.Force,
		updateVendored: i.UpdateVendored,
		Config:         conf,
		Use:            ic,
		updated:        i.Updated,

	v := &VersionHandler{
		Destination: vpath,
		Use:         ic,
		Imported:    make(map[string]bool),
		Conflicts:   make(map[string]bool),
		Config:      conf,

	// Update imports
	res, err := dependency.NewResolver(base)
	if err != nil {
		msg.Die("Failed to create a resolver: %s", err)
	res.Config = conf
	res.Handler = m
	res.VersionHandler = v
	res.ResolveAllFiles = i.ResolveAllFiles
	msg.Info("Resolving imports")
	_, err = allPackages(conf.Imports, res)
	if err != nil {
		msg.Die("Failed to retrieve a list of dependencies: %s", err)

	if len(conf.DevImports) > 0 {
		msg.Warn("dev imports not resolved.")

	err = ConcurrentUpdate(conf.Imports, vpath, i, conf)

	return err
コード例 #16
ファイル: installer.go プロジェクト: treejames/glide-1
// SetVersion sets the version for a package. If that package version is already
// set it handles the case by:
// - keeping the already set version
// - proviting messaging about the version conflict
// TODO(mattfarina): The way version setting happens can be improved. Currently not optimal.
func (d *VersionHandler) SetVersion(pkg string) (e error) {
	root := util.GetRootFromPackage(pkg)

	// Skip any references to the root package.
	if root == d.Config.Name {
		return nil

	v := d.Config.Imports.Get(root)

	dep, req := d.Use.Get(root)
	if dep != nil && v != nil {
		if v.Reference == "" && dep.Reference != "" {
			v.Reference = dep.Reference
			// Clear the pin, if set, so the new version can be used.
			v.Pin = ""
			dep = v
		} else if v.Reference != "" && dep.Reference != "" && v.Reference != dep.Reference {
			dest := filepath.Join(d.Destination, filepath.FromSlash(v.Name))
			dep = determineDependency(v, dep, dest, req)
		} else {
			dep = v

	} else if v != nil {
		dep = v
	} else if dep != nil {
		// We've got an imported dependency to use and don't already have a
		// record of it. Append it to the Imports.
		d.Config.Imports = append(d.Config.Imports, dep)
	} else {
		// If we've gotten here we don't have any depenency objects.
		r, sp := util.NormalizeName(pkg)
		dep = &cfg.Dependency{
			Name: r,
		if sp != "" {
			dep.Subpackages = []string{sp}
		d.Config.Imports = append(d.Config.Imports, dep)

	err := VcsVersion(dep, d.Destination)
	if err != nil {
		msg.Warn("Unable to set version on %s to %s. Err: %s", root, dep.Reference, err)
		e = err

コード例 #17
ファイル: installer.go プロジェクト: karfield/glide
// ConcurrentUpdate takes a list of dependencies and updates in parallel.
func ConcurrentUpdate(deps []*cfg.Dependency, cwd string, i *Installer) error {
	done := make(chan struct{}, concurrentWorkers)
	in := make(chan *cfg.Dependency, concurrentWorkers)
	var wg sync.WaitGroup
	var lock sync.Mutex
	var returnErr error

	msg.Info("Downloading dependencies. Please wait...")

	for ii := 0; ii < concurrentWorkers; ii++ {
		go func(ch <-chan *cfg.Dependency) {
			for {
				select {
				case dep := <-ch:
					dest := filepath.Join(i.VendorPath(), dep.Name)
					if err := VcsUpdate(dep, dest, i.Home, i.UseCache, i.UseCacheGopath, i.UseGopath, i.Force, i.UpdateVendored); err != nil {
						msg.Warn("Update failed for %s: %s\n", dep.Name, err)
						// Capture the error while making sure the concurrent
						// operations don't step on each other.
						if returnErr == nil {
							returnErr = err
						} else {
							returnErr = cli.NewMultiError(returnErr, err)
				case <-done:

	for _, dep := range deps {
		in <- dep


	// Close goroutines setting the version
	for ii := 0; ii < concurrentWorkers; ii++ {
		done <- struct{}{}

	return returnErr
コード例 #18
ファイル: tree.go プロジェクト: andrewzeneski/glide
// ListDeps lists all of the dependencies of the current project.
// Params:
//  - dir (string): basedir
//  - deep (bool): whether to do a deep scan or a shallow scan
// Returns:
func ListDeps(c cookoo.Context, p *cookoo.Params) (interface{}, cookoo.Interrupt) {
	basedir := p.Get("dir", ".").(string)
	deep := p.Get("deep", true).(bool)

	basedir, err := filepath.Abs(basedir)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err

	r, err := dependency.NewResolver(basedir)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err
	h := &dependency.DefaultMissingPackageHandler{Missing: []string{}, Gopath: []string{}}
	r.Handler = h

	sortable, err := r.ResolveLocal(deep)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err


	fmt.Println("INSTALLED packages:")
	for _, k := range sortable {
		v, err := filepath.Rel(basedir, k)
		if err != nil {
			msg.Warn("Failed to Rel path: %s", err)
			v = k
		fmt.Printf("\t%s\n", v)

	if len(h.Missing) > 0 {
		fmt.Println("\nMISSING packages:")
		for _, pkg := range h.Missing {
			fmt.Printf("\t%s\n", pkg)
	if len(h.Gopath) > 0 {
		fmt.Println("\nGOPATH packages:")
		for _, pkg := range h.Gopath {
			fmt.Printf("\t%s\n", pkg)

	return nil, nil
コード例 #19
ファイル: mirrors.go プロジェクト: albrow/glide
// MirrorsRemove removes a mirrors setting
func MirrorsRemove(k string) error {
	if k == "" {
		msg.Err("The mirror to remove is required")
		return nil

	home := gpath.Home()

	op := filepath.Join(home, "mirrors.yaml")

	if _, err := os.Stat(op); os.IsNotExist(err) {
		msg.Err("mirrors.yaml file not found")
		return nil

	ov, err := mirrors.ReadMirrorsFile(op)
	if err != nil {
		msg.Die("Unable to read mirrors.yaml file: %s", err)

	var nre mirrors.MirrorRepos
	var found bool
	for _, re := range ov.Repos {
		if re.Original != k {
			nre = append(nre, re)
		} else {
			found = true

	if !found {
		msg.Warn("%s was not found in mirrors", k)
	} else {
		msg.Info("%s was removed from mirrors", k)
		ov.Repos = nre

		err = ov.WriteFile(op)
		if err != nil {
			msg.Err("Error writing mirrors.yaml file: %s", err)
		} else {
			msg.Info("mirrors.yaml written with changes")

	return nil
コード例 #20
ファイル: installer.go プロジェクト: litixsoft/lxb
// ConcurrentUpdate takes a list of dependencies and updates in parallel.
func ConcurrentUpdate(deps []*cfg.Dependency, cwd string, i *Installer) error {
	done := make(chan struct{}, concurrentWorkers)
	in := make(chan *cfg.Dependency, concurrentWorkers)
	var wg sync.WaitGroup
	var lock sync.Mutex
	var returnErr error

	for ii := 0; ii < concurrentWorkers; ii++ {
		go func(ch <-chan *cfg.Dependency) {
			for {
				select {
				case dep := <-ch:
					if err := VcsUpdate(dep, cwd, i); err != nil {
						msg.Warn("Update failed for %s: %s\n", dep.Name, err)
						// Capture the error while making sure the concurrent
						// operations don't step on each other.
						if returnErr == nil {
							returnErr = err
						} else {
							returnErr = cli.NewMultiError(returnErr, err)
				case <-done:

	for _, dep := range deps {
		in <- dep


	// Close goroutines setting the version
	for ii := 0; ii < concurrentWorkers; ii++ {
		done <- struct{}{}

	return returnErr
コード例 #21
ファイル: list.go プロジェクト: litixsoft/lxb
// List lists all of the dependencies of the current project.
// Params:
//  - dir (string): basedir
//  - deep (bool): whether to do a deep scan or a shallow scan
func List(basedir string, deep bool) {

	basedir, err := filepath.Abs(basedir)
	if err != nil {
		msg.Die("Could not read directory: %s", err)

	r, err := dependency.NewResolver(basedir)
	if err != nil {
		msg.Die("Could not create a resolver: %s", err)
	h := &dependency.DefaultMissingPackageHandler{Missing: []string{}, Gopath: []string{}}
	r.Handler = h

	sortable, err := r.ResolveLocal(deep)
	if err != nil {
		msg.Die("Error listing dependencies: %s", err)


	msg.Puts("INSTALLED packages:")
	for _, k := range sortable {
		v, err := filepath.Rel(basedir, k)
		if err != nil {
			msg.Warn("Failed to Rel path: %s", err)
			v = k
		msg.Puts("\t%s", v)

	if len(h.Missing) > 0 {
		msg.Puts("\nMISSING packages:")
		for _, pkg := range h.Missing {
			msg.Puts("\t%s", pkg)
	if len(h.Gopath) > 0 {
		msg.Puts("\nGOPATH packages:")
		for _, pkg := range h.Gopath {
			msg.Puts("\t%s", pkg)
コード例 #22
ファイル: rebuild.go プロジェクト: litixsoft/lxb
// Rebuild rebuilds '.a' files for a project.
// Prior to Go 1.4, this could substantially reduce time on incremental compiles.
// It remains to be seen whether this is tremendously beneficial to modern Go
// programs.
func Rebuild() {
	conf := EnsureConfig()
	vpath, err := gpath.Vendor()
	if err != nil {
		msg.Die("Could not get vendor path: %s", err)

	msg.Info("Building dependencies.\n")

	if len(conf.Imports) == 0 {
		msg.Info("No dependencies found. Nothing built.\n")

	for _, dep := range conf.Imports {
		if err := buildDep(dep, vpath); err != nil {
			msg.Warn("Failed to build %s: %s\n", dep.Name, err)
コード例 #23
ファイル: ensure.go プロジェクト: karfield/glide
// EnsureGopath fails if GOPATH is not set, or if $GOPATH/src is missing.
// Otherwise it returns the value of GOPATH.
func EnsureGopath() string {
	gps := gpath.Gopaths()
	if len(gps) == 0 {
		msg.Die("$GOPATH is not set.")

	for _, gp := range gps {
		_, err := os.Stat(path.Join(gp, "src"))
		if err != nil {
			msg.Warn("%s", err)
		return gp

	msg.Error("Could not find any of %s/src.\n", strings.Join(gps, "/src, "))
	msg.Info("As of Glide 0.5/Go 1.5, this is required.\n")
	msg.Die("Wihtout src, cannot continue.")
	return ""
コード例 #24
ファイル: rebuild.go プロジェクト: karfield/glide
func buildDep(dep *cfg.Dependency, vpath string) error {
	if len(dep.Subpackages) == 0 {

	for _, pkg := range dep.Subpackages {
		if pkg == "**" || pkg == "..." {
			//Info("Building all packages in %s\n", dep.Name)
			buildPath(path.Join(dep.Name, "..."))
		} else {
			paths, err := resolvePackages(vpath, dep.Name, pkg)
			if err != nil {
				msg.Warn("Error resolving packages: %s", err)

	return nil
コード例 #25
ファイル: install.go プロジェクト: litixsoft/lxb
// LoadLockfile loads the contents of a glide.lock file.
// TODO: This should go in another package.
func LoadLockfile(base string, conf *cfg.Config) (*cfg.Lockfile, error) {
	yml, err := ioutil.ReadFile(filepath.Join(base, gpath.LockFile))
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err
	lock, err := cfg.LockfileFromYaml(yml)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err

	hash, err := conf.Hash()
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err

	if hash != lock.Hash {
		msg.Warn("Lock file may be out of date. Hash check of YAML failed. You may need to run 'update'")

	return lock, nil
コード例 #26
ファイル: tree.go プロジェクト: Zuozuohao/glide
// Tree prints a tree representing dependencies.
func Tree(basedir string, showcore bool) {
	msg.Warn("The tree command is deprecated and will be removed in a future version")
	buildContext, err := util.GetBuildContext()
	if err != nil {
		msg.Die("Failed to get a build context: %s", err)
	myName := buildContext.PackageName(basedir)

	if basedir == "." {
		var err error
		basedir, err = os.Getwd()
		if err != nil {
			msg.Die("Could not get working directory")

	l := list.New()
	tree.Display(buildContext, basedir, myName, 1, showcore, l)
コード例 #27
ファイル: tree.go プロジェクト: litixsoft/lxb
func walkDeps(b *util.BuildCtxt, base, myName string) []string {
	externalDeps := []string{}
	filepath.Walk(base, func(path string, fi os.FileInfo, err error) error {
		if !dependency.IsSrcDir(fi) {
			if fi.IsDir() {
				return filepath.SkipDir
			return nil

		pkg, err := b.ImportDir(path, 0)
		if err != nil {
			if !strings.HasPrefix(err.Error(), "no buildable Go source") {
				msg.Warn("Error: %s (%s)", err, path)
				// Not sure if we should return here.
				//return err

		if pkg.Goroot {
			return nil

		for _, imp := range pkg.Imports {
			//if strings.HasPrefix(imp, myName) {
			////Info("Skipping %s because it is a subpackage of %s", imp, myName)
			if imp == myName {
			externalDeps = append(externalDeps, imp)

		return nil
	return externalDeps
コード例 #28
ファイル: installer.go プロジェクト: akutz/glide
// List resolves the complete dependency tree and returns a list of dependencies.
func (i *Installer) List(conf *cfg.Config) []*cfg.Dependency {
	base := "."

	ic := newImportCache()

	v := &VersionHandler{
		Use:       ic,
		Imported:  make(map[string]bool),
		Conflicts: make(map[string]bool),
		Config:    conf,

	// Update imports
	res, err := dependency.NewResolver(base)
	if err != nil {
		msg.Die("Failed to create a resolver: %s", err)
	res.Config = conf
	res.VersionHandler = v
	res.ResolveAllFiles = i.ResolveAllFiles

	msg.Info("Resolving imports")
	_, _, err = res.ResolveLocal(false)
	if err != nil {
		msg.Die("Failed to resolve local packages: %s", err)

	_, err = allPackages(conf.Imports, res, false)
	if err != nil {
		msg.Die("Failed to retrieve a list of dependencies: %s", err)

	if len(conf.DevImports) > 0 {
		msg.Warn("dev imports not resolved.")

	return conf.Imports
コード例 #29
ファイル: glide.go プロジェクト: treejames/glide-1
func commands() []cli.Command {
	return []cli.Command{
			Name:      "create",
			ShortName: "init",
			Usage:     "Initialize a new project, creating a glide.yaml file",
			Description: `This command starts from a project without Glide and
   sets it up. It generates a glide.yaml file, parsing your codebase to guess
   the dependencies to include. Once this step is done you may edit the
   glide.yaml file to update imported dependency properties such as the version
   or version range to include.

   To fetch the dependencies you may run 'glide install'.`,
			Flags: []cli.Flag{
					Name:  "skip-import",
					Usage: "When initializing skip importing from other package managers.",
					Name:  "non-interactive",
					Usage: "Disable interactive prompts.",
			Action: func(c *cli.Context) {
				action.Create(".", c.Bool("skip-import"), c.Bool("non-interactive"))
			Name:      "config-wizard",
			ShortName: "cw",
			Usage:     "Wizard that makes optional suggestions to improve config in a glide.yaml file.",
			Description: `Glide will analyze a projects glide.yaml file and the imported
		projects to find ways the glide.yaml file can potentially be improved. It
		will then interactively make suggestions that you can skip or accept.`,
			Action: func(c *cli.Context) {
			Name:  "get",
			Usage: "Install one or more packages into `vendor/` and add dependency to glide.yaml.",
			Description: `Gets one or more package (like 'go get') and then adds that file
   to the glide.yaml file. Multiple package names can be specified on one line.

   	$ glide get github.com/Masterminds/cookoo/web

   The above will install the project github.com/Masterminds/cookoo and add
   the subpackage 'web'.

   If a fetched dependency has a glide.yaml file, configuration from Godep,
   GPM, or GB Glide that configuration will be used to find the dependencies
   and versions to fetch. If those are not available the dependent packages will
   be fetched as either a version specified elsewhere or the latest version.

   When adding a new dependency Glide will perform an update to work out the
   the versions to use from the dependency tree. This will generate an updated
   glide.lock file with specific locked versions to use.

   If you are storing the outside dependencies in your version control system
   (VCS), also known as vendoring, there are a few flags that may be useful.
   The '--update-vendored' flag will cause Glide to update packages when VCS
   information is unavailable. This can be used with the '--strip-vcs' flag which
   will strip VCS data found in the vendor directory. This is useful for
   removing VCS data from transitive dependencies and initial setups. The
   '--strip-vendor' flag will remove any nested 'vendor' folders and
   'Godeps/_workspace' folders after an update (along with undoing any Godep
   import rewriting). Note, The Godeps specific functionality is deprecated and
   will be removed when most Godeps users have migrated to using the vendor
			Flags: []cli.Flag{
					Name:  "insecure",
					Usage: "Use http:// rather than https:// to retrieve pacakges.",
					Name:  "no-recursive, quick",
					Usage: "Disable updating dependencies' dependencies.",
					Name:  "force",
					Usage: "If there was a change in the repo or VCS switch to new one. Warning, changes will be lost.",
					Name:  "all-dependencies",
					Usage: "This will resolve all dependencies for all packages, not just those directly used.",
					Name:  "update-vendored, u",
					Usage: "Update vendored packages (without local VCS repo). Warning, changes will be lost.",
					Name:  "cache",
					Usage: "When downloading dependencies attempt to cache them.",
					Name:  "cache-gopath",
					Usage: "When downloading dependencies attempt to put them in the GOPATH, too.",
					Name:  "use-gopath",
					Usage: "Copy dependencies from the GOPATH if they exist there.",
					Name:  "resolve-current",
					Usage: "Resolve dependencies for only the current system rather than all build modes.",
					Name:  "strip-vcs, s",
					Usage: "Removes version control metadata (e.g, .git directory) from the vendor folder.",
					Name:  "strip-vendor, v",
					Usage: "Removes nested vendor and Godeps/_workspace directories. Requires --strip-vcs.",
					Name:  "non-interactive",
					Usage: "Disable interactive prompts.",
			Action: func(c *cli.Context) {
				if c.Bool("strip-vendor") && !c.Bool("strip-vcs") {
					msg.Die("--strip-vendor cannot be used without --strip-vcs")

				if len(c.Args()) < 1 {
					fmt.Println("Oops! Package name is required.")

				if c.Bool("resolve-current") {
					util.ResolveCurrent = true
					msg.Warn("Only resolving dependencies for the current OS/Arch")

				inst := repo.NewInstaller()
				inst.Force = c.Bool("force")
				inst.UseCache = c.Bool("cache")
				inst.UseGopath = c.Bool("use-gopath")
				inst.UseCacheGopath = c.Bool("cache-gopath")
				inst.UpdateVendored = c.Bool("update-vendored")
				inst.ResolveAllFiles = c.Bool("all-dependencies")
				packages := []string(c.Args())
				insecure := c.Bool("insecure")
				action.Get(packages, inst, insecure, c.Bool("no-recursive"), c.Bool("strip-vcs"), c.Bool("strip-vendor"), c.Bool("non-interactive"))
			Name:      "remove",
			ShortName: "rm",
			Usage:     "Remove a package from the glide.yaml file, and regenerate the lock file.",
			Description: `This takes one or more package names, and removes references from the glide.yaml file.
   This will rebuild the glide lock file with the following constraints:

   - Dependencies are re-negotiated. Any that are no longer used are left out of the lock.
   - Minor version re-nogotiation is performed on remaining dependencies.
   - No updates are peformed. You may want to run 'glide up' to accomplish that.`,
			Flags: []cli.Flag{
					Name:  "delete,d",
					Usage: "Also delete from vendor/ any packages that are no longer used.",
			Action: func(c *cli.Context) {
				if len(c.Args()) < 1 {
					fmt.Println("Oops! At least one package name is required.")

				if c.Bool("delete") {
					// FIXME: Implement this in the installer.
					fmt.Println("Delete is not currently implemented.")
				inst := repo.NewInstaller()
				inst.Force = c.Bool("force")
				packages := []string(c.Args())
				action.Remove(packages, inst)
			Name:  "import",
			Usage: "Import files from other dependency management systems.",
			Subcommands: []cli.Command{
					Name:  "godep",
					Usage: "Import Godep's Godeps.json files and display the would-be yaml file",
					Flags: []cli.Flag{
							Name:  "file, f",
							Usage: "Save all of the discovered dependencies to a Glide YAML file.",
					Action: func(c *cli.Context) {
					Name:  "gpm",
					Usage: "Import GPM's Godeps and Godeps-Git files and display the would-be yaml file",
					Flags: []cli.Flag{
							Name:  "file, f",
							Usage: "Save all of the discovered dependencies to a Glide YAML file.",
					Action: func(c *cli.Context) {
					Name:  "gb",
					Usage: "Import gb's manifest file and display the would-be yaml file",
					Flags: []cli.Flag{
							Name:  "file, f",
							Usage: "Save all of the discovered dependencies to a Glide YAML file.",
					Action: func(c *cli.Context) {
					Name:  "gom",
					Usage: "Import Gomfile and display the would-be yaml file",
					Flags: []cli.Flag{
							Name:  "file, f",
							Usage: "Save all of the discovered dependencies to a Glide YAML file.",
					Action: func(c *cli.Context) {
			Name:        "name",
			Usage:       "Print the name of this project.",
			Description: `Read the glide.yaml file and print the name given on the 'package' line.`,
			Action: func(c *cli.Context) {
			Name:      "novendor",
			ShortName: "nv",
			Usage:     "List all non-vendor paths in a directory.",
			Description: `Given a directory, list all the relevant Go paths that are not vendored.

   $ go test $(glide novendor)`,
			Flags: []cli.Flag{
					Name:  "dir,d",
					Usage: "Specify a directory to run novendor against.",
					Value: ".",
					Name:  "no-subdir,x",
					Usage: "Specify this to prevent nv from append '/...' to all directories.",
			Action: func(c *cli.Context) {
				action.NoVendor(c.String("dir"), true, !c.Bool("no-subdir"))
			Name:  "rebuild",
			Usage: "Rebuild ('go build') the dependencies",
			Description: `This rebuilds the packages' '.a' files. On some systems
	this can improve performance on subsequent 'go run' and 'go build' calls.`,
			Action: func(c *cli.Context) {
			Name:      "install",
			ShortName: "i",
			Usage:     "Install a project's dependencies",
			Description: `This uses the native VCS of each packages to install
   the appropriate version. There are two ways a projects dependencies can
   be installed. When there is a glide.yaml file defining the dependencies but
   no lock file (glide.lock) the dependencies are installed using the "update"
   command and a glide.lock file is generated pinning all dependencies. If a
   glide.lock file is already present the dependencies are installed or updated
   from the lock file.`,
			Flags: []cli.Flag{
					Name:  "delete",
					Usage: "Delete vendor packages not specified in config.",
					Name:  "force",
					Usage: "If there was a change in the repo or VCS switch to new one. Warning: changes will be lost.",
					Name:  "update-vendored, u",
					Usage: "Update vendored packages (without local VCS repo). Warning: this may destroy local modifications to vendor/.",
					Name:  "file, f",
					Usage: "Save all of the discovered dependencies to a Glide YAML file. (DEPRECATED: This has no impact.)",
					Name:  "cache",
					Usage: "When downloading dependencies attempt to cache them.",
					Name:  "cache-gopath",
					Usage: "When downloading dependencies attempt to put them in the GOPATH, too.",
					Name:  "use-gopath",
					Usage: "Copy dependencies from the GOPATH if they exist there.",
					Name:  "strip-vcs, s",
					Usage: "Removes version control metadata (e.g, .git directory) from the vendor folder.",
					Name:  "strip-vendor, v",
					Usage: "Removes nested vendor and Godeps/_workspace directories. Requires --strip-vcs.",
			Action: func(c *cli.Context) {
				if c.Bool("strip-vendor") && !c.Bool("strip-vcs") {
					msg.Die("--strip-vendor cannot be used without --strip-vcs")

				installer := repo.NewInstaller()
				installer.Force = c.Bool("force")
				installer.UseCache = c.Bool("cache")
				installer.UseGopath = c.Bool("use-gopath")
				installer.UseCacheGopath = c.Bool("cache-gopath")
				installer.UpdateVendored = c.Bool("update-vendored")
				installer.Home = c.GlobalString("home")
				installer.DeleteUnused = c.Bool("delete")

				action.Install(installer, c.Bool("strip-vcs"), c.Bool("strip-vendor"))
			Name:      "update",
			ShortName: "up",
			Usage:     "Update a project's dependencies",
			Description: `This uses the native VCS of each package to try to
   pull the most applicable updates. Packages with fixed refs (Versions or
   tags) will not be updated. Packages with no ref or with a branch ref will
   be updated as expected.

   If a dependency has a glide.yaml file, update will read that file and
   update those dependencies accordingly. Those dependencies are maintained in
   a the top level 'vendor/' directory. 'vendor/foo/bar' will have its
   dependencies stored in 'vendor/'. This behavior can be disabled with
   '--no-recursive'. When this behavior is skipped a glide.lock file is not
   generated because the full dependency tree cannot be known.

   Glide will also import Godep, GB, and GPM files as it finds them in dependencies.
   It will create a glide.yaml file from the Godeps data, and then update. This
   has no effect if '--no-recursive' is set.

   If you are storing the outside dependencies in your version control system
   (VCS), also known as vendoring, there are a few flags that may be useful.
   The '--update-vendored' flag will cause Glide to update packages when VCS
   information is unavailable. This can be used with the '--strip-vcs' flag which
   will strip VCS data found in the vendor directory. This is useful for
   removing VCS data from transitive dependencies and initial setups. The
   '--strip-vendor' flag will remove any nested 'vendor' folders and
   'Godeps/_workspace' folders after an update (along with undoing any Godep
   import rewriting). Note, The Godeps specific functionality is deprecated and
   will be removed when most Godeps users have migrated to using the vendor

   Note, Glide detects vendored dependencies. With the '--update-vendored' flag
   Glide will update vendored dependencies leaving them in a vendored state.
   Tertiary dependencies will not be vendored automatically unless the
   '--strip-vcs' flag is used along with it.

   By default, packages that are discovered are considered transient, and are
   not stored in the glide.yaml file. The --file=NAME.yaml flag allows you
   to save the discovered dependencies to a YAML file.`,
			Flags: []cli.Flag{
					Name:  "delete",
					Usage: "Delete vendor packages not specified in config.",
					Name:  "no-recursive, quick",
					Usage: "Disable updating dependencies' dependencies. Only update things in glide.yaml.",
					Name:  "force",
					Usage: "If there was a change in the repo or VCS switch to new one. Warning, changes will be lost.",
					Name:  "all-dependencies",
					Usage: "This will resolve all dependencies for all packages, not just those directly used.",
					Name:  "update-vendored, u",
					Usage: "Update vendored packages (without local VCS repo). Warning, changes will be lost.",
					Name:  "file, f",
					Usage: "Save all of the discovered dependencies to a Glide YAML file.",
					Name:  "cache",
					Usage: "When downloading dependencies attempt to cache them.",
					Name:  "cache-gopath",
					Usage: "When downloading dependencies attempt to put them in the GOPATH, too.",
					Name:  "use-gopath",
					Usage: "Copy dependencies from the GOPATH if they exist there.",
					Name:  "resolve-current",
					Usage: "Resolve dependencies for only the current system rather than all build modes.",
					Name:  "strip-vcs, s",
					Usage: "Removes version control metadata (e.g, .git directory) from the vendor folder.",
					Name:  "strip-vendor, v",
					Usage: "Removes nested vendor and Godeps/_workspace directories. Requires --strip-vcs.",
			Action: func(c *cli.Context) {
				if c.Bool("strip-vendor") && !c.Bool("strip-vcs") {
					msg.Die("--strip-vendor cannot be used without --strip-vcs")

				if c.Bool("resolve-current") {
					util.ResolveCurrent = true
					msg.Warn("Only resolving dependencies for the current OS/Arch")

				installer := repo.NewInstaller()
				installer.Force = c.Bool("force")
				installer.UseCache = c.Bool("cache")
				installer.UseGopath = c.Bool("use-gopath")
				installer.UseCacheGopath = c.Bool("cache-gopath")
				installer.UpdateVendored = c.Bool("update-vendored")
				installer.ResolveAllFiles = c.Bool("all-dependencies")
				installer.Home = c.GlobalString("home")
				installer.DeleteUnused = c.Bool("delete")

				action.Update(installer, c.Bool("no-recursive"), c.Bool("strip-vcs"), c.Bool("strip-vendor"))
			Name:  "tree",
			Usage: "Tree prints the dependencies of this project as a tree.",
			Description: `This scans a project's source files and builds a tree
   representation of the import graph.

   It ignores testdata/ and directories that begin with . or _. Packages in
   vendor/ are only included if they are referenced by the main project or
   one of its dependencies.`,
			Action: func(c *cli.Context) {
				action.Tree(".", false)
			Name:  "list",
			Usage: "List prints all dependencies that the present code references.",
			Description: `List scans your code and lists all of the packages that are used.

   It does not use the glide.yaml. Instead, it inspects the code to determine what packages are

   Directories that begin with . or _ are ignored, as are testdata directories. Packages in
   vendor are only included if they are used by the project.`,
			Action: func(c *cli.Context) {
				action.List(".", true, c.String("output"))
			Flags: []cli.Flag{
					Name:  "output, o",
					Usage: "Output format. One of: json|json-pretty|text",
					Value: "text",
			Name:  "info",
			Usage: "Info prints information about this project",
			Flags: []cli.Flag{
					Name:  "format, f",
					Usage: `Format of the information wanted (required).`,
			Description: `A format containing the text with replacement variables
   has to be passed in. Those variables are:

       %n - name
       %d - description
       %h - homepage
       %l - license

   For example, given a project with the following glide.yaml:

       package: foo
       homepage: https://example.com
       license: MIT
       description: Some example description

   Then running the following commands:

       glide info -f %n
          prints 'foo'

       glide info -f "License: %l"
          prints 'License: MIT'

       glide info -f "%n - %d - %h - %l"
          prints 'foo - Some example description - https://example.com - MIT'`,
			Action: func(c *cli.Context) {
				if c.IsSet("format") {
				} else {
					cli.ShowCommandHelp(c, c.Command.Name)
			Name:      "cache-clear",
			ShortName: "cc",
			Usage:     "Clears the Glide cache.",
			Action: func(c *cli.Context) {
			Name:  "about",
			Usage: "Learn about Glide",
			Action: func(c *cli.Context) {
コード例 #30
ファイル: config_wizard.go プロジェクト: Zuozuohao/glide
// ConfigWizard reads configuration from a glide.yaml file and attempts to suggest
// improvements. The wizard is interactive.
func ConfigWizard(base string) {
	_, err := gpath.Glide()
	glidefile := gpath.GlideFile
	if err != nil {
		msg.Info("Unable to find a glide.yaml file. Would you like to create one now? Yes (Y) or No (N)")
		bres := msg.PromptUntilYorN()
		if bres {
			// Guess deps
			conf := guessDeps(base, false)
			// Write YAML
			if err := conf.WriteFile(glidefile); err != nil {
				msg.Die("Could not save %s: %s", glidefile, err)
		} else {
			msg.Err("Unable to find configuration file. Please create configuration information to continue.")

	conf := EnsureConfig()

	err = cache.Setup()
	if err != nil {
		msg.Die("Problem setting up cache: %s", err)

	msg.Info("Looking for dependencies to make suggestions on")
	msg.Info("--> Scanning for dependencies not using version ranges")
	msg.Info("--> Scanning for dependencies using commit ids")
	var deps []*cfg.Dependency
	for _, dep := range conf.Imports {
		if wizardLookInto(dep) {
			deps = append(deps, dep)
	for _, dep := range conf.DevImports {
		if wizardLookInto(dep) {
			deps = append(deps, dep)

	msg.Info("Gathering information on each dependency")
	msg.Info("--> This may take a moment. Especially on a codebase with many dependencies")
	msg.Info("--> Gathering release information for dependencies")
	msg.Info("--> Looking for dependency imports where versions are commit ids")
	for _, dep := range deps {

	var changes int
	for _, dep := range deps {
		var remote string
		if dep.Repository != "" {
			remote = dep.Repository
		} else {
			remote = "https://" + dep.Name

		// First check, ask if the tag should be used instead of the commit id for it.
		cur := cache.MemCurrent(remote)
		if cur != "" && cur != dep.Reference {
			var dres bool
			asked, use, val := wizardOnce("current")
			if !use {
				dres = wizardAskCurrent(cur, dep)
			if !asked {
				as := wizardRemember()
				wizardSetOnce("current", as, dres)

			if asked && use {
				dres = val.(bool)

			if dres {
				msg.Info("Updating %s to use the tag %s instead of commit id %s", dep.Name, cur, dep.Reference)
				dep.Reference = cur

		// Second check, if no version is being used and there's a semver release ask about latest.
		memlatest := cache.MemLatest(remote)
		if dep.Reference == "" && memlatest != "" {
			var dres bool
			asked, use, val := wizardOnce("latest")
			if !use {
				dres = wizardAskLatest(memlatest, dep)
			if !asked {
				as := wizardRemember()
				wizardSetOnce("latest", as, dres)

			if asked && use {
				dres = val.(bool)

			if dres {
				msg.Info("Updating %s to use the release %s instead of no release", dep.Name, memlatest)
				dep.Reference = memlatest

		// Third check, if the version is semver offer to use a range instead.
		sv, err := semver.NewVersion(dep.Reference)
		if err == nil {
			var res string
			asked, use, val := wizardOnce("range")
			if !use {
				res = wizardAskRange(sv, dep)
			if !asked {
				as := wizardRemember()
				wizardSetOnce("range", as, res)

			if asked && use {
				res = val.(string)

			if res == "m" {
				r := "^" + sv.String()
				msg.Info("Updating %s to use the range %s instead of commit id %s", dep.Name, r, dep.Reference)
				dep.Reference = r
			} else if res == "p" {
				r := "~" + sv.String()
				msg.Info("Updating %s to use the range %s instead of commit id %s", dep.Name, r, dep.Reference)
				dep.Reference = r

	if changes > 0 {
		msg.Info("Configuration changes have been made. Would you like to write these")
		msg.Info("changes to your configuration file? Yes (Y) or No (N)")
		dres := msg.PromptUntilYorN()
		if dres {
			msg.Info("Writing updates to configuration file (%s)", glidefile)
			if err := conf.WriteFile(glidefile); err != nil {
				msg.Die("Could not save %s: %s", glidefile, err)
			msg.Info("You can now edit the glide.yaml file.:")
			msg.Info("--> For more information on versions and ranges see https://glide.sh/docs/versions/")
			msg.Info("--> For details on additional metadata see https://glide.sh/docs/glide.yaml/")
		} else {
			msg.Warn("Change not written to configuration file")
	} else {
		msg.Info("No proposed changes found. Have a nice day.")