コード例 #1
func (ms *MergeStrings) combineStringInfosPerDirectory(directory string) error {
	files, directories := getFilesAndDir(directory)
	fileList := ms.matchFileToSourceLanguage(files, ms.SourceLanguage)

	combinedMap := map[string]common.I18nStringInfo{}
	for _, file := range fileList {
		StringInfos, err := common.LoadI18nStringInfos(file)
		if err != nil {
			return err

		combineStringInfo(StringInfos, combinedMap)

	filePath := filepath.Join(directory, ms.SourceLanguage+".all.json")
	ms.I18nStringInfos = common.I18nStringInfoMapValues2Array(combinedMap)
	common.SaveI18nStringInfos(ms, ms.Options(), ms.I18nStringInfos, filePath)
	ms.Println("i18n4go: saving combined language file: " + filePath)

	if ms.Recurse {
		for _, directory = range directories {
			err := ms.combineStringInfosPerDirectory(directory)
			if err != nil {
				return err

	return nil
コード例 #2
func (sms *ShowMissingStrings) showMissingStrings() error {

	//Load en_US.all.json

	stringInfos, err := common.LoadI18nStringInfos(sms.I18nStringsFilename)
	if err != nil {
		return err
	sms.I18nStringInfos = stringInfos

	//Run AST to get list of strings
	err = sms.parseFiles()
	if err != nil {
		return err

	//Compare list of strings with <lang>.all.json
	err = sms.showMissingTranslatedStrings()
	if err != nil {
		return err

	//Compare list of translated strings with strings in codebase
	return sms.showExtraStrings()
コード例 #3
func (ct *createTranslations) createTranslationFileWithGoogleTranslate(language string) (string, error) {
	fileName, _, err := common.CheckFile(ct.Filename)
	if err != nil {
		return "", err

	err = common.CreateOutputDirsIfNeeded(ct.OutputDirname)
	if err != nil {
		return "", fmt.Errorf("i18n4go: could not create output directory: %s", ct.OutputDirname)

	destFilename := filepath.Join(ct.OutputDirname, strings.Replace(fileName, ct.options.SourceLanguageFlag, language, -1))

	i18nStringInfos, err := common.LoadI18nStringInfos(ct.Filename)
	if err != nil {
		return "", fmt.Errorf("i18n4go: could not load i18n strings from file: %s", ct.Filename)

	if len(i18nStringInfos) == 0 {
		return "", fmt.Errorf("i18n4go: input file: %s is empty", ct.Filename)

	ct.Println("i18n4go: attempting to use Google Translate to translate source strings in: ", language)
	modifiedI18nStringInfos := make([]common.I18nStringInfo, len(i18nStringInfos))
	for i, i18nStringInfo := range i18nStringInfos {
		translation, _, err := ct.googleTranslate(i18nStringInfo.Translation, language)
		if err != nil {
			ct.Println("i18n4go: error invoking Google Translate for string:", i18nStringInfo.Translation)
		} else {
			modifiedI18nStringInfos[i] = common.I18nStringInfo{ID: i18nStringInfo.ID, Translation: translation}

	err = common.SaveI18nStringInfos(ct, ct.Options(), modifiedI18nStringInfos, destFilename)
	if err != nil {
		return "", fmt.Errorf("i18n4go: could not save Google Translate i18n strings to file: %s", destFilename)

	if ct.options.PoFlag {
		poFilename := destFilename[:len(destFilename)-len(".json")] + ".po"
		err = common.SaveI18nStringsInPo(ct, ct.Options(), modifiedI18nStringInfos, poFilename)
		if err != nil {
			return "", fmt.Errorf("i18n4go: could not save PO file: %s", poFilename)


	return destFilename, nil
コード例 #4
ファイル: fixup.go プロジェクト: huuzkee-foundation/i18n4go
func (fix *Fixup) findI18nStrings(i18nFile string) (i18nStrings map[string]common.I18nStringInfo, err error) {
	i18nStrings = make(map[string]common.I18nStringInfo)

	stringInfos, err := common.LoadI18nStringInfos(i18nFile)

	if err != nil {
		return nil, err

	return common.CreateI18nStringInfoMap(stringInfos)
コード例 #5
func (rp *rewritePackage) loadStringsToBeTranslated(fileName string) error {
	if fileName != "" {
		stringList, err := common.LoadI18nStringInfos(fileName)
		if err != nil {
			return err

		rp.ExtractedStrings, err = common.CreateI18nStringInfoMap(stringList)
		if err != nil {
			return err

		rp.UpdatedExtractedStrings = common.CopyI18nStringInfoMap(rp.ExtractedStrings)

	return nil
コード例 #6
ファイル: checkup.go プロジェクト: huuzkee-foundation/i18n4go
func (cu *Checkup) findI18nStrings(i18nFiles []string) (i18nStrings map[string]string, err error) {
	i18nStrings = make(map[string]string)

	for _, i18nFile := range i18nFiles {
		stringInfos, err := common.LoadI18nStringInfos(i18nFile)

		if err != nil {
			return nil, err

		for _, info := range stringInfos {
			i18nStrings[info.ID] = info.Translation

コード例 #7
func (ct *createTranslations) createTranslationFile(sourceFilename string, language string) (string, error) {
	fileName, _, err := common.CheckFile(sourceFilename)
	if err != nil {
		return "", err

	i18nStringInfos, err := common.LoadI18nStringInfos(sourceFilename)
	if err != nil {
		return "", fmt.Errorf("i18n4go: could not load i18n strings from file: %s", sourceFilename)

	if len(i18nStringInfos) == 0 {
		return "", fmt.Errorf("i18n4go: input file: %s is empty", sourceFilename)

	destFilename := filepath.Join(ct.OutputDirname, strings.Replace(fileName, ct.options.SourceLanguageFlag, language, -1))
	ct.Println("i18n4go: creating translation file:", destFilename)

	return destFilename, common.CopyFileContents(sourceFilename, destFilename)
コード例 #8
func (vs *verifyStrings) verify(inputFilename string, targetFilename string) error {

	inputI18nStringInfos, err := common.LoadI18nStringInfos(inputFilename)
	if err != nil {
		vs.Println("i18n4go: Error loading the i18n strings from input filename:", inputFilename)
		return err

	if len(inputI18nStringInfos) == 0 {
		return fmt.Errorf("i18n4go: Error input file: %s is empty", inputFilename)

	inputMap, err := common.CreateI18nStringInfoMap(inputI18nStringInfos)
	if err != nil {
		return fmt.Errorf("File has duplicated key: %s\n%s", inputFilename, err)

	targetI18nStringInfos, err := common.LoadI18nStringInfos(targetFilename)
	if err != nil {
		vs.Println("i18n4go: Error loading the i18n strings from target filename:", targetFilename)
		return err

	var targetExtraStringInfos, targetInvalidStringInfos []common.I18nStringInfo
	for _, stringInfo := range targetI18nStringInfos {
		if _, ok := inputMap[stringInfo.ID]; ok {
			if common.IsTemplatedString(stringInfo.ID) && vs.isTemplatedStringTranslationInvalid(stringInfo) {
				vs.Println("i18n4go: WARNING target file has invalid templated translations with key ID: ", stringInfo.ID)
				targetInvalidStringInfos = append(targetInvalidStringInfos, stringInfo)
			delete(inputMap, stringInfo.ID)
		} else {
			vs.Println("i18n4go: WARNING target file has extra key with ID: ", stringInfo.ID)
			targetExtraStringInfos = append(targetExtraStringInfos, stringInfo)

	var verficationError error
	if len(targetExtraStringInfos) > 0 {
		vs.Println("i18n4go: WARNING target file contains total of extra keys:", len(targetExtraStringInfos))

		diffFilename, err := vs.generateExtraKeysDiffFile(targetExtraStringInfos, targetFilename)
		if err != nil {
			vs.Println("i18n4go: ERROR could not create the diff file:", err)
			return err
		vs.Println("i18n4go: generated diff file:", diffFilename)
		verficationError = fmt.Errorf("i18n4go: target file has extra i18n strings with IDs: %s", strings.Join(keysForI18nStringInfos(targetExtraStringInfos), ","))

	if len(targetInvalidStringInfos) > 0 {
		vs.Println("i18n4go: WARNING target file contains total of invalid translations:", len(targetInvalidStringInfos))

		diffFilename, err := vs.generateInvalidTranslationDiffFile(targetInvalidStringInfos, targetFilename)
		if err != nil {
			vs.Println("i18n4go: ERROR could not create the diff file:", err)
			return err
		vs.Println("i18n4go: generated diff file:", diffFilename)
		verficationError = fmt.Errorf("i18n4go: target file has invalid i18n strings with IDs: %s", strings.Join(keysForI18nStringInfos(targetInvalidStringInfos), ","))

	if len(inputMap) > 0 {
		vs.Println("i18n4go: ERROR input file does not match target file:", targetFilename)

		diffFilename, err := vs.generateMissingKeysDiffFile(valuesForI18nStringInfoMap(inputMap), targetFilename)
		if err != nil {
			vs.Println("i18n4go: ERROR could not create the diff file:", err)
			return err
		vs.Println("i18n4go: generated diff file:", diffFilename)
		verficationError = fmt.Errorf("i18n4go: target file is missing i18n strings with IDs: %s", strings.Join(keysForI18nStringInfoMap(inputMap), ","))

	return verficationError
コード例 #9
			exitCode := cmd.Wait()

		Context("When the user says the translation was updated", func() {
			JustBeforeEach(func() {
				Ω(getNextOutputLine(stdoutReader)).Should(ContainSubstring("Is the string \"I like apples.\" a new or updated string? [new/upd]"))

			It("Updates the keys for all translation files", func() {

				translations, err := common.LoadI18nStringInfos(filepath.Join(".", "translations", "en_US.all.json"))
				mappedTranslations, err := common.CreateI18nStringInfoMap(translations)
				Ω(mappedTranslations["I like bananas."]).Should(Equal(common.I18nStringInfo{}))
				Ω(mappedTranslations["I like apples."]).ShouldNot(Equal(common.I18nStringInfo{}))

				translations, err = common.LoadI18nStringInfos(filepath.Join(".", "translations", "zh_CN.all.json"))
				mappedTranslations, err = common.CreateI18nStringInfoMap(translations)
				Ω(mappedTranslations["I like bananas."]).Should(Equal(common.I18nStringInfo{}))
				Ω(mappedTranslations["I like apples."]).ShouldNot(Equal(common.I18nStringInfo{}))

			It("Updates all the translation", func() {