func DiskIOCounters() (map[string]DiskIOCountersStat, error) { // statinfo->devinfo->devstat // /usr/include/devinfo.h // sysctl.sysctl ('kern.devstat.all', 0) ret := make(map[string]DiskIOCountersStat) mib := []int32{CTLKern, KernDevstat, KernDevstatAll} buf, length, err := common.CallSyscall(mib) if err != nil { return nil, err } ds := Devstat{} devstatLen := int(unsafe.Sizeof(ds)) count := int(length / uint64(devstatLen)) buf = buf[8:] // devstat.all has version in the head. // parse buf to Devstat for i := 0; i < count; i++ { b := buf[i*devstatLen : i*devstatLen+devstatLen] d, err := parseDevstat(b) if err != nil { continue } un := strconv.Itoa(int(d.Unit_number)) name := common.IntToString(d.Device_name[:]) + un ds := DiskIOCountersStat{ ReadCount: d.Operations[DEVSTAT_READ], WriteCount: d.Operations[DEVSTAT_WRITE], ReadBytes: d.Bytes[DEVSTAT_READ], WriteBytes: d.Bytes[DEVSTAT_WRITE], ReadTime: d.Duration[DEVSTAT_READ].Compute(), WriteTime: d.Duration[DEVSTAT_WRITE].Compute(), Name: name, } ret[name] = ds } return ret, nil }
func DiskPartitions(all bool) ([]DiskPartitionStat, error) { var ret []DiskPartitionStat // get length count, err := syscall.Getfsstat(nil, MNT_WAIT) if err != nil { return ret, err } fs := make([]Statfs, count) _, err = Getfsstat(fs, MNT_WAIT) for _, stat := range fs { opts := "rw" if stat.Flags&MNT_RDONLY != 0 { opts = "ro" } if stat.Flags&MNT_SYNCHRONOUS != 0 { opts += ",sync" } if stat.Flags&MNT_NOEXEC != 0 { opts += ",noexec" } if stat.Flags&MNT_NOSUID != 0 { opts += ",nosuid" } if stat.Flags&MNT_UNION != 0 { opts += ",union" } if stat.Flags&MNT_ASYNC != 0 { opts += ",async" } if stat.Flags&MNT_SUIDDIR != 0 { opts += ",suiddir" } if stat.Flags&MNT_SOFTDEP != 0 { opts += ",softdep" } if stat.Flags&MNT_NOSYMFOLLOW != 0 { opts += ",nosymfollow" } if stat.Flags&MNT_GJOURNAL != 0 { opts += ",gjounalc" } if stat.Flags&MNT_MULTILABEL != 0 { opts += ",multilabel" } if stat.Flags&MNT_ACLS != 0 { opts += ",acls" } if stat.Flags&MNT_NOATIME != 0 { opts += ",noattime" } if stat.Flags&MNT_NOCLUSTERR != 0 { opts += ",nocluster" } if stat.Flags&MNT_NOCLUSTERW != 0 { opts += ",noclusterw" } if stat.Flags&MNT_NFS4ACLS != 0 { opts += ",nfs4acls" } d := DiskPartitionStat{ Device: common.IntToString(stat.Mntfromname[:]), Mountpoint: common.IntToString(stat.Mntonname[:]), Fstype: common.IntToString(stat.Fstypename[:]), Opts: opts, } ret = append(ret, d) } return ret, nil }
func getFsType(stat syscall.Statfs_t) string { return common.IntToString(stat.Fstypename[:]) }