コード例 #1
ファイル: lastfm.go プロジェクト: postfix/wavepipe
// PostLastFM allows access to the Last.fm API, enabling wavepipe to set a user's currently-playing
// track, as well as to enable scrobbling.
func PostLastFM(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
	// Retrieve render
	ren := context.Get(r, CtxRender).(*render.Render)

	// Attempt to retrieve user from context
	user := new(data.User)
	if tempUser := context.Get(r, CtxUser); tempUser != nil {
		user = tempUser.(*data.User)
	} else {
		// No user stored in context
		log.Println("api: no user stored in request context!")
		ren.JSON(w, 500, serverErr)

	// Output struct for Last.fm response
	out := LastFMResponse{}

	// Check API version
	if version, ok := mux.Vars(r)["version"]; ok {
		// Check if this API call is supported in the advertised version
		if !apiVersionSet.Has(version) {
			ren.JSON(w, 400, errRes(400, "unsupported API version: "+version))

	// Do not allow guests and below to use Last.fm functionality
	if user.RoleID < data.RoleUser {
		ren.JSON(w, 403, permissionErr)

	// Check API action
	action, ok := mux.Vars(r)["action"]
	if !ok {
		ren.JSON(w, 400, errRes(400, "no string action provided"))

	// Check for valid action
	if !set.New(lfmLogin, lfmNowPlaying, lfmScrobble).Has(action) {
		ren.JSON(w, 400, errRes(400, "invalid string action provided"))

	// Instantiate Last.fm package
	lfm := lastfm.New(lfmAPIKey, lfmAPISecret)

	// Authenticate to the Last.fm API
	if action == lfmLogin {
		// Retrieve username from POST body
		username := r.PostFormValue("username")
		if username == "" {
			ren.JSON(w, 400, errRes(400, lfmLogin+": no username provided"))

		// Retrieve password from POST body
		password := r.PostFormValue("password")
		if password == "" {
			ren.JSON(w, 400, errRes(400, lfmLogin+": no password provided"))

		// Send a login request to Last.fm
		if err := lfm.Login(username, password); err != nil {
			ren.JSON(w, 401, errRes(401, lfmLogin+": last.fm authentication failed"))

		// Retrieve the API token for this user with wavepipe
		token, err := lfm.GetToken()
		if err != nil {
			ren.JSON(w, 500, serverErr)

		// Store the user's Last.fm token in the database
		user.LastFMToken = token
		if err := user.Update(); err != nil {
			ren.JSON(w, 500, serverErr)

		// Return the token authorization URL for the user
		out.URL = lfm.GetAuthTokenUrl(token)

		log.Println(lfmLogin, ": generated new token for user:"******"" {
		ren.JSON(w, 401, errRes(401, action+": user must authenticate to last.fm"))

	// Send a login request to Last.fm using token
	if err := lfm.LoginWithToken(user.LastFMToken); err != nil {
		// Check if token has not been authorized
		if strings.HasPrefix(err.Error(), "LastfmError[14]") {
			// Generate error output, but add the token authorization URL
			out.URL = lfm.GetAuthTokenUrl(user.LastFMToken)
			ren.JSON(w, 401, errRes(401, action+": last.fm token not yet authorized"))

		// All other failures
		ren.JSON(w, 401, errRes(401, action+": last.fm authentication failed"))

	// Check for an ID parameter
	pID, ok := mux.Vars(r)["id"]
	if !ok {
		ren.JSON(w, 400, errRes(400, action+": no integer song ID provided"))

	// Verify valid integer ID
	id, err := strconv.Atoi(pID)
	if err != nil {
		ren.JSON(w, 400, errRes(400, action+": invalid integer song ID"))

	// Load the song by ID
	song := &data.Song{ID: id}
	if err := song.Load(); err != nil {
		// Check for invalid ID
		if err == sql.ErrNoRows {
			ren.JSON(w, 404, errRes(404, action+": song ID not found"))

		// All other errors
		ren.JSON(w, 500, serverErr)

	// Log the current action
	log.Printf("%s : %s : [#%05d] %s - %s", action, user.Username, song.ID, song.Artist, song.Title)

	// Create the track entity required by Last.fm from the song
	track := lastfm.P{
		"artist":    song.Artist,
		"album":     song.Album,
		"track":     song.Title,
		"timestamp": time.Now().Unix(),

	// Check for optional timestamp parameter, which could be useful for sending scrobbles at
	// past times, etc
	if pTS := r.URL.Query().Get("timestamp"); pTS != "" {
		// Verify valid integer timestamp
		ts, err := strconv.Atoi(pTS)
		if err != nil || ts < 0 {
			ren.JSON(w, 400, errRes(400, action+": invalid integer timestamp"))

		// Override previously set timestamp with this one
		track["timestamp"] = ts

	// Send a now playing request to the Last.fm API
	if action == lfmNowPlaying {
		// Perform the action
		if _, err := lfm.Track.UpdateNowPlaying(track); err != nil {
			ren.JSON(w, 500, serverErr)

		// HTTP 200 OK with JSON
		out.Error = nil
		ren.JSON(w, 200, out)

	// Send a scrobble request to the Last.fm API
	if action == lfmScrobble {
		// Perform the action
		if _, err := lfm.Track.Scrobble(track); err != nil {
			ren.JSON(w, 500, serverErr)

		// HTTP 200 OK with JSON
		out.Error = nil
		ren.JSON(w, 200, out)

	// Invalid action, meaning programmer error, HTTP 500
	panic("no such Last.fm action: " + action)