コード例 #1
ファイル: test_client.go プロジェクト: metcalf/saypi
// NewTestClient initializes a TestClient instance with an embedded
// copy of the app. This will modify your passed Configuration to
// incorporate testing default values. For non-stub configurations,
// this will initialize a new database and store the DSN in the
// Configuration.
func NewTestClient(cfg *app.Configuration) (*TestClient, error) {
	var cli TestClient

	base := url.URL{}
	cli.baseURL = &base

	if cfg == nil {
		cfg = &app.Configuration{}

	if len(cfg.UserSecret) == 0 {
		cfg.UserSecret = apptest.TestSecret
	if cfg.IPPerMinute == 0 {
		cfg.IPPerMinute = 100000
	if cfg.IPRateBurst == 0 {
		cfg.IPRateBurst = 100000

	if cfg.DBDSN == "" {
		tdb, db, err := dbutil.NewTestDB()
		if err != nil {
			return nil, err
		// We don't need the db handle
		if err := db.Close(); err != nil {
			return nil, err
		cli.closers = append(cli.closers, tdb)

		cfg.DBDSN = dbutil.DefaultDataSource + " dbname=" + tdb.Name()

	a, err := app.New(cfg)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err
	cli.closers = append(cli.closers, a)

	cli.do = func(req *http.Request) (*http.Response, error) {
		rr := httptest.NewRecorder()
		a.ServeHTTP(rr, req)

		resp := http.Response{
			Status:        fmt.Sprintf("%d %s", rr.Code, http.StatusText(rr.Code)),
			StatusCode:    rr.Code,
			Body:          ioutil.NopCloser(rr.Body),
			Header:        rr.HeaderMap,
			ContentLength: int64(rr.Body.Len()),
			Request:       req,

		return &resp, nil

	return &cli, nil
コード例 #2
ファイル: app.go プロジェクト: antifuchs/saypi
// NewForTest creates a new App instance specifically for use in
// testing. This will modify your passed Configuration to incorporate
// testing default values. For non-stub configurations, this will
// initialize a new database and store the DSN in the Configuration.
func NewForTest(config *Configuration) (*App, error) {
	var closers []io.Closer

	if len(config.UserSecret) == 0 {
		config.UserSecret = apptest.TestSecret
	if config.IPPerMinute == 0 {
		config.IPPerMinute = 100000
	if config.IPRateBurst == 0 {
		config.IPRateBurst = 100000

	if config.DBDSN == "" {
		tdb, db, err := dbutil.NewTestDB()
		if err != nil {
			return nil, err
		// We don't need the db handle
		if err := db.Close(); err != nil {
			return nil, err
		closers = append(closers, tdb)

		config.DBDSN = dbutil.DefaultDataSource + " dbname=" + tdb.Name()

	a, err := New(config)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err

	for _, closer := range closers {
		a.closers = append(a.closers, closer)

	return a, nil
コード例 #3
ファイル: say_test.go プロジェクト: metcalf/saypi
// TestMain defines a custom test runner that shares a single database
// configuration between the tests in this package.
func TestMain(m *testing.M) {

	// Set up a database to be shared between tests
	tdb, db, err := dbutil.NewTestDB()
	if err != nil {
	// We don't need the db handle
	if err := db.Close(); err != nil {

	cfg.DBDSN = dbutil.DefaultDataSource + " dbname=" + tdb.Name()

	retVal := m.Run()

	if err := tdb.Close(); err != nil {

コード例 #4
ファイル: repository_test.go プロジェクト: antifuchs/saypi
func TestListConversations(t *testing.T) {
	tdb, db, err := dbutil.NewTestDB()
	if err != nil {
	defer tdb.Close()
	defer db.Close()

	repo, err := newRepository(db)
	if err != nil {

	// Fixture some conversations
	headings := []string{"foo", "bar", "baz"}
	convos := make([]Conversation, len(headings))
	revConvos := make([]Conversation, len(headings))
	for i, heading := range headings {
		convo, err := repo.NewConversation(testUID, heading)
		if err != nil {
		convos[i] = *convo
		revConvos[len(headings)-1-i] = *convo

	testcases := []struct {
		args    listArgs
		hasMore bool
		expect  []Conversation
		// Works correctly without cursor
		0: {listArgs{Limit: 5}, false, convos},
		1: {listArgs{Limit: 2}, true, convos[0:2]},
		2: {listArgs{Limit: 0}, true, nil},
		// After returns one item correctly
		3: {listArgs{After: convos[0].ID, Limit: 1}, true, convos[1:2]},
		// After returns all items correctly ascending
		4: {listArgs{After: convos[0].ID, Limit: 2}, false, convos[1:]},
		// After the last returns nothing
		5: {listArgs{After: convos[2].ID, Limit: 1}, false, nil},
		// Before returns one item correctly
		6: {listArgs{Before: convos[2].ID, Limit: 1}, true, revConvos[1:2]},
		// Before returns all items correctly descending
		7: {listArgs{Before: convos[2].ID, Limit: 2}, false, revConvos[1:]},
		// Before the first returns nothing
		8: {listArgs{Before: convos[0].ID, Limit: 1}, false, nil},
		// Zero limit returns nothing but indicates hasMore
		9:  {listArgs{After: convos[1].ID, Limit: 0}, true, nil},
		10: {listArgs{Before: convos[1].ID, Limit: 0}, true, nil},
		11: {listArgs{After: convos[2].ID, Limit: 0}, false, nil},
		12: {listArgs{Before: convos[0].ID, Limit: 0}, false, nil},

	for i, testcase := range testcases {
		actual, hasMore, err := repo.ListConversations(testUID, testcase.args)
		if err != nil {
			t.Errorf("%d: %s", i, err)

		if hasMore != testcase.hasMore {
			t.Errorf("%d: hasMore=%t, expected %t", i, hasMore, testcase.hasMore)

		// Coerce to nil because we don't care about the difference
		// between nil and empty slices.
		if len(actual) == 0 {
			actual = nil

		if !reflect.DeepEqual(actual, testcase.expect) {
			t.Errorf("%d: expected list results\n\t%#v\nbut got\n\t%#v", i, testcase.expect, actual)

	// Check for the correct behavior with an invalid cursor
	for i, args := range []listArgs{{After: "nope"}, {Before: "nope"}} {
		_, _, err = repo.ListConversations(testUID, args)
		if err != errCursorNotFound {
			t.Errorf("%d: err=%s, expected errCursorNotFound", i, err)
コード例 #5
ファイル: repository_test.go プロジェクト: antifuchs/saypi
func TestListMoods(t *testing.T) {
	tdb, db, err := dbutil.NewTestDB()
	if err != nil {
	defer tdb.Close()
	defer db.Close()

	repo, err := newRepository(db)
	if err != nil {

	// Fixture some moods
	testMoods := []Mood{
		{"foo", " f", "oo", true, 0},
		{"bar", " b", "ar", true, 0},
		{"baz", " b", "az", true, 0},

	moods := make([]Mood, len(testMoods)+len(builtinMoods))
	revMoods := make([]Mood, len(moods))
	for i, mood := range testMoods {
		err := repo.SetMood(testUID, &mood)
		if err != nil {
		moods[i] = mood
		revMoods[len(moods)-1-i] = mood

	for i, mood := range builtinMoods {
		moods[i+len(testMoods)] = *mood
		revMoods[len(moods)-len(testMoods)-1-i] = *mood

	moodNames := make([]string, len(moods))
	for i, mood := range revMoods {
		moodNames[i] = mood.Name

	testcases := []struct {
		args    listArgs
		hasMore bool
		expect  []Mood
		// Works correctly without cursor
		0: {listArgs{Limit: 100}, false, moods},
		1: {listArgs{Limit: 4}, true, moods[0:4]},
		2: {listArgs{Limit: 0}, true, nil},
		// After returns one user-defined item correctly
		3: {listArgs{After: moods[0].Name, Limit: 1}, true, moods[1:2]},
		// After returns one built-in item correctly
		4: {listArgs{After: moods[2].Name, Limit: 1}, true, moods[3:4]},
		5: {listArgs{After: moods[3].Name, Limit: 1}, true, moods[4:5]},
		// After returns remaining items correctly ascending
		6: {listArgs{After: moods[0].Name, Limit: 20}, false, moods[1:]},
		// After the last returns nothing
		7: {listArgs{After: moods[len(moods)-1].Name, Limit: 1}, false, nil},
		// Before returns one user-defined item correctly
		8: {listArgs{Before: moods[2].Name, Limit: 1}, true, moods[1:2]},
		9: {listArgs{Before: moods[3].Name, Limit: 1}, true, moods[2:3]},
		// Before returns one built-in item correctly
		10: {listArgs{Before: moods[5].Name, Limit: 1}, true, moods[4:5]},
		// Before returns remaining items correctly descending
		11: {listArgs{Before: moods[len(moods)-1].Name, Limit: 20}, false, revMoods[1:]},
		// Before the first returns nothing
		12: {listArgs{Before: moods[0].Name, Limit: 1}, false, nil},
		// Zero limit returns nothing but indicates hasMore
		13: {listArgs{After: moods[1].Name, Limit: 0}, true, nil},
		14: {listArgs{Before: moods[1].Name, Limit: 0}, true, nil},
		15: {listArgs{After: moods[len(moods)-1].Name, Limit: 0}, false, nil},
		16: {listArgs{Before: moods[0].Name, Limit: 0}, false, nil},

	for i, testcase := range testcases {
		actual, hasMore, err := repo.ListMoods(testUID, testcase.args)
		if err != nil {
			t.Errorf("%d: %s", i, err)

		if hasMore != testcase.hasMore {
			t.Errorf("%d: hasMore=%t, expected %t", i, hasMore, testcase.hasMore)

		// Coerce to nil because we don't care about the difference
		// between nil and empty slices.
		if len(actual) == 0 {
			actual = nil

		if !reflect.DeepEqual(actual, testcase.expect) {
			t.Errorf("%d: expected list results\n\t%#v\nbut got\n\t%#v", i, testcase.expect, actual)

	// Check for the correct behavior with an invalid cursor
	for i, args := range []listArgs{{After: "nope"}, {Before: "nope"}} {
		_, _, err = repo.ListMoods(testUID, args)
		if err != errCursorNotFound {
			t.Errorf("%d: err=%s, expected errCursorNotFound", i, err)