コード例 #1
func exportAttachment(id int64) error {

	// Split the filename and ensure the directory exists
	path, name := splitFilename(strconv.FormatInt(id, 10))
	path = config.Export.OutputDirectory + f.AttachmentsPath + path

	if !fileExists(path) {
		err := mkDirAll(path)
		if err != nil {
			return err

	filename := fmt.Sprintf("%s/%s.json", path, name)

	// Don't export if we've exported already
	if fileExists(filename) {
		return nil

	vb := vbAttachment{}
	err := db.QueryRow(`
SELECT a.attachmentid
  FROM `+config.DB.TablePrefix+`attachment a
  JOIN `+config.DB.TablePrefix+`attachmenttype t ON t.extension = a.extension
 WHERE a.attachmentid = ?`,
	if err != nil {
		return err

	ex := f.Attachment{}
	ex.ID = vb.AttachmentID
	ex.Author = vb.UserID
	ex.DateCreated = time.Unix(vb.DateCreated, 0).UTC()
	ex.Associations = append(ex.Associations, f.Association{
		OnType: "comment",
		OnID:   vb.PostID,
	ex.Name = vb.FileName
	ex.ContentSize = int32(vb.FileSize)
	ex.MimeType = getMimeTypeFromFileName("name." + vb.Extension)
	ex.ContentURL = "data:" + ex.MimeType + ";base64," +

	err = writeFile(filename, ex)
	if err != nil {
		return err

	exportedItems.Files = append(exportedItems.Files, f.DirFile{
		ID:   ex.ID,
		Path: strings.Replace(filename, config.Export.OutputDirectory, "", 1),

	return nil
コード例 #2
ファイル: profiles.go プロジェクト: siparker/export-vbulletin
func exportProfile(id int64) error {

	// Split the filename and ensure the directory exists
	path, name := splitFilename(strconv.FormatInt(id, 10))
	path = config.Export.OutputDirectory + f.ProfilesPath + path

	if !fileExists(path) {
		err := mkDirAll(path)
		if err != nil {
			return err

	filename := fmt.Sprintf("%s/%s.json", path, name)

	// Don't export if we've exported already
	if fileExists(filename) {
		return nil

	// Fetch the user
	vb := vbUser{}
	err := db.QueryRow(`
SELECT u.userid
      ,IF(ub.userid, true, false) AS banned
  FROM `+config.DB.TablePrefix+`user u
       LEFT JOIN `+config.DB.TablePrefix+`userban ub ON u.userid = ub.userid
 WHERE u.userid = ?`,
	if err != nil {
		return err

	// Map the user into our structure performing any translations needed

	ex := f.Profile{}
	ex.ID = vb.UserID
	ex.Name = vb.Username
	ex.Email = vb.Email
	ex.DateCreated = time.Unix(vb.JoinDate, 0).UTC()
	ex.LastActive = time.Unix(vb.LastVisit, 0).UTC()
	ex.IPAddress = vb.IPAddress
	ex.Banned = vb.Banned

	usergroups := []f.ID{}
	usergroups = append(usergroups, f.ID{ID: vb.UserGroupID})
	if vb.MemberGroupIDs != "" {
		groups := strings.Split(vb.MemberGroupIDs, ",")
		for _, group := range groups {
			groupID, err := strconv.ParseInt(strings.Trim(group, " "), 10, 64)
			if err != nil {
				return err
			usergroups = append(usergroups, f.ID{ID: groupID})
	ex.Usergroups = usergroups

	// From vBulletin includes/xml/bitfield_vbulletin.xml
	// <group name="useroptions">
	// 	<bitfield name="showsignatures">1</bitfield>
	// 	<bitfield name="showavatars">2</bitfield>
	// 	<bitfield name="showimages">4</bitfield>
	// 	<bitfield name="coppauser">8</bitfield>
	// 	<bitfield name="adminemail">16</bitfield>
	// 	<bitfield name="showvcard">32</bitfield>
	// 	<bitfield name="dstauto">64</bitfield>
	// 	<bitfield name="dstonoff">128</bitfield>
	// 	<bitfield name="showemail">256</bitfield>
	// 	<bitfield name="invisible">512</bitfield>
	// 	<bitfield name="showreputation">1024</bitfield>
	// 	<bitfield name="receivepm">2048</bitfield>
	// 	<bitfield name="emailonpm">4096</bitfield>
	// 	<bitfield name="hasaccessmask">8192</bitfield>
	// 	<bitfield name="postorder">32768</bitfield>
	// 	<bitfield name="receivepmbuddies">131072</bitfield>
	// 	<bitfield name="noactivationmails">262144</bitfield>
	// 	<bitfield name="pmboxwarning">524288</bitfield>
	// 	<bitfield name="showusercss">1048576</bitfield>
	// 	<bitfield name="receivefriendemailrequest">2097152</bitfield>
	// 	<bitfield name="vm_enable">8388608</bitfield>
	// 	<bitfield name="vm_contactonly">16777216</bitfield>
	// 	<bitfield name="pmdefaultsavecopy">33554432</bitfield>
	// </group>
	ex.ReceiveEmailFromAdmins = vb.Options&16 != 0
	ex.ReceiveEmailNotifications = vb.Options&4096 != 0

	// Fetch the avatar
	vba := vbAvatar{}
	err = db.QueryRow(`
SELECT dateline
  FROM `+config.DB.TablePrefix+`customavatar
 WHERE userid = ?`,
	if err != nil {
		if err != sql.ErrNoRows {
			return err
		// No custom avatar
	} else {
		// We have a custom avatar
		exa := f.Attachment{}

		exa.Author = id
		exa.DateCreated = time.Unix(vba.DateCreated, 0).UTC()
		exa.Associations = append(exa.Associations, f.Association{
			OnType: "user",
			OnID:   id,
		exa.Name = vba.FileName
		exa.ContentSize = int32(vba.FileSize)
		exa.MimeType = getMimeTypeFromFileName(vba.FileName)
		exa.ContentURL = "data:" + exa.MimeType + ";base64," +
		exa.Width = vba.Width
		exa.Height = vba.Height

		ex.Avatar = exa

	// Write the user
	err = writeFile(filename, ex)
	if err != nil {
		return err

	exportedItems.Files = append(exportedItems.Files, f.DirFile{
		ID:    ex.ID,
		Path:  strings.Replace(filename, config.Export.OutputDirectory, "", 1),
		Email: ex.Email,

	return nil