func templateHandler(c *gin.Context) { var err error Templates, err = tmpl.ParseDir(TemplatesDir) if err != nil { logging.ErrorWithTags([]string{"templates"}, "Failed to load templates.", err.Error()) } c.JSON(200, Templates) }
func Start(port, templatesDir string, publicDir string) error { dbmap = setupDb() defer dbmap.Db.Close() // Process our templates TemplatesDir = templatesDir var err error Templates, err = tmpl.ParseDir(TemplatesDir) if err != nil { logging.ErrorWithTags([]string{"templates"}, "Failed to parse templates", err.Error()) return err } // Setup Goth Authentication goth.UseProviders( github.New(os.Getenv("GITHUB_KEY"), os.Getenv("GITHUB_SECRET"), "http://localhost:3000/auth/github/callback", "repo", "user:email"), ) // Setup server and related activity fetching socketServer, err := SetupSocketIO() if err != nil { return err } err = StartSocketPusher(socketServer, activityChan) if err != nil { return err } err = StartExistingUsers(activityChan) if err != nil { return err } // Start up gin and its friends r := gin.Default() r.Use(cors.Middleware(cors.Options{AllowCredentials: true})) // Serve static assets r.Use(static.Serve("/", static.LocalFile(publicDir, false))) SetupRoutes(r, socketServer) r.Run(fmt.Sprintf(":%s", port)) return nil }
func Test_ParseTemplatesDir(t *testing.T) { testDir := "./test_templates" templates, err := tmpl.ParseDir(testDir) Convey("Given the test template directory", t, func() { So(err, ShouldBeNil) So(len(templates), ShouldEqual, 4) var ( newPrTmpl tmpl.Template missingNameTmpl tmpl.Template newCommentTmpl tmpl.Template longerMarkersTmpl tmpl.Template ) for _, tmpl := range templates { switch tmpl.Id { case "new_comment": newCommentTmpl = *tmpl case "new_pr": newPrTmpl = *tmpl case "missing_name": missingNameTmpl = *tmpl case "longer_markers": longerMarkersTmpl = *tmpl } } Convey("The New Comment template should exist", func() { t := newCommentTmpl So(t, ShouldNotBeNil) So(t.Id, ShouldEqual, "new_comment") So(t.Name, ShouldEqual, "New Comment") So(t.Event, ShouldEqual, "comment_pull_request") }) Convey("The New PR template should exist", func() { t := newPrTmpl So(t, ShouldNotBeNil) So(t.Id, ShouldEqual, "new_pr") So(t.Name, ShouldEqual, "New Pull Request") So(t.Event, ShouldEqual, "new_pull_request") }) Convey("The Missing Name template should exist", func() { t := missingNameTmpl So(t, ShouldNotBeNil) So(t.Id, ShouldEqual, "missing_name") So(t.Name, ShouldEqual, "") So(t.Event, ShouldEqual, "comment_pull_request") }) Convey("The Longer Than Default Markers template should exist", func() { t := longerMarkersTmpl So(t, ShouldNotBeNil) So(t.Id, ShouldEqual, "longer_markers") So(t.Name, ShouldEqual, "Longer Than Default Markers") So(t.Event, ShouldEqual, "comment_pull_request") }) }) }