コード例 #1
ファイル: transactionbuilder.go プロジェクト: Fotsirvelk/Sia
// FundSiacoins will add a siacoin input of exaclty 'amount' to the
// transaction. A parent transaction may be needed to achieve an input with the
// correct value. The siacoin input will not be signed until 'Sign' is called
// on the transaction builder.
func (tb *transactionBuilder) FundSiacoins(amount types.Currency) error {
	defer tb.wallet.mu.Unlock()

	// Collect a value-sorted set of siacoin outputs.
	var so sortedOutputs
	for scoid, sco := range tb.wallet.siacoinOutputs {
		so.ids = append(so.ids, scoid)
		so.outputs = append(so.outputs, sco)
	// Add all of the unconfirmed outputs as well.
	for _, upt := range tb.wallet.unconfirmedProcessedTransactions {
		for i, sco := range upt.Transaction.SiacoinOutputs {
			// Determine if the output belongs to the wallet.
			_, exists := tb.wallet.keys[sco.UnlockHash]
			if !exists {
			so.ids = append(so.ids, upt.Transaction.SiacoinOutputID(uint64(i)))
			so.outputs = append(so.outputs, sco)

	// Create and fund a parent transaction that will add the correct amount of
	// siacoins to the transaction.
	var fund types.Currency
	// potentialFund tracks the balance of the wallet including outputs that
	// have been spent in other unconfirmed transactions recently. This is to
	// provide the user with a more useful error message in the event that they
	// are overspending.
	var potentialFund types.Currency
	parentTxn := types.Transaction{}
	var spentScoids []types.SiacoinOutputID
	for i := range so.ids {
		scoid := so.ids[i]
		sco := so.outputs[i]
		// Check that this output has not recently been spent by the wallet.
		spendHeight := tb.wallet.spentOutputs[types.OutputID(scoid)]
		// Prevent an underflow error.
		allowedHeight := tb.wallet.consensusSetHeight - RespendTimeout
		if tb.wallet.consensusSetHeight < RespendTimeout {
			allowedHeight = 0
		if spendHeight > allowedHeight {
			potentialFund = potentialFund.Add(sco.Value)
		outputUnlockConditions := tb.wallet.keys[sco.UnlockHash].UnlockConditions
		if tb.wallet.consensusSetHeight < outputUnlockConditions.Timelock {

		// Add a siacoin input for this output.
		sci := types.SiacoinInput{
			ParentID:         scoid,
			UnlockConditions: outputUnlockConditions,
		parentTxn.SiacoinInputs = append(parentTxn.SiacoinInputs, sci)
		spentScoids = append(spentScoids, scoid)

		// Add the output to the total fund
		fund = fund.Add(sco.Value)
		potentialFund = potentialFund.Add(sco.Value)
		if fund.Cmp(amount) >= 0 {
	if potentialFund.Cmp(amount) >= 0 && fund.Cmp(amount) < 0 {
		return modules.ErrPotentialDoubleSpend
	if fund.Cmp(amount) < 0 {
		return modules.ErrLowBalance

	// Create and add the output that will be used to fund the standard
	// transaction.
	parentUnlockConditions, err := tb.wallet.nextPrimarySeedAddress()
	if err != nil {
		return err
	exactOutput := types.SiacoinOutput{
		Value:      amount,
		UnlockHash: parentUnlockConditions.UnlockHash(),
	parentTxn.SiacoinOutputs = append(parentTxn.SiacoinOutputs, exactOutput)

	// Create a refund output if needed.
	if amount.Cmp(fund) != 0 {
		refundUnlockConditions, err := tb.wallet.nextPrimarySeedAddress()
		if err != nil {
			return err
		refundOutput := types.SiacoinOutput{
			Value:      fund.Sub(amount),
			UnlockHash: refundUnlockConditions.UnlockHash(),
		parentTxn.SiacoinOutputs = append(parentTxn.SiacoinOutputs, refundOutput)

	// Sign all of the inputs to the parent trancstion.
	for _, sci := range parentTxn.SiacoinInputs {
		_, err := addSignatures(&parentTxn, types.FullCoveredFields, sci.UnlockConditions, crypto.Hash(sci.ParentID), tb.wallet.keys[sci.UnlockConditions.UnlockHash()])
		if err != nil {
			return err
	// Mark the parent output as spent. Must be done after the transaction is
	// finished because otherwise the txid and output id will change.
	tb.wallet.spentOutputs[types.OutputID(parentTxn.SiacoinOutputID(0))] = tb.wallet.consensusSetHeight

	// Add the exact output.
	newInput := types.SiacoinInput{
		ParentID:         parentTxn.SiacoinOutputID(0),
		UnlockConditions: parentUnlockConditions,
	tb.newParents = append(tb.newParents, len(tb.parents))
	tb.parents = append(tb.parents, parentTxn)
	tb.siacoinInputs = append(tb.siacoinInputs, len(tb.transaction.SiacoinInputs))
	tb.transaction.SiacoinInputs = append(tb.transaction.SiacoinInputs, newInput)

	// Mark all outputs that were spent as spent.
	for _, scoid := range spentScoids {
		tb.wallet.spentOutputs[types.OutputID(scoid)] = tb.wallet.consensusSetHeight
	return nil
コード例 #2
ファイル: transactions.go プロジェクト: mm3/Sia
// FundTransaction adds siacoins to a transaction that the wallet knows how to
// spend. The exact amount of coins are always added, and this is achieved by
// creating two transactions. The first transaciton, the parent, spends a set
// of outputs that add up to at least the desired amount, and then creates a
// single output of the exact amount and a second refund output.
func (w *Wallet) FundTransaction(id string, amount types.Currency) (t types.Transaction, err error) {
	counter := w.mu.Lock()
	defer w.mu.Unlock(counter)

	// Create a parent transaction and supply it with enough inputs to cover
	// 'amount'.
	parentTxn := types.Transaction{}
	fundingOutputs, fundingTotal, err := w.findOutputs(amount)
	if err != nil {
	for _, output := range fundingOutputs {
		output.age = w.age
		key := w.keys[output.output.UnlockHash]
		newInput := types.SiacoinInput{
			ParentID:         output.id,
			UnlockConditions: key.unlockConditions,
		parentTxn.SiacoinInputs = append(parentTxn.SiacoinInputs, newInput)

	// Create and add the output that will be used to fund the standard
	// transaction.
	parentDest, parentSpendConds, err := w.coinAddress(false) // false indicates that the address should not be visible to the user
	exactOutput := types.SiacoinOutput{
		Value:      amount,
		UnlockHash: parentDest,
	parentTxn.SiacoinOutputs = append(parentTxn.SiacoinOutputs, exactOutput)

	// Create a refund output if needed.
	if amount.Cmp(fundingTotal) != 0 {
		var refundDest types.UnlockHash
		refundDest, _, err = w.coinAddress(false) // false indicates that the address should not be visible to the user
		if err != nil {
		refundOutput := types.SiacoinOutput{
			Value:      fundingTotal.Sub(amount),
			UnlockHash: refundDest,
		parentTxn.SiacoinOutputs = append(parentTxn.SiacoinOutputs, refundOutput)

	// Sign all of the inputs to the parent trancstion.
	coveredFields := types.CoveredFields{WholeTransaction: true}
	for _, input := range parentTxn.SiacoinInputs {
		sig := types.TransactionSignature{
			ParentID:       crypto.Hash(input.ParentID),
			CoveredFields:  coveredFields,
			PublicKeyIndex: 0,
		parentTxn.TransactionSignatures = append(parentTxn.TransactionSignatures, sig)

		// Hash the transaction according to the covered fields.
		coinAddress := input.UnlockConditions.UnlockHash()
		sigIndex := len(parentTxn.TransactionSignatures) - 1
		secKey := w.keys[coinAddress].secretKey
		sigHash := parentTxn.SigHash(sigIndex)

		// Get the signature.
		var encodedSig crypto.Signature
		encodedSig, err = crypto.SignHash(sigHash, secKey)
		if err != nil {
		parentTxn.TransactionSignatures[sigIndex].Signature = types.Signature(encodedSig[:])

	// Add the exact output to the wallet's knowledgebase before releasing the
	// lock, to prevent the wallet from using the exact output elsewhere.
	key := w.keys[parentSpendConds.UnlockHash()]
	key.outputs[parentTxn.SiacoinOutputID(0)] = &knownOutput{
		id:     parentTxn.SiacoinOutputID(0),
		output: exactOutput,

		spendable: true,
		age:       w.age,

	// Send the transaction to the transaction pool.
	err = w.tpool.AcceptTransaction(parentTxn)
	if err != nil {

	// Get the transaction that was originally meant to be funded.
	openTxn, exists := w.transactions[id]
	if !exists {
		err = ErrInvalidID
	txn := openTxn.transaction

	// Add the exact output.
	newInput := types.SiacoinInput{
		ParentID:         parentTxn.SiacoinOutputID(0),
		UnlockConditions: parentSpendConds,
	openTxn.inputs = append(openTxn.inputs, len(txn.SiacoinInputs))
	txn.SiacoinInputs = append(txn.SiacoinInputs, newInput)
	t = *txn