func show_mem(p string) { al, sy := sys.MemUsed() fmt.Println("Allocated:", al>>20, "MB") fmt.Println("SystemMem:", sy>>20, "MB") fmt.Println("QDB Extra:", qdb.ExtraMemoryConsumed>>20, "MB") if p == "" { return } if p == "free" { fmt.Println("Freeing the mem...") sys.FreeMem() show_mem("") return } if p == "gc" { fmt.Println("Running GC...") runtime.GC() fmt.Println("Done.") return } i, e := strconv.ParseInt(p, 10, 64) if e != nil { println(e.Error()) return } debug.SetGCPercent(int(i)) fmt.Println("GC treshold set to", i, "percent") }
func do_usif() { time.Sleep(1e9) usif_prompt() for { cmd := readline() go func(cmd string) { ll := strings.Split(cmd, " ") if len(ll) > 0 { switch ll[0] { case "a": fmt.Println(peersdb.PeerDB.Count(), "addressess in the database") case "q": Exit() return case "bm": fmt.Println("Trying BlocksMutex") BlocksMutex.Lock() fmt.Println("BlocksMutex locked") BlocksMutex.Unlock() fmt.Println("BlocksMutex unlocked") case "b": if TheBlockChain != nil { fmt.Println(TheBlockChain.Stats()) } case "db": qdb_stats() case "n": show_connections() case "i": print_stats() case "c": print_counters() case "pr": show_inprogress() case "pe": show_pending() case "d": if len(ll) > 1 { n, e := strconv.ParseUint(ll[1], 10, 32) if e == nil { open_connection_mutex.Lock() for _, v := range open_connection_list { if == uint32(n) { fmt.Println("dropping peer id", n, "...") v.setbroken(true) } } open_connection_mutex.Unlock() } } else { fmt.Println("dropping slowest peer") drop_slowest_peers() } case "f": show_free_mem() sys.FreeMem() show_free_mem() fmt.Println("To free more memory, quit (q command) and relaunch the downloader") case "m": show_free_mem() case "mc": if len(ll) > 1 { n, e := strconv.ParseUint(ll[1], 10, 32) if e == nil { MaxNetworkConns = uint(n) fmt.Println("MaxNetworkConns set to", n) } } case "h": fallthrough case "?": fmt.Println("Available commands:") fmt.Println(" a - show addressess of the peers") fmt.Println(" b - show blockchin stats") fmt.Println(" q - quite the downloader") fmt.Println(" c - show counters") fmt.Println(" d [conid] - drop one connection") fmt.Println(" db - show database stats") fmt.Println(" f - free memory") fmt.Println(" i - show general info") fmt.Println(" m - show mem heap info") fmt.Println(" mc <CNT> - set maximum number of connections") fmt.Println(" n - show network connections") fmt.Println(" pe - show pending blocks ") fmt.Println(" pr - show blocks in progress") default: fmt.Println("Unknown command:", ll[0], " (h or ? - to see help)") } } usif_prompt() }(cmd) } fmt.Println("do_usif terminated") }
func p_cfg(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) { if !ipchecker(r) { return } common.LockCfg() defer common.UnlockCfg() if r.Method == "POST" { if len(r.Form["configjson"]) > 0 { e := json.Unmarshal([]byte(r.Form["configjson"][0]), &common.CFG) if e == nil { common.Reset() } if len(r.Form["save"]) > 0 { common.SaveConfig() } http.Redirect(w, r, "/", http.StatusFound) return } if len(r.Form["walletdata"]) > 0 && len(r.Form["walletfname"]) > 0 { fn := r.Form["walletfname"][0] if fn != "" { fn = common.GocoinHomeDir + "wallet" + string(os.PathSeparator) + fn ioutil.WriteFile(fn, []byte(r.Form["walletdata"][0]), 0660) wallet.LoadWallet(fn) } http.Redirect(w, r, "/wal", http.StatusFound) return } if len(r.Form["shutdown"]) > 0 { usif.Exit_now = true w.Write([]byte("Your node should shut down soon")) return } return } // for any other GET we need a matching session-id if !checksid(r) { new_session_id(w) return } if len(r.Form["txponoff"]) > 0 { common.CFG.TXPool.Enabled = !common.CFG.TXPool.Enabled http.Redirect(w, r, "txs", http.StatusFound) return } if len(r.Form["txronoff"]) > 0 { common.CFG.TXRoute.Enabled = !common.CFG.TXRoute.Enabled http.Redirect(w, r, "txs", http.StatusFound) return } if len(r.Form["lonoff"]) > 0 { common.SetListenTCP(common.IsListenTCP(), true) http.Redirect(w, r, "net", http.StatusFound) return } if len(r.Form["drop"]) > 0 { network.DropPeer(r.Form["drop"][0]) http.Redirect(w, r, "net", http.StatusFound) return } if len(r.Form["savecfg"]) > 0 { dat, _ := json.Marshal(&common.CFG) if dat != nil { ioutil.WriteFile(common.ConfigFile, dat, 0660) } http.Redirect(w, r, "/", http.StatusFound) return } if len(r.Form["beepblock"]) > 0 { common.CFG.Beeps.NewBlock = !common.CFG.Beeps.NewBlock http.Redirect(w, r, "/", http.StatusFound) return } if len(r.Form["freemem"]) > 0 { sys.FreeMem() http.Redirect(w, r, "/", http.StatusFound) return } if len(r.Form["mid"]) > 0 { v, e := strconv.ParseUint(r.Form["mid"][0], 10, 32) if e == nil && v < uint64(len(common.MinerIds)) { common.CFG.Beeps.MinerID = string(common.MinerIds[v].Tag) } else { common.CFG.Beeps.MinerID = "" } http.Redirect(w, r, "miners", http.StatusFound) return } }