コード例 #1
ファイル: address.go プロジェクト: ninnemana/API
func AddAddress(w http.ResponseWriter, req *http.Request, params martini.Params, enc encoding.Encoder, shop *cart.Shop) string {

	var address cart.CustomerAddress
	var c cart.Customer

	customerId := params["id"]
	if !bson.IsObjectIdHex(customerId) {
		apierror.GenerateError("invalid customer reference", nil, w, req)
		return ""

	c.Id = bson.ObjectIdHex(customerId)
	c.ShopId = shop.Id
	if err := c.Get(); err != nil {
		apierror.GenerateError(err.Error(), err, w, req)
		return ""

	defer req.Body.Close()

	data, err := ioutil.ReadAll(req.Body)
	if err != nil {
		apierror.GenerateError(err.Error(), err, w, req)
		return ""

	if err = json.Unmarshal(data, &address); err != nil {
		apierror.GenerateError(err.Error(), err, w, req)
		return ""

	// audit the address
	if err := address.Validate(); err != nil {
		apierror.GenerateError(err.Error(), err, w, req)
		return ""

	addressId := bson.NewObjectId()
	address.Id = &addressId
	c.Addresses = append(c.Addresses, address)

	if err = c.Update(); err != nil {
		apierror.GenerateError(err.Error(), err, w, req)
		return ""

	return encoding.Must(enc.Encode(address))
コード例 #2
ファイル: account_test.go プロジェクト: ninnemana/API
func Test_AddAccount(t *testing.T) {
	Convey("with shop identifier", t, func() {
		shopID := cart.InsertTestData()
		So(shopID, ShouldNotBeNil)
		val := shopID.Hex()
		qs := make(url.Values, 0)
		qs.Add("shop", val)

		response = httprunner.Req(AddAccount, "POST", "", "/shopify/account", &qs, nil, cart.Shop{})
		So(response.Code, ShouldEqual, 500)
		So(json.Unmarshal(response.Body.Bytes(), &apierror.ApiErr{}), ShouldBeNil)

		cust := cart.Customer{
			ShopId:    *shopID,
			FirstName: "Alex",
			LastName:  "Ninneman",

		addr := cart.CustomerAddress{}
		addr.Address1 = "Test"

		response = httprunner.Req(AddAccount, "POST", "", "/shopify/account", &qs, nil, addr)
		So(response.Code, ShouldEqual, 500)
		So(json.Unmarshal(response.Body.Bytes(), &apierror.ApiErr{}), ShouldBeNil)

		response = httprunner.Req(AddAccount, "POST", "", "/shopify/account", &qs, nil, cust)
		So(response.Code, ShouldEqual, 500)
		So(json.Unmarshal(response.Body.Bytes(), &apierror.ApiErr{}), ShouldBeNil)

		cust.Email = time.Now().Format(time.RFC3339Nano) + "@gmail.com"

		response = httprunner.JsonRequest("POST", "/shopify/account", &qs, nil, AddAccount)
		So(response.Code, ShouldEqual, 500)
		So(json.Unmarshal(response.Body.Bytes(), &apierror.ApiErr{}), ShouldBeNil)

		cust.Password = "******"
		response = httprunner.JsonRequest("POST", "/shopify/account", &qs, cust, AddAccount)
		So(response.Code, ShouldEqual, 200)
		So(json.Unmarshal(response.Body.Bytes(), &cust), ShouldBeNil)
コード例 #3
ファイル: address.go プロジェクト: ninnemana/API
func EditAddress(w http.ResponseWriter, req *http.Request, params martini.Params, enc encoding.Encoder, shop *cart.Shop) string {

	var address cart.CustomerAddress
	var c cart.Customer

	customerId := params["id"]
	if !bson.IsObjectIdHex(customerId) {
		apierror.GenerateError("invalid customer reference", nil, w, req)
		return ""

	c.Id = bson.ObjectIdHex(customerId)
	c.ShopId = shop.Id
	if err := c.Get(); err != nil {
		apierror.GenerateError("", err, w, req)
		return ""

	addressId := params["address"]
	if !bson.IsObjectIdHex(addressId) {
		apierror.GenerateError("invalid address reference", nil, w, req)
		return ""
	defer req.Body.Close()

	data, err := ioutil.ReadAll(req.Body)
	if err != nil {
		apierror.GenerateError(err.Error(), err, w, req)
		return ""

	if err = json.Unmarshal(data, &address); err != nil {
		apierror.GenerateError(err.Error(), err, w, req)
		return ""

	// audit the address
	if err := address.Validate(); err != nil {
		apierror.GenerateError(err.Error(), err, w, req)
		return ""

	found := false
	for i, addr := range c.Addresses {
		if addr.Id.Hex() == addressId {
			c.Addresses[i] = address
			found = true

	if !found {
		apierror.GenerateError("invalid address reference", nil, w, req)
		return ""

	if err = c.Update(); err != nil {
		apierror.GenerateError(err.Error(), err, w, req)
		return ""

	return encoding.Must(enc.Encode(address))
コード例 #4
ファイル: address_test.go プロジェクト: ninnemana/API
func Test_AddAddress(t *testing.T) {
	Convey("with no shop identifier", t, func() {
		qs := make(url.Values, 0)

		response = httprunner.ParameterizedJsonRequest("POST", "/shopify/customers/:id/addresses", "/shopify/customers/1234/addresses", &qs, nil, AddAddress)
		So(response.Code, ShouldEqual, 500)
		So(json.Unmarshal(response.Body.Bytes(), &apierror.ApiErr{}), ShouldBeNil)

	Convey("with shop identifier", t, func() {
		shopID := cart.InsertTestData()
		So(shopID, ShouldNotBeNil)
		qs := make(url.Values, 0)
		qs.Add("shop", shopID.Hex())

		response = httprunner.ParameterizedJsonRequest("POST", "/shopify/customers/:id/addresses", "/shopify/customers/1234/addresses", &qs, nil, AddAddress)
		So(response.Code, ShouldEqual, 500)
		So(json.Unmarshal(response.Body.Bytes(), &apierror.ApiErr{}), ShouldBeNil)

		response = httprunner.ParameterizedJsonRequest("POST", "/shopify/customers/:id/addresses", "/shopify/customers/"+shopID.Hex()+"/addresses", &qs, nil, AddAddress)
		So(response.Code, ShouldEqual, 500)
		So(json.Unmarshal(response.Body.Bytes(), &apierror.ApiErr{}), ShouldBeNil)

		cust := cart.Customer{
			ShopId:    *shopID,
			FirstName: "Alex",
			LastName:  "Ninneman",
			Email:     time.Now().Format(time.RFC3339Nano) + "@gmail.com",
			Password:  "******",
		response = httprunner.JsonRequest("POST", "/shopify/customers", &qs, cust, AddCustomer)
		So(response.Code, ShouldEqual, 200)
		So(json.Unmarshal(response.Body.Bytes(), &cust), ShouldBeNil)

		response = httprunner.ParameterizedJsonRequest("POST", "/shopify/customers/:id/addresses", "/shopify/customers/"+cust.Id.Hex()+"/addresses", &qs, &cart.Shop{}, AddAddress)
		So(response.Code, ShouldEqual, 500)
		So(json.Unmarshal(response.Body.Bytes(), &apierror.ApiErr{}), ShouldBeNil)

		response = httprunner.ParameterizedJsonRequest("POST", "/shopify/customers/:id/addresses", "/shopify/customers/"+cust.Id.Hex()+"/addresses", &qs, &cart.Shop{}, AddAddress)
		So(response.Code, ShouldEqual, 500)
		So(json.Unmarshal(response.Body.Bytes(), &apierror.ApiErr{}), ShouldBeNil)

		addr := cart.CustomerAddress{
			Address1:     "1119 Sunset Lane",
			City:         "Altoona",
			Company:      "AN & Co.",
			FirstName:    "Alex",
			LastName:     "Ninneman",
			Phone:        "7153082604",
			Province:     "Wisconsin",
			ProvinceCode: "WI",
			Country:      "US",
			CountryCode:  "US",
			CountryName:  "United States",

		response = httprunner.ParameterizedJsonRequest("POST", "/shopify/customers/:id/addresses", "/shopify/customers/"+cust.Id.Hex()+"/addresses", &qs, &addr, AddAddress)
		So(response.Code, ShouldEqual, 500)
		So(json.Unmarshal(response.Body.Bytes(), &apierror.ApiErr{}), ShouldBeNil)

		addr.Zip = "54720"
		response = httprunner.ParameterizedJsonRequest("POST", "/shopify/customers/:id/addresses", "/shopify/customers/"+cust.Id.Hex()+"/addresses", &qs, &addr, AddAddress)
		So(response.Code, ShouldEqual, 200)
		So(json.Unmarshal(response.Body.Bytes(), &cart.CustomerAddress{}), ShouldBeNil)