コード例 #1
ファイル: build_test.go プロジェクト: nordsieck/fenec
func TestConvertDir(t *testing.T) {
	bFile := `package bar
	dFile := `package c

	root := path.Join("foo", "bar")
	files := map[string]*testutil.FakeFile{
		path.Join(root, "a"):                 &testutil.FakeFile{Buffer: *bytes.NewBufferString("a")},
		path.Join(root, "b"+fExt):            &testutil.FakeFile{Buffer: *bytes.NewBufferString(bFile)},
		path.Join(root, "b"+fExt+goExt):      &testutil.FakeFile{},
		path.Join(root, "c", "d"+fExt):       &testutil.FakeFile{Buffer: *bytes.NewBufferString(dFile)},
		path.Join(root, "c", "d"+fExt+goExt): &testutil.FakeFile{},
	infos := map[string][]os.FileInfo{
		root: []os.FileInfo{
			&FileInfo{name: "a", size: 1},
			&FileInfo{name: "b" + fExt, size: int64(len(bFile))},
			&FileInfo{name: "c", isDir: true},
		path.Join(root, "c"): []os.FileInfo{
			&FileInfo{name: "d" + fExt, size: int64(len(dFile))},

	readDir := func(s string) ([]os.FileInfo, error) { return infos[s], nil }
	open := func(s string) (io.ReadWriteCloser, error) { return files[s], nil }
	create := func(s string) (io.ReadWriteCloser, error) { return files[s], nil }

	err := convertDir(root, readDir, open, create)

	defect.Equal(t, err, nil)
	defect.Equal(t, files[path.Join(root, "b"+fExt+goExt)].String(), header+bFile)
	defect.Equal(t, files[path.Join(root, "c", "d"+fExt+goExt)].String(), header+dFile)
コード例 #2
func TestLexer_Token(t *testing.T) {
	l := Lexer{Lexer: util.Lexer{
		Reader: util.NewReader(`123 + 456
2 - 78
a = 1 + 2 * (3 / 4 - b)`),
		IsWhitespace: util.IsWhitespaceST,

	for _, expected := range []struct {
		Token Token
		Kind  int
		{"123", NUM}, {"+", '+'}, {"456", NUM}, {"\n", '\n'},
		{"2", NUM}, {"-", '-'}, {"78", NUM}, {"\n", '\n'},
		{"4569", NUM}, {"\n", '\n'},
		{"a", VAR}, {"=", '='}, {"1", NUM}, {"+", '+'}, {"2", NUM},
		{"*", '*'}, {"(", '('}, {"3", NUM}, {"/", '/'},
		{"4", NUM}, {"-", '-'}, {"b", VAR}, {")", ')'},
	} {
		token, kind, err := l.Token()
		defect.Equal(t, err, nil)
		defect.Equal(t, kind, expected.Kind)
		defect.Equal(t, token, expected.Token)
コード例 #3
func TestIsWhitespaceSTNL(t *testing.T) {
	l := Lexer{
		Reader:       NewReader("1 2\t3\n4"),
		IsWhitespace: IsWhitespaceSTNL,

	for _, expected := range []rune{'1', '2', '3', '4', EOF} {
		r, err := l.Scan()
		defect.Equal(t, err, nil)
		defect.Equal(t, r, expected)
コード例 #4
func TestLexer_Scan(t *testing.T) {
	l := Lexer{
		Reader:       NewReader("1 + 2"),
		IsWhitespace: IsWhitespaceST,

	for _, expected := range []rune{'1', '+', '2', EOF} {
		r, err := l.Scan()
		defect.Equal(t, err, nil)
		defect.Equal(t, r, expected)
コード例 #5
func TestLexer_Token(t *testing.T) {
	l := Lexer{Lexer: util.Lexer{
		Reader: util.NewReader(`123 + 456
2 - 78
15 == 16
a != 3
3 >= 4
5 <= 6
7 > 8
9 < 10
a = 1 + 2 * (3 / 4 - b)
		IsWhitespace: util.IsWhitespaceSTNL,

	for _, expected := range []struct {
		Token Token
		Kind  int
		{"123", NUM}, {"+", '+'}, {"456", NUM},
		{"2", NUM}, {"-", '-'}, {"78", NUM},
		{"4569", NUM},
		{"0", NUM},
		{"15", NUM}, {"==", EQ}, {"16", NUM},
		{"a", VAR}, {"!=", NEQ}, {"3", NUM},
		{"3", NUM}, {">=", GTEQ}, {"4", NUM},
		{"5", NUM}, {"<=", LTEQ}, {"6", NUM},
		{"7", NUM}, {">", '>'}, {"8", NUM},
		{"9", NUM}, {"<", '<'}, {"10", NUM},
		{"a", VAR}, {"=", '='}, {"1", NUM}, {"+", '+'}, {"2", NUM},
		{"*", '*'}, {"(", '('}, {"3", NUM}, {"/", '/'},
		{"4", NUM}, {"-", '-'}, {"b", VAR}, {")", ')'},
		{"w", VAR}, {"while", WHILE}, {"w", VAR},
		{"i", VAR}, {"if", IF}, {"f", VAR},
	} {
		token, kind, err := l.Token()
		defect.Equal(t, err, nil)
		defect.Equal(t, kind, expected.Kind)
		defect.Equal(t, token, expected.Token)

	// errors
	l = Lexer{Lexer: util.Lexer{
		Reader:       util.NewReader("01\n"),
		IsWhitespace: util.IsWhitespaceSTNL,
	_, _, err := l.Token()
	defect.Equal(t, err, IllegalInteger)
コード例 #6
ファイル: read_test.go プロジェクト: nordsieck/vvhip
func TestParseDancer(t *testing.T) {
	dancer := &Dancer{}
	err := dancer.Parse([]string{})
	defect.Equal(t, err, ErrWrongNumFields)

	err = dancer.Parse([]string{"12132", "Cohen", "Miles"})
	defect.Equal(t, err, nil)
	defect.Equal(t, *dancer, Dancer{
		Number: 12132,
		First:  "Miles",
		Last:   "Cohen",
コード例 #7
ファイル: build_test.go プロジェクト: nordsieck/fenec
func TestConvert(t *testing.T) {
	fn := func(buffSize int, s string) {
		out := strings.NewReader(s)
		in := &bytes.Buffer{}
		err := convert(out, in, buffSize)

		defect.Equal(t, err, nil)
		defect.Equal(t, string(in.Bytes()), header+s)

	fn(4, "foo") // 1 pass
	fn(3, "baz") // exact
	fn(2, "bar") // 2 passes
コード例 #8
func TestReadRune(t *testing.T) {
	r := NewReader("foo")

	fn := func(expected rune) {
		rn, err := readRune(r)
		defect.Equal(t, err, nil)
		defect.Equal(t, rn, expected)

コード例 #9
ファイル: read_test.go プロジェクト: nordsieck/vvhip
func TestParseCompetition(t *testing.T) {
	comp := &Competition{}
	err := comp.Parse([]string{})
	defect.Equal(t, err, ErrWrongNumFields)

	err = comp.Parse([]string{"56", "Easter Swing", "Bellevue, WA", "Apr 2015"})
	defect.Equal(t, err, nil)
	defect.Equal(t, *comp, Competition{
		Number:   56,
		Name:     "Easter Swing",
		Location: "Bellevue, WA",
		Date:     time.Date(2015, 4, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, time.UTC),

コード例 #10
func TestLexer_Scan(t *testing.T) {
	l := Lexer{Lexer: util.Lexer{
		Reader:       util.NewReader("a = 1 + 2 * (3 / 4 - b)"),
		IsWhitespace: util.IsWhitespaceSTNL,

	for _, expected := range []rune{
		'a', '=', '1', '+', '2', '*', '(',
		'3', '/', '4', '-', 'b', ')', util.EOF,
	} {
		r, err := l.Scan()
		defect.Equal(t, err, nil)
		defect.Equal(t, r, expected)

コード例 #11
ファイル: lex_test.go プロジェクト: nordsieck/fenec
func TestScanner_Scan(t *testing.T) {
	s := Scanner{}

	expected := map[string][]token.Token{
		`package main
`: {token.PACKAGE, token.IDENT, token.SEMICOLON},
		`package main

import "fmt"

func main(){
	fmt.Println("hello world")
`: {token.PACKAGE, token.IDENT, token.SEMICOLON,
			token.IMPORT, token.STRING, token.SEMICOLON,
			token.FUNC, token.IDENT, token.LPAREN, token.RPAREN, token.LBRACE,
			token.IDENT, token.PERIOD, token.IDENT, token.LPAREN, token.STRING, token.RPAREN, token.SEMICOLON,
			token.RBRACE, token.SEMICOLON},

	for text, symbols := range expected {
		i := 0
		_, tok, _ := s.Scan()
		for tok != token.EOF {
			defect.Equal(t, tok, symbols[i])
			_, tok, _ = s.Scan()
コード例 #12
func TestLexer(t *testing.T) {
	l := Lexer{Lexer: util.Lexer{Reader: util.NewReader("12")}}

	fn := func(get func() (rune, error), expected rune) {
		r, err := get()
		defect.Equal(t, err, nil)
		defect.Equal(t, r, expected)

	fn(l.Peek, '1')
	fn(l.Peek, '1')
	fn(l.Next, '1')
	fn(l.Peek, '2')
	fn(l.Next, '2')
	fn(l.Peek, util.EOF)
	fn(l.Next, util.EOF)
コード例 #13
ファイル: build_test.go プロジェクト: nordsieck/fenec
func TestIsFenec(t *testing.T) {
	tests := map[string]bool{
		"foo":                false,
		"foo" + goExt:        false,
		"foo" + fExt:         true,
		"foo" + fExt + goExt: false,

	for k, v := range tests {
		defect.Equal(t, IsFenec(k), v)
コード例 #14
func TestLexer_Token(t *testing.T) {
	l := Lexer{Lexer: util.Lexer{
		Reader: util.NewReader(`123 + 456
2 - 78
		IsWhitespace: util.IsWhitespaceST,

	for _, expected := range []struct {
		Token Token
		Kind  int
		{"123", NUM}, {"+", '+'}, {"456", NUM}, {"\n", '\n'},
		{"2", NUM}, {"-", '-'}, {"78", NUM}, {"\n", '\n'},
		{"4569", NUM},
	} {
		token, kind, err := l.Token()
		defect.Equal(t, err, nil)
		defect.Equal(t, kind, expected.Kind)
		defect.Equal(t, token, expected.Token)
コード例 #15
ファイル: fenec_test.go プロジェクト: nordsieck/fenec
func TestEmptyGenerics_literals(t *testing.T) {
	src := []string{
		"struct{}{}",   // empty struct
		"struct[]{}{}", // empty generic struct

		"func(){}",   // empty function
		"func[](){}", // empty generic function

	for _, s := range src {
		_, err := ParseExpr(s)
		defect.Equal(t, err, nil)
コード例 #16
func TestLexer_PeekAndScan(t *testing.T) {
	fn := func(get func() (rune, error), expected rune) {
		r, err := get()
		defect.Equal(t, err, nil)
		defect.Equal(t, r, expected)

	// empty
	l := Lexer{Reader: NewReader("")}

	fn(l.Peek, EOF)
	fn(l.Next, EOF)

	// basic
	l = Lexer{Reader: NewReader("12")}

	fn(l.Peek, '1')
	fn(l.Peek, '1')
	fn(l.Next, '1')
	fn(l.Peek, '2')
	fn(l.Next, '2')
	fn(l.Peek, EOF)
	fn(l.Next, EOF)
コード例 #17
ファイル: lex_test.go プロジェクト: nordsieck/fenec
func TestScanner_Peek(t *testing.T) {
	s := Scanner{}
	s.Init([]byte(`package main

func main(){}

	expected := []token.Token{
		token.PACKAGE, token.IDENT, token.SEMICOLON,
		token.FUNC, token.IDENT, token.LPAREN, token.RPAREN, token.LBRACE, token.RBRACE, token.SEMICOLON,

	for _, e := range expected {
		_, tok, _ := s.Peek()
		defect.Equal(t, tok, e)
コード例 #18
ファイル: build_test.go プロジェクト: nordsieck/fenec
func TestInDir(t *testing.T) {
	readDir := func(string) ([]os.FileInfo, error) {
		return []os.FileInfo{
			&FileInfo{name: "foo" + goExt, size: 12, isDir: false},
			&FileInfo{name: "bar" + fExt, size: int64(len(basicFile)), isDir: false},
			&FileInfo{name: "baz", size: 0, isDir: true},
			&FileInfo{name: "quux" + fExt, size: 0, isDir: true},
		}, nil
	p := path.Join("foo", "bar", "baz")
	files, dirs, err := inDir(p, readDir)

	defect.Equal(t, err, nil)
	defect.DeepEqual(t, files, []string{path.Join(p, "bar"+fExt)})
	defect.DeepEqual(t, dirs, []string{
		path.Join(p, "baz"),
		path.Join(p, "quux"+fExt),
コード例 #19
func TestYyParse(t *testing.T) {
	fn := func(s string, expected []int) {
		Output.Val = []int{}

		p := yyParse(&Lexer{Lexer: util.Lexer{
			Reader:       util.NewReader(s),
			IsWhitespace: util.IsWhitespaceST,
		defect.Equal(t, p, util.EOF)
		defect.DeepEqual(t, Output.Val, expected)

	fn("6\n", []int{6})
	fn("67 + 89\n", []int{67 + 89})
	fn("2 * 3\n", []int{6})
	fn("6 / 2\n", []int{3})
	fn("(4)\n", []int{4})
	fn("1 + 3 * (4 / 2 - 5)\n", []int{-8})
	fn("a = 1\n", []int{})
	fn(`a = 1
`, []int{1})
	fn(`123 + 456
2 - 78
`, []int{123 + 456, 2 - 78, 4569})
	fn("1 + 3 * (4 / 2 - 5)\n", []int{-8})
	fn(`a = 1 + 3 * (4 / 2 - 5)
b = a + 10
`, []int{2})

	// examples from the book
	fn(`3 * (4 + 5)
x = 3 * (4 + 5)
y = 5
x + 2 * y
`, []int{27, 27, 5, 37})
コード例 #20
func TestV1Parse(t *testing.T) {
	fn := func(s string, expected []int) {
		Output.Val = []int{}

		p := yyParse(&Lexer{Lexer: util.Lexer{
			Reader:       util.NewReader(s),
			IsWhitespace: util.IsWhitespaceST,
		defect.Equal(t, p, util.EOF)
		defect.DeepEqual(t, Output.Val, expected)

	fn("6\n", []int{6})
	fn("67 + 89\n", []int{67 + 89})
	fn(`123 + 456
2 - 78
`, []int{123 + 456, 2 - 78, 4569})
コード例 #21
ファイル: read_test.go プロジェクト: nordsieck/vvhip
func TestParseResult(t *testing.T) {
	result := &Result{}
	err := result.Parse([]string{})
	defect.Equal(t, err, ErrWrongNumFields)

	err = result.Parse([]string{"12132", "56", "f", "All-Stars", "F", "1"})
	defect.Equal(t, err, nil)
	defect.Equal(t, *result, Result{
		Dancer:      12132,
		Competition: 56,
		Lead:        false,
		Category:    "All-Stars",
		Result:      0,
		Points:      1,

	err = result.Parse([]string{"12132", "56", "l", "Novice", "0", "1"})
	defect.Equal(t, err, nil)
	defect.Equal(t, *result, Result{
		Dancer:      12132,
		Competition: 56,
		Lead:        true,
		Category:    "Novice",
		Result:      0,
		Points:      1,

	err = result.Parse([]string{"12132", "56", "f", "Invitational", "1", "10"})
	defect.Equal(t, err, nil)
	defect.Equal(t, *result, Result{
		Dancer:      12132,
		Competition: 56,
		Lead:        false,
		Category:    "Invitational",
		Result:      1,
		Points:      10,
コード例 #22
ファイル: build_test.go プロジェクト: nordsieck/fenec
func TestConvertFile(t *testing.T) {
	name := "/foo/bar/baz" + fExt
	of := testutil.FakeFile{}
	o := func(s string) (io.ReadWriteCloser, error) {
		of.Path = s
		return &of, nil

	cf := testutil.FakeFile{}
	c := func(s string) (io.ReadWriteCloser, error) {
		cf.Path = s
		return &cf, nil
	err := convertFile(name, o, c)

	defect.Equal(t, err, nil)
	defect.Equal(t, cf.String(), header+basicFile)
	defect.Equal(t, of.Closed, true)
	defect.Equal(t, cf.Closed, true)
	defect.Equal(t, of.Path, name)
	defect.Equal(t, cf.Path, name+goExt)
コード例 #23
func TestYyParse(t *testing.T) {
	fn := func(s string, expected []interface{}) {

		p := yyParse(&Lexer{Lexer: util.Lexer{
			Reader:       util.NewReader(s),
			IsWhitespace: util.IsWhitespaceSTNL,
		defect.Equal(t, p, util.EOF)
		defect.DeepEqual(t, vals(Output), expected)

	fn("print 6;", []interface{}{6})
	fn("print 67 + 89;", []interface{}{67 + 89})
	fn("print 2 * 3;", []interface{}{6})
	fn("print 6 / 2;", []interface{}{3})
	fn("print (4);", []interface{}{4})
	fn("print 1 + 3 * (4 / 2 - 5);", []interface{}{-8})
	fn("print -2;", []interface{}{-2})
	fn("a = 1;", []interface{}{})
	fn(`a = 1;
	print a;
	`, []interface{}{1})
	fn(`print 123 + 456;
	print 2 - 78;
	print 4569;
	`, []interface{}{123 + 456, 2 - 78, 4569})
	fn("print 1 + 3 * (4 / 2 - 5);", []interface{}{-8})
	fn(`a = 1 + 3 * (4 / 2 - 5);
	b = a + 10;
	print b;
	`, []interface{}{2})
	fn("print 1 == 1;", []interface{}{true})
	fn("print (1 == 1) == (2 == 3);", []interface{}{false})
	fn("print 2 < 1;", []interface{}{false})
	fn("print 2 > 1;", []interface{}{true})
	fn("print 3 >= 3;", []interface{}{true})
	fn("print 4 <= 3;", []interface{}{false})
	fn("print 2 != 2;", []interface{}{false})
	fn("print (1 != 1) != (1 != 2);", []interface{}{true})
	fn("{print 1; print 2;}", []interface{}{1, 2})
	fn("{{{print 1;}}}", []interface{}{1})
	fn("a = 1; { a = 2; {{ a = 3; a = 4; } a = 5; }} print a;",
	fn("{a = 1; print a;}", []interface{}{1})
	fn("if (1 == 1) {print 1;}", []interface{}{1})
	fn("if (1 == 2) {print 1;}", []interface{}{})
	fn("a = 1; if (a == 1) { print 1; }", []interface{}{1})
	fn("a = 1 == 1; if (a) { print 1; }", []interface{}{1})
	fn("{a = 1; if (a == 1) { print 1; }}", []interface{}{1})
	fn("a = 1; while (a < 3) { print a; a = a + 1; }", []interface{}{1, 2})
	fn("if (1 == 2) print 1; else print 2;", []interface{}{2})
	fn("a = 1; if (a == 2) print 1; else print 2;", []interface{}{2})
	fn(`a = 1; if (a == 2) {
  a = a + 1;
  print a;
} else {
  a = a + 1;
  if (a == 2) print a == 2; else print a == 2;
}`, []interface{}{true})
	fn(`a = 1; while (a < 4) {
  while (a < 4) {
    print a;
    a = a + 1;
}`, []interface{}{1, 2, 3})

	// examples from the book
	fn(`print 3 * (4 + 5);
	x = 3 * (4 + 5);
	y = 5;
	print x;
	print y;
	print x + 2 * y;
	`, []interface{}{27, 27, 5, 37})
コード例 #24
ファイル: fenec_test.go プロジェクト: nordsieck/fenec
func ParseTestFile(t *testing.T, s string) *ast.File {
	fset := token.NewFileSet()
	file, err := ParseFile(fset, "", s, AllErrors)
	defect.Equal(t, err, nil)
	return file