コード例 #1
ファイル: textview.go プロジェクト: norisatir/go-gtk3
func insertText(buffer *gtk3.TextBuffer) {
	var iter, start, end gtk3.TextIter

	filename, err := findFile("gtk-logo-rgb.gif")
	if err != nil {
	pixbuf, err := gdkpixbuf.NewFromFile(filename)

	if err != nil {

	pixbuf = gdkpixbuf.ScaleSimple(pixbuf, 32, 32, gdkpixbuf.GdkInterp.BILINEAR)

	// Get the start of buffer; each insertion will revalidate the
	// iterator to point to just after the inserted text.
	buffer.GetIterAtOffset(&iter, 0)

	buffer.Insert(&iter, "The text widget can display text with all kinds of nifty attributes. "+
		"It also supports multiple views of the same buffer; this demo is "+
		"showing the same buffer in two places.\n\n")

	buffer.InsertWithTagsByName(&iter, "Font styles. ", "heading")

	buffer.Insert(&iter, "For example, you can have ")
	buffer.InsertWithTagsByName(&iter, "italic", "italic")

	buffer.Insert(&iter, ", ")
	buffer.InsertWithTagsByName(&iter, "bold", "bold")

	buffer.Insert(&iter, ", or ")
	buffer.InsertWithTagsByName(&iter, "monospace (typewriter)", "monospace")

	buffer.Insert(&iter, ", or ")
	buffer.InsertWithTagsByName(&iter, "big", "big")

	buffer.Insert(&iter, " text. ")
	buffer.Insert(&iter, "It's best not to hardcode specific text sizes; you can use relative "+
		"sizes as with CSS, such as ")
	buffer.InsertWithTagsByName(&iter, "xx-small", "xx-small")
	buffer.Insert(&iter, " or ")
	buffer.InsertWithTagsByName(&iter, "x-large", "x-large")

	buffer.Insert(&iter, " to ensure that your program properly adapts if the user changes the "+
		"default font size.\n\n")

	buffer.InsertWithTagsByName(&iter, "Colors. ", "heading")

	buffer.Insert(&iter, "Colors such as ")
	buffer.InsertWithTagsByName(&iter, "a blue foreground", "blue_foreground")
	buffer.Insert(&iter, " or ")
	buffer.InsertWithTagsByName(&iter, "a red background", "red_background")
	buffer.Insert(&iter, " or even ")
	buffer.InsertWithTagsByName(&iter, "a blue foreground on red background",
		"blue_foreground", "red_background")
	buffer.Insert(&iter, " (select that to read it) can be used.\n\n")

	buffer.InsertWithTagsByName(&iter, "Underline, strikethrough, and rise. ", "heading")
	buffer.InsertWithTagsByName(&iter, "Strikethrough", "strikethrough")
	buffer.Insert(&iter, ", ")
	buffer.InsertWithTagsByName(&iter, "underline", "underline")
	buffer.Insert(&iter, ", ")
	buffer.InsertWithTagsByName(&iter, "double underline", "double_underline")
	buffer.Insert(&iter, ", ")
	buffer.InsertWithTagsByName(&iter, "superscript", "superscript")
	buffer.Insert(&iter, ", ")
	buffer.InsertWithTagsByName(&iter, "subscript", "subscript")
	buffer.Insert(&iter, " are all supported.\n\n")

	buffer.InsertWithTagsByName(&iter, "Images. ", "heading")
	buffer.Insert(&iter, "The buffer can have images in it: ")
	buffer.InsertPixbuf(&iter, pixbuf)
	buffer.InsertPixbuf(&iter, pixbuf)
	buffer.InsertPixbuf(&iter, pixbuf)
	buffer.Insert(&iter, " for example.\n\n")

	buffer.InsertWithTagsByName(&iter, "Spacing. ", "heading")
	buffer.Insert(&iter, "You can adjust the amount of space before each line.\n")
		"This line has a whole lot of space before it.\n", "big_gap_before_line", "wide_margins")
		"You can also adjust the amount of space after each line; "+
			"this line has a whole lot of space after it.\n", "big_gap_after_line", "wide_margins")

		"You can also adjust the amount of space between wrapped lines; "+
			"this line has extra space between each wrapped line in the same "+
			"paragraph. To show off wrapping, some filler text: the quick "+
			"brown fox jumped over the lazy dog. Blah blah blah blah blah "+
			"blah blah blah blah.\n", "double_spaced_line", "wide_margins")
	buffer.Insert(&iter, "Also note that those lines have extra-wide margins.\n\n")

	buffer.InsertWithTagsByName(&iter, "Editability. ", "heading")
		"This line is 'locked down' and can't be edited by the user - just "+
			"try it! You can't delete this line.\n\n", "not_editable")

	buffer.InsertWithTagsByName(&iter, "Wraping ", "heading")
		"This line (and most of the others in this buffer) is word-wrapped, "+
			"using the proper Unicode algorithm. Word wrap should work in all "+
			"scripts and languages that GTK+ supports. Let's make this a long "+
			"paragraph to demonstrate: blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah "+
			"blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah\n\n")

		"This line has character-based wrapping, and can wrap between any two "+
			"character glyphs. Let's make this a long paragraph to demonstrate: "+
			"blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah "+
			"blah blah blah blah blah\n\n", "char_wrap")

		"This line has all wrapping turned off, so it makes the horizontal "+
			"scrollbar appear.\n\n\n", "no_wrap")

	buffer.InsertWithTagsByName(&iter, "Justification. ", "heading")
	buffer.InsertWithTagsByName(&iter, "\nThis line has center justification.\n", "center")
	buffer.InsertWithTagsByName(&iter, "This line has right justification.\n", "right_justify")
		"\nThis line has big wide margins. Text text text text text text text "+
			"text text text text text text text text text text text text text text "+
			"text text text text text text text text text text text text text text "+
			"text.\n", "wide_margins")

	buffer.InsertWithTagsByName(&iter, "Internationalization. ", "heading")
		"You can put all sorts of Unicode text in the buffer.\n\nGerman "+
			"(Deutsch S\303\274d) Gr\303\274\303\237 Gott\nGreek "+
			"(\316\225\316\273\316\273\316\267\316\275\316\271\316\272\316\254) "+
			"\316\223\316\265\316\271\316\254 \317\203\316\261\317\202\nHebrew      "+
			"\327\251\327\234\327\225\327\235\nJapanese "+
			"(\346\227\245\346\234\254\350\252\236)\n\nThe widget properly handles "+
			"bidirectional text, word wrapping, DOS/UNIX/Unicode paragraph separators, "+
			"grapheme boundaries, and so on using the Pango internationalization "+
	buffer.Insert(&iter, "Here's a word-wrapped quaote in a right-to-left language:\n\n")
		"\331\210\331\202\330\257 \330\250\330\257\330\243 "+
			"\330\253\331\204\330\247\330\253 \331\205\331\206 "+
			"\330\243\331\203\330\253\330\261 \330\247\331\204\331\205\330\244\330\263\330\263\330\247\330\252 "+
			"\330\252\331\202\330\257\331\205\330\247 \331\201\331\212 "+
			"\330\264\330\250\331\203\330\251 \330\247\331\203\330\263\331\212\331\210\331\206 "+
			"\330\250\330\261\330\247\331\205\330\254\331\207\330\247 "+
			"\331\203\331\205\331\206\330\270\331\205\330\247\330\252 "+
			"\331\204\330\247 \330\252\330\263\330\271\331\211 \331\204\331\204\330\261\330\250\330\255\330\214 "+
			"\330\253\331\205 \330\252\330\255\331\210\331\204\330\252 "+
			"\331\201\331\212 \330\247\331\204\330\263\331\206\331\210\330\247\330\252 "+
			"\330\247\331\204\330\256\331\205\330\263 \330\247\331\204\331\205\330\247\330\266\331\212\330\251 "+
			"\330\245\331\204\331\211 \331\205\330\244\330\263\330\263\330\247\330\252 "+
			"\331\205\330\247\331\204\331\212\330\251 \331\205\331\206\330\270\331\205\330\251\330\214 "+
			"\331\210\330\250\330\247\330\252\330\252 \330\254\330\262\330\241\330\247 "+
			"\331\205\331\206 \330\247\331\204\331\206\330\270\330\247\331\205 "+
			"\330\247\331\204\331\205\330\247\331\204\331\212 \331\201\331\212 "+
			"\330\250\331\204\330\257\330\247\331\206\331\207\330\247\330\214 "+
			"\331\210\331\204\331\203\331\206\331\207\330\247 \330\252\330\252\330\256\330\265\330\265 "+
			"\331\201\331\212 \330\256\330\257\331\205\330\251 \331\202\330\267\330\247\330\271 "+
			"\330\247\331\204\331\205\330\264\330\261\331\210\330\271\330\247\330\252 "+
			"\330\247\331\204\330\265\330\272\331\212\330\261\330\251. \331\210\330\243\330\255\330\257 "+
			"\330\243\331\203\330\253\330\261 \331\207\330\260\331\207 "+
			"\330\247\331\204\331\205\330\244\330\263\330\263\330\247\330\252 "+
			"\331\206\330\254\330\247\330\255\330\247 \331\207\331\210 "+
			"\302\273\330\250\330\247\331\206\331\203\331\210\330\263\331\210\331\204\302\253 "+
			"\331\201\331\212 \330\250\331\210\331\204\331\212\331\201\331\212\330\247.\n\n", "rtl_quote")

	buffer.Insert(&iter, "You can put widgets int the buffer: Here's a button: ")
	buffer.Insert(&iter, " and a menu: ")
	buffer.Insert(&iter, " and an animation: ")
	buffer.Insert(&iter, " finally a text entry: ")
	buffer.Insert(&iter, ".\n")

		"\n\nThis demo doesn't demonstrate all the GtkTextBuffer features; "+
			"it leaves out, for example: invisible/hidden text, tab stops, "+
			"application-drawn areas on the sides of the widget for displaying "+
			"breakpoints and such...")

	// Apply word_wrap tag to whole buffer
	buffer.GetBounds(&start, &end)
	buffer.ApplyTagByName("word_wrap", &start, &end)