func main() { var printLocal *bool = flag.BoolP("local", "l", false, "Print local IP address") var printPublic *bool = flag.BoolP("public", "p", false, "Print public IP address") flag.Parse() ips := make(chan string, 2) go func() { ip, _ := localIP() ips <- ip ips <- externalIP() }() if !*printPublic && *printLocal { fmt.Println(<-ips) return } if *printPublic && !*printLocal { <-ips fmt.Println(<-ips) return } if *printLocal && *printPublic { fmt.Println(<-ips) fmt.Println(<-ips) return } fmt.Println("Local IP:", <-ips) fmt.Println("Public IP:", <-ips) }
func parseArgs() args { result := args{} pflag.Usage = usage pflag.BoolVarP(&result.options.KeepGoing, "keep-going", "k", false, "") pflag.BoolVar(&result.options.CheckAll, "check-all", false, "") pflag.StringVarP(&result.scriptFile, "file", "f", "", "") verbose := pflag.BoolP("verbose", "v", false, "") quiet := pflag.BoolP("quiet", "q", false, "") topics := pflag.String("debug", "", "") pflag.Parse() if *topics != "" { result.debugTopics = strings.Split(*topics, ",") } // argh: really, we just want a callback for each occurence of -q // or -v, which decrements or increments verbosity if *quiet { result.verbosity = 0 } else if *verbose { result.verbosity = 2 } else { result.verbosity = 1 } result.options.Targets = pflag.Args() return result }
func main() { NAME = path.Base(os.Args[0]) flags := make(map[string]*bool) flag.Usage = usageLong flags["version"] = flag.BoolP("version", "v", false, "Print version number and exit") flags["help"] = flag.BoolP("help", "h", false, "Print this help message and exit") flags["index"] = flag.BoolP("index", "i", false, "Create indexes for the lexicon") flag.Parse() // Handle -v/--version if *flags["version"] { fmt.Println(Version) os.Exit(0) } // Handle -h/--help if *flags["help"] { if strings.Contains(strings.Join(os.Args, " "), "--help") { usageLong() } else { usageShort() } os.Exit(0) } // Handle -i/--index if *flags["index"] { fmt.Println("Creating indexes") if err := index.Create(); err != nil { fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "Error creating indexes: %v", err) os.Exit(1) } else { fmt.Println("Done") os.Exit(0) } } // Handle missing <text> argument if flag.NArg() == 0 { fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "%s: missing <text> argument\n", NAME) usageLong() os.Exit(1) } fmt.Printf("Searching for %q\n", flag.Arg(0)) }
// Initial setup when the program starts. func setup() { // ensure that zpool/zfs commands do not use localized messages: os.Setenv("LC_ALL", "C") // command line flags: pflag.StringVarP(&cfgFile, "conf", "c", CFGFILE, "configuration file path") pflag.BoolVarP(&optDebug, "debug", "d", false, "print debug information to stdout") optHashPassword := pflag.BoolP("passwordhash", "P", false, "hash web password") optTest := pflag.BoolP("test", "t", false, "test configuration and exit") optVersion := pflag.BoolP("version", "v", false, "print version information and exit") pflag.Parse() if pflag.NArg() > 0 { pflag.Usage() os.Exit(2) } if *optVersion { version() os.Exit(0) } if *optHashPassword { wwwHashPassword() os.Exit(0) } // initialize logging & notification: if *optTest { optDebug = true } cfg = getCfg() if cfg == nil { os.Exit(2) } notify = setupLog(cfg) if *optTest { notifyCloseC := notify.Close() select { // wait max 1 second for loggers to finish case <-notifyCloseC: case <-time.After(time.Second): } os.Exit(0) } }
func main() { versionFlag := flag.BoolP("version", "V", false, "Print version.") numberNonblank := flag.BoolP("number-nonblank", "b", false, "Number nonblank lines.") flag.Parse() version := "0.0.4" if *versionFlag { println(version) os.Exit(0) } if *numberNonblank { } file := flag.Arg(0) processInputFile(file) }
func main() { var ( // general options stateDir = pflag.String("statedir", "", "the server state directory") help = pflag.BoolP("help", "h", false, "show this help") // server options server = pflag.BoolP("server", "s", false, "run the server in the foreground") port = pflag.IntP("port", "p", 40000, "server port to listen on") // client options method = pflag.StringP("method", "X", "GET", "client method") plugin = pflag.String("plugin", "", "client plugin") data = pflag.StringP("data", "d", "", "client body") headers = &repString{[]string{}} verbose = pflag.BoolP("verbose", "v", false, "show full http response") ) pflag.VarP(headers, "header", "H", "client request header") pflag.Parse() if *help { os.Exit(runHelp()) } if *server { os.Exit(runServer(*port, *stateDir)) } if pflag.NArg() < 1 { fmt.Fprintln(os.Stderr, "must pass in path to make api call") runHelp() os.Exit(1) } os.Exit(runClient(*stateDir, *plugin, *method, pflag.Arg(0), *data, headers.strs, *verbose)) }
func main() { var pathStrings pathSlice filePtr := flag.StringP("file", "f", "", "Path to json file") jsonPtr := flag.StringP("json", "j", "", "JSON text") flag.VarP(&pathStrings, "path", "p", "One or more paths to target in JSON") showKeysPtr := flag.BoolP("keys", "k", false, "Print keys & indexes that lead to value") flag.Usage = func() { fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "Usage of %s:\n", os.Args[0]) flag.PrintDefaults() fmt.Fprintln(os.Stderr, "Pipe JSON to StdIn by not specifying --file or --json ") } flag.Parse() if len(pathStrings) == 0 { fmt.Println("Must specify one or more paths with the --path flag") os.Exit(1) } paths, err := jsonpath.ParsePaths(pathStrings...) if err != nil { fmt.Println(fmt.Errorf("Failed to parse paths: %q", err.Error())) os.Exit(1) } if filePtr != nil && *filePtr != "" { f, err := os.Open(*filePtr) if err != nil { fmt.Println(fmt.Errorf("Failed to open file: %q", err.Error())) os.Exit(1) } eval, err := jsonpath.EvalPathsInReader(f, paths) checkAndHandleError(err) run(eval, *showKeysPtr) checkAndHandleError(eval.Error) f.Close() } else if jsonPtr != nil && *jsonPtr != "" { eval, err := jsonpath.EvalPathsInBytes([]byte(*jsonPtr), paths) checkAndHandleError(err) run(eval, *showKeysPtr) checkAndHandleError(eval.Error) } else { reader := bufio.NewReader(os.Stdin) eval, err := jsonpath.EvalPathsInReader(reader, paths) checkAndHandleError(err) run(eval, *showKeysPtr) checkAndHandleError(eval.Error) } }
func main() { verbose := flag.BoolP("verbose", "v", false, "Verbose mode") flag.Parse() logger = initLogger(*verbose) switch { case len(flag.Args()) == 0: Serve() case len(flag.Args()) >= 1: RunCommand(flag.Arg(0), flag.Args()[1:]) default: printUsage() os.Exit(2) } }
func (mmsd *mmsdService) Run() { flag.BoolVarP(&mmsd.Verbose, "verbose", "v", mmsd.Verbose, "Set verbosity level") flag.IPVar(&mmsd.MarathonIP, "marathon-ip", mmsd.MarathonIP, "Marathon endpoint TCP IP address") flag.UintVar(&mmsd.MarathonPort, "marathon-port", mmsd.MarathonPort, "Marathon endpoint TCP port number") flag.DurationVar(&mmsd.ReconnectDelay, "reconnect-delay", mmsd.ReconnectDelay, "Marathon reconnect delay") flag.StringVar(&mmsd.RunStateDir, "run-state-dir", mmsd.RunStateDir, "Path to directory to keep run-state") flag.StringVar(&mmsd.FilterGroups, "filter-groups", mmsd.FilterGroups, "Application group filter") flag.IPVar(&mmsd.ManagedIP, "managed-ip", mmsd.ManagedIP, "IP-address to manage for mmsd") flag.BoolVar(&mmsd.GatewayEnabled, "enable-gateway", mmsd.GatewayEnabled, "Enables gateway support") flag.IPVar(&mmsd.GatewayAddr, "gateway-bind", mmsd.GatewayAddr, "gateway bind address") flag.UintVar(&mmsd.GatewayPortHTTP, "gateway-port-http", mmsd.GatewayPortHTTP, "gateway port for HTTP") flag.UintVar(&mmsd.GatewayPortHTTPS, "gateway-port-https", mmsd.GatewayPortHTTPS, "gateway port for HTTPS") flag.BoolVar(&mmsd.FilesEnabled, "enable-files", mmsd.FilesEnabled, "enables file based service discovery") flag.BoolVar(&mmsd.UDPEnabled, "enable-udp", mmsd.UDPEnabled, "enables UDP load balancing") flag.BoolVar(&mmsd.TCPEnabled, "enable-tcp", mmsd.TCPEnabled, "enables haproxy TCP load balancing") flag.BoolVar(&mmsd.LocalHealthChecks, "enable-health-checks", mmsd.LocalHealthChecks, "Enable local health checks (if available) instead of relying on Marathon health checks alone.") flag.StringVar(&mmsd.HaproxyBin, "haproxy-bin", mmsd.HaproxyBin, "path to haproxy binary") flag.StringVar(&mmsd.HaproxyTailCfg, "haproxy-cfgtail", mmsd.HaproxyTailCfg, "path to haproxy tail config file") flag.IPVar(&mmsd.ServiceAddr, "haproxy-bind", mmsd.ServiceAddr, "haproxy management port") flag.UintVar(&mmsd.HaproxyPort, "haproxy-port", mmsd.HaproxyPort, "haproxy management port") flag.BoolVar(&mmsd.DnsEnabled, "enable-dns", mmsd.DnsEnabled, "Enables DNS-based service discovery") flag.UintVar(&mmsd.DnsPort, "dns-port", mmsd.DnsPort, "DNS service discovery port") flag.BoolVar(&mmsd.DnsPushSRV, "dns-push-srv", mmsd.DnsPushSRV, "DNS service discovery to also push SRV on A") flag.StringVar(&mmsd.DnsBaseName, "dns-basename", mmsd.DnsBaseName, "DNS service discovery's base name") flag.DurationVar(&mmsd.DnsTTL, "dns-ttl", mmsd.DnsTTL, "DNS service discovery's reply message TTL") showVersionAndExit := flag.BoolP("version", "V", false, "Shows version and exits") flag.Usage = func() { showVersion() fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "\nUsage: mmsd [flags ...]\n\n") flag.PrintDefaults() fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "\n") } flag.Parse() if *showVersionAndExit { showVersion() os.Exit(0) } mmsd.setupHandlers() mmsd.setupEventBusListener() mmsd.setupHttpService() <-mmsd.quitChannel }
func main() { pflag.Usage = func() { fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, USAGE) } var output = pflag.StringP("output", "o", ".", "output directory") var version = pflag.BoolP("version", "", false, "version") pflag.Parse() if *version { fmt.Println(VERSION) } else if pflag.NArg() == 1 { genRoutes(pflag.Arg(0), *output) } else { pflag.Usage() } }
func main() { // Basic user configuration variables force := pflag.BoolP("force", "f", false, "Force output to terminal.") count := pflag.StringP("count", "n", "+Inf", "Number of random bytes to generate.") procs := pflag.IntP("procs", "p", runtime.NumCPU(), "Maximum number of concurrent workers.") pflag.Parse() if !(*force) && terminal.IsTerminal(int(os.Stdout.Fd())) { fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "Random data not written to terminal.\n\n") pflag.Usage() os.Exit(1) } cnt, err := strconv.ParsePrefix(*count, strconv.AutoParse) if err != nil || math.IsNaN(cnt) { fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "Number of bytes to generate is invalid.\n\n") pflag.Usage() os.Exit(1) } if (*procs) < 1 { fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "Number of workers must be positive.\n\n") pflag.Usage() os.Exit(1) } runtime.GOMAXPROCS(*procs) rand.SetNumRoutines(*procs) // Copy random data to stdout if int64(cnt) < 0 || math.IsInf(cnt, 0) { _, err = io.Copy(os.Stdout, rand.Reader) } else { _, err = io.CopyN(os.Stdout, rand.Reader, int64(cnt)) } if perr, ok := err.(*os.PathError); ok && perr.Err == syscall.EPIPE { err = nil // Expected error is for the sink to close the pipe } else if err != nil { panic(err) } }
func main() { cFlag := flag.BoolP("no-create", "c", false, "do not create file") flag.Parse() if len(flag.Args()) > 0 { for i := 0; i < len(flag.Args()); i++ { filename := flag.Arg(i) _, err := os.Stat(filename) if err == nil { now := time.Now() os.Chtimes(filename, now, now) } else { if !(*cFlag) { f, err := os.OpenFile(filename, os.O_WRONLY|os.O_CREATE, 0644) f.Close() if err != nil { log.Fatal(err) } } } } } }
func main() { flagAppend := flag.BoolP("append", "a", false, "append to file") flag.Parse() bytes, _ := ioutil.ReadAll(os.Stdin) for i := 0; i < len(flag.Args()); i++ { if *flagAppend { f, err := os.OpenFile(flag.Args()[i], os.O_WRONLY|os.O_CREATE|os.O_APPEND, 0644) if err != nil { log.Fatal(err) } f.Write(bytes) f.Close() } else { f, err := os.OpenFile(flag.Args()[i], os.O_WRONLY|os.O_CREATE, 0644) if err != nil { log.Fatal(err) } f.Write(bytes) f.Close() } } fmt.Printf("%s", string(bytes)) }
Text string Time string `json:"created_at"` } type twmeta struct { RefreshUrl string `json:"refresh_url"` } type twitresp struct { Statuses []twstatus Meta twmeta `json:"search_metadata"` } const twSearchBase = "" var resnum = flag.IntP("number", "n", 20, "number of items to return") var reverse = flag.BoolP("reverse", "r", false, "reverse order") var retweets = flag.BoolP("retweets", "R", false, "include retweeets") var follow = flag.BoolP("follow", "f", false, "follow mode") var followDelay = flag.DurationP("followdelay", "F", time.Minute, "refresh delay in follow mode") var fixes = strings.NewReplacer( "\n", ` \n `, // spaces to make c&p easier "‘", `'`, "’", `'`, "“", `"`, "”", `"`, "—", "-", "&", "&", "<", "<", ">", ">", """, `"`,
Go coreutils home page: <> ` Version = ` uptime (Go coreutils) 1.0 Copyright (C) 2015 Eric Lagergren License GPLv3+: GNU GPL version 3 or later <>. This is free software: you are free to change and redistribute it. There is NO WARRANTY, to the extent permitted by law. ` delim = " " ) var ( version = flag.BoolP("version", "v", false, "") // fatal = log.New(os.Stderr, "", log.Lshortfile) fatal = log.New(os.Stderr, "", 0) ) func printUptime(us []utmp.Utmp) { var ( bootTime int32 entries int64 now utmp.TimeVal days, hours, mins int uptime float64 )
flag "" gutenberg "" "" "" "io/ioutil" "log" "os" "path/filepath" "strings" "text/template" "time" ) var ( cfgfile = flag.String("config", "", "config file (default is path/config.json)") help = flag.BoolP("help", "h", false, "show this help") source = flag.StringP("source", "s", "", "filesystem path to read files relative from") watchMode = flag.BoolP("watch", "w", false, "watch filesystem for changes and recreate as needed") server = flag.BoolP("server", "S", false, "run a (very) simple web server") port = flag.String("port", "1313", "port to run web server on, default :1313") interval = flag.Int64P("interval", "i", 1000, "pooling interval for watching") rebuild = flag.BoolP("rebuild", "r", false, "rebuild entire book on restart") ) type Process struct { // Process is done Done chan bool // Source directory for the book Source string // Started Started bool
"" "" "io/ioutil" "net/http" "os" "os/signal" "os/user" "strconv" "strings" "syscall" ) // The command line flags available var ( // Log related flags logToStderr = pflag.BoolP("logtostderr", "e", true, "log to stderr instead of to files") logThreshold = pflag.StringP("logthreshold", "o", "INFO", "Log events at or above this severity are logged to standard error as well as to files. Possible values: INFO, WARNING, ERROR and FATAL") logdir = pflag.StringP("logpath", "l", "./logs", "The log files will be written in this directory/path") flushInterval = pflag.Int64P("flushinterval", "f", 59, "The interval between the PUT of batches of mac-addresses") iface = pflag.StringP("interface", "i", "mon0", "The capture interface to listen on") pcap = pflag.StringP("pcap", "p", "", "Use a pcap file instead of live capturing") server = pflag.StringP("server", "s", "http://localhost:3000/sessions.json", "Server to PUT macs to") authToken = pflag.StringP("token", "t", "", "API-token. (Required)") printResponse = pflag.BoolP("printresponse", "r", false, "Print response from backend") hitCount uint64 ) func init() { pflag.Parse()
Written by Eric Lagergren Inspired by David MacKenzie.` HELP = `Usage: tty [OPTION]... Print the file name of the terminal connected to standard input. -s, --silent, --quiet print nothing, only return an exit status --help display this help and exit --version output version information and exit Report uname bugs to [email protected] Go coreutils home page: <>` ) var ( version = flag.Bool("version", false, "print version") quiet1 = flag.BoolP("silent", "s", false, "no output") quiet2 = flag.Bool("quiet", false, "no output") ) func main() { flag.Usage = func() { fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "%s\n", HELP) return } flag.Parse() if *version { fmt.Printf("%s\n", VERSION) return }
sparseUnused = iota sparseNever sparseAuto sparseAlways ) // backup enum const ( noBackups = iota simpleBackups numberedExistingBackups numberedBackups ) var ( archive = flag.BoolP("archive", "a", false, "") attrOnly = flag.Bool("attributes-only", false, "") backup = flag.String("backup", "", "") backup2 = flag.Bool("b", false, "") copyContents = flag.Bool("copy-contents", false, "") ndrpl = flag.Bool("d", false, "") dereference = flag.BoolP("dereference", "L", false, "") force = flag.BoolP("force", "f", false, "") hopt = flag.Bool("H", false, "") interactive = flag.BoolP("interactive", "i", false, "") link = flag.BoolP("link", "l", false, "") noClobber = flag.BoolP("no-clobber", "n", false, "") noDereference = flag.BoolP("no-dereference", "P", false, "") noPreserve = flag.String("no-preserve", "", "") noTargetDir = flag.BoolP("no-target-directory", "T", false, "") oneFS = flag.BoolP("one-file-system", "x", false, "")
the formal base64 alphabet. Use --ignore-garbage to attempt to recover from any other non-alphabet bytes in the encoded stream. ` Version = ` base64 (Go coreutils) 0.1 Copyright (C) 2015 Robert Deusser License GPLv3+: GNU GPL version 3 or later <>. This is free software: you are free to change and redistribute it. There is NO WARRANTY, to the extent permitted by law. ` ) var ( decode = flag.BoolP("decode", "d", false, "") ignore = flag.BoolP("ignore-garbage", "i", false, "") wrap = flag.IntP("wrap", "w", 76, "") version = flag.BoolP("version", "v", false, "") ) func base64Encode(src []byte) []byte { return []byte(base64.StdEncoding.EncodeToString(src)) } func base64Decode(src []byte) ([]byte, error) { return base64.StdEncoding.DecodeString(string(src)) } func readData(reader io.Reader) ([]byte, error) { return ioutil.ReadAll(reader)
-l, --length stop after <len> octets. -p, --ps output in postscript plain hexdump style. -r, --reverse reverse operation: convert (or patch) hexdump into ASCII output. * reversing non-hexdump formats require -r<flag> (i.e. -rb, -ri, -rp). -s, --seek start at <seek> bytes/bits in file. Byte/bit postfixes can be used. * byte/bit postfix units are multiples of 1024. * bits (kb, mb, etc.) will be rounded down to nearest byte. -u, --uppercase use upper case hex letters. -v, --version show version.` Version = `xxd v2.0 2014-17-01 by Felix Geisendörfer and Eric Lagergren` ) // cli flags var ( autoskip = flag.BoolP("autoskip", "a", false, "toggle autoskip (* replaces nul lines") bars = flag.BoolP("bars", "B", false, "print |ascii| instead of ascii") binary = flag.BoolP("binary", "b", false, "binary dump, incompatible with -ps, -i, -r") columns = flag.IntP("cols", "c", -1, "format <cols> octets per line") ebcdic = flag.BoolP("ebcdic", "E", false, "use EBCDIC instead of ASCII") group = flag.IntP("group", "g", -1, "num of octets per group") cfmt = flag.BoolP("include", "i", false, "output in C include format") length = flag.Int64P("len", "l", -1, "stop after len octets") postscript = flag.BoolP("ps", "p", false, "output in postscript plain hd style") reverse = flag.BoolP("reverse", "r", false, "convert hex to binary") offset = flag.Int("off", 0, "revert with offset") seek = flag.StringP("seek", "s", "", "start at seek bytes abs") upper = flag.BoolP("uppercase", "u", false, "use uppercase hex letters") version = flag.BoolP("version", "v", false, "print version") )
flag "" "" "log" "net/http" "os" "path/filepath" "runtime/pprof" "sync" "time" ) var ( baseUrl = flag.StringP("base-url", "b", "", "hostname (and path) to the root eg.") cfgfile = flag.String("config", "", "config file (default is path/config.yaml|json|toml)") checkMode = flag.Bool("check", false, "analyze content and provide feedback") draft = flag.BoolP("build-drafts", "D", false, "include content marked as draft") help = flag.BoolP("help", "h", false, "show this help") source = flag.StringP("source", "s", "", "filesystem path to read files relative from") destination = flag.StringP("destination", "d", "", "filesystem path to write files to") verbose = flag.BoolP("verbose", "v", false, "verbose output") version = flag.Bool("version", false, "which version of hugo") cpuprofile = flag.Int("profile", 0, "Number of times to create the site and profile it") watchMode = flag.BoolP("watch", "w", false, "watch filesystem for changes and recreate as needed") server = flag.BoolP("server", "S", false, "run a (very) simple web server") port = flag.String("port", "1313", "port to run web server on, default :1313") uglyUrls = flag.Bool("uglyurls", false, "use /filename.html instead of /filename/ ") ) func usage() { PrintErr("usage: hugo [flags]", "") flag.PrintDefaults()
"fmt" "net" "os" "strconv" "text/tabwriter" ) // TODO implement the following flags // -x: extended hostnames view // -r src | dst | src-port | dst-port | state : sort connections // -N: display NAT box connection information (only valid with SNAT & DNAT) var Version = "0.1.0" var onlySNAT = flag.BoolP("snat", "S", false, "Display only SNAT connections") var onlyDNAT = flag.BoolP("dnat", "D", false, "Display only DNAT connections") var onlyLocal = flag.BoolP("local", "L", false, "Display only local connections (originating from or going to the router)") var onlyRouted = flag.BoolP("routed", "R", false, "Display only connections routed through the router") var noResolve = flag.BoolP("no-resolve", "n", false, "Do not resolve hostnames") // TODO resolve port names as well var noHeader = flag.BoolP("no-header", "o", false, "Strip output header") var protocol = flag.StringP("protocol", "p", "", "Filter connections by protocol") var sourceHost = flag.StringP("source", "s", "", "Filter by source IP") var destinationHost = flag.StringP("destination", "d", "", "Filter by destination IP") var displayVersion = flag.BoolP("version", "v", false, "Print version") func main() { flag.Parse() if *displayVersion { fmt.Println("Version " + Version)
import ( "fmt" "net" "os" flag "" ) const ( tokenEnvName = "DO_API_TOKEN" ) var ( token = flag.StringP("token", "t", tokenEnvName, "DigitialOcean APIv2 token") v4opt = flag.BoolP("v4", "4", false, "Update IPv4 A record") v6opt = flag.BoolP("v6", "6", false, "Update IPv6 AAAA record") ) func errorOut(msg string, err error) { fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "Error %s: %v\n", msg, err) os.Exit(1) } func main() { flag.Parse() if *token == tokenEnvName { *token = os.Getenv(tokenEnvName) }
import ( "encoding/csv" "fmt" "io" "os" "strconv" "unicode/utf8" flag "" ) const programVersion = "0.0.1" var ( ignore = flag.BoolP("ignore", "i", false, "ignore invalid numbers") behead = flag.BoolP("behead", "b", false, "remove the first line (head) from calculations. Useful to ignore column names") separator = flag.StringP("separator", "s", " ", "define the SEPARATOR to use instead of whitespace for column separator") column = flag.IntP("column", "c", 1, "calculate stats based on the specified COLUMN") version = flag.BoolP("version", "v", false, "print version information and exit") ) func fail(format string, v ...interface{}) { fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, format, v...) os.Exit(1) } func calculate(s *Stats) { if len(flag.Args()) == 0 {
"strings" "sync" "time" "wp/sss" ) const concurrency = 100 const sseKey string = "server-side-encryption" var sseValue = []string{"AES256"} var meta = map[string][]string{} var node string var bucket = flag.StringP("bucket", "b", "", "Use the named bucket") var prefix = flag.StringP("prefix", "x", "", "Set upload path prefix. i.e., '-x location/'. NB: Add a slash if you want it!") var public = flag.BoolP("public", "p", false, "Makes the uploaded files publicly visible") var force = flag.BoolP("force", "f", false, "Force upload regardless of existance or mtime") var sse = flag.BoolP("sse", "e", false, "Use server side encryption") var mimetype = flag.StringP("mimetype", "m", "binary/octet-stream", "Set a fallback/default mimetype string.") // XXX: Should this always be true? I think so. var newer = flag.BoolP("newer", "n", false, "Upload if file time is newer than Last-modified") var newermetamtime = flag.BoolP("newermetamtime", "N", false, "Upload if file is newer than x-amz-meta-last-modified") // var recursive = flag.BoolP("recursive", "r", false, "Upload everything resursively from the path") // verify sums? // add a flag to use text/html as the default/fallback mime type instead of binary/octet-stream type FileUpload struct { ContentType string Path string
import ( "fmt" "io/ioutil" "log" "os" "os/exec" "os/user" "" "" ) // CLI flags var _host = pflag.StringP("host", "h", "", "The DRAC host (or IP)") var _username = pflag.StringP("username", "u", "", "The DRAC username") var _password = pflag.BoolP("password", "p", false, "Prompt for password (optional, will use 'calvin' if not present)") var javaws = pflag.StringP("javaws", "j", "/usr/bin/javaws", "The path to javaws binary") func promptPassword() string { var pass string fmt.Print("Password: "******"Unable to read password from CLI") } return pass } func main() { var host string var username = "******"
func main() { var name *string = flag.StringP("name", "n", "", "Only run the instruction with this name") var project *string = flag.StringP("project", "p", "", "Only run the instruction that are apart of this project") var force_deploy *bool = flag.BoolP("force", "f", false, "Force a redeploy of everything in the conductor.yml file") flag.Parse() cd := []ConductorDirections{} data, _ := ioutil.ReadFile("conductor.yml") err := yaml.Unmarshal(data, &cd) if err != nil { panic(err) } for _, instr := range cd { if *name != "" { if instr.Name != *name { continue } } if *project != "" { if instr.Project != *project { continue } } // fmt.Printf("--- m:\n%v\n\n", instr) for _, host := range instr.Hosts { docker_ctrl := conductor.New(host) container := docker_ctrl.FindContainer(instr.Container.Name) host_log := log.New("\t\t\t\t[host]", host, "[container]", instr.Container.Name) if instr.Healthcheck != "" { health := healthcheck.New(host_log, instr.Healthcheck, host) health.Check() } host_log.Info("[ ] pulling image") pulled_image, err := docker_ctrl.PullImage(instr.Container.Image + ":latest") if err != nil { host_log.Error("Error pulling image: " + err.Error()) } host_log.Info("[x] finished pulling image") if container.Container != nil { if pulled_image == container.Container.Image && *force_deploy == false { host_log.Info("skipping, container running latest image : " + pulled_image) continue } if container.ID() != "" { if err := docker_ctrl.RemoveContainer(container.ID()); err != nil { host_log.Error(err.Error()) } } } host_log.Info("[ ] creating container") docker_ctrl.CreateAndStartContainer(conductor.ConductorContainerConfig{ Name: instr.Container.Name, Image: instr.Container.Image, PortMap: instr.Container.Ports, Environment: instr.Container.Environment, Volumes: instr.Container.Volumes, Dns: instr.Container.Dns, }) host_log.Info("[x] finished creating container") } } }
// Our cumulative number of lines, words, chars, and bytes. totalLines int64 totalWords int64 totalChars int64 totalBytes int64 maxLineLength int64 // For pretty printing. numberWidth int printOne bool // For getFileStatus. errNoStat = errors.New("No stat.") // Our cli args printLines = flag.BoolP("lines", "l", false, "") printWords = flag.BoolP("words", "w", false, "") printChars = flag.BoolP("chars", "m", false, "") printBytes = flag.BoolP("bytes", "c", false, "") printLineLength = flag.BoolP("max-line-length", "L", false, "") filesFrom = flag.String("files0-from", "", "") tabWidth = flag.Int64P("tab", "t", 8, "") constVersion = flag.BoolP("unicode-version", "u", false, "") version = flag.BoolP("version", "v", false, "") // fatal.Fatal helper //fatal = log.New(os.Stderr, "", log.Lshortfile) fatal = log.New(os.Stderr, "", 0) ) type fstatus struct {
Version = `who (Go coreutils) 1.0 Copyright (C) 2014 Free Software Foundation, Inc. License GPLv3+: GNU GPL version 3 or later <>. This is free software: you are free to change and redistribute it. There is NO WARRANTY, to the extent permitted by law. Written by Eric Lagergren` ) var ( dev = []byte("/dev/") bt int32 ) var ( all = flag.BoolP("all", "a", false, "") boot = flag.BoolP("boot", "b", false, "") dead = flag.BoolP("dead", "d", false, "") heading = flag.BoolP("heading", "H", false, "") ips = flag.Bool("ips", false, "") login = flag.BoolP("login", "l", false, "") cur = flag.Bool("m", false, "") proc = flag.BoolP("process", "p", false, "") count = flag.BoolP("count", "q", false, "") rlvl = flag.BoolP("runlevel", "r", false, "") short = flag.BoolP("short", "s", false, "") clock = flag.BoolP("time", "t", false, "") users = flag.BoolP("users", "u", false, "") mesg = flag.BoolP("mesg", "T", false, "") mesgTwo = flag.BoolP("message", "w", false, "") mesgThree = flag.Bool("writable", false, "")