ginkgoConfig = config.GinkgoConfigType{ RandomSeed: 1138, RandomizeAllSpecs: true, } }) Context("when a serial (non-parallel) suite begins", func() { BeforeEach(func() { ginkgoConfig.ParallelTotal = 1 reporter.SpecSuiteWillBegin(ginkgoConfig, suite) }) It("should announce the suite, then announce the number of specs", func() { Ω(stenographer.Calls()).Should(HaveLen(2)) Ω(stenographer.Calls()[0]).Should(Equal(call("AnnounceSuite", "A Sweet Suite", ginkgoConfig.RandomSeed, true, false))) Ω(stenographer.Calls()[1]).Should(Equal(call("AnnounceNumberOfSpecs", 8, 10, false))) }) }) Context("when a parallel suite begins", func() { BeforeEach(func() { ginkgoConfig.ParallelTotal = 2 ginkgoConfig.ParallelNode = 1 suite.NumberOfSpecsBeforeParallelization = 20 reporter.SpecSuiteWillBegin(ginkgoConfig, suite) }) It("should announce the suite, announce that it's a parallel run, then announce the number of specs", func() {
specSummary = &types.SpecSummary{ State: types.SpecStatePassed, CapturedOutput: "SpecOutput", } }) call := func(method string, args ...interface{}) st.FakeStenographerCall { return st.NewFakeStenographerCall(method, args...) } beginSuite := func() { stenographer.Reset() aggregator.SpecSuiteWillBegin(ginkgoConfig2, suiteSummary2) aggregator.SpecSuiteWillBegin(ginkgoConfig1, suiteSummary1) Eventually(func() interface{} { return len(stenographer.Calls()) }).Should(BeNumerically(">=", 3)) } Describe("Announcing the beginning of the suite", func() { Context("When one of the parallel-suites starts", func() { BeforeEach(func() { aggregator.SpecSuiteWillBegin(ginkgoConfig2, suiteSummary2) }) It("should be silent", func() { Consistently(func() interface{} { return stenographer.Calls() }).Should(BeEmpty()) }) }) Context("once all of the parallel-suites have started", func() {