コード例 #1
ファイル: init_test.go プロジェクト: jak-atx/vic
func TestMain(m *testing.M) {
	var (
		err error
		ret int = 0


	factory, err = libcontainer.New(".", libcontainer.Cgroupfs)
	if err != nil {
	if systemd.UseSystemd() {
		systemdFactory, err = libcontainer.New(".", libcontainer.SystemdCgroups)
		if err != nil {

	ret = m.Run()
コード例 #2
ファイル: exec_linux.go プロジェクト: ChrisHines/nomad
// getCgroupManager returns the correct libcontainer cgroup manager.
func (e *LinuxExecutor) getCgroupManager(groups *cgroupConfig.Cgroup) cgroups.Manager {
	var manager cgroups.Manager
	manager = &cgroupFs.Manager{Cgroups: groups}
	if systemd.UseSystemd() {
		manager = &systemd.Manager{Cgroups: groups}
	return manager
コード例 #3
ファイル: utils_linux.go プロジェクト: curtiszimmerman/runc
// loadFactory returns the configured factory instance for execing containers.
func loadFactory(context *cli.Context) (libcontainer.Factory, error) {
	root := context.GlobalString("root")
	abs, err := filepath.Abs(root)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err
	cgroupManager := libcontainer.Cgroupfs
	if context.GlobalBool("systemd-cgroup") {
		if systemd.UseSystemd() {
			cgroupManager = libcontainer.SystemdCgroups
		} else {
			return nil, fmt.Errorf("systemd cgroup flag passed, but systemd support for managing cgroups is not available")
	return libcontainer.New(abs, cgroupManager, libcontainer.CriuPath(context.GlobalString("criu")))
コード例 #4
ファイル: utils.go プロジェクト: xee5ch/binctr
// loadFactory returns the configured factory instance for execing containers.
func loadFactory(useSystemdCgroup bool) (libcontainer.Factory, error) {
	abs, err := filepath.Abs(root)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err
	cgroupManager := libcontainer.Cgroupfs
	if useSystemdCgroup {
		if systemd.UseSystemd() {
			cgroupManager = libcontainer.SystemdCgroups
		} else {
			return nil, fmt.Errorf("systemd cgroup flag passed, but systemd support for managing cgroups is not available")
	return libcontainer.New(abs, cgroupManager, func(l *libcontainer.LinuxFactory) error {
		return nil
コード例 #5
// newManager returns an implementation of cgroups.Manager
func (l *libcontainerAdapter) newManager(cgroups *libcontainerconfigs.Cgroup, paths map[string]string) (libcontainercgroups.Manager, error) {
	switch l.cgroupManagerType {
	case libcontainerCgroupfs:
		return &cgroupfs.Manager{
			Cgroups: cgroups,
			Paths:   paths,
		}, nil
	case libcontainerSystemd:
		// this means you asked systemd to manage cgroups, but systemd was not on the host, so all you can do is panic...
		if !cgroupsystemd.UseSystemd() {
			panic("systemd cgroup manager not available")
		return &cgroupsystemd.Manager{
			Cgroups: cgroups,
			Paths:   paths,
		}, nil
	return nil, fmt.Errorf("invalid cgroup manager configuration")
コード例 #6
ファイル: driver.go プロジェクト: previousnext/kube-ingress
// NewDriver returns a new native driver, called from NewDriver of execdriver.
func NewDriver(root, initPath string, options []string) (*Driver, error) {
	meminfo, err := sysinfo.ReadMemInfo()
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err

	if err := sysinfo.MkdirAll(root, 0700); err != nil {
		return nil, err

	if apparmor.IsEnabled() {
		if err := installAppArmorProfile(); err != nil {
			apparmorProfiles := []string{"docker-default"}

			// Allow daemon to run if loading failed, but are active
			// (possibly through another run, manually, or via system startup)
			for _, policy := range apparmorProfiles {
				if err := hasAppArmorProfileLoaded(policy); err != nil {
					return nil, fmt.Errorf("AppArmor enabled on system but the %s profile could not be loaded.", policy)

	// choose cgroup manager
	// this makes sure there are no breaking changes to people
	// who upgrade from versions without native.cgroupdriver opt
	cgm := libcontainer.Cgroupfs
	if systemd.UseSystemd() {
		cgm = libcontainer.SystemdCgroups

	// parse the options
	for _, option := range options {
		key, val, err := parsers.ParseKeyValueOpt(option)
		if err != nil {
			return nil, err
		key = strings.ToLower(key)
		switch key {
		case "native.cgroupdriver":
			// override the default if they set options
			switch val {
			case "systemd":
				if systemd.UseSystemd() {
					cgm = libcontainer.SystemdCgroups
				} else {
					// warn them that they chose the wrong driver
					logrus.Warn("You cannot use systemd as native.cgroupdriver, using cgroupfs instead")
			case "cgroupfs":
				cgm = libcontainer.Cgroupfs
				return nil, fmt.Errorf("Unknown native.cgroupdriver given %q. try cgroupfs or systemd", val)
			return nil, fmt.Errorf("Unknown option %s\n", key)

	f, err := libcontainer.New(
		libcontainer.InitPath(reexec.Self(), DriverName),
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err

	return &Driver{
		root:             root,
		initPath:         initPath,
		activeContainers: make(map[string]libcontainer.Container),
		machineMemory:    meminfo.MemTotal,
		factory:          f,
	}, nil
コード例 #7
ファイル: exec_test.go プロジェクト: hallyn/runc
func TestRunWithKernelMemorySystemd(t *testing.T) {
	if !systemd.UseSystemd() {
		t.Skip("Systemd is unsupported")
	testRunWithKernelMemory(t, true)
コード例 #8
ファイル: exec_test.go プロジェクト: hallyn/runc
func TestCpuSharesSystemd(t *testing.T) {
	if !systemd.UseSystemd() {
		t.Skip("Systemd is unsupported")
	testCpuShares(t, true)
コード例 #9
ファイル: exec_test.go プロジェクト: hallyn/runc
func TestSystemdFreeze(t *testing.T) {
	if !systemd.UseSystemd() {
		t.Skip("Systemd is unsupported")
	testFreeze(t, true)
コード例 #10
ファイル: driver.go プロジェクト: ChanderG/docker
// NewDriver returns a new native driver, called from NewDriver of execdriver.
func NewDriver(root, initPath string, options []string) (*Driver, error) {
	meminfo, err := sysinfo.ReadMemInfo()
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err

	if err := sysinfo.MkdirAll(root, 0700); err != nil {
		return nil, err

	// choose cgroup manager
	// this makes sure there are no breaking changes to people
	// who upgrade from versions without native.cgroupdriver opt
	cgm := libcontainer.Cgroupfs
	if systemd.UseSystemd() {
		cgm = libcontainer.SystemdCgroups

	// parse the options
	for _, option := range options {
		key, val, err := parsers.ParseKeyValueOpt(option)
		if err != nil {
			return nil, err
		key = strings.ToLower(key)
		switch key {
		case "native.cgroupdriver":
			// override the default if they set options
			switch val {
			case "systemd":
				if systemd.UseSystemd() {
					cgm = libcontainer.SystemdCgroups
				} else {
					// warn them that they chose the wrong driver
					logrus.Warn("You cannot use systemd as native.cgroupdriver, using cgroupfs instead")
			case "cgroupfs":
				cgm = libcontainer.Cgroupfs
				return nil, fmt.Errorf("Unknown native.cgroupdriver given %q. try cgroupfs or systemd", val)
			return nil, fmt.Errorf("Unknown option %s\n", key)

	f, err := libcontainer.New(
		libcontainer.InitPath(reexec.Self(), DriverName),
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err

	return &Driver{
		root:             root,
		initPath:         initPath,
		activeContainers: make(map[string]libcontainer.Container),
		machineMemory:    meminfo.MemTotal,
		factory:          f,
	}, nil