コード例 #1
ファイル: rest.go プロジェクト: xgwang-zte/origin
// Create registers a given new PodSecurityPolicyReview instance to r.registry.
func (r *REST) Create(ctx kapi.Context, obj runtime.Object) (runtime.Object, error) {
	pspr, ok := obj.(*securityapi.PodSecurityPolicyReview)
	if !ok {
		return nil, kapierrors.NewBadRequest(fmt.Sprintf("not a PodSecurityPolicyReview: %#v", obj))
	if errs := securityvalidation.ValidatePodSecurityPolicyReview(pspr); len(errs) > 0 {
		return nil, kapierrors.NewInvalid(kapi.Kind("PodSecurityPolicyReview"), "", errs)
	ns, ok := kapi.NamespaceFrom(ctx)
	if !ok {
		return nil, kapierrors.NewBadRequest("namespace parameter required.")
	serviceAccounts, err := getServiceAccounts(pspr.Spec, r.saCache, ns)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, kapierrors.NewBadRequest(err.Error())

	if len(serviceAccounts) == 0 {
		glog.Errorf("No service accounts for namespace %s", ns)
		return nil, kapierrors.NewBadRequest(fmt.Sprintf("unable to find ServiceAccount for namespace: %s", ns))

	errs := []error{}
	newStatus := securityapi.PodSecurityPolicyReviewStatus{}
	for _, sa := range serviceAccounts {
		userInfo := serviceaccount.UserInfo(ns, sa.Name, "")
		saConstraints, err := r.sccMatcher.FindApplicableSCCs(userInfo)
		if err != nil {
			errs = append(errs, fmt.Errorf("unable to find SecurityContextConstraints for ServiceAccount %s: %v", sa.Name, err))
		var namespace *kapi.Namespace
		for _, constraint := range saConstraints {
			var (
				provider kscc.SecurityContextConstraintsProvider
				err      error
			pspsrs := securityapi.PodSecurityPolicySubjectReviewStatus{}
			if provider, namespace, err = oscc.CreateProviderFromConstraint(ns, namespace, constraint, r.client); err != nil {
				errs = append(errs, fmt.Errorf("unable to create provider for service account %s: %v", sa.Name, err))
			_, err = podsecuritypolicysubjectreview.FillPodSecurityPolicySubjectReviewStatus(&pspsrs, provider, pspr.Spec.Template.Spec, constraint)
			if err != nil {
				glog.Errorf("unable to fill PodSecurityPolicyReviewStatus from constraint %v", err)
			sapsprs := securityapi.ServiceAccountPodSecurityPolicyReviewStatus{pspsrs, sa.Name}
			newStatus.AllowedServiceAccounts = append(newStatus.AllowedServiceAccounts, sapsprs)
	if len(errs) > 0 {
		return nil, kapierrors.NewBadRequest(fmt.Sprintf("%s", kerrors.NewAggregate(errs)))
	pspr.Status = newStatus
	return pspr, nil
コード例 #2
ファイル: rest.go プロジェクト: juanluisvaladas/origin
// Create registers a given new PodSecurityPolicySubjectReview instance to r.registry.
func (r *REST) Create(ctx kapi.Context, obj runtime.Object) (runtime.Object, error) {
	pspsr, ok := obj.(*securityapi.PodSecurityPolicySubjectReview)
	if !ok {
		return nil, kapierrors.NewBadRequest(fmt.Sprintf("not a PodSecurityPolicySubjectReview: %#v", obj))

	ns, ok := kapi.NamespaceFrom(ctx)
	if !ok {
		return nil, kapierrors.NewBadRequest("namespace parameter required.")

	if errs := securityvalidation.ValidatePodSecurityPolicySubjectReview(pspsr); len(errs) > 0 {
		return nil, kapierrors.NewInvalid(kapi.Kind("PodSecurityPolicySubjectReview"), "", errs)

	userInfo := &user.DefaultInfo{Name: pspsr.Spec.User, Groups: pspsr.Spec.Groups}
	matchedConstraints, err := r.sccMatcher.FindApplicableSCCs(userInfo)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, kapierrors.NewBadRequest(fmt.Sprintf("unable to find SecurityContextConstraints: %v", err))

	saName := pspsr.Spec.Template.Spec.ServiceAccountName
	if len(saName) > 0 {
		saUserInfo := serviceaccount.UserInfo(ns, saName, "")
		saConstraints, err := r.sccMatcher.FindApplicableSCCs(saUserInfo)
		if err != nil {
			return nil, kapierrors.NewBadRequest(fmt.Sprintf("unable to find SecurityContextConstraints: %v", err))
		matchedConstraints = append(matchedConstraints, saConstraints...)
	var namespace *kapi.Namespace
	for _, constraint := range matchedConstraints {
		var (
			provider kscc.SecurityContextConstraintsProvider
			err      error
		if provider, namespace, err = oscc.CreateProviderFromConstraint(ns, namespace, constraint, r.client); err != nil {
			glog.Errorf("Unable to create provider for constraint: %v", err)
		filled, err := FillPodSecurityPolicySubjectReviewStatus(&pspsr.Status, provider, pspsr.Spec.Template.Spec, constraint)
		if err != nil {
			glog.Errorf("unable to fill PodSecurityPolicySubjectReviewStatus from constraint %v", err)
		if filled {
			return pspsr, nil
	return pspsr, nil
コード例 #3
ファイル: admission_test.go プロジェクト: ncdc/origin
func TestAdmitWithPrioritizedSCC(t *testing.T) {
	// scc with high priority but very restrictive.
	restricted := restrictiveSCC()
	restrictedPriority := int32(100)
	restricted.Priority = &restrictedPriority

	// sccs with matching priorities but one will have a higher point score (by the run as user strategy)
	uidFive := int64(5)
	matchingPrioritySCCOne := laxSCC()
	matchingPrioritySCCOne.Name = "matchingPrioritySCCOne"
	matchingPrioritySCCOne.RunAsUser = kapi.RunAsUserStrategyOptions{
		Type: kapi.RunAsUserStrategyMustRunAs,
		UID:  &uidFive,
	matchingPriority := int32(5)
	matchingPrioritySCCOne.Priority = &matchingPriority

	matchingPrioritySCCTwo := laxSCC()
	matchingPrioritySCCTwo.Name = "matchingPrioritySCCTwo"
	matchingPrioritySCCTwo.RunAsUser = kapi.RunAsUserStrategyOptions{
		Type:        kapi.RunAsUserStrategyMustRunAsRange,
		UIDRangeMin: &uidFive,
		UIDRangeMax: &uidFive,
	matchingPrioritySCCTwo.Priority = &matchingPriority

	// sccs with matching priorities and scores so should be matched by sorted name
	uidSix := int64(6)
	matchingPriorityAndScoreSCCOne := laxSCC()
	matchingPriorityAndScoreSCCOne.Name = "matchingPriorityAndScoreSCCOne"
	matchingPriorityAndScoreSCCOne.RunAsUser = kapi.RunAsUserStrategyOptions{
		Type: kapi.RunAsUserStrategyMustRunAs,
		UID:  &uidSix,
	matchingPriorityAndScorePriority := int32(1)
	matchingPriorityAndScoreSCCOne.Priority = &matchingPriorityAndScorePriority

	matchingPriorityAndScoreSCCTwo := laxSCC()
	matchingPriorityAndScoreSCCTwo.Name = "matchingPriorityAndScoreSCCTwo"
	matchingPriorityAndScoreSCCTwo.RunAsUser = kapi.RunAsUserStrategyOptions{
		Type: kapi.RunAsUserStrategyMustRunAs,
		UID:  &uidSix,
	matchingPriorityAndScoreSCCTwo.Priority = &matchingPriorityAndScorePriority

	// we will expect these to sort as:
	expectedSort := []string{"restrictive", "matchingPrioritySCCOne", "matchingPrioritySCCTwo",
		"matchingPriorityAndScoreSCCOne", "matchingPriorityAndScoreSCCTwo"}
	sccsToSort := []*kapi.SecurityContextConstraints{matchingPriorityAndScoreSCCTwo, matchingPriorityAndScoreSCCOne,
		matchingPrioritySCCTwo, matchingPrioritySCCOne, restricted}

	for i, scc := range sccsToSort {
		if scc.Name != expectedSort[i] {
			t.Fatalf("unexpected sort found %s at element %d but expected %s", scc.Name, i, expectedSort[i])

	// sorting works as we're expecting
	// now, to test we will craft some requests that are targeted to validate against specific
	// SCCs and ensure that they come out with the right annotation.  This means admission
	// is using the sort strategy we expect.

	namespace := createNamespaceForTest()
	serviceAccount := createSAForTest()
	tc := clientsetfake.NewSimpleClientset(namespace, serviceAccount)

	cache := &oscache.IndexerToSecurityContextConstraintsLister{
		Indexer: cache.NewIndexer(cache.MetaNamespaceKeyFunc,
			cache.Indexers{cache.NamespaceIndex: cache.MetaNamespaceIndexFunc}),
	for _, scc := range sccsToSort {
		err := cache.Add(scc)
		if err != nil {
			t.Fatalf("error adding sccs to store: %v", err)

	// create the admission plugin
	plugin := NewTestAdmission(cache, tc)
	// match the restricted SCC
	testSCCAdmission(goodPod(), plugin, restricted.Name, t)
	// match matchingPrioritySCCOne by setting RunAsUser to 5
	matchingPrioritySCCOnePod := goodPod()
	matchingPrioritySCCOnePod.Spec.Containers[0].SecurityContext.RunAsUser = &uidFive
	testSCCAdmission(matchingPrioritySCCOnePod, plugin, matchingPrioritySCCOne.Name, t)
	// match matchingPriorityAndScoreSCCOne by setting RunAsUser to 6
	matchingPriorityAndScoreSCCOnePod := goodPod()
	matchingPriorityAndScoreSCCOnePod.Spec.Containers[0].SecurityContext.RunAsUser = &uidSix
	testSCCAdmission(matchingPriorityAndScoreSCCOnePod, plugin, matchingPriorityAndScoreSCCOne.Name, t)
コード例 #4
ファイル: admission.go プロジェクト: juanluisvaladas/origin
// Admit determines if the pod should be admitted based on the requested security context
// and the available SCCs.
// 1.  Find SCCs for the user.
// 2.  Find SCCs for the SA.  If there is an error retrieving SA SCCs it is not fatal.
// 3.  Remove duplicates between the user/SA SCCs.
// 4.  Create the providers, includes setting pre-allocated values if necessary.
// 5.  Try to generate and validate an SCC with providers.  If we find one then admit the pod
//     with the validated SCC.  If we don't find any reject the pod and give all errors from the
//     failed attempts.
// On updates, the BeforeUpdate of the pod strategy only zeroes out the status.  That means that
// any change that claims the pod is no longer privileged will be removed.  That should hold until
// we get a true old/new set of objects in.
func (c *constraint) Admit(a kadmission.Attributes) error {
	if a.GetResource().GroupResource() != kapi.Resource("pods") {
		return nil
	if len(a.GetSubresource()) != 0 {
		return nil

	pod, ok := a.GetObject().(*kapi.Pod)
	// if we can't convert then we don't handle this object so just return
	if !ok {
		return nil

	// get all constraints that are usable by the user
	glog.V(4).Infof("getting security context constraints for pod %s (generate: %s) in namespace %s with user info %v", pod.Name, pod.GenerateName, a.GetNamespace(), a.GetUserInfo())

	sccMatcher := oscc.NewDefaultSCCMatcher(c.sccLister)
	matchedConstraints, err := sccMatcher.FindApplicableSCCs(a.GetUserInfo())
	if err != nil {
		return kadmission.NewForbidden(a, err)

	// get all constraints that are usable by the SA
	if len(pod.Spec.ServiceAccountName) > 0 {
		userInfo := serviceaccount.UserInfo(a.GetNamespace(), pod.Spec.ServiceAccountName, "")
		glog.V(4).Infof("getting security context constraints for pod %s (generate: %s) with service account info %v", pod.Name, pod.GenerateName, userInfo)
		saConstraints, err := sccMatcher.FindApplicableSCCs(userInfo)
		if err != nil {
			return kadmission.NewForbidden(a, err)
		matchedConstraints = append(matchedConstraints, saConstraints...)

	// remove duplicate constraints and sort
	matchedConstraints = oscc.DeduplicateSecurityContextConstraints(matchedConstraints)

	providers, errs := oscc.CreateProvidersFromConstraints(a.GetNamespace(), matchedConstraints, c.client)
	logProviders(pod, providers, errs)

	if len(providers) == 0 {
		return kadmission.NewForbidden(a, fmt.Errorf("no providers available to validate pod request"))

	// all containers in a single pod must validate under a single provider or we will reject the request
	validationErrs := field.ErrorList{}
	for _, provider := range providers {
		if errs := oscc.AssignSecurityContext(provider, pod, field.NewPath(fmt.Sprintf("provider %s: ", provider.GetSCCName()))); len(errs) > 0 {
			validationErrs = append(validationErrs, errs...)

		// the entire pod validated, annotate and accept the pod
		glog.V(4).Infof("pod %s (generate: %s) validated against provider %s", pod.Name, pod.GenerateName, provider.GetSCCName())
		if pod.ObjectMeta.Annotations == nil {
			pod.ObjectMeta.Annotations = map[string]string{}
		pod.ObjectMeta.Annotations[allocator.ValidatedSCCAnnotation] = provider.GetSCCName()
		return nil

	// we didn't validate against any security context constraint provider, reject the pod and give the errors for each attempt
	glog.V(4).Infof("unable to validate pod %s (generate: %s) against any security context constraint: %v", pod.Name, pod.GenerateName, validationErrs)
	return kadmission.NewForbidden(a, fmt.Errorf("unable to validate against any security context constraint: %v", validationErrs))