コード例 #1
ファイル: Segments.go プロジェクト: owlfish/forestbus-server
// Create generates a new Segment file in the given directory, starting at the given index.
// The Segment is returned in an open state.
func CreateNewSegment(topicName string, directory string, firstIndex int64, targetSize int) (*Segment, error) {
	seg := &Segment{target_max_segment_size: targetSize}
	defer seg.lock.Unlock()
	seg.node_log = utils.GetTopicLogger(topicName, "Segment")

	// Work out the filename.
	fileNamePrefix := fmt.Sprintf("%019d", firstIndex)
	seg.filename = path.Join(directory, fileNamePrefix+LOG_NAME_FORMAT_SUFFIX)

	seg.firstIndex = firstIndex
	seg.node_log("Creating new segment file %v for index %v\n", seg.filename, firstIndex)
	var err error
	seg.file, err = os.Create(seg.filename)
	if err != nil {
		seg.node_log("Error opening file %v: %v\n", seg.filename, err)
		return nil, err
	seg.segmentOpen = true
	seg.filePosition = 0
	seg.discardBuffer = make([]byte, 0, default_discard_buffer_size)
	seg.lastAccessTime = time.Now()
	seg.lastModifiedTime = seg.lastAccessTime
	return seg, nil
コード例 #2
ファイル: RaftNode.go プロジェクト: owlfish/forestbus-server
StartNode starts up the Raft node implementation for a given topic.  The connections are managed by the ServerNode.  The Node provides methods that are used by the RPCHandler for interaction with the commit log.
func (node *Node) SetupNode(topic string, server *ServerNode, ourName string, ourPeers ConfigPeers, ourLog *commitlog.CommitLog, topicStore TopicPersistentStore) error {
	// Create the shutdown channel
	node.shutdownServer = make(chan string)
	node.node_log = utils.GetTopicLogger(topic, "Raft")
	// Apply our configuration
	node.topic = topic
	node.server = server
	node.log = ourLog
	node.store = topicStore
	node.node_log("Applying configuration\n")
	node.name = ourName
	node.peers = make(map[string]*Peer)


	node.commitIndex = NewCommitIndex()
	node.writeAggregator = NewQueueWriteAggregator(node)

	node.electionTimer = NewElectionTimer(node)

	// Load the log from disk
	node.node_log("Loading log info.\n")
	var err error

	node.currentTerm, node.votedFor, err = node.store.Load()
	if err != nil {
		node.node_log("Error loading persistent store: %v\n", err)
		return err

	// Get the last term recorded in the log
	_, lastLogTerm, err := node.log.LastLogEntryInfo()
	if err != nil {
		node.node_log("Error determining the last log entry: %v\n", err)
		return err
	if lastLogTerm > node.currentTerm {
		node.node_log("WARNING: Last term found in log file is greater than stored in topic.  Defaulting to last value in log.")
		node.currentTerm = lastLogTerm

	node.node_log("Log store - creating RPC handlers.\n")

	node.node_log("Node initialisation complete.\n")

	// If we are standalone then recalculate the commit index.
	if len(node.peers) == 0 && node.state != ORPHAN_NODE {
		node.node_log("Standalone peer configuration ")

	node.state = FOLLOWER_NODE
	return nil
コード例 #3
LoadLog will open an existing DiskLogStorage structure from the given path or create a new one.

If existing files are found matching the LOG_NAME_FORMAT file format, then:

	1 - Get a list of all files match the pattern [0-9]*-forest-log
	2 - Sorts these and determine the highest index start value
	3 - Validates all message CRC in the highest index value Logfile in case there was previously a crash
	4 - Opens the highest index value Logfile and generates the index / offset slice

If no existing log files are found then a new segment is created for first Index 1.
func LoadLog(topicName string, loadpath string, configFuncs ...DiskLogConfigFunction) (*DiskLogStorage, error) {
	dlog := &DiskLogStorage{pathName: loadpath, target_max_segment_size: DEFAULT_TARGET_MAX_SEGMENT_SIZE, cache_slot_size: DEFAULT_CACHE_SLOT_SIZE}
	for _, conf := range configFuncs {
	dlog.node_log = utils.GetTopicLogger(topicName, "DiskLogStorage")
	dlog.topicName = topicName

	dlog.segments = make([]*Segment, 0)
	dlog.cache = CreateCache(dlog.cache_slot_size)
	matches, err := filepath.Glob(path.Join(loadpath, LOG_NAME_FORMAT))
	dlog.node_log("Found %v segment filename matches\n", len(matches))
	if err != nil {
		dlog.node_log("Errror opening disk log: %v\n", err)
		return nil, err

	if len(matches) == 0 {
		dlog.node_log("Creating new disk log in %v\n", loadpath)
		firstSegment, err := CreateNewSegment(dlog.topicName, loadpath, 1, dlog.target_max_segment_size)
		if err != nil {
			dlog.node_log("Error trying to create a new disk log storage at location %v: %v\n", loadpath, err)
			return nil, err
		dlog.segments = append(dlog.segments, firstSegment)
	} else {
		dlog.node_log("Loading existing disk log from %v\n", loadpath)
		for _, filename := range matches {
			dlog.segments = append(dlog.segments, ExistingSegment(topicName, filename, dlog.target_max_segment_size))
		// Open and validate the last segment as this is what we'll write to
		err = dlog.segments[len(dlog.segments)-1].Open(true)
		if err != nil {
			dlog.node_log("Error opening latest segment.")
			return nil, err

	// Setup a goroutine to handle the closing of open segments that are not in use
	dlog.closeSegementsChannel = make(chan int)
	dlog.closeSegmentsShutdownChannel = make(chan *utils.ShutdownNotifier, 1)
	go dlog.closeSegmentsLoop()

	// Setup a goroutine to periodically check for segments to cleanup
	dlog.segmentCleanupShutdownChannel = make(chan *utils.ShutdownNotifier, 1)
	go dlog.cleanupSegmentsLoop()
	return dlog, err
コード例 #4
ファイル: Segments.go プロジェクト: owlfish/forestbus-server
func ExistingSegment(topicName string, fullfilename string, targetSize int) *Segment {
	_, filename := path.Split(fullfilename)
	prefixIndex := strings.Index(filename, "-")
	firstIndex, _ := strconv.ParseInt(filename[:prefixIndex], 10, 64)

	segmentFileInfo, err := os.Stat(fullfilename)

	seg := &Segment{filename: fullfilename, firstIndex: firstIndex, target_max_segment_size: targetSize}
	seg.node_log = utils.GetTopicLogger(topicName, "Segment")
	seg.node_log("Existing segment, first index: %v for filename: %v\n", firstIndex, filename)
	seg.lastAccessTime = time.Now()
	if err != nil {
		seg.node_log("Warning: unable to stat segment file %v: %v", fullfilename, err)
		seg.lastModifiedTime = time.Now()
	} else {
		seg.lastModifiedTime = segmentFileInfo.ModTime()
	return seg
コード例 #5
ファイル: commitlog.go プロジェクト: owlfish/forestbus-server
LoadLogInfo is used at startup by the Node to read in the persisted state.
PersistentLog's are expected at this point to validate their storage and determine the current state.

	commitIndex is the last committed index ID.
	nextIndex is the index ID for the next message to be appended to this log.
	error is populated if there are any issues loadnig the persisted state that are unrecoverable from.
func (clog *CommitLog) SetupLog(topicName string, store LogStorage) (err error) {
	clog.waitingReaders = sync.NewCond(clog.lock.RLocker())
	clog.node_log = utils.GetTopicLogger(topicName, "CommitLog")
	clog.inShutdown = false
	clog.log = store
	clog.commitIndex = 0
	clog.syncPolicy = DEFAULT_SYNC_POLICY
	if clog.syncPolicy == PERIODIC_SYNC {
		go func() {
			timer := time.NewTimer(DEFAULT_PERIODIC_SYNC_PERIOD)
			for {
	return nil