// newMacaron initializes Macaron instance. func newMacaron() *macaron.Macaron { m := macaron.New() if !setting.DisableRouterLog { m.Use(macaron.Logger()) } m.Use(macaron.Recovery()) if setting.EnableGzip { m.Use(macaron.Gziper()) } if setting.Protocol == setting.FCGI { m.SetURLPrefix(setting.AppSubUrl) } m.Use(macaron.Static( path.Join(setting.StaticRootPath, "public"), macaron.StaticOptions{ SkipLogging: setting.DisableRouterLog, }, )) m.Use(macaron.Static( setting.AvatarUploadPath, macaron.StaticOptions{ Prefix: "avatars", SkipLogging: setting.DisableRouterLog, }, )) m.Use(macaron.Renderer(macaron.RenderOptions{ Directory: path.Join(setting.StaticRootPath, "templates"), Funcs: []template.FuncMap{base.TemplateFuncs}, IndentJSON: macaron.Env != macaron.PROD, })) localeNames, err := bindata.AssetDir("conf/locale") if err != nil { log.Fatal(4, "Fail to list locale files: %v", err) } localFiles := make(map[string][]byte) for _, name := range localeNames { localFiles[name] = bindata.MustAsset("conf/locale/" + name) } m.Use(i18n.I18n(i18n.Options{ SubURL: setting.AppSubUrl, Files: localFiles, CustomDirectory: path.Join(setting.CustomPath, "conf/locale"), Langs: setting.Langs, Names: setting.Names, Redirect: true, })) m.Use(cache.Cacher(cache.Options{ Adapter: setting.CacheAdapter, AdapterConfig: setting.CacheConn, Interval: setting.CacheInternal, })) m.Use(captcha.Captchaer(captcha.Options{ SubURL: setting.AppSubUrl, })) m.Use(session.Sessioner(setting.SessionConfig)) m.Use(csrf.Csrfer(csrf.Options{ Secret: setting.SecretKey, SetCookie: true, Header: "X-Csrf-Token", CookiePath: setting.AppSubUrl, })) m.Use(toolbox.Toolboxer(m, toolbox.Options{ HealthCheckFuncs: []*toolbox.HealthCheckFuncDesc{ &toolbox.HealthCheckFuncDesc{ Desc: "Database connection", Func: models.Ping, }, }, })) // OAuth 2. if setting.OauthService != nil { for _, info := range setting.OauthService.OauthInfos { m.Use(oauth2.NewOAuth2Provider(info.Options, info.AuthUrl, info.TokenUrl)) } } m.Use(middleware.Contexter()) return m }
// NewConfigContext initializes configuration context. // NOTE: do not print any log except error. func NewConfigContext() { workDir, err := WorkDir() if err != nil { log.Fatal(4, "Fail to get work directory: %v", err) } Cfg, err = ini.Load(bindata.MustAsset("conf/app.ini")) if err != nil { log.Fatal(4, "Fail to parse 'conf/app.ini': %v", err) } CustomPath = os.Getenv("GOGS_CUSTOM") if len(CustomPath) == 0 { CustomPath = workDir + "/custom" } if len(CustomConf) == 0 { CustomConf = CustomPath + "/conf/app.ini" } if com.IsFile(CustomConf) { if err = Cfg.Append(CustomConf); err != nil { log.Fatal(4, "Fail to load custom conf '%s': %v", CustomConf, err) } } else { log.Warn("Custom config (%s) not found, ignore this if you're running first time", CustomConf) } Cfg.NameMapper = ini.AllCapsUnderscore LogRootPath = Cfg.Section("log").Key("ROOT_PATH").MustString(path.Join(workDir, "log")) forcePathSeparator(LogRootPath) sec := Cfg.Section("server") AppName = Cfg.Section("").Key("APP_NAME").MustString("Gogs: Go Git Service") AppUrl = sec.Key("ROOT_URL").MustString("http://localhost:3000/") if AppUrl[len(AppUrl)-1] != '/' { AppUrl += "/" } // Check if has app suburl. url, err := url.Parse(AppUrl) if err != nil { log.Fatal(4, "Invalid ROOT_URL(%s): %s", AppUrl, err) } AppSubUrl = strings.TrimSuffix(url.Path, "/") Protocol = HTTP if sec.Key("PROTOCOL").String() == "https" { Protocol = HTTPS CertFile = sec.Key("CERT_FILE").String() KeyFile = sec.Key("KEY_FILE").String() } else if sec.Key("PROTOCOL").String() == "fcgi" { Protocol = FCGI } Domain = sec.Key("DOMAIN").MustString("localhost") HttpAddr = sec.Key("HTTP_ADDR").MustString("") HttpPort = sec.Key("HTTP_PORT").MustString("3000") DisableSSH = sec.Key("DISABLE_SSH").MustBool() SSHDomain = sec.Key("SSH_DOMAIN").MustString(Domain) SSHPort = sec.Key("SSH_PORT").MustInt(22) OfflineMode = sec.Key("OFFLINE_MODE").MustBool() DisableRouterLog = sec.Key("DISABLE_ROUTER_LOG").MustBool() StaticRootPath = sec.Key("STATIC_ROOT_PATH").MustString(workDir) EnableGzip = sec.Key("ENABLE_GZIP").MustBool() switch sec.Key("LANDING_PAGE").MustString("home") { case "explore": LandingPageUrl = LANDING_PAGE_EXPLORE default: LandingPageUrl = LANDING_PAGE_HOME } sec = Cfg.Section("security") InstallLock = sec.Key("INSTALL_LOCK").MustBool() SecretKey = sec.Key("SECRET_KEY").String() LogInRememberDays = sec.Key("LOGIN_REMEMBER_DAYS").MustInt() CookieUserName = sec.Key("COOKIE_USERNAME").String() CookieRememberName = sec.Key("COOKIE_REMEMBER_NAME").String() ReverseProxyAuthUser = sec.Key("REVERSE_PROXY_AUTHENTICATION_USER").MustString("X-WEBAUTH-USER") sec = Cfg.Section("attachment") AttachmentPath = sec.Key("PATH").MustString("data/attachments") if !filepath.IsAbs(AttachmentPath) { AttachmentPath = path.Join(workDir, AttachmentPath) } AttachmentAllowedTypes = strings.Replace(sec.Key("ALLOWED_TYPES").MustString("image/jpeg,image/png"), "|", ",", -1) AttachmentMaxSize = sec.Key("MAX_SIZE").MustInt64(32) AttachmentMaxFiles = sec.Key("MAX_FILES").MustInt(5) AttachmentEnabled = sec.Key("ENABLE").MustBool(true) TimeFormat = map[string]string{ "ANSIC": time.ANSIC, "UnixDate": time.UnixDate, "RubyDate": time.RubyDate, "RFC822": time.RFC822, "RFC822Z": time.RFC822Z, "RFC850": time.RFC850, "RFC1123": time.RFC1123, "RFC1123Z": time.RFC1123Z, "RFC3339": time.RFC3339, "RFC3339Nano": time.RFC3339Nano, "Kitchen": time.Kitchen, "Stamp": time.Stamp, "StampMilli": time.StampMilli, "StampMicro": time.StampMicro, "StampNano": time.StampNano, }[Cfg.Section("time").Key("FORMAT").MustString("RFC1123")] RunUser = Cfg.Section("").Key("RUN_USER").String() curUser := user.CurrentUsername() // Does not check run user when the install lock is off. if InstallLock && RunUser != curUser { log.Fatal(4, "Expect user(%s) but current user is: %s", RunUser, curUser) } // Determine and create root git repository path. homeDir, err := com.HomeDir() if err != nil { log.Fatal(4, "Fail to get home directory: %v", err) } homeDir = strings.Replace(homeDir, "\\", "/", -1) sec = Cfg.Section("repository") RepoRootPath = sec.Key("ROOT").MustString(path.Join(homeDir, "gogs-repositories")) forcePathSeparator(RepoRootPath) if !filepath.IsAbs(RepoRootPath) { RepoRootPath = path.Join(workDir, RepoRootPath) } else { RepoRootPath = path.Clean(RepoRootPath) } ScriptType = sec.Key("SCRIPT_TYPE").MustString("bash") AnsiCharset = sec.Key("ANSI_CHARSET").MustString("") // UI settings. sec = Cfg.Section("ui") ExplorePagingNum = sec.Key("EXPLORE_PAGING_NUM").MustInt(20) IssuePagingNum = sec.Key("ISSUE_PAGING_NUM").MustInt(10) sec = Cfg.Section("picture") PictureService = sec.Key("SERVICE").In("server", []string{"server"}) AvatarUploadPath = sec.Key("AVATAR_UPLOAD_PATH").MustString("data/avatars") forcePathSeparator(AvatarUploadPath) if !filepath.IsAbs(AvatarUploadPath) { AvatarUploadPath = path.Join(workDir, AvatarUploadPath) } switch source := sec.Key("GRAVATAR_SOURCE").MustString("gravatar"); source { case "duoshuo": GravatarSource = "http://gravatar.duoshuo.com/avatar/" case "gravatar": GravatarSource = "//1.gravatar.com/avatar/" default: GravatarSource = source } DisableGravatar = sec.Key("DISABLE_GRAVATAR").MustBool() if OfflineMode { DisableGravatar = true } if err = Cfg.Section("markdown").MapTo(&Markdown); err != nil { log.Fatal(4, "Fail to map Markdown settings: %v", err) } else if err = Cfg.Section("git").MapTo(&Git); err != nil { log.Fatal(4, "Fail to map Git settings: %v", err) } else if Cfg.Section("cron").MapTo(&Cron); err != nil { log.Fatal(4, "Fail to map Cron settings: %v", err) } Langs = Cfg.Section("i18n").Key("LANGS").Strings(",") Names = Cfg.Section("i18n").Key("NAMES").Strings(",") dateLangs = Cfg.Section("i18n.datelang").KeysHash() ShowFooterBranding = Cfg.Section("other").Key("SHOW_FOOTER_BRANDING").MustBool() HasRobotsTxt = com.IsFile(path.Join(CustomPath, "robots.txt")) }