コード例 #1
func (s *AgentTestSuite) TestStartServiceSlow(t *C) {
	// This test is like TestStartService but simulates a slow starting service.

	qanConfig := &qan.Config{
		Interval:          60,         // seconds
		MaxSlowLogSize:    1073741824, // 1 GiB
		RemoveOldSlowLogs: true,
		ExampleQueries:    true,
		MaxWorkers:        2,
		WorkerRunTime:     120, // seconds
	qanConfigData, _ := json.Marshal(qanConfig)
	serviceCmd := &proto.ServiceData{
		Name:   "qan",
		Config: qanConfigData,
	serviceData, _ := json.Marshal(serviceCmd)
	now := time.Now()
	cmd := &proto.Cmd{
		Ts:      now,
		User:    "******",
		Service: "agent",
		Cmd:     "StartService",
		Data:    serviceData,

	// Send the cmd to the client, tell the agent to stop, then wait for it.
	s.sendChan <- cmd

	// No replies yet.
	gotReplies := test.WaitReply(s.recvChan)
	if len(gotReplies) != 0 {
		t.Fatal("No reply before StartService")

	// Agent should be able to reply on status chan, indicating that it's
	// still starting the service.
	gotStatus := test.GetStatus(s.sendChan, s.recvChan)
	if !t.Check(gotStatus["agent"], Equals, "Idle") {

	// Make it seem like service has started now.
	s.readyChan <- true

	// Agent sends reply: no error.
	gotReplies = test.WaitReply(s.recvChan)
	if len(gotReplies) == 0 {
		t.Fatal("Get reply")
	if len(gotReplies) > 1 {
		t.Errorf("One reply, got %+v", gotReplies)

	reply := &proto.Reply{}
	_ = json.Unmarshal(gotReplies[0].Data, reply)
	t.Check(reply.Error, Equals, "")
コード例 #2
func (s *AgentTestSuite) TestStartStopService(t *C) {
	// To start a service, first we make a config for the service:
	qanConfig := &qan.Config{
		Interval:          60,         // seconds
		MaxSlowLogSize:    1073741824, // 1 GiB
		RemoveOldSlowLogs: true,
		ExampleQueries:    true,
		MaxWorkers:        2,
		WorkerRunTime:     120, // seconds

	// Second, the service config is encoded and encapsulated in a ServiceData:
	qanConfigData, _ := json.Marshal(qanConfig)
	serviceCmd := &proto.ServiceData{
		Name:   "qan",
		Config: qanConfigData,

	// Third and final, the service data is encoded and encapsulated in a Cmd:
	serviceData, _ := json.Marshal(serviceCmd)
	cmd := &proto.Cmd{
		Ts:      time.Now(),
		User:    "******",
		Service: "agent",
		Cmd:     "StartService",
		Data:    serviceData,

	// The readyChan is used by mock.MockServiceManager.Start() and Stop()
	// to simulate slow starts and stops.  We're not testing that here, so
	// this lets the service start immediately.
	s.readyChan <- true

	// Send the StartService cmd to the client, then wait for the reply
	// which should not have an error, indicating success.
	s.sendChan <- cmd
	gotReplies := test.WaitReply(s.recvChan)
	if len(gotReplies) != 1 {
		t.Fatal("Got Reply to Cmd:StartService")
	reply := &proto.Reply{}
	_ = json.Unmarshal(gotReplies[0].Data, reply)
	if reply.Error != "" {
		t.Error("No Reply.Error to Cmd:StartService; got ", reply.Error)

	// To double-check that the agent started without error, get its status
	// which should show everything is "Ready" or "Idle".
	status := test.GetStatus(s.sendChan, s.recvChan)
	expectStatus := map[string]string{
		"agent": "Idle",
		"qan":   "Ready",
		"mm":    "",
	if same, diff := test.IsDeeply(status, expectStatus); !same {

	// Finally, since we're using mock objects, let's double check the
	// execution trace, i.e. what calls the agent made based on all
	// the previous ^.
	got := test.WaitTrace(s.traceChan)
	expect := []string{
		`Start qan`,
		`Status qan`,
		`Status mm`,
	t.Check(got, DeepEquals, expect)

	 * Stop the service.

	serviceCmd = &proto.ServiceData{
		Name: "qan",
	serviceData, _ = json.Marshal(serviceCmd)
	cmd = &proto.Cmd{
		Ts:      time.Now(),
		User:    "******",
		Service: "agent",
		Cmd:     "StopService",
		Data:    serviceData,

	// Let fake qan service stop immediately.
	s.readyChan <- true

	s.sendChan <- cmd
	gotReplies = test.WaitReply(s.recvChan)
	if len(gotReplies) != 1 {
		t.Fatal("Got Reply to Cmd:StopService")
	reply = &proto.Reply{}
	_ = json.Unmarshal(gotReplies[0].Data, reply)
	if reply.Error != "" {
		t.Error("No Reply.Error to Cmd:StopService; got ", reply.Error)

	status = test.GetStatus(s.sendChan, s.recvChan)
	t.Check(status["agent"], Equals, "Idle")
	t.Check(status["qan"], Equals, "Stopped")
	t.Check(status["mm"], Equals, "")