コード例 #1
ファイル: ftp.go プロジェクト: protosam/hostcontrol
func FtpEditUser(ctx *macaron.Context) string {
	hcuser, auth := util.Auth(ctx, "ftpusers")
	if !auth {
		return "not_authorized"

	username := util.Query(ctx, "username")
	password := util.Query(ctx, "password")

	db, _ := util.MySQL()
	defer db.Close()

	// check if user owns domain
	dstmt, _ := db.Prepare("SELECT * FROM `hostcontrol_ftpusers` WHERE `ftpusername`=? and `system_username`=?")
	row1, _ := dstmt.Query(username, hcuser.System_username)
	defer dstmt.Close()
	if !row1.Next() {
		return "user_not_found"

	// set the password
	util.Bash("echo " + util.SHSanitize(password) + " | passwd " + util.SHSanitize(username) + " --stdin")

	return "success"
コード例 #2
ファイル: mail.go プロジェクト: protosam/hostcontrol
func MailAddUser(ctx *macaron.Context) string {
	hcuser, auth := util.Auth(ctx, "mail")

	if !auth {
		return "not_authorized"

	domain := util.Query(ctx, "domain")
	if domain == "" {
		return "domain_required"
	username := util.Query(ctx, "username")
	if username == "" {
		return "username_required"
	password := util.Query(ctx, "password")
	if password == "" {
		return "password_required"

	email_address := username + "@" + domain

	db, _ := util.MySQL()
	defer db.Close()

	// check if user owns domain
	dstmt, _ := db.Prepare("SELECT * FROM `hostcontrol`.`mail_domains` WHERE `domain`=? and `system_username`=?")
	row1, _ := dstmt.Query(domain, hcuser.System_username)
	defer dstmt.Close()
	if !row1.Next() {
		return "domain_not_found"

	// make sure email address does not already exist
	estmt, _ := db.Prepare("SELECT * FROM `hostcontrol`.`mail_users` WHERE email=? and domain=?")
	row2, _ := estmt.Query(email_address, domain)
	defer estmt.Close()
	if row2.Next() {
		return "email_account_exists"

	xstmt, _ := db.Prepare("INSERT INTO `hostcontrol`.`mail_users` set `email`=?, `password`=ENCRYPT(?), `domain`=?")
	_, err := xstmt.Exec(email_address, password, domain)

	if err != nil {
		return "failed_to_create_domain"

	return "success"
コード例 #3
func file_editor(ctx *macaron.Context) string {
	hcuser, auth := util.Auth(ctx, "any")
	if !auth {
		ctx.Redirect("/", 302)
		return ""

	suser, err := user.Lookup(hcuser.System_username)

	if err != nil {
		return die(ctx, string(err.Error()))

	selected_object := path.Clean(util.Query(ctx, "path"))
	full_object := path.Clean(suser.HomeDir + "/" + selected_object)

	// check ownership...
	uid, _ := strconv.Atoi(suser.Uid)
	gid, _ := strconv.Atoi(suser.Gid)
	if !util.ChkPerms(full_object, uid, gid) {
		return die(ctx, "You do not have access to object "+full_object)

	filecontents := util.Query(ctx, "filecontents")
	if filecontents != "" {
		filecontents = strings.Replace(filecontents, "\r\n", "\n", -1)
		ioutil.WriteFile(full_object, []byte(filecontents), 0644)

	rawcontents, err := ioutil.ReadFile(full_object)
	if err != nil {
		return die(ctx, string(err.Error()))

	content := html.EscapeString(string(rawcontents))

	var tpl vision.New

	tpl.Assign("path_up", path.Dir(selected_object))
	tpl.Assign("selected_path", selected_object)
	tpl.Assign("current_path", full_object)
	tpl.Assign("filedata", content)


	return header(ctx) + tpl.Out() + footer(ctx)
コード例 #4
ファイル: mail.go プロジェクト: protosam/hostcontrol
func MailDeleteDomain(ctx *macaron.Context) string {
	hcuser, auth := util.Auth(ctx, "mail")

	if !auth {
		return "not_authorized"

	domain := util.Query(ctx, "domain")

	if domain == "" {
		return "domain_required"

	db, _ := util.MySQL()
	defer db.Close()

	xstmt, _ := db.Prepare("DELETE FROM `hostcontrol`.`mail_domains` WHERE `domain`=? AND `system_username`=?")

	_, err := xstmt.Exec(domain, hcuser.System_username)

	if err != nil {
		return "failed_to_delete_domain"

	os.RemoveAll("/home/vmail/" + domain)

	return "success"
コード例 #5
ファイル: mail.go プロジェクト: protosam/hostcontrol
func MailAddDomain(ctx *macaron.Context) string {
	hcuser, auth := util.Auth(ctx, "mail")

	if !auth {
		return "not_authorized"

	domain := util.Query(ctx, "domain")

	if domain == "" {
		return "domain_required"

	db, _ := util.MySQL()
	defer db.Close()

	xstmt, _ := db.Prepare("INSERT INTO `hostcontrol`.`mail_domains` set `domain_id`=NULL, `domain`=?, `system_username`=?")

	_, err := xstmt.Exec(domain, hcuser.System_username)

	if err != nil {
		return "failed_to_create_domain"

	return "success"
コード例 #6
ファイル: web.settings.go プロジェクト: protosam/hostcontrol
func addtoken(ctx *macaron.Context) string {
	hcuser, auth := util.Auth(ctx, "any")
	if !auth {
		ctx.Redirect("/", 302)
		return ""

	description := util.Query(ctx, "description")
	token := util.MkToken()

	db, _ := util.MySQL()
	defer db.Close()

	xstmt, _ := db.Prepare("INSERT INTO `hostcontrol`.`hostcontrol_user_tokens` set `token`=?, `hostcontrol_id`=?, `description`=?, token_id=null")
	_, err := xstmt.Exec(token, hcuser.Hostcontrol_id, description)

	if err != nil {
		set_error("Failed to create new token.", ctx)
		ctx.Redirect("/settings", 302)
		return "Failed to create new token."

	set_error("Created new token.", ctx)
	ctx.Redirect("/settings", 302)

	return ""
コード例 #7
ファイル: dns.go プロジェクト: protosam/hostcontrol
func DnsDeleteDomain(ctx *macaron.Context) string {
	hcuser, auth := util.Auth(ctx, "dns")

	if !auth {
		return "not_authorized"

	domain := util.Query(ctx, "domain")

	if domain == "" {
		return "domain_required"

	db, _ := util.MySQL()
	defer db.Close()

	xstmt, _ := db.Prepare("DELETE FROM `hostcontrol`.`domains` where `name`=? and `account`=?")

	_, err := xstmt.Exec(domain, hcuser.System_username)

	if err != nil {
		return "failed_to_delete_domain"

	return "success"
コード例 #8
ファイル: sql.databases.go プロジェクト: protosam/hostcontrol
func SqlDatabasesAdd(ctx *macaron.Context) string {
	hcuser, auth := util.Auth(ctx, "databases")

	if !auth {
		return "not_authorized"

	db_name := util.Query(ctx, "db_name")

	if db_name == "" {
		return "db_name_required"

	db, _ := util.MySQL()
	defer db.Close()

	//    stmt, _ := db.Prepare("CREATE USER ?@'%' IDENTIFIED BY ?;")
	//    _, err := stmt.Exec(hcuser.System_username + "_" + username, password)
	db_name = util.LastResortSanitize(db_name)
	db_name = string(hcuser.System_username + "_" + db_name)

	stmt, err := db.Prepare("create database " + db_name + "")
	if err != nil {
		return "bad_characters_used "
	_, err = stmt.Exec()
	if err != nil {
		return "failed_to_create_database"

	return "success"
コード例 #9
ファイル: web.databases.go プロジェクト: protosam/hostcontrol
func databasegrantdelete(ctx *macaron.Context) string {
	status := API("/api/sql/grants/delete", ctx)

	db_user := util.Query(ctx, "db_user")
	db_name := util.Query(ctx, "db_name")

	if status == "success" {
		set_error("Removed "+db_user+" from database "+db_name+"!", ctx)
		ctx.Redirect("/databases", 302)
		return "Removed " + db_user + " from database " + db_name + "!"

	set_error("Failed to remove "+db_user+" from database "+db_name+"! Error given: "+status, ctx)
	ctx.Redirect("/databases", 302)

	return "Failed to remove " + db_user + " from database " + db_name + "! Error given: " + status
コード例 #10
ファイル: web.databases.go プロジェクト: protosam/hostcontrol
func databasegrantadd(ctx *macaron.Context) string {
	status := API("/api/sql/grants/add", ctx)

	db_user := util.Query(ctx, "db_user")
	db_name := util.Query(ctx, "db_name")

	if status == "success" {
		set_error("Added "+db_user+" to database "+db_name+" successfully!", ctx)
		ctx.Redirect("/databases", 302)
		return "Added " + db_user + " to database " + db_name + " successfully!"

	set_error("Failed to add "+db_user+" to database "+db_name+"! Error given: "+status, ctx)
	ctx.Redirect("/databases", 302)

	return "Failed to add " + db_user + " to database " + db_name + "! Error given: " + status
コード例 #11
ファイル: web.mail.go プロジェクト: protosam/hostcontrol
func mailadduser(ctx *macaron.Context) string {
	status := API("/api/mail/users/add", ctx)

	username := util.Query(ctx, "username")
	domain := util.Query(ctx, "domain")

	if status == "success" {
		set_error("Added "+username+"@"+domain+" successfully!", ctx)
		ctx.Redirect("/mail", 302)
		return "did it!"

	set_error("Failed to add user. Error given: "+status, ctx)
	ctx.Redirect("/mail", 302)

	return "Failed to add user. Error given: " + status
コード例 #12
ファイル: mail.go プロジェクト: protosam/hostcontrol
func MailEditUser(ctx *macaron.Context) string {
	hcuser, auth := util.Auth(ctx, "mail")

	if !auth {
		return "not_authorized"

	email_address := util.Query(ctx, "email")
	if email_address == "" {
		return "email_required"
	password := util.Query(ctx, "password")
	if email_address == "" {
		return "password_required"

	strsplt := strings.Split(email_address, "@")
	if len(strsplt) != 2 {
		return "invalid_email"

	//username := strsplt[0]
	domain := strsplt[1]

	db, _ := util.MySQL()
	defer db.Close()

	// check if user owns domain
	dstmt, _ := db.Prepare("SELECT * FROM `hostcontrol`.`mail_domains` WHERE `domain`=? and `system_username`=?")
	row1, _ := dstmt.Query(domain, hcuser.System_username)
	defer dstmt.Close()
	if !row1.Next() {
		return "domain_not_found"

	// update serial for domain
	ustmt, _ := db.Prepare("UPDATE `hostcontrol`.`mail_users` SET `password`=ENCRYPT(?) WHERE `email`=?")
	ustmt.Exec(password, email_address)

	return "success"
コード例 #13
ファイル: sql.grants.go プロジェクト: protosam/hostcontrol
func SqlGrantsDelete(ctx *macaron.Context) string {
	hcuser, auth := util.Auth(ctx, "databases")

	if !auth {
		return "not_authorized"

	db_name := util.Query(ctx, "db_name")

	if db_name == "" {
		return "db_name_required"

	username := util.Query(ctx, "db_user")

	if username == "" {
		return "username_required"

	dbowner := strings.Split(db_name, "_")[0]
	userowner := strings.Split(username, "_")[0]

	if dbowner != hcuser.System_username || userowner != hcuser.System_username {
		return "failed_not_yours"

	db, _ := util.MySQL()
	defer db.Close()

	db_name = util.LastResortSanitize(db_name)
	username = util.LastResortSanitize(username)

	_, err := db.Exec("REVOKE ALL ON " + db_name + ".* FROM '" + username + "'@'%';")
	if err != nil {

		return "failed_to_delete_grant"
	return "success"
コード例 #14
ファイル: web.go プロジェクト: protosam/hostcontrol
func DeleteWebsite(ctx *macaron.Context) string {
	hcuser, auth := util.Auth(ctx, "websites")
	if !auth {
		return "not_authorized"

	db, err := util.MySQL()
	if err != nil {
		return string(err.Error())
	defer db.Close()

	vhost_id := util.Query(ctx, "vhost_id")

	stmt, _ := db.Prepare("SELECT * from website_vhosts WHERE vhost_id = ? and system_username=?")
	rows, _ := stmt.Query(vhost_id, hcuser.System_username)

	if rows.Next() {
		var vhost_id string
		var system_username string
		var domain string
		var documentroot string
		var ipaddr string
		var ssl_enabled string
		var ssl_certificate string
		var ssl_key string
		var ssl_ca_certificate string

		rows.Scan(&vhost_id, &system_username, &domain, &documentroot, &ipaddr, &ssl_enabled, &ssl_certificate, &ssl_key, &ssl_ca_certificate)

		os.RemoveAll("/var/log/httpd/" + hcuser.System_username + "/" + domain + "-error_log")
		os.RemoveAll("/var/log/httpd/" + hcuser.System_username + "/" + domain + "-access_log")
		os.RemoveAll("/var/log/httpd/" + hcuser.System_username + "/" + domain + "-ssl-error_log")
		os.RemoveAll("/var/log/httpd/" + hcuser.System_username + "/" + domain + "-ssl-access_log")
		os.RemoveAll("/etc/pki/tls/certs/" + domain + ".crt")
		os.RemoveAll("/etc/pki/tls/certs/" + domain + ".ca.crt")
		os.RemoveAll("/etc/pki/tls/private/" + domain + ".key")
		os.RemoveAll("/etc/httpd/vhosts.d/" + domain + ".conf")
		os.RemoveAll("/etc/httpd/vhosts.d/" + domain + ".ssl.conf")
		stmt, _ = db.Prepare("delete from website_vhosts where vhost_id=?")

	} else {
		return "domain_not_found"

	util.Bash("systemctl reload httpd")
	return "success"
コード例 #15
ファイル: users.go プロジェクト: protosam/hostcontrol
func Deleteuser(ctx *macaron.Context) string {
	hcuser, auth := util.Auth(ctx, "sysusers")
	if !auth {
		return "not_authorized"

	username := util.Query(ctx, "username")

	if username == "" || username == "root" {
		return "username_required"

	db, _ := util.MySQL()
	defer db.Close()

	// check if user actually owns child
	if !util.ChkPaternity(hcuser.System_username, username) {
		return "failed_ownership_check"

	users := make(map[string]map[string]string)
	users = util.Getusers(username, users, db)
	for _, subuser := range users {
		cleanupuserdata(subuser["system_username"], ctx)
		// delete the user and homedir
		util.Cmd("userdel", []string{subuser["system_username"], "-f", "-r"})
		// remove the user
		stmt, _ := db.Prepare("delete from hostcontrol_users where system_username=?")


	cleanupuserdata(username, ctx)

	// delete the user and homedir
	util.Cmd("userdel", []string{username, "-f", "-r"})

	// make sure user was delete
	_, lookup_err2 := user.Lookup(username)
	if lookup_err2 == nil {
		return "failed_to_delete_user"

	// remove the user
	stmt, _ := db.Prepare("delete from hostcontrol_users where system_username=?")

	return "success"
コード例 #16
ファイル: web.settings.go プロジェクト: protosam/hostcontrol
func updatesettings(ctx *macaron.Context) string {
	hcuser, auth := util.Auth(ctx, "any")
	if !auth {
		ctx.Redirect("/", 302)
		return ""

	password := util.Query(ctx, "password")
	new_password := util.Query(ctx, "new_password")
	new_password_verify := util.Query(ctx, "new_password_verify")

	if password == "" || new_password == "" || new_password_verify == "" {
		set_error("Failed to update settings. Error given: missing a password field", ctx)
		ctx.Redirect("/settings", 302)
		return ""

	if new_password != new_password_verify {
		set_error("Failed to update settings. Error given: new passwords don't match", ctx)
		ctx.Redirect("/settings", 302)
		return ""

	if !chklogin(hcuser.System_username, password) {
		set_error("Failed to update settings. Error given: current password incorrect", ctx)
		ctx.Redirect("/settings", 302)
		return ""

	chpassword(hcuser.System_username, new_password)

	set_error("Settings updated successfully.", ctx)
	ctx.Redirect("/settings", 302)

	return ""
コード例 #17
ファイル: sql.users.go プロジェクト: protosam/hostcontrol
func SqlUsersEdit(ctx *macaron.Context) string {
	hcuser, auth := util.Auth(ctx, "databases")

	if !auth {
		return "not_authorized"

	username := util.Query(ctx, "db_user")
	password := util.Query(ctx, "password")
	owner := strings.Split(username, "_")[0]

	if username == "" {
		return "db_user_required"

	if password == "" {
		return "password_required"

	if owner != hcuser.System_username {
		return "failed_not_yours"

	db, _ := util.MySQL()
	defer db.Close()

	db_user := util.LastResortSanitize(username)
	password = util.LastResortSanitize(password)

	_, err := db.Exec("SET PASSWORD FOR '" + db_user + "' = PASSWORD('" + password + "');")
	if err != nil {
		return "bad_characters_used "

	return "success"
コード例 #18
ファイル: web.mail.go プロジェクト: protosam/hostcontrol
func maildeletedomain(ctx *macaron.Context) string {
	status := API("/api/mail/domain/delete", ctx)

	domainname := util.Query(ctx, "domain")

	if status == "success" {
		set_error("Deleted "+domainname+" successfully!", ctx)
		ctx.Redirect("/mail", 302)
		return "did it!"

	set_error("Failed to delete domain. Error given: "+status, ctx)
	ctx.Redirect("/mail", 302)

	return "Failed to delete domain. Error given: " + status
コード例 #19
ファイル: web.mail.go プロジェクト: protosam/hostcontrol
func mailedituser(ctx *macaron.Context) string {
	status := API("/api/mail/users/edit", ctx)

	email := util.Query(ctx, "email")

	if status == "success" {
		set_error("Updated "+email+" successfully!", ctx)
		ctx.Redirect("/mail", 302)
		return "did it!"

	set_error("Failed to update "+email+". Error given: "+status, ctx)
	ctx.Redirect("/mail", 302)

	return "Failed to update user. Error given: " + status
コード例 #20
ファイル: web.databases.go プロジェクト: protosam/hostcontrol
func databaseusersedit(ctx *macaron.Context) string {
	status := API("/api/sql/users/edit", ctx)

	db_user := util.Query(ctx, "db_user")

	if status == "success" {
		set_error("Modified "+db_user+" successfully!", ctx)
		ctx.Redirect("/databases", 302)
		return "Modified " + db_user + " successfully!"

	set_error("Failed to update "+db_user+"! Error given: "+status, ctx)
	ctx.Redirect("/databases", 302)

	return "Failed to update " + db_user + "! Error given: " + status
コード例 #21
ファイル: web.dns.go プロジェクト: protosam/hostcontrol
func adddomain(ctx *macaron.Context) string {
	status := API("/api/dns/domain/add", ctx)

	domainname := util.Query(ctx, "domain")

	if status == "success" {
		set_error("Added "+domainname+" successfully!", ctx)
		ctx.Redirect("/dns", 302)
		return "did it!"

	set_error("Failed to add domain. Error given: "+status, ctx)
	ctx.Redirect("/websites", 302)

	return "Failed to add domain. Error given: " + status
コード例 #22
ファイル: web.websites.go プロジェクト: protosam/hostcontrol
func sslupdate(ctx *macaron.Context) string {
	status := API("/api/web/domain/sslmanage", ctx)

	vhost_id := util.Query(ctx, "vhost_id")

	if status == "success" {
		set_error("Updated SSL settings successfully!", ctx)
		ctx.Redirect("/websites/sslmanager?vhost_id="+vhost_id, 302)
		return "did it!"

	set_error("Failed to add domain. Error given: "+status, ctx)
	ctx.Redirect("/websites/sslmanager?vhost_id="+vhost_id, 302)

	return "Failed to update SSL for domain. Error given: " + status
コード例 #23
ファイル: web.databases.go プロジェクト: protosam/hostcontrol
func databasedelete(ctx *macaron.Context) string {
	status := API("/api/sql/databases/delete", ctx)

	db_name := util.Query(ctx, "db_name")

	if status == "success" {
		set_error("Deleted "+db_name+" successfully!", ctx)
		ctx.Redirect("/databases", 302)
		return "Deleted " + db_name + " successfully!"

	set_error("Failed to delete "+db_name+"! Error given: "+status, ctx)
	ctx.Redirect("/databases", 302)

	return "Failed to delete " + db_name + "! Error given: " + status
コード例 #24
ファイル: web.ftpusers.go プロジェクト: protosam/hostcontrol
func ftpuserdelete(ctx *macaron.Context) string {
	status := API("/api/ftpusers/delete", ctx)

	username := util.Query(ctx, "ftpuser")

	if status == "success" {
		set_error("Deleted "+username+" successfully!", ctx)
		ctx.Redirect("/ftpusers", 302)
		return "did it!"

	set_error("Failed to delete user. Error given: "+status, ctx)
	ctx.Redirect("/ftpusers", 302)

	return "Failed to add user. Error given: " + status
コード例 #25
ファイル: web.websites.go プロジェクト: protosam/hostcontrol
func sslmanager(ctx *macaron.Context) string {
	_, auth := util.Auth(ctx, "websites")
	if !auth {
		ctx.Redirect("/", 302)
		return ""

	vhost_id := util.Query(ctx, "vhost_id")

	var tpl vision.New

	websites := API("/api/web/domain/list", ctx)

	domains := make(map[string]map[string]string)
	json.Unmarshal([]byte(websites), &domains)

	found := false
	for _, domain := range domains {
		if domain["vhost_id"] == vhost_id {
			tpl.Assign("vhost_id", domain["vhost_id"])
			tpl.Assign("system_username", domain["system_username"])
			tpl.Assign("domain", domain["domain"])
			tpl.Assign("documentroot", domain["documentroot"])
			tpl.Assign("ipaddr", domain["ipaddr"])
			tpl.Assign("ssl_certificate", domain["ssl_certificate"])
			tpl.Assign("ssl_key", domain["ssl_key"])
			tpl.Assign("ssl_ca_certificate", domain["ssl_ca_certificate"])

			if domain["ssl_enabled"] == "Y" {
				tpl.Assign("ssl_enabled", "checked")
			} else {
				tpl.Assign("ssl_enabled", "")
			found = true

	if !found {
		set_error("Failed to find requested domain.", ctx)
		ctx.Redirect("/websites", 302)
		return ""

	return header(ctx) + tpl.Out() + footer(ctx)
コード例 #26
ファイル: sql.grants.go プロジェクト: protosam/hostcontrol
// This will return RHEL7 for the server API test. Note that all functions need to be prefixed with DISTRO TAG.
func SqlGrantsList(ctx *macaron.Context) string {
	hcuser, auth := util.Auth(ctx, "databases")

	if !auth {
		return "not_authorized"

	db_name := util.Query(ctx, "db_name")

	if db_name == "" {
		return "db_name_required"

	owner := strings.Split(db_name, "_")[0]

	if owner != hcuser.System_username {
		return "failed_not_yours"

	db, _ := util.MySQL()
	defer db.Close()

	stmt, _ := db.Prepare("select user from mysql.db where db=?")
	rows, err := stmt.Query(db_name)
	if err != nil {
		return "bad_characters_used "
	var data []string

	for rows.Next() {
		var db_user string


		data = append(data, db_user)

	output, err := json.Marshal(data)
	if err != nil {
		return "json_out_failed: " + string(err.Error())

	return string(output)
コード例 #27
ファイル: web.settings.go プロジェクト: protosam/hostcontrol
func deletetoken(ctx *macaron.Context) string {
	hcuser, auth := util.Auth(ctx, "any")
	if !auth {
		ctx.Redirect("/", 302)
		return ""

	token := util.Query(ctx, "token")

	db, _ := util.MySQL()
	defer db.Close()

	ustmt, _ := db.Prepare("DELETE FROM `hostcontrol`.`hostcontrol_user_tokens` WHERE `token`=? and hostcontrol_id=?")
	ustmt.Exec(token, hcuser.Hostcontrol_id)

	set_error("Token deleted.", ctx)
	ctx.Redirect("/settings", 302)

	return ""
コード例 #28
ファイル: web.users.go プロジェクト: protosam/hostcontrol
func sudo(ctx *macaron.Context) string {
	hcuser, auth := util.Auth(ctx, "sysusers")
	if !auth {
		ctx.Redirect("/", 302)
		return ""

	username := util.Query(ctx, "username")

	if !util.ChkPaternity(hcuser.System_username, username) {
		set_error("Failed to sudo to "+username+"!", ctx)
		ctx.Redirect("/users", 302)
		return "failed!"


	ctx.SetCookie("sudo", username, 864000)
	set_error("You are now logged in as "+username+"! Clicking logout will switch back to "+hcuser.System_username+".", ctx)
	ctx.Redirect("/dashboard", 302)
	return "success"
コード例 #29
ファイル: mail.go プロジェクト: protosam/hostcontrol
func MailUserDelete(ctx *macaron.Context) string {
	hcuser, auth := util.Auth(ctx, "mail")

	if !auth {
		return "not_authorized"

	email_address := util.Query(ctx, "email")
	if email_address == "" {
		return "email_required"

	strsplt := strings.Split(email_address, "@")
	if len(strsplt) != 2 {
		return "invalid_email"

	username := strsplt[0]
	domain := strsplt[1]

	db, _ := util.MySQL()
	defer db.Close()

	// check if user owns domain
	dstmt, _ := db.Prepare("SELECT * FROM `hostcontrol`.`mail_domains` WHERE `domain`=? and `system_username`=?")
	row1, _ := dstmt.Query(domain, hcuser.System_username)
	defer dstmt.Close()
	if !row1.Next() {
		return "domain_not_found"

	os.RemoveAll("/home/vmail/" + domain + "/" + username)

	// update serial for domain
	ustmt, _ := db.Prepare("DELETE FROM `hostcontrol`.`mail_users` WHERE `email`=?")

	return "success"
コード例 #30
ファイル: dns.go プロジェクト: protosam/hostcontrol
func DnsAddDomain(ctx *macaron.Context) string {
	hcuser, auth := util.Auth(ctx, "dns")

	if !auth {
		return "not_authorized"
	timestamp := strconv.FormatInt(time.Now().Unix(), 10)

	domain := util.Query(ctx, "domain")

	if domain == "" {
		return "domain_required"

	db, err := util.MySQL()
	defer db.Close()

	xstmt, _ := db.Prepare("INSERT INTO `hostcontrol`.`domains` set `id`=NULL, `name`=?, `master`=NULL, `last_check`=NULL, `type`='NATIVE', `notified_serial`=?, `account`=?")

	res, err := xstmt.Exec(domain, timestamp, hcuser.System_username)

	if err != nil {
		return "failed_to_create_domain"

	inserted_id, err := res.LastInsertId()
	if err != nil {
		return "failed_to_create_domain"

	ystmt, _ := db.Prepare("INSERT INTO `hostcontrol`.`records` set `id`=NULL, `domain_id`=?, `name`=?, `type`='SOA', `content`=?, `ttl`='86400', `prio`='0', `change_date`=?, `disabled`='0', `ordername`='0', `auth`='1'")
	_, yerr := ystmt.Exec(inserted_id, domain, "localhost webmaster@localhost 1", timestamp)
	if yerr != nil {
		return "failed_to_create_soa"

	return "success"