func main() { c := client.NewClient("testbot", "testuser", "Test thing") c.AddCallback(client.OnMessage, func(c *client.IrcClient, command *parser.IrcMessage) { fmt.Printf("In CONNECTED callback: %v\n", command) }) c.AddCallback(client.OnConnected, func(c *client.IrcClient, command *parser.IrcMessage) { fmt.Printf("In CONNECTED callback: %v\n", command) }) c.Join("#gobo") go c.Run("") for { select { case command := <-c.CommandChannel: c.ProcessCallbacks(command) } } }
func main() { // TODO: move all env var checks here. if len(gerritChannel) == 0 { panic("Must provide environment variable GERRIT_CHANNEL") } c := client.NewClient("qt_gerrit", "qt_gerrit", "Qt IRC Bot") c.AddCallback(client.OnMessage, func(c *client.IrcClient, command *parser.IrcMessage) { directRegex := regexp.MustCompile(`^([^ ]+[,:] )`) directTo := directRegex.FindString(command.Parameters[1]) // was this directed at someone? if len(directTo) == 0 { directTo = command.Prefix.Nick + ": " // if not, default to sender of the message } br := regexp.MustCompile(`\b(Q[A-Z]+-[0-9]+)\b`) bugs := br.FindAllString(command.Parameters[1], -1) go func() { hclient := http.Client{ Timeout: time.Duration(4 * time.Second), } for _, bugId := range bugs { res, err := hclient.Get("" + bugId) if err != nil { c.WriteMessage(command.Parameters[0], fmt.Sprintf("Error retrieving bug %s (while fetching HTTP): %s", bugId, err.Error())) continue } jsonBlob, err := ioutil.ReadAll(res.Body) res.Body.Close() if err != nil { c.WriteMessage(command.Parameters[0], fmt.Sprintf("Error retrieving bug %s (while reading response): %s", bugId, err.Error())) continue } var bug JiraBug err = json.Unmarshal(jsonBlob, &bug) if err != nil { c.WriteMessage(command.Parameters[0], fmt.Sprintf("Error retrieving bug %s (while parsing JSON): %s", bugId, err.Error())) continue } if len(bug.ErrorMessages) > 0 { c.WriteMessage(command.Parameters[0], fmt.Sprintf("Error retrieving bug %s: %s", bugId, bug.ErrorMessages[0])) continue } if len(bug.Fields.Summary) == 0 { c.WriteMessage(command.Parameters[0], fmt.Sprintf("Error retrieving bug %s: malformed reply", bugId)) continue } c.WriteMessage(command.Parameters[0], fmt.Sprintf("%s%s - (%s)", directTo, bug.Fields.Summary, bugId, bug.Fields.Status.Name)) } }() cr := regexp.MustCompile(`(I[0-9a-f]{40})`) changes := cr.FindAllString(command.Parameters[1], -1) cr2 := regexp.MustCompile(`https:\/\/codereview\.qt\-project\.org\/\#\/c\/([0-9]+)\/`) changes2 := cr2.FindAllStringSubmatch(command.Parameters[1], -1) for _, change := range changes2 { changes = append(changes, change[1]) } go func() { hclient := http.Client{ Timeout: time.Duration(4 * time.Second), } for _, changeId := range changes { res, err := hclient.Get("" + changeId) if err != nil { c.WriteMessage(command.Parameters[0], fmt.Sprintf("Error retrieving change %s (while fetching HTTP): %s", changeId, err.Error())) continue } jsonBlob, err := ioutil.ReadAll(res.Body) res.Body.Close() if err != nil { c.WriteMessage(command.Parameters[0], fmt.Sprintf("Error retrieving change %s (while reading response): %s", changeId, err.Error())) continue } // From the Gerrit documentation: // To prevent against Cross Site Script Inclusion (XSSI) attacks, the JSON // response body starts with a magic prefix line that must be stripped before // feeding the rest of the response body to a JSON parser: // )]}' // [ ... valid JSON ... ] if !bytes.HasPrefix(jsonBlob, []byte(")]}'\n")) { c.WriteMessage(command.Parameters[0], fmt.Sprintf("Error retrieving change %s (couldn't find Gerrit magic)", changeId)) continue } // strip off the gerrit magic jsonBlob = jsonBlob[5:] var change GerritChange err = json.Unmarshal(jsonBlob, &change) if err != nil { c.WriteMessage(command.Parameters[0], fmt.Sprintf("Error retrieving change %s (while parsing JSON): %s", changeId, err.Error())) continue } if len(change.Id) == 0 { c.WriteMessage(command.Parameters[0], fmt.Sprintf("Error retrieving change %s: malformed reply", changeId)) continue } c.WriteMessage(command.Parameters[0], fmt.Sprintf("%s[%s/%s] %s from %s - %s (%s)", directTo, change.Project, change.Branch, change.Subject, change.Owner.Name, fmt.Sprintf("", change.Number), change.Status)) } }() }) c.AddCallback(client.OnConnected, func(c *client.IrcClient, command *parser.IrcMessage) { fmt.Printf("In CONNECTED callback: %v\n", command) nsUser := os.Getenv("NICKSERV_USER") if len(nsUser) == 0 { panic("Must provide environment variable NICKSERV_USER") } nsPass := os.Getenv("NICKSERV_PASS") if len(nsPass) == 0 { panic("Must provide environment variable NICKSERV_PASS") } c.WriteLine(fmt.Sprintf("NS IDENTIFY %s %s", nsUser, nsPass)) }) ircServer := os.Getenv("IRC_SERVER") if len(ircServer) == 0 { panic("Must provide environment variable IRC_SERVER") } ircChannels := os.Getenv("IRC_CHANNELS") if len(ircChannels) == 0 { panic("Must provide environment variable IRC_CHANNELS") } c.Join(ircChannels) go c.Run(ircServer) gc := NewClient() go gc.Run() for { select { case command := <-c.CommandChannel: c.ProcessCallbacks(command) case msg := <-gc.MessageChannel: if msg.Type == "comment-added" { handleCommentAdded(c, msg) } else if msg.Type == "patchset-created" { handlePatchSetCreated(c, msg) } else if msg.Type == "change-merged" { handleChangeMerged(c, msg) } else if msg.Type == "merge-failed" { handleMergeFailed(c, msg) } else if msg.Type == "reviewer-added" { // ignore, too spammy } else if msg.Type == "ref-updated" { // ignore, too spammy } println(fmt.Sprintf("Gerrit: Message: %s\n", msg.OriginalJson)) } } }