コード例 #1
func (suite *OauthTestSuite) TestGrantAuthorizationCode() {
	var (
		authorizationCode *models.OauthAuthorizationCode
		err               error
		codes             []*models.OauthAuthorizationCode

	// Grant an authorization code
	authorizationCode, err = suite.service.GrantAuthorizationCode(
		suite.clients[0], // client
		suite.users[0],   // user
		3600,             // expires in
		"redirect URI doesn't matter", // redirect URI
		"scope doesn't matter",        // scope

	// Error should be Nil
	assert.Nil(suite.T(), err)

	// Correct authorization code object should be returned
	if assert.NotNil(suite.T(), authorizationCode) {
		// Fetch all auth codes

		// There should be just one right now
		assert.Equal(suite.T(), 1, len(codes))

		// And the code should match the one returned by the grant method
		assert.Equal(suite.T(), codes[0].Code, authorizationCode.Code)

		// Client ID should be set
		assert.True(suite.T(), codes[0].ClientID.Valid)
		assert.Equal(suite.T(), int64(suite.clients[0].ID), codes[0].ClientID.Int64)

		// User ID should be set
		assert.True(suite.T(), codes[0].UserID.Valid)
		assert.Equal(suite.T(), int64(suite.users[0].ID), codes[0].UserID.Int64)
コード例 #2
// getValidAuthorizationCode returns a valid non expired authorization code
func (s *Service) getValidAuthorizationCode(code, redirectURI string, client *models.OauthClient) (*models.OauthAuthorizationCode, error) {
	// Fetch the auth code from the database
	authorizationCode := new(models.OauthAuthorizationCode)
	notFound := models.OauthAuthorizationCodePreload(s.db).Where("client_id = ?", client.ID).
		Where("code = ?", code).First(authorizationCode).RecordNotFound()

	// Not found
	if notFound {
		return nil, ErrAuthorizationCodeNotFound

	// Redirect URI must match if it was used to obtain the authorization code
	if redirectURI != authorizationCode.RedirectURI.String {
		return nil, ErrInvalidRedirectURI

	// Check the authorization code hasn't expired
	if time.Now().After(authorizationCode.ExpiresAt) {
		return nil, ErrAuthorizationCodeExpired

	return authorizationCode, nil