func TestProcessFmt134(t *testing.T) { m, _, _ := Add(nil, SignatureSet{}, nil) b := m.(*Matcher) config.SetDistance(1000) config.SetRange(500) config.SetChoices(3) b.addSignature(tests.TestFmts[134]) saver := persist.NewLoadSaver(nil) Save(b, saver) loader := persist.NewLoadSaver(saver.Bytes()) b = Load(loader).(*Matcher) if len(b.keyFrames[0]) != 8 { for _, v := range b.keyFrames[0] { t.Errorf("%s\n", v) } } for _, t := range b.tests { t.maxLeftDistance = maxLength(t.left) t.maxRightDistance = maxLength(t.right) } if len(b.tests) != 8 { for _, v := range b.tests { t.Error(v.maxRightDistance) t.Error(v.right) } } }
func TestProcess(t *testing.T) { m, _, _ := Add(nil, SignatureSet{}, nil) b := m.(*Matcher) config.SetDistance(8192)() config.SetRange(2059)() config.SetChoices(9)() for i, v := range tests.TestSignatures { err := b.addSignature(v) if err != nil { t.Errorf("Unexpected error adding persist; sig %v; error %v", i, v) } } saver := persist.NewLoadSaver(nil) Save(b, saver) loader := persist.NewLoadSaver(saver.Bytes()) b = Load(loader).(*Matcher) if len(b.keyFrames) != 6 { t.Errorf("Expecting 6 keyframe slices, got %d", len(b.keyFrames)) } var tl int for _, v := range b.keyFrames { tl += len(v) } if tl != 12 { t.Errorf("Expecting a total of 12 keyframes, got %d", tl) } if len(b.tests) != 9 { t.Errorf("Expecting a total of 9 tests, got %d", len(b.tests)) } if len(b.bofSeq.set) != 4 { t.Errorf("Expecting 4 BOF seqs, got %d", len(b.bofSeq.set)) } e1 := wac.Seq{[]int64{0}, []wac.Choice{{[]byte{'t', 'e', 's', 't'}}}} if !seqEquals(b.bofSeq.set[0], e1) { t.Errorf("Expecting %v to equal %v", b.bofSeq.set[0], e1) } e2 := wac.Seq{[]int64{-1}, []wac.Choice{{[]byte{'t', 'e', 's', 't'}}}} if seqEquals(b.bofSeq.set[0], e2) { t.Errorf("Not expecting %v to equal %v", b.bofSeq.set[0], e2) } if len(b.eofSeq.set) != 2 { t.Errorf("Expecting two EOF seqs, got %d, first is %v", len(b.eofSeq.set), b.eofSeq.set[0]) } if len(b.bofFrames.set) != 1 { t.Errorf("Expecting one BOF Frame, got %d", len(b.bofFrames.set)) } if len(b.eofFrames.set) != 0 { t.Errorf("Expecting no EOF frame, got %d", len(b.eofFrames.set)) } }
func TestProcessFmt418(t *testing.T) { m, _, _ := Add(nil, SignatureSet{}, nil) b := m.(*Matcher) config.SetDistance(2000)() config.SetRange(500)() config.SetChoices(10)() b.addSignature(tests.TestFmts[418]) saver := persist.NewLoadSaver(nil) Save(b, saver) loader := persist.NewLoadSaver(saver.Bytes()) b = Load(loader).(*Matcher) if len(b.keyFrames[0]) != 2 { for _, v := range b.keyFrames[0] { t.Errorf("%s\n", v) } } }
func getOptions() []config.Option { if *home != config.Home() { config.SetHome(*home) } if *inspectHome != config.Home() { config.SetHome(*inspectHome) } opts := []config.Option{} // build options if *droid != config.Droid() { opts = append(opts, config.SetDroid(*droid)) } if *container != config.Container() { opts = append(opts, config.SetContainer(*container)) } if *mi != "" { opts = append(opts, config.SetMIMEInfo(*mi)) } if *fdd != "" { opts = append(opts, config.SetLOC(*fdd)) } if *locfdd { opts = append(opts, config.SetLOC("")) } if *nopronom { opts = append(opts, config.SetNoPRONOM()) } if *name != "" { opts = append(opts, config.SetName(*name)) } if *details != config.Details() { opts = append(opts, config.SetDetails(*details)) } if *extend != "" { opts = append(opts, config.SetExtend(expandSets(*extend))) } if *extendc != "" { if *extend == "" { fmt.Println( `roy: warning! Unless the container extension only extends formats defined in the DROID signature file you should also include a regular signature extension (-extend) that includes a FileFormatCollection element describing the new formats.`) } opts = append(opts, config.SetExtendC(expandSets(*extendc))) } if *include != "" { opts = append(opts, config.SetLimit(expandSets(*include))) } if *exclude != "" { opts = append(opts, config.SetExclude(expandSets(*exclude))) } if *bof != 0 { opts = append(opts, config.SetBOF(*bof)) } if *eof != 0 { opts = append(opts, config.SetEOF(*eof)) } if *noeof { opts = append(opts, config.SetNoEOF()) } if *multi != "" { opts = append(opts, config.SetMulti(strings.ToLower(*multi))) } if *nocontainer { opts = append(opts, config.SetNoContainer()) } if *notext { opts = append(opts, config.SetNoText()) } if *noname { opts = append(opts, config.SetNoName()) } if *nomime { opts = append(opts, config.SetNoMIME()) } if *noxml { opts = append(opts, config.SetNoXML()) } if *noriff { opts = append(opts, config.SetNoRIFF()) } if *noreports { opts = append(opts, config.SetNoReports()) } if *doubleup { opts = append(opts, config.SetDoubleUp()) } if *rng != config.Range() { opts = append(opts, config.SetRange(*rng)) } if *distance != config.Distance() { opts = append(opts, config.SetDistance(*distance)) } if *choices != config.Choices() { opts = append(opts, config.SetChoices(*choices)) } // inspect options if *inspectMI != "" { opts = append(opts, config.SetMIMEInfo(*inspectMI)) } if *inspectFDD != "" { opts = append(opts, config.SetLOC(*fdd)) } if *inspectLOC { opts = append(opts, config.SetLOC("")) } if *inspectInclude != "" { opts = append(opts, config.SetLimit(expandSets(*inspectInclude))) } if *inspectExclude != "" { opts = append(opts, config.SetExclude(expandSets(*inspectExclude))) } if *inspectExtend != "" { opts = append(opts, config.SetExtend(expandSets(*inspectExtend))) } if *inspectExtendc != "" { if *inspectExtend == "" { fmt.Println( `roy: warning! Unless the container extension only extends formats defined in the DROID signature file you should also include a regular signature extension (-extend) that includes a FileFormatCollection element describing the new formats.`) } opts = append(opts, config.SetExtendC(expandSets(*inspectExtendc))) } return opts }