コード例 #1
ファイル: show.go プロジェクト: rocky/ssa-interp
func ShowOnOff(subcmdName string, on bool) {
	if on {
		gub.Msg("%s is on.", subcmdName)
	} else {
		gub.Msg("%s is off.", subcmdName)
コード例 #2
ファイル: info_packages.go プロジェクト: rocky/ssa-interp
// InfoPackageCommand implements the command:
//    info package [*name* ]
// which show information about a package or lists all packages.
func InfoPackageSubcmd(args []string) {
	if len(args) > 2 {
		for _, pkg_name := range args[2:len(args)] {
			if pkg := gub.Program().PackagesByName[pkg_name]; pkg != nil {
				gub.Msg("Package %s: \"%s\"", pkg_name, pkg.Object.Path())
				gub.Section("Package members:")
				var names []string
				for k, _ := range pkg.Members {
					names = append(names, k)
				opts := columnize.DefaultOptions()
				opts.DisplayWidth = gub.Maxwidth
				opts.LinePrefix = "  "
				mems := strings.TrimRight(columnize.Columnize(names, opts),

			} else {
				gub.Errmsg("Package %s not imported", pkg_name)
	} else {
		pkgNames := []string{}
		for pkg := range gub.Program().PackagesByName {
			pkgNames = append(pkgNames, pkg)
		gub.PrintSorted("All imported packages", pkgNames)
コード例 #3
ファイル: info_breakpoint.go プロジェクト: rocky/ssa-interp
// InfoBreakpointSubcmd implements the debugger command:
//   info breakpoint
// This command shows status of user-settable breakpoints. If no
// breakpoint numbers are given, the show all breakpoints. Otherwise
// only those breakpoints listed are shown and the order given.
// The "Disp" column contains one of "keep", "del", the disposition of
// the breakpoint after it gets hit.
// The "enb" column indicates whether the breakpoint is enabled.
// The "Where" column indicates where the breakpoint is located.
// Status of user-settable breakpoints.
func InfoBreakpointSubcmd(args []string) {
	if gub.IsBreakpointEmpty() {
		gub.Msg("No breakpoints set")
	bpLen := len(gub.Breakpoints)
	if bpLen-gub.BrkptsDeleted == 0 {
		gub.Msg("No breakpoints.")
	if len(args) > 2 {
		headerShown := false
		for _, num := range args[2:] {
			if bpNum, err := gub.GetInt(num,
				"breakpoint number", 0, bpLen-1); err == nil {
				if bp := gub.BreakpointFindById(bpNum); bp != nil {
					if !headerShown {
						gub.Section("Num Type          Disp Enb Where")
						headerShown = true
				} else {
					gub.Errmsg("Breakpoint %d not found.", bpNum)
	} else {
		gub.Section("Num Type          Disp Enb Where")
		for _, bp := range gub.Breakpoints {
			if bp.Deleted {
コード例 #4
ファイル: aliases.go プロジェクト: rocky/ssa-interp
func AliasCommand(args []string) {
	if len(args) == 1 {
		var names []string
		for k, _ := range gub.Aliases {
			names = append(names, k)
		gub.Section("All aliases:")
		opts := columnize.DefaultOptions()
		opts.DisplayWidth = gub.Maxwidth
		opts.LinePrefix = "  "
		mems := strings.TrimRight(columnize.Columnize(names, opts),
	} else {
		cmd := args[1]
		if info := gub.Cmds[cmd]; info != nil {
			if len(info.Aliases) > 0 {
				gub.Msg("Aliases for %s: %s",
					cmd, strings.Join(info.Aliases, ", "))
			} else {
				gub.Msg("No aliases for %s", cmd)
		} else if realCmd := gub.Aliases[cmd]; realCmd != "" {
			gub.Msg("Alias %s is an alias for command %s", cmd, realCmd)

		} else {
			gub.Errmsg("Can't find command or alias %s", cmd)
コード例 #5
ファイル: locals.go プロジェクト: rocky/ssa-interp
// LocalsCommand implements the debugger command:
//    locals [*name*]
// which shows local variable info.
// See also "globals", "whatis", and "eval".
func LocalsCommand(args []string) {
	argc := len(args) - 1
	fr := gub.CurFrame()
	if argc == 0 {
		for i, _ := range fr.Locals() {
			gub.PrintLocal(fr, uint(i), false)
		for reg, v := range fr.Reg2Var {
			gub.Msg("reg %s, var %s", reg, v)
	} else {
		varname := args[1]
		if gub.PrintIfLocal(fr, varname, false) {
		// FIXME: This really shouldn't be needed.
		for i, v := range fr.Locals() {
			ssaVal := fr.Fn().Locals[i]
			if varname == ssaVal.Name() {
				gub.Msg("fixme %s %s: %s",
					varname, fr.Fn().Locals[i], interp.ToInspect(v, nil))

コード例 #6
ファイル: info_program.go プロジェクト: rocky/ssa-interp
// InfoProgramSubcmd implements the debugger command:
//   info program
// This command prints information about the program including:
//    instruction number
//    block number
//    function number
//    stop event
//    source-code position
func InfoProgramSubcmd(args []string) {
	if gub.TraceEvent == ssa2.PROGRAM_TERMINATION {
		gub.Msg("program stop event: %s", ssa2.Event2Name[gub.TraceEvent])

	fr := gub.CurFrame()
	pc := fr.PC()
	gub.Msg("instruction number: %d", pc)
	block := gub.CurBlock()
	if block == nil {
		gub.Msg("unknown block")
	} else {
		gub.Msg("basic block: %d", block.Index)
		if block.Scope != nil {
			gub.Msg("scope: %d", block.Scope.ScopeId())
		} else {
			gub.Msg("unknown scope")

	gub.Msg("function: %s", fr.FnAndParamString())
	gub.Msg("program stop event: %s", ssa2.Event2Name[gub.TraceEvent])
	gub.Msg("position: %s", gub.CurFrame().PositionRange())
コード例 #7
ファイル: info_pc.go プロジェクト: rocky/ssa-interp
func InfoPCSubcmd(args []string) {
	fr := gub.CurFrame()
	pc := fr.PC()
	fn := fr.FnAndParamString()
	if block := gub.CurBlock(); block != nil {
		gub.Msg("instruction number: %d of block %d, function %s",
			pc, block.Index, fn)
	} else if pc == -2 {
		gub.Msg("instruction number: %d (at return), function %s", pc, fn)
	} else {
		gub.Msg("instruction number: %d, function %s", pc, fn)
コード例 #8
ファイル: info_block.go プロジェクト: rocky/ssa-interp
func InfoBlockSubcmd(args []string) {
	block := gub.CurBlock()
	// if block == nil && gub.Instr.Block() != nil {
	// 	block = gub.Instr.Block()
	// }
	if block == nil {
		gub.Msg("unknown block")
	} else {
		gub.Msg("basic block: %d", block.Index)
		if block.Scope != nil {
			gub.Msg("scope: %d", block.Scope.ScopeId())
コード例 #9
ファイル: format.go プロジェクト: rocky/ssa-interp
// FormatCommand implements the debugger command: format
// format
// Formats AST and produces source text for function.
// FIXME: allow one to specify a function or package
func FormatCommand(args []string) {
	var syntax ast.Node
	var err error
	fr := gub.CurFrame()
	fn := fr.Fn()
	if len(args) > 1 {
		name := args[1]
		if name != "." {
			fn, err = gub.FuncLookup(name)
			if err != nil {
			} else if fn == nil {
				gub.Errmsg("function '%s' not found", name)
		syntax = fn.Syntax()
	} else {
		syntax = fn.Syntax()
		switch s := (*gub.Instr).(type) {
		case *ssa2.Trace:
			syntax = s.Syntax()
	// FIXME: Put this as a routine in parent gub and
	// use when showing locations
	if syntax != nil {
		gub.PrintSyntax(syntax, fn.Prog.Fset)
	} else {
		gub.Msg("Sorry, we don't have an AST for this")
コード例 #10
ファイル: ast.go プロジェクト: rocky/ssa-interp
// AstCommand implements the debugger command: ast
// ast
// Prints AST for current function.
func AstCommand(args []string) {
	var syntax ast.Node
	var err error
	fr := gub.CurFrame()
	fn := fr.Fn()
	if len(args) > 1 {
		name := args[1]
		fn, err = gub.FuncLookup(name)
		if err != nil {
		} else if fn == nil {
			gub.Errmsg("function '%s' not found", name)
		} else {
			syntax = fn.Syntax()
	} else {
		syntax = fn.Syntax()
		switch s := (*gub.Instr).(type) {
		case *ssa2.Trace:
			syntax = s.Syntax()
	if syntax != nil {
		ast.Print(fn.Prog.Fset, syntax)
	} else {
		gub.Msg("Sorry, we don't have an AST for this")
コード例 #11
ファイル: continue.go プロジェクト: rocky/ssa-interp
func ContinueCommand(args []string) {
	for fr := gub.TopFrame(); fr != nil; fr = fr.Caller(0) {
	gub.InCmdLoop = false
コード例 #12
ファイル: locations.go プロジェクト: rocky/ssa-interp
func LocationsCommand(args []string) {
	fn := gub.CurFrame().Fn()
	pkg := fn.Pkg
	for _, l := range pkg.Locs() {
		gub.Msg("\t%s", ssa2.FmtRange(fn, l.Pos(), l.EndP()))
コード例 #13
ファイル: info_scope.go プロジェクト: rocky/ssa-interp
func InfoScopeSubcmd(args []string) {
	fr := gub.CurFrame()
	scope := fr.Scope()
	if scope == nil {
		gub.Errmsg("No scope recorded here")
	count := 0
	if len(args) == 3 {
		var err error
		count, err = gub.GetInt(args[2],
			"count", 0, gub.MAXSTACKSHOW)
		if err != nil {

	typescope := scope.Scope
	for i := 0; i < count; i++ {
		typescope = typescope.Parent()
		if typescope == nil {
			gub.Errmsg("There are only %d nested scopes", i)
		scope = fr.Fn().Pkg.TypeScope2Scope[typescope]
		if scope == nil {
			gub.Errmsg("No parent scope; There are only %d nested scopes", i)
	gub.Section("scope number %d", scope.ScopeId())
	gub.Msg("%s", typescope)
コード例 #14
ファイル: instruction.go プロジェクト: rocky/ssa-interp
func InstructionCommand(args []string) {
	fr := gub.CurFrame()
	ic := uint64(fr.PC())
	if len(args) >= 2 {
		new_ic, ok := gub.GetUInt(args[1], "instruction number", 0,
		if ok == nil {
			ic = new_ic
		} else {
			gub.Errmsg("Expecting integer; got %s.", args[1])
		// if len(args) == 3 {
		// 	new_num, ok = strconv.Atoi(args[2])
		// 	if ok != nil {
		// 		gub.Errmsg("Expecting integer; got %s", args[2])
		// 		return
		// 	}
	gub.DisasmInst(fr.Fn(), fr.Block().Index, ic)
	genericInstr := fr.Block().Instrs[ic]
	switch instr := genericInstr.(type) {
	case *ssa2.ChangeType:
		gub.Msg("%s: %s", instr.X.Name(), gub.Deref2Str(fr.Get(instr.X), nil))
	case *ssa2.Convert:
		gub.Msg("%s: %s", instr.X.Name(), gub.Deref2Str(fr.Get(instr.X), nil))
	case *ssa2.MakeInterface:
		gub.Msg("%s: %s", instr.X.Name(), gub.Deref2Str(fr.Get(instr.X), nil))
	case *ssa2.ChangeInterface:
		gub.Msg("%s: %s", instr.X.Name(), gub.Deref2Str(fr.Get(instr.X), nil))
	case *ssa2.Range:
		gub.Msg("%s: %s", instr.X.Name(), gub.Deref2Str(fr.Get(instr.X), nil))
	case *ssa2.UnOp:
		gub.Msg("%s: %s", instr.X.Name(), gub.Deref2Str(fr.Get(instr.X), nil))
	case *ssa2.Field:
		gub.Msg("%s: %s", instr.X.Name(), gub.Deref2Str(fr.Get(instr.X), nil))
	case *ssa2.BinOp:
		gub.Msg("%s: %s", instr.X.Name(), gub.Deref2Str(fr.Get(instr.X), nil))
		gub.Msg("%s: %s", instr.X.Name(), gub.Deref2Str(fr.Get(instr.Y), nil))
	case *ssa2.Trace:
		gub.Msg("Don't know how to deal with %s yet", instr)
コード例 #15
ファイル: globals.go プロジェクト: rocky/ssa-interp
// GlobalsCommand implements the debugger command:
//    globals [*name*]
// which shows global variable info.
// See also "locals", "whatis", and "eval".
func GlobalsCommand(args []string) {
	argc := len(args) - 1
	if argc == 0 {
		for k, v := range gub.CurFrame().I().Globals() {
			if v == nil {
				fmt.Printf("%s: nil\n")
			} else {
				// FIXME: figure out why reflect.lookupCache causes
				// an panic on a nil pointer or invalid address
				if fmt.Sprintf("%s", k) == "reflect.lookupCache" {
				gub.Msg("%s: %s", k, interp.ToInspect(*v, &k))
	} else {
		// This doesn't work and I don't know how to fix it.
		for i := 1; i <= argc; i++ {
			vv := ssa2.NewConst(exact.MakeString(args[i]),
				types.Typ[types.String], token.NoPos, token.NoPos)
			// fmt.Println(vv, "vs", interp.ToInspect(vv))
			v, ok := gub.CurFrame().I().Globals()[vv]
			if ok {
				gub.Msg("%s: %s", vv, interp.ToInspect(*v, nil))

		// This is ugly, but I don't know how to turn a string into
		// a ssa2.Value.
		globals := make(map[string]*interp.Value)
		for k, v := range gub.CurFrame().I().Globals() {
			globals[fmt.Sprintf("%s", k)] = v

		for i := 1; i <= argc; i++ {
			vv := args[i]
			v, ok := globals[vv]
			if ok {
				gub.Msg("%s: %s", vv, interp.ToInspect(*v, nil))
コード例 #16
ファイル: info_args.go プロジェクト: rocky/ssa-interp
// InfoArgsSubcmd implements the debugger command:
//    info args [arg-name]
// which shows argument variables of the current stack frame.
func InfoArgsSubcmd(args []string) {
	fr := gub.CurFrame()
	fn := fr.Fn()
	if len(args) == 2 {
		if len(fn.Params) == 0 {
			gub.Msg("Function `%s()' has no parameters", fn.Name())
		for i, p := range fn.Params {
			gub.Msg("%s %s", fn.Params[i], interp.ToInspect(fr.Env()[p], nil))
	} else {
		varname := args[2]
		for i, p := range fn.Params {
			if varname == fn.Params[i].Name() {
				gub.Msg("%s %s", fn.Params[i], interp.ToInspect(fr.Env()[p], nil))
コード例 #17
ファイル: disable.go プロジェクト: rocky/ssa-interp
// DisableCommand implements the debugger command:
//    disable [bpnum1 ...]
// which disables a breakpoint by its breakpoint number.
// See also "enable", "delete", and "info break".
func DisableCommand(args []string) {
	for i := 1; i < len(args); i++ {
		msg := fmt.Sprintf("breakpoint number for argument %d", i)
		bpnum, err := gub.GetInt(args[i], msg, 0, len(gub.Breakpoints)-1)
		if err != nil {
		if gub.BreakpointExists(bpnum) {
			if !gub.BreakpointIsEnabled(bpnum) {
				gub.Msg("Breakpoint %d is already disabled", bpnum)
			if gub.BreakpointDisable(bpnum) {
				gub.Msg("Breakpoint %d disabled", bpnum)
			} else {
				gub.Errmsg("Trouble disabling breakpoint %d", bpnum)
		} else {
			gub.Errmsg("Breakpoint %d doesn't exist", bpnum)
コード例 #18
ファイル: set_highlight.go プロジェクト: rocky/ssa-interp
func SetHighlightSubcmd(args []string) {
	onoff := "on"
	if len(args) == 3 {
		onoff = args[2]
	switch ParseOnOff(onoff) {
	case ONOFF_ON:
		if *gub.Highlight {
			gub.Errmsg("Highlight is already on")
		} else {
			gub.Msg("Setting highlight on")
			*gub.Highlight = true
	case ONOFF_OFF:
		if !*gub.Highlight {
			gub.Errmsg("highight is already off")
		} else {
			gub.Msg("Setting highlight off")
			*gub.Highlight = false
		gub.Msg("Expecting 'on' or 'off', got '%s'; nothing done", onoff)
コード例 #19
ファイル: set_trace.go プロジェクト: rocky/ssa-interp
func SetTraceSubcmd(args []string) {
	onoff := "on"
	if len(args) == 3 {
		onoff = args[2]
	switch ParseOnOff(onoff) {
	case ONOFF_ON:
		if interp.InstTracing() {
			gub.Errmsg("Instruction tracing already on")
		} else {
			gub.Msg("Setting Instruction trace on")
	case ONOFF_OFF:
		if !interp.InstTracing() {
			gub.Errmsg("Instruction tracing already off")
		} else {
			gub.Msg("Setting Instruction trace off")
		gub.Errmsg("Expecting 'on' or 'off', got '%s'; nothing done", onoff)
コード例 #20
ファイル: quit.go プロジェクト: rocky/ssa-interp
// QuitCommand implements the debugger command: quit
// quit [exit-code]
// Terminates program. If an exit code is given, that is the exit code
// for the program. Zero (normal termination) is used if no
// termintation code.
func QuitCommand(args []string) {
	rc := 0
	if len(args) == 2 {
		new_rc, ok := strconv.Atoi(args[1])
		if ok == nil {
			rc = new_rc
		} else {
			gub.Errmsg("Expecting integer return code; got %s. Ignoring",
	gub.Msg("gub: That's all folks...")

	// FIXME: determine under which conditions we've used term


コード例 #21
ファイル: help.go プロジェクト: rocky/ssa-interp
func HelpCommand(args []string) {
	if len(args) == 1 {
	} else {
		what := args[1]
		cmd := gub.LookupCmd(what)
		if what == "*" {
			var names []string
			for k, _ := range gub.Cmds {
				names = append(names, k)
			gub.Section("All command names:")
			opts := columnize.DefaultOptions()
			opts.DisplayWidth = gub.Maxwidth
			opts.LinePrefix = "  "
			mems := strings.TrimRight(columnize.Columnize(names, opts),
		} else if what == "categories" {
			for k, _ := range gub.Categories {
				gub.Msg("\t %s", k)
		} else if info := gub.Cmds[cmd]; info != nil {
			if len(args) > 2 {
				if info.SubcmdMgr != nil {
					gub.HelpSubCommand(info.SubcmdMgr, args)
			if len(info.Aliases) > 0 {
				gub.Msg("Aliases: %s",
					strings.Join(info.Aliases, ", "))
		} else if cmds := gub.Categories[what]; len(cmds) > 0 {
			gub.Section("Commands in class: %s", what)
			opts := columnize.DefaultOptions()
			opts.DisplayWidth = gub.Maxwidth
			mems := strings.TrimRight(columnize.Columnize(cmds, opts),
		} else {
			gub.Errmsg("Can't find help for %s", what)
コード例 #22
ファイル: breakpoint.go プロジェクト: rocky/ssa-interp
// BreakpointCommand implements the debugger command:
//    breakpoint [*fn* | line [column]
// which sets a breakpoint.
// The target can either be a function name as fn pkg.fn
// or a line and and optional column number. Specifying a column number
// may be useful if there is more than one statement on a line or if you
// want to distinguish parts of a compound statement.
// See also "info break", "enable", and "disable" and "delete".
func BreakpointCommand(args []string) {
	if len(args) == 1 {
	name := args[1]
	fn := gub.GetFunction(name)
	if fn != nil {
		if ext := interp.Externals()[name]; ext != nil {
			gub.Msg("Sorry, %s is a built-in external function.", name)
		bp := &gub.Breakpoint {
			Hits: 0,
			Id: gub.BreakpointNext(),
			Pos: fn.Pos(),
			EndP: fn.EndP(),
			Ignore: 0,
			Kind: "Function",
			Temp: false,
			Enabled: true,
		bpnum := gub.BreakpointAdd(bp)
		gub.Msg(" Breakpoint %d set in function %s at %s", bpnum, name,
			ssa2.FmtRange(fn, fn.Pos(), fn.EndP()))
	line, ok := strconv.Atoi(args[1])
	if ok != nil {
		gub.Errmsg("Don't know yet how to deal with a break that doesn't start with a function or integer")

	column := -1
	if len(args) == 3 {
		foo, ok := strconv.Atoi(args[2])
		if ok != nil {
			gub.Errmsg("Don't know how to deal a non-int argument as 2nd parameter yet")
		column = foo

	fn = gub.CurFrame().Fn()
	fset := gub.CurFrame().Fset()
	position := gub.CurFrame().Position()
	if position.IsValid() {
		filename := position.Filename
		for _, l := range fn.Pkg.Locs() {
			try := fset.Position(l.Pos())
			if try.Filename == filename && line == try.Line {
				if column == -1 || column == try.Column {
					bp := &gub.Breakpoint {
						Hits: 0,
						Id: gub.BreakpointNext(),
						Pos: l.Pos(),
						EndP: l.Pos(),
						Ignore: 0,
						Kind: "Statement",
						Temp: false,
						Enabled: true,
					bpnum := gub.BreakpointAdd(bp)
					if l.Trace != nil {
						l.Trace.Breakpoint = true
					} else if l.Fn != nil {
						l.Fn.Breakpoint = true
						bp.Kind = "Function"
					} else {
						gub.Errmsg("Internal error setting in file %s line %d, column %d",
							bpnum, filename, line, try.Column)
					gub.Msg("Breakpoint %d set in file %s line %d, column %d", bpnum, filename, line, try.Column)
		suffix := ""
		if column != -1 { suffix = ", column " + args[2] }
		gub.Errmsg("Can't find statement in file %s at line %d%s", filename, line, suffix)
コード例 #23
ファイル: next.go プロジェクト: rocky/ssa-interp
func NextCommand(args []string) {
	gub.Msg("Step over...")
	gub.LastCommand = "next " + gub.CmdArgstr
	gub.InCmdLoop = false
コード例 #24
ファイル: show_args.go プロジェクト: rocky/ssa-interp
func ShowArgsSubcmd(args []string) {
	for i := 1; i < len(gub.RESTART_ARGS); i++ {
		gub.Msg("\t" + gub.RESTART_ARGS[i])
コード例 #25
ファイル: info_frame.go プロジェクト: rocky/ssa-interp
// InfoFrameSubcmd implements the debugger command:
//   info frame
// which prints frame information including:
//    goroutine number
//    location
//    function and parameter names
func InfoFrameSubcmd(args []string) {
	fr := gub.CurFrame()
	gub.Msg("goroutine number: %d", fr.GoNum())
	gub.Msg("location: %s", fr.PositionRange())
	gub.Msg("frame: %s", fr.FnAndParamString())
コード例 #26
ファイル: run.go プロジェクト: rocky/ssa-interp
func RunCommand(args []string) {
	gub.Msg("gub: restarting...")
	syscall.Exec(gub.RESTART_ARGS[0], gub.RESTART_ARGS[0:], os.Environ())
コード例 #27
ファイル: stepi.go プロジェクト: rocky/ssa-interp
// StepInstructionCommand implements the debugger command:
//   stepi
// which executes one SSA instrcution and stop.
// See also "step", "next", "continue" and "finish".
func StepInstructionCommand(args []string) {
	gub.Msg("Stepping Instruction...")
	gub.InCmdLoop = false
コード例 #28
ファイル: step.go プロジェクト: rocky/ssa-interp
// StepCommand implements the debugger command: step
// This executes the current statement, stopping at the next event.
// Sometimes this is called 'step into'.
// See also: stepi, continue, finish, and next.
func StepCommand(args []string) {
	gub.LastCommand = "step " + gub.CmdArgstr
	gub.InCmdLoop = false
コード例 #29
ファイル: finish.go プロジェクト: rocky/ssa-interp
func FinishCommand(args []string) {
	gub.Msg("Continuing until return...")
	gub.InCmdLoop = false